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15111789 No.15111789 [Reply] [Original]

>this kills the christcuck

>> No.15111814

what is it? Have you read it? Do you have anything interesting to say about it that isn't just religious bait?

>> No.15111833
File: 470 KB, 600x645, Martin_Luther_by_Cranach-restoration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks.

>> No.15112673
File: 280 KB, 960x1024, 355AA241-36B1-4937-934D-5A42B43DA134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late

>> No.15113989

>Hebraic roots
There wasn't a universally accepted Hebrew form of the Old Testament for a hot minute, the Septuagint was used for a while and it does have a large amount of Messianic references in it. What then happened was the Jews who rejected Christianity decided to compile their own Hebrew one in response to Christianity in a meager attempt to justify themselves.
Unless you're an archaeologist or a Jew, Hebrew is worthless; Greek is where it's at.
In any case, it's not like the Bible is the end-all of the faith, God came down, lived among us, and left us a Church.
Good try though, you mong

>> No.15114031
File: 1.48 MB, 1000x1333, bro..._kinda_cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>god as in singular
>god left
you didn't read shit

>> No.15114332

Of course he was raised as a Jew, nobody is denying that. The topic falls under how did He reject this Jewishness and how did the Israelis disliked His message.

>> No.15114347
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Sorry for the grammar, English is not my main language.

>> No.15114446

>he rejected his Jewishness
>this is what christcucks actually believe

>> No.15114501

I would like you to disprove it.

>> No.15114518

>falling for a 2000 year old psyop
Real eyes realize real lies

>> No.15114526

>universally accepted
Only by christcucks. Why would a translation ever be canon?

>> No.15114537

Jesus was not jewish

>> No.15114540

I would like you to disprove it.

>> No.15114589

Jesus didn't "reject his Jewishness", the Jews rejected Him. You can't compare the Judaism of Christ's time because after Christ, Judaism ceased to be about following the mitzvot and became about opposing Jesus.

Ironically, all of this used to be trivially obvious before we started being nice to the Jews about not calling them out on their insisting on being "shut up under the law", as Paul put it in Galatians.

>> No.15114627

you fail to see the bigger picture god made the jews reject jesus to he could split and push his religion into less savage and more civilized people, the jews however remain the chosen people of god christcucks are nothing but sacrificial cattle no wonder jesus spoke so much of self sacrifice just to normalize the idea and shove it up your ass

>> No.15114750

I simplified, but God, the Son, descended and lived with us. Jesus left us a Church, not a book--it's a way of saying that Jesus didn't personally author the NT, but rather that He established the Church through the Apostles. Also, even with the Trinity, God is singular, as God is one in three Persons.
>this translation is only used by people I disagree with so it's bad!
You're a fucking retard. Anyway, the translation matters because it was the one that was in use when the Church was defining what books were Scripture, plus why would you use a deliberately gutted, reactionary version rather than the one that was in use in Jesus' time that contains the relevant prophecies?

>> No.15114777
File: 46 KB, 475x645, 55CC4E17-92D1-4253-A92F-E4BF3E03160F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m literally god goyim. Worship me!