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15111217 No.15111217 [Reply] [Original]

Honest question guys what does studying philosophy add to your life? It seems like it just alienates you from society and drives you mad. Are there any benefits of studying philosophy?

>> No.15111224

Personally it made me develop my critical thinking, laying a foundation for skepticism in all facets of life, acceptance of all views as reasonable given the subjects intrinsic path to holding the said views.

You'll only feel alienated if you don't have anybody to discuss the content with.

>> No.15111225

I enjoy it. Reading philosophy isn't goin to be a cause of isolation for most anyway. Think of all the oversocialized academica

>> No.15111243

>alienates you from society
That's not how philosophy should be though. Just like math (hey Erdős), philosophy is a social activity.
>Are there any benefits of studying philosophy?
If you study philosophy you'll get into, among other useful things, the depths of human thought and beliefs. Understanding this can be quite useful, mind you, George Soros graduated in philosophy before starting his career as an investor.

>> No.15111266
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Dont waste your time on western garbage philosophy and study something practical that can liberate you ,provide meaning and better life in general otherwise you just read someone elses mental masturbation
Start with advaita vedanta
I was born with common sense

>> No.15111285

>It seems like it just alienates you from society and drives you mad.
This is where the fun starts

>> No.15111287

Might give me courage to become a suicide once I figure there is nothing of value left for me to learn.

>> No.15111301


>> No.15111348

You'll realize that life is only suffering. After that you will either become whitepilled of blackpilled based on your perspective.

Personally I became whitepilled because I see no practical value in pessimism. But it is necessary to read philosophy in order to be practically optimistic and not delusional optimistic like 90% of motivational quote-sharing instagram NPC's in the world nowadays

>> No.15111349

it made me much better at critical thinking and arguing. i get told that i seem very lucid even on days where i feel off, and i'm actually able to persuade people to change their fundamental beliefs
it does alienate you from society though

>> No.15111352

On the contrary, better conversations with friends, better critical thinking and arguments. Also the occasional thot will think what you say is profound

>> No.15111364

>It seems like it just alienates you from society and drives you mad
society alienates you from society and drives you mad, not philosophy. philosophy just makes things worse

>> No.15111370

It gives you many different perspectives and seeds for ideas. Creativity of thought is a huge multiplier for success if you know which thoughts to act on.

>> No.15111389

>alienates you from society
This will only occur if you're an "actual" philosopher who is destined to stumble upon something profound (think Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Rousseau).
Profound philosophers become recluses, pseuds who read a thousand plateaus or capitalism and schizophrenia for fun so that they can appeal to their tranny college dormmates are not destined for anything great, so will not experience social isolation.

>> No.15111391

3 arguments you won and 3 people u changed beliefs? dont be a faggot

>> No.15111404

Absolutely fucking nothing besides being able to flex my pseud skills before normalfags. Philosophy is my booze, and when I'll have consumed all the philosophical works in the world I'll realize that I'm still socially autistic and single and become an hero the /lit/ way.

>> No.15111407

The proper practice of philosophy is preparation for death. Philosophy is taking things away from life, not adding to it.

>> No.15111410


>> No.15112192

I think it does contribute to alienation. At least it does for me, but honestly, I don’t I could ever just not read and philosophize. There’s something about it that feels so absolutely necessary in spite of everything.

>> No.15112671

as soon as you get the inclination you are obligated to pursue it.

>> No.15112732


>> No.15112742

It’s the intellectual explanation for the spiritual revelation given to my people by the Allfather

>> No.15112768
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Honest question guys what does society add to your life? Are there any benefits of society?

>> No.15112880

If you're not a mindless NPC, then you're going to need a definite attitude towards life and reality, otherwise you will feel adrift and helpless at the apparent pointlessness of it all.
Philosophy offers a range of established attitudes which have been shown to work, and you're free to choose one that suits you personally.
Don't let anybody convert you to their own pet philosophy - it's far too important to leave to others. That's why you have to study it for yourself.

>> No.15112938

I already was completely alienated. Now I'm studying philosophy in hopes of finding a ultimate goal. I feel so damn aimless without one. I seriously value nothing; it doesn't make a difference to me if I become a beloved billionare, a hobo or if I just lie down and wait for death of dehydration. It doesn't have to be true, I just need something to believe in and strive for. I wish I was religious, but no religion I've come across makes any sense. So I guess I read philosophy in a desperate hope of finding purpose.

>> No.15114238

Makes you immune to propaganda

>> No.15114284

Easy answer: Philosophy is just more eloquent shit posting extended to millenia of (smart) people referring to each others writings and fragments and personalities disputing each other about stuff that seems of interest relative to the culture and time in which the people live in, while each one basically says: "Hey look, my corpus of thought is cooler than yours, also you suck. Still I will copy or build up on your crap whenever I like because there is nothing else to work with". It's shitposting so based that culture, science and random persons are intrigued and sometimes, when it somehow seems to have explaining or practical value, use it as the foundation for their own goals and methods which then will change the times and culture of future philosophers, who then again have changed interests due to this. You must be a very expressive and/or interesting, driven and, most of all, stubborn person to participate in philosophy. It's high level shitposting after all.

Different answer: Philosophy without the shitposting can be seen as a process of thought. It's dissociating and confrontates us with holes in our subjectivity and former knowledge. It never gives, only takes. It deconstructs first, then it's up to you to rebuild and construct again. This can be great, but it's not save.

Personally I shouldn't bother with this tendency of philosophical thinking. I think if you don't have the capacity to make elaborate enough shitposts to become the next Nietzsche, why even bother at all?

>> No.15114304

Classical Ethics is useful. It helps you to discover what is necessary for a good life and what is not.
It helps you decontaminate yourself from the media, which promotes pretty bad lifestyles.

>> No.15114309

Philosophy is for pseuds.
Just read the Bible.