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/lit/ - Literature

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15116207 No.15116207 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished this book bros (started with the Greeks and working my through the Romans). I thought it was interesting as a historical text in terms of justification for the foundation of the Roman Empire and as an origin story but I didn't quite enjoy it as much as the Iliad and particularly the Odyssey. What do you think of it? Shall I continue with reading the Romans or move onto Medieval great works and more modern literature?

>> No.15116217


>> No.15116218

Read the Romans, don't be a pleb.

>> No.15116271

You didn't get it

>> No.15116324

What was your understanding of it?

>> No.15116336

The point was the shit on augustus, not validate the empire

>> No.15116373

Well, doesn't Virgil try to parallel Aeneas with Augustus?

>> No.15116409

Yes, aeneas isn't very virtuous if you haven't noticed, nor is he very smart
It's a subtle satire, virgil really didn't like augustus or his politics

>> No.15116838

I believe the Aeneid was better than Homer in content, actually. The fact it combines the war of the Iliad and the travels of the Odyssey make it a more compact and complete piece. The individual events are about equal in terms of interest (Dido is probably the best of the Aeneid, perhaps the Cyclops of Odyssey and Diomedes' against the God in Iliad). The sacking of Troy in the Aeneid is unmatched in either of Homer's surviving works in pure quality. The final killing (I'll avoid spoilers) is also handled nicely. The only thing I feel Homer has over Virgil is his protagonists.

>> No.15116874
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Obviously continue with the based Romans.

>> No.15116897

You should've started with Chaucer, homie

>> No.15116955

nah, nigga. greeks is where it's at. chaucer is waaay later.

>> No.15117119

You enjoyed the Odyssey more than the Iliad, anon?

>> No.15117136

Plenty of good Silver Age stuff like Pharsalia or the Thebaid.

>> No.15117162
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>Medieval great works
not to derail this thread but what do you guys recommend from the middle ages? is there a chart?

>> No.15117187

City of God
The Koran (Al-Qur'an)
The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night
The Poetic Edda
The Prose Edda
The Nibelungen Lied
Yvain: The Knight of the Lion
The Poem of the Cid
The Book of the City of Ladies
Prison of Love

>> No.15117194 [SPOILER] 
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thanks anon, have a rare frog

>> No.15117234

Chaucer and pearl

>> No.15117239

Romans if you are looking for wit. Greeks if you want mystical babble.

>> No.15117680

world's first fan fiction

>> No.15117695

Aeneas's trip to hades is the best part of all three epics

>> No.15117696

fanfiction deals with copyrighted characters. this is not that.

>> No.15117707

Have you read Metamorphoses?

>> No.15117817
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> the Quran

Do people really care about tusken raider culture

>> No.15117828


>> No.15117841

I'm reading The Iliad right now, book 5 is pretty fucking tight.

>> No.15117843

the matter of france and the matter of britain

>> No.15118950

What books in the Matter of Britain?

>> No.15118991

Have not seen that pepe before thank you anon

>> No.15119594

Yes, Odyssey is one of the best books I've ever read. I do like the Iliad too.

>> No.15119601

Very true, Turnus is an excellent character.

>> No.15119793

>I believe the Aeneid was better than Homer
Stop reading right there. Fucking retard.

>> No.15119825
