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15119408 No.15119408 [Reply] [Original]

The psychopathology of Fascism/Nazism has been a thoroughly studied topic ever since the end of WW2. Has there ever been an attempt at studying the psychopathology of Marxism/Communism, though? Surely someone must've thought of dissecting the latter, too, with the scalpel of psychoanalysis.

>> No.15119597

Sure, hundreds of pages about resentment and the struggle for status within society. It's a type of "scholarly" writing that deserves disdain. Oh, let's ignore the content of the underlying philosophy and look at the people who follow(ed) it- and let's write generalizations about them. All commies are narcissists with daddy issues seeking to upend this or that. All fascists are really just fags right? Look, they wrote letters about hating women.
Or, most people subscribe to the ideologies most prevalent in their society (or strata of it) based on current circumstances. The same group of people in a shithole will be swayed by a charismatic leader promising change whether he's a fascist or a communist or some jacked up social democrat.

>> No.15119729
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He's right, you know.

>> No.15120077

Our Political Nature by Avi Tuschman

>> No.15120155

>Fascists are the real homos!
this kind of shit is so stupid

>> No.15120198


>> No.15120243

the unabomber

falseflagging leftist cuck hoping to safe face when the unabomber gets posted


>> No.15120254

Or the psychopathology of Liberalism?

>> No.15120272

>Ted "The Red" Kaczynski


>> No.15120287

It's the same thing, they're both totalitarian mass movements, Musso stole all of Stalins best tricks, and the others copied him
Read a book sometime

>> No.15120291

>he doesn't understand what a false flag is

>> No.15120315


>> No.15120414

Fascism=fuck yeah dad
Commie=fuck off dad reeee
Simple as

>> No.15120421
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This shit has always been garbage.

>> No.15120481


>> No.15120502

>It's the same thing, they're both totalitarian mass movements
Not even close. Fascism and National Socialism has some core values, even if they weren't properly explored - they were experienced; "THIS CAN'T GO ON" in Weimar. Marxism, like Liberalism before it, only seeks to ruin good things until psychopathy is the only thing remaining.

>> No.15120673


Why would a psychopath go against the meta-narrative and thus get alienated by the masses and lose social power in the process.

>> No.15120807
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To suit the current metanarrative and status-quo, of course.

>> No.15121657

Nietzsche for knowing that the root of their beliefs is resentment

Ted would tell you that they are just oversocialized NPCs

>> No.15121703

Sometimes you need to call out your dad on his bullshit, simple as

>> No.15121732

Sometimes you need to agree with your dad.

>> No.15121733

>Has there ever been an attempt at studying the psychopathology of Marxism/Communism, though? Surely someone must've thought of dissecting the latter, too, with the scalpel of psychoanalysis.
Possibly autistic, but nowhere near as insane as the nazis were.

>> No.15121753

>Fascists are the real homos!
>this kind of shit is so stupid

The tranny porn on this website skyrocketed after the influx of gamergate/election fascists, and /gif/ virtually never had "BLACKED" threads before their arrival.

>> No.15121775

You shouldn't be an ass kisser, daddy aint infallible. Part of growing up is realizing that he's just as imperfect and human as you are

>> No.15121794

There's undeniably a homosexual undercurrent to fascism. I'm convinced that different political orientations are subconscious manifestations of psycho sexual gobbledygook

>> No.15121817

There were lots of studies on the communist mentality during the cold war era, perhaps unsurpisingly they too drew on Adorno, pathologizing communists together with fascists as authoritarians and Hofstadter paranoids and contrasting them with a vaguely defined liberal democratic personality characterised by a lack of true convictions . Today's leftists have a character structure much unlike the communists of old, whose disciplined revolutionary impulses were ultimately rooted in christian millenarianism. They may claim to be 'communists' just like they claim to 'hate whitey' and just like they may identify themselves as 'nonbinary satanic atheists', but none of this should be taken seriously, todays leftists are the degenerated heirs to the counterculture of the sixties, their politics is all empty surface level signalling and narcisstic rage injury covering up for a deep seated sense of insecurity and psychological fraility, capitalism has nothing to fear from these people, in fact capitalism can profit from selling them hammers and sickles and rainbow flags 'diverse' pop culture entertainment and marihuana.

>> No.15121834

>The psychopathology of Fascism/Nazism has been a thoroughly studied topic ever since the end of WW2. Has there ever been an attempt at studying the psychopathology of Marxism/Communism, though? Surely someone must've thought of dissecting the latter, too, with the scalpel of psychoanalysis.
This was codified as the Right Wing Authoritarian scale, and the initial questionnaire (have a go - https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/RWAS/ ) was used for 30 years to analyse right wing beliefs as a pathology. Only fairly recently did someone reverse the questions and reveal that theirs a mirror image 'authoritarianism' on the left, just with different values (instead of pro-order, pro-purity etc, it's pro-equality blah blah blah). How they went for so long without even considering anaysing their own political authoritarianism, despite plenty of historical examples from USSR to Cambodia to Cuba is just another example of bias in the tower of academia.

