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/lit/ - Literature

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15114827 No.15114827 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ is a Buddhist board

>> No.15114840

Most of the Buddhists here come from Reddit, /lit/ is a board that accepts the reality of God, whether in the form of Christ, Dao, Brahman, Shiva, the One, etc

>> No.15114846

>Western buddhism

>> No.15114854
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Prince Joasaph (Gautama) is an Orthodox saint.


>> No.15114860


>> No.15114870

>Eastern buddhism
>*any-word-you-wish* buddhism

>> No.15114891

Are you supposing that /lit/ massively knows russian?

>> No.15114952

Yes :3

(There is almost no information about this on the English-speaking Internet)

>> No.15115002
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>> No.15115016

/lit/ is a kantian board, brainlet.

>> No.15115026 [DELETED] 


>> No.15115036

Kant was retroactively refuted by some Greek dude

>> No.15115041

/lit/ is a Buddhist board, you might have deluded yourself into thinking otherwise

>> No.15115059

/lit/ deems buddhism what monkeys would utter all day if they could articulate words

>> No.15115084
File: 375 KB, 360x360, Western Buddhist solving a kōan .webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Materialist-head Buddhism

>> No.15115111
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Tibetan Buddhism specifically

>> No.15115232

>some Greek dude
Taleb? Antonopoulos?

>> No.15115234

should say arhat

>> No.15115265

yes lit is guenonian

>> No.15115464

Theravada is peb tier

>> No.15115497

Why did great literature not develop in buddhist and hindu countries?

I wonder about this issue a lot. I think it has to do with the essentially dramatic nature of the Christian and Hebrew scriptures. The passion narrative is more moving than anything produced out of india or china.

>> No.15115516

Some of the Buddhists here are very friendly and knowledgeable. I'm not a Buddhist myself but I wish I could give a shoutout to one or two of the anonymous niggas who really enlightened me about early Buddhism instead of just repeating commonplaces or link spamming.

>> No.15115535

But what does it mean for the very board itself to have an identity? I myself see that the self is empty when in deep meditation. But if the self is empty and without essence, can the board have an essence?

>> No.15115547

>China and Japan don't have literature

Perhaps your problem is that you only speak English, and as such have only ever been exposed to English things, and the vast majority of literature in Buddhist and Hindu countries is in the dozens of Chinese languages, the dozens of Indian languages, Thai, Vietnamese, Laotian, Japanese, Tibetan, etc etc etc etc, and is untranslated?

>The passion narrative is more moving than anything produced out of india or china.
And I've had conversations with Japs who can't understand why anyone would follow Christianity given how utterly boring its founder's life was, and with Chinks who are absolutely baffled at the idea of Europeans worshiping the god of some random desert tribe. You're just restating your earlier problem: your horizons are incredibly limited, so of course you can only see within a narrow cone.

>> No.15115587
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>"Great Literature"
When the Japanese produce a Tolstoy, then we shall speak.

>> No.15115609

it's not it's the foundation
in the pic it makes more sense as arhat cause bodhisatva would not act so grudgy about helping others

>> No.15115610


>> No.15115699


>> No.15115739
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Prayer wheel.


>> No.15115771

>Why did great literature not develop in buddhist and hindu countries?
The Mahabharata and Ramayana are nearly universally acknowledged as being classics of world literature on the same level as Shakespeare and Homer

>> No.15115813

And the upanishads and the puranas.

>> No.15115850

Just because you're not aware of literature from these regions, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The Buddhist canons are ridiculously massive. Like it's not even possible for a human being to read it all in a single lifetime.

>> No.15116213

Kant was Buddhist, he just didn't know it.

>> No.15116242


go back to re.ddit

>> No.15116258

go back the >>>/pol/

>> No.15116375
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>> No.15116411

kant was the very opposite of a buddhist charlatan.

>> No.15116421
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lit is a jainist board

>> No.15116467
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>> No.15116567

Wrong. Both traditions realized the same thing but the difference is that Kant didn't think that one could remove the transcendental illusion; the impression, and therefore the constant temptation to think, that thought is able to lay hold of perfectly perspectiveless objectivity. The mind could never pass beyond it.

This though is transcended with Jhana. Kant did not realize the truly immense spiritual significance of his discovery.

>> No.15116585

So... Catholicism is the true puppet master?

>> No.15116612

That doesn't make him a Buddhist though because the same transcendence of thought is also found in Sufi, Hindu, Sikh, Taoist etc spiritual teachings, but western Buddhists typically adopt the same moralism, proselytizing and aversion to other schools of thought as some Christians display that these same western Buddhists resent and imagine themselves to be superior to which is why you have the persistent misconception that what you are talking about is a uniquely Buddhist teaching

>> No.15116667
File: 634 KB, 250x188, giphy (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the one where the Jews are like third tier and then at the very top its lizard people and then you see the Jews again who are actually the puppet masters of the lizard people

Anybody have that one?

>> No.15116825
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Based, the path is not always as important as the destination

>> No.15116889

christcucks at the top
it all make sense now

>> No.15116896

>the path down a cliff is the same as the path up the mountain
This is your mind on perennialism.

>> No.15116946

Stop larping faggot
based and redpilled

>> No.15117615

kek nice refutation, zizek.

>> No.15117636

What should i read to get into buddhism?

>> No.15117644

The Dhammapada

>> No.15117652

Jainism is pure undistilled Slave morality bullshit. Jainism is 100 times worse than Christianity.

>> No.15117658

Anything else?

>> No.15117662

Buddhism by Richard Gard is a great intro/overview

>> No.15117672

Jainism makes Christianity look like a badass warrior religion.

>> No.15117718

I've reached enlightenment /lit/, I am enlightened

>> No.15117723

Tell us what you've realized anon.

>> No.15117726

Anyone read Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha? i cant get to the first jhana its killing me

>> No.15117740

It just is

>> No.15117742

don’t do buddhist meditation

>> No.15117748

why not

>> No.15117793

I want to agree, but my agreement depends on what the meaning of "is" is.

>> No.15118837

worst religion

>> No.15119000

the true things about buddhism are rather trivial and true despite of other commitments from buddhism.

just have good philosophy and you should be fine.

>> No.15119698

>just have good philosophy and you should be fine.
Yeah but most people are incapable of this on their own and really need a religion to tell them these things. Most people won't even figure out basic stuff like anatman in their lifetimes.