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/lit/ - Literature

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15102765 No.15102765 [Reply] [Original]

thinking of you, edition

BOOK CLUB Spin - Robert Charles Wilson https://mega.nz/#F!O1cFiKaS!hPf1KFnauX7PSaM5PJE3QA
RECS https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/1029811-sffg
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previous thread: >>15079747

>> No.15102776

spin readalong starting on the 18th, 5 chapters/day, on discord

>> No.15102780

Reposting from >>15102684
Is there any slice of life fantasy or SF? Something comfy with minimal conflicts?
Every book I pick up seems to be about impending doom, a savior, and a series of events conveniently laid out which make you wonder how the fuck did that civilization live if everything goes to shit a couple hundred pages into a book.

Something like A day in the life of Ivan Denisovich or YKK. I don't know if it exists.

>> No.15102851

>Why would you say that and create doubts in my mind.
Because while the early books and parts of the middle ones are quite good the series as a whole is quite mediocre, basically uncompleted and long as fuck.

>> No.15102928

Damn it. But is it worth it for the early and middle parts? Are the books long and dull or actually interesting and captivating?

>> No.15102945

It's a classic for a reason and it's definitely worth reading, even if you don't think it's great. Jordan was an extremely competent writer in a lot of ways.

>> No.15102968

I would not recommend reading them, but at the same time I'm glad I have read them. The books are something of a phenomena among fantasy readers after all. There's no denying that some of the middle books are long and dull with nothing really happening.

>> No.15103019

Plenty on novelfull.com
Cultivation chat group is fun
Or Seizedby the System

>> No.15103178

and some of them are so bad it makes your eyes bleed. And the Sanderson ones are just pulp and you get to the end of them and think, well, i read that.

>> No.15103334

Just read Blindsight, really enjoyed it. Are there any similar sci fi books with a small, isolated crew?

>> No.15103494

Well Echopraxia the sequel presents a similar setting.
Maybe Gateway by Pohl or Revelation Space by Reynolds?

>> No.15103513

Urth is great. Really ties it all together at the end.

This book is shocking. I have no idea why it got as much praise as it did. The spider chapters are interesting if nothing else, but still a bit jerky and engaging. The human chapters are garbage, making the big "conclusion" at the end meaningless. Essentially a worse version of Fire Upon the Deep (which I also think is a bit overrated).

>> No.15103597

Nothing really got the same vibes as Blindsight, imo. But that's more the mood. and the way the author drops interesting anecdotes throughout the story
The, small isolated crew - part, is almost all science fiction involving a space ship, the nature of space travel, unless you go by the USS Enterprise, or a generation-ship
Reynolds got lot of that

>> No.15103608

You're right. I was able to complete my Fashion and Interior Design double major thanks to him

>> No.15103655

Gormenghast? It has a plot but it meanders and interjects with asides throughout

>> No.15103665

Trying to find something along Cugel's weird adventures, where it moves from one strange settup to the next
Dying Earth was so much fun,

>> No.15103770


Echopraxia and starfish are both on my list now. I've heard revelation space mentioned before, couldn't find a download anywhere so I guess I'll order it at some point. Thanks!

>> No.15103785

Fuck E William Brown

>> No.15103901

Anyone have the Dune reading list that's been floating along? Basically says that the later books are garbage, been looking for it.

>> No.15103927

You need a list to tell you to read the frank herbert books and then stop?

>> No.15104001

It is wrong, but it's a stupid thing to care about. who and whom should really just be chosen for whichever sounds/feels better in context, rather than what is grammatically proper.

>> No.15104041

Look in the archive you lazy faggot piece of shit. It's probably been you asking for it at least once every month. Kys.

>> No.15104043

>reading past than God Emperor
The answer to your question is obviously yes.

>> No.15104061

Children's the best book in the series lol

>> No.15104071

sanderson is a hack

>> No.15104096

>The spider chapters are interesting
The spiders are what is stopping me from reading it.

I just don't think I can take space spiders seriously no matter how well written they are. The whole idea of space spiders makes me cringe.

>> No.15104104


>> No.15104109

Are there any good, non-YA books involving centaurs?