>> No.15121836

psychological motivators for extremist politics are basically the same: damaged people projecting their personal experiences onto the political fabric

>> No.15121840

I guess the political fabric cannot harm people.

>> No.15121846

Yes. Doesn't mean I must go extinct because I'm related to him, or that he doesn't have traditions passed down from greater humans.

There are differences between the two extremes.

>> No.15121871
File: 173 KB, 893x1360, 71aFURs0SzL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one examines all mass movements, including leftists ones

>> No.15121949

This whole project of "left" or "right" authoritarianism is moronic, as though 20th century American politics is some meaningful objective spectrum of political thought. There are countless countries where populist "left wing" parties are explicitly nationalist or separatist (e.g. Sinn Fein). Many "left wing" intellectuals describe the Soviet Union as a "right wing" deviation of Marxism. These terms are borderline meaningless outside of two party politics. They gesture towards some nebulous collection of policies and doctrines that are assumed to hang together naturally but on inspection very obviously don't.

>> No.15122004

being a socialist isn’t pathological like being a fascist is


>> No.15122054

why do self proclaimed 'socialists' and leftists universally sex offenders, trannies, drug addicts or mentally ill?

>> No.15122064

get some evidence instead of relying on your representativeness heuristic

also, I’m none of the above lol

>> No.15122084

Based on what? You just want to be 'acceptable', you take your standards from the media and school institutions like the subhuman you are.

Weimar was more pathological than 3rd Reich.

>> No.15122116

look at the dumb fascist confusing liberalism and socialism again

if you think communism is actually being presented or encouraged by schools, media, etc. you’re delusional

at least read a book lmao

>> No.15122126

These are the sort of people who think the richest capitalists in the world are actually communist

>> No.15122141

based retards (just kidding, nothing based about being that stupid)

>> No.15122157

communism is a consumer identity which leftist cattle embrace because teen vogue magazine and r/chapotraphouse told them it 'pisses off the chuds'. 'edgy' yet utterly unthreatening to the establishment, if you want to really piss people off talk about cultural marxism or gender ideology.

>> No.15122158

Shut up Freud. Faggots exist in both the left and right. Nothing new about it. Stop using your pretentious ideas in politics.

>> No.15122174

self proclaimed 'communists' are passive consumers at the end of a propaganda human centipide that starts with George Soros open society foundations. the HR departments of the fortune 500 and the DNC, nothing edgy or rebellious about them

>> No.15122184

Materialism, egalitarianism, 'democracy', globalism, value dictated by labor and its buraucratic, symbolic expression; money, leadership caste made of baby mutilating tribe of narcissistic psychos....
What's the difference?

>> No.15122198

Not that it makes much of a difference, ultimately. Read Hoffer.

>> No.15122200

it's retarded OP; every intent to pathologize your enemy is just dumb propaganda

that being said, the ones truly sick are the centrists consoomer liberals I think

>> No.15122206

Marginalia to Theory and Praxis by Theodor Adorno

>> No.15122240

Woah, loving my parents means I'm authoritarian scum, thanks jew!

>> No.15122251

lmao you don't know what you're talking about
liberalism is not egalitarian though, it believes in a meritocracy guaranteed through markets and if confronted with inequality, it just makes generic statements about "equality of opportunities" whatever that means; neither marxism is truly egalitarian, see the critique of the program of Gotha
well, marxists tend to reject democracies and instead desire a dictatorship of the proletariat; however, they would say that they only despise our actual democracies because they're not true democracies. As opposite, fascism rejects democracy all together, so you may have a point there
this is right
>value dictated by labor and its buraucratic, symbolic expression
wtf does that mean? value dictated by labour hours it's a very much objective parameter that doesn't rely on decisions of bureaucrats
>leadership caste made of baby mutilating tribe of narcissistic psychos
you went full schizo there

let me guess, got your education at /pol through infographics?

>> No.15122262

Reiterating this one. You guys shouldn't be ignoring this - it's the most important book on the psychology of extremist movements, talking about how it has less to do with the actual policies of those ideologies, and more about the identities of adherents. If people were actually thoughtful about these ideologies, you would expect people to progress from conservatism to fascism, and from liberalism to communism or anarchism, since those are the mild and extreme forms of those value systems. But that isn't what you see - people bounce between fascism, anarchism, and communism, with little in between.

>> No.15122325

>liberalism is not egalitarian though, it believes in a meritocracy
Unfortunately they believe those are not mutually exclusive. This means extreme taboos regarding, say, racial IQ differences - because it would indicate that meritocracy is not egalitarian. They want to keep both, even as counterfeit.
>value dictated by labour hours
Not everybody is equally efficient. Labor itself belongs to the slaves and robots (who should replace all work altogether). It's not a measure of humanity to define them as beasts of burden, it's a grotesque mutilation and shaming of the entire species.
Real value is defined as the time not spent on doing work. Work is either a necessary evil or complete subjugation done to avoid pain, noise etc. If you want to do something, it's not work. It's deliberate action.
>it's a very much objective parameter that doesn't rely on decisions of bureaucrats
On the contrary. You need bureaucracy to determine whether the people tell their working hours properly, and define work shifts etc.

>> No.15122333

Just compare the faggotry, trannies and porn on /pol/ to the actual Leftypol on Bunkerchan. It's like two different worlds.

>> No.15122345

One is demoralization campaign.
>Islam is right about homosexuals
We should campaign this.

>> No.15122464

you didn't actually strike back at my cheap insults and trolling which is surprising, I feel bad now for downgrading the quality of the discussion
>Unfortunately they believe those are not mutually exclusive. This means extreme taboos regarding, say, racial IQ differences - because it would indicate that meritocracy is not egalitarian. They want to keep both, even as counterfeit.
well, that's only if you understand egalitarianism as the belief in some degree of intrinsic human equality or dignity; meaning that we all deserve the same opportunities etc. If you understand it as "equality of outcomes" (for example, you consider that the existence of billionaires it's outrageous) then liberalism is clearly not in that side. I agree they somehow mix both.

>Not everybody is equally efficient.
this is obvious and Marx knew it; that's why he thought that value was dictates by "socially necessary labour time" and not by raw individual labour hours; which means, if there are producers who are more productive than you that sets a new parameter of value of a good. If in average it takes 5 hours for the market to produce X and you can produce it at 7 because your labour is unefficient, then you won't last longer in that same market. Eventually competition will throw you off of the market. However, this is a description of capitalism and would not uphold in a hypothetic communist society. It's not really clear how Marx wanted a "communist society" to be, since he never talked much about this except briefly in the text I mentioned. But he does think we should actually have most of the time for ourselves and spend only a minimum amount of time working to contribute to the society that keeps us alive; this would be possible thanks to the technological improvements created by capitalism itself. How exactly would this work? It's not clear and you would be right in labeling the whole communist ideology as a speculative messianic utopia, because it's largely that. Keep in mind he also desired a stateless society, so it's not clear who would enforce and who would direct production; I think they would probably say some kind of confederate union of workers which is democratic or something like that
>Labor itself belongs to the slaves and robots (who should replace all work altogether).
is this an advocacy for slavery?

>> No.15122670

This >>15120481

>> No.15122707


Low psychology deserves the rope.

>> No.15122728

That's because /pol/ is way, way faster, constantly being raided, and far less censorious. All that gay shit is posted by an OP or posted in a thread by an anon that just drops that one post and leaves the thread.

>> No.15122741

>is this an advocacy for slavery?
Yes and no.

>Communist society this, that etc.
The theory and prophets promise one thing, it's not like Moses preached that 'your offspring will offer children to Molech in this land'. We're witnessing the current system implode due to trade halting. It's either more potent virus than they are telling or there is a grand conspiracy of /x/ tier.
It's going to develop in another direction altogether. Marx, or anybody else of his time, could not have possibly seen Copy Paste and torrents as a viable transaction of labor. Copying the effects of labor easily, with only the initial and maintenance work remaining - this will shape the future. I hope the old kikes die so we can actually get rid of usury and copyrights.
Let's see what happens. The populists were winning in Europe before this, and the debt bubbles will burst. Germany and France have already denied financial aid to Southern Europe. EU and the € will not survive. USA is already coughing and the debt will finally be realized. Europe at least has its old borders to go back on, but USA will fall in a more severe case than USSR.

I hope Chinese will decline from going back to their old habits after seeing clean nature for once. But once again, we can't exactly predict popular motions of the future.

>> No.15122771
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Alright as long we're talking about this; post 'em


>> No.15122801

Fascism--the domineering father. Communism--the rationing mother. Fatherland versus motherland. While the strict, disciplinarian surrogate father of fascism projects a beacon of certainties in an uncertain climate and obedience to its wayward sons, the mother of communism essentially demands cooperation and harmony between her children. The father sees his children as an extension of his program, while the mother sees her children as having to play nicely with one another and to achieve harmony even if at the sacrifice of individuality.

>> No.15122802

The difference is Solar homofaggots, and Lunar homofaggots, it's still dick in the butt gay though

>> No.15122862

Neither fascism nor communism supports individualism, because they are two sides of the same coin. Only liberalism does.