>> No.15104115

harry potter

>> No.15104132

Obsidian Mountain trilogy, they're mentioned in grey bastards but are basically just animalistic monsters (only read a bit of that so dunno if they take a more prominent role later)

>> No.15104142
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sanderson is a hat

>> No.15104150

Read Dune and then if you want closure for the characters, read Dune Messiah. Messiah is more of an addendum to the original book. If you're satisfied with the story, stop reading here.
Children of Dune basically starts anew, using what happened in the previous books to explore things in the future. It begins getting more into the philosophical aspects and doesn't have the YA aspects the previous books had. Then God-Emperor capitalizes on everything that has been built up and delves deep into the philosophical rantings. Some people also say this is a good spot to stop reading.
The next two books are good if you're a huge fan of the previous four, but they're notably weaker than God-Emperor.

If you have any sort of quality filter, almost everything else is garbage. His son is a writer and pumps out "in-universe" books for the payoff and they're pretty soulless genre fiction with the Dune name on them. If you love the universe and just want to read 30 random books set in it, give them a go too.

>> No.15104174

Fandersack a hag

>> No.15104177

is he really teaching people how to be a hack in this photo?

>first things first class lets start with grim dark...

>> No.15104243

what's a good book for someone with a sudden influx of $1200

>> No.15104250
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>> No.15104283


>> No.15104298
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>> No.15104304
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>> No.15104328
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>> No.15104419

I just bought _____bitcoin______
Wish me luck.

>> No.15104445

Does anyone know the author who did speculative sci-fi set around the industrial era, and used a mix of historiacal figures as his characters?

>> No.15104446
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>> No.15104472

Fuck it, gonna read Dune I guess. It's one of the few "classics" of scifi/fantasyI haven't read yet.

>> No.15104638

Really? I thought it was pretty interesting. I'm pretty sceptical of astrobiology, so I think it's more likely more civilisations will evolve from Earth life than encountering real aliens.

I thought the evolution of spider society was a bit heavy-handed with the feminism metaphors and the whole spiders-web-influencing-technology was a bit hammy but I liked the rest. The idea of ants being used as a "leg-up" for computing was quite neat. The bit at the end where the female AI scientist, Kern?, is uploaded into a sphere of ants was probably the only redeeming part of the entire book to me.

>> No.15105197

Tim Powers does that, I think.
Read precisely one Moorcock work. Weird of the White Wolf is an aptly named fix-up and an excellent example. Don't read any more Moorcock.

>> No.15105224
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Yes. He taught this guy to be a hack and he has been at it ever since.

>> No.15105346

I haven't read Asimov, but it feels a bit "too late" this point, heh

>> No.15105363

So I am reading Prince of Thorns and just got to the part where they find the nuclear waste. Holy fucking shit I did not see that twist coming but it all makes sense. Im a bit bummed out, since I liked the setting as pure fantasy, but damn it keeps drawing me in. How are the other two books?

>> No.15105477

it's never too late to give it a try.

>> No.15105503
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Just started the first Hyperion books. Gotta say, I was a little apprehensive at first - but so far it's fucking awesome. I'm surprised no one has tried to make a TV series out of this. Thanks /sffg/

>> No.15105566

It did the same to me, I could not cope with the use of "advanced" technology in a medieval setting. The other two will have more of that, in a bad way in my opinion. I still finished the series, and the last book is by far the worst, with some really weird choices.
I don't get why this book is so recommend, especially as a dark book.. Yes, it contains the rape of some girls right at the start, but it's not explicit and the reader won't even care or feel shocked. There's only a dark scene later in the series that is actually pretty well written. With the bishop

I read it only a couple of months ago, in a year or two very little of it will still be in my memory.

>> No.15105860

The first journal is the absolute best. Then it goes downhill. The poet's is sorta fun, at least. I remember thinking it was going to be one of my favorite books but then it just shot down in quality as he tried to emulate uninteresting characters/styles

>> No.15105866

wow I've seen people hate on fall of hyperion before but never the individual tales form hyperion lmao
didn't you like Kassad's? I thought that shit was bad-ass

>> No.15105886
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What the fuck are these books?
Are they exactly what hey look like? Why are there so many of them?
Who reads them?

>> No.15105915

Come on, what about the scholar? One has to feel for the scholar and his wife, that story was heartbreaking.

>> No.15105916

a) horny people
b) probably not that many people if the author shits out kindle unlimited books they can probably do alright only having a couple of hundred downloads per book

>> No.15105922

>What the fuck are these books?
erotic fiction for women
>Are they exactly what hey look like?
you can say from their covers that shit looks like: a) erotic literature for "empowered hetero woman" b) erotic literature for fujoshits c) erotic literature for the rare ones
>Why are there so many of them?
demand and market
Who reads them?
your sister and your rare childhood friend maybe

>> No.15105945

Gonna dump a pile of these if I see someone complaining about genere fiction being sexist

>> No.15105967

It's in the works apparently. Though we'll see how well they end up adapting the behemoth.

By the end of 2 I was actively disliking it so I dropped it.

>> No.15105984
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so you can keep part of that money.

>> No.15106027

Consul's story of Siri was also very sad. Time dilation stories done right are really emotional. Watching the withering of a loved one while the other stays the same is just sad.

>> No.15106149

i just learnt that everyday is chest day

>> No.15106383

Yeah scifi doesn't really age as well as fantasy, but Asimov is still good, even if all the technology feels dated.

>> No.15106408

Yeah it's how people will whine about men writing women, yet never the reverse. I presume it's because women writing men is just so ubiquitously terrible that there's no point to noticing any single example.

>> No.15106545

modern literature is for cucks.
in every book there is a strong women
fuck that shit

>> No.15106556
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Is this worth reading? Read Horus Heresy and liked in, was looking for some 40k stuff. Read Eisenhorn and liked it too.

>> No.15106688

The whole series is great. Sometimes the descriptions become a little boring but the story is captivating and the characters memorable.

>> No.15106729
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>cover has photo of half naked man
>cover has photo of stacy
>cover has photo of chad and stacy together

>> No.15106748

This is gay as fuck anon.

>> No.15106793

Just yesterday I finished the killing ground. Not normally my pick but I'm hyping myself up for a campaign my brother is making.
To be fair, if you know what you're getting into you'll be fine, but no , it's not great literature. Some of it is really excellent, but a lot of it fell short of my expectations. Everyone talked liked it was 2008, and a lot of the time the space marines themselves are very underpowered, and its never explained how a ten and a half foot tall terminator just meanders around the regular world, as if he doesn't weight 4500lbs and destroy any room he walked through.
Read it if you're bored through.

>> No.15106980

Martin Silenus is one of my all time favorite characters.
Please don't mention tv series, that would be a disaster.

>> No.15107021
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Currently really enjoying this. It's very 'modern' feeling for a book from 1911.
I'd recommend it.
It's interesting, he was a good author, but he was both a Nazi and pro Jew rights, so he got censored by both sides and died in poverty.

>> No.15107351

Back to /r9k/ with you

>> No.15107445

If you haven't claimed your $1,200 and you are eligible to do so, the best way to do so now, especially if you didn't file taxes in 2018 or 2019, is to use the Non-Filers on the right. If you haven't filed in 2018 or 2019, you will NOT get the $1,200 unless you claim it using this or similar. Paper returns are not being processed. There are exceptions to this, but I don't think any of them would be relevant to anyone here. If you have claimed your $1,200 and haven't received it yet, you can check its status by looking at the Filers on the left. https://www.irs.gov/coronavirus/economic-impact-payments

>> No.15107496
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>> No.15107540

>most 17-24 year olds in college being claimed as a dependent dont qualify for the check
>i still pay for all my expenses and college and now im out of a job and wont be getting anything

>> No.15107587

Their parents are entirely to blame and should be told as such.

>> No.15107646

Fuck fake independents everyone pretends to be, pretending to put themself through. Fuck those guys. They not only miss that $1200, they'll have to pay off the $5000 average per citizen plus interest in taxes

>> No.15107648

I want to get into The Stormlight Archive but, is it obligatory to read Mistborn?

>> No.15107690

If you're out a job, you can get $600 a week on top of regular unemployment payments.

>> No.15107722

your funny

>> No.15107740

I see you are still under the illusion that sovereign debt is real.

>> No.15107751

Don't pay it and the consequences get very real.

>> No.15107777

whats your bitch ass gunna do about it?

>> No.15107796

That's external debt.

>> No.15107816

External debt, in repo capitlizations, often becomes internalized. Usually happens on the 5-7 year market, but we could be looking at -3 for this level of volatility

>> No.15107833


>> No.15107836

That's only because the invisible hand of the market has free reign to molest everyone.

>> No.15107845

lol, you know Trump is just going to roll it over into long term-treasuries

>> No.15107860

Three words. Negative interest rates

>> No.15107895

We MMT now and there's no going back.
What are some speculative economics sff?

>> No.15107920

And? None of that matters when the GDP/capita starts dropping

>> No.15108016
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I'm gonna shoot myself once I finished some business. What should the last book I read be ? I'm currently rereading the black company and the book of the new sun, I'll read only one more series after that.

>> No.15108024

Man's Search for Meaning

>> No.15108032

>Man's Search for Meaning
I'd prefer fiction, even tho some people would argue this book is based on fiction

>> No.15108115

nothing to gain, nothing to lose...
anything labeled romance fiction

>> No.15108179

Meh I might try. I'm thniking about withdrawing all my cash and going to vegas on a bender. At best I'll win a lot of money

>> No.15108388

The Bible

>> No.15108402

Don't do it anon! Imagine all the books that you can still read. It's worth living just for that.

>> No.15108411

>sold out forever
It hurts so much

>> No.15108434

glen cook won't write any other books, and escapism only last some time until the crushing reality of my loneliness come back
I'm more of a gnostic

>> No.15108780

Anything with villainous moms?

>> No.15108915

Please choose another method of suicide, we don't need more out of context statistics for gun grabbers to use against us.

>> No.15109117

Never heard of it.
Oh, and
>not modern
lol even books from 1811 still read roughly modern, English has not changed so much in that time aside from the long decline in literacy.

>> No.15109214

Why are you killing yourself

>> No.15109238

Honestly you would probably prefer it if you don't know what it's about, but I guess it's about eccentric German people, kind of a black comedy.

I'm guessing the only place to find it would be at libgen etc, no way would it be in print. Written by Hanns Heinz Ewers, and it's an English translation.

I know what you mean about 1911 not being so old, but it's one of those old school books where it outlines what's in the chapter before you read it, like in Dickens novels. If they modernized it, such as getting rid of candles and horses, you would think it was written during the new wave era.

>> No.15109263

any series like Warhammer 40k? that involves techno-religious zealotry (important), space war, and god emperors? i can't bring myself to read the shitty books and i'm done with dune

>> No.15109311

The Dan Abnett 40k books are good tho

>> No.15109422

i mean i heard his were okay but i was wondering if there were any other similar ones

>> No.15109476

Deathstalker has most of this I think but it's basically a series of science fantasy pastiches so it's about on the level with the 40k books

>> No.15109564

After having a few immediate abandoments of chinkshit I'm enjoying A Will Eternal, the translator seems to be the one xianxia translator in existence who has any writing ability of their own and the book itself is a pretty entertaining comic take of the genre, having a proag who is both a degenerate piece of shit and someone mainly motivated by being scared of death.
No idea if it'll keep this up long term but at least in the early chapter it's been fun to read.

>> No.15109720

Powdermage books are pretty good tho.

>> No.15109730

Has anyone read any K.J. Parker novels?

>> No.15109757

yeah he's pretty well liked here

>> No.15109915


>> No.15110462

any fantasy books that give the same vibe as the drakengard games? I don't read much fantasy so I don't know how else to describe what I'm looking for. I suppose dark fantasy, with a surreal/alien quality to it.

>> No.15110765

How does a readalong go?
Do you just discuss the chapters as youre reading them or does each person take a turn reading out loud?

>> No.15110786

Just join and look at the books channel.

>> No.15110860

No, they really are not.

>> No.15110866

Why do you guys endlessly recommend dad-tier SF when the modern stuff is so fucking good? Do you not have the capacity to see that the field right now is better than it's ever been?

So much of the new stuff is great.

It's time to stop endlessly reading Heinlein and Asimov and Niven, and Haldeman and whoever else.

>> No.15110969

What do you recommend, anon?

>> No.15111004

Oof, cringe! It makes me cringe! That's cringe bro, so cringey! Shut the fuck up faggot.

>> No.15111008

I'll never understand how ringworld ended up on so many rec charts. It's unbearable trash.

>> No.15111026

Recommend some then. Apart from Peter Watts they're all black women writing them now.

>> No.15111157

yes we all join the voice chat to read out loud and then erp

>> No.15111216

This year's Hugo nominees would be an excellent place to start. At least three of them will be classics. (The Light Brigade, Gideon, Empire)

>> No.15111260

>>15110866 (checked)
Just like most fantasy is stuck imitating Tolkien modern sci-fi is quite lacking in originality. Modern story tellers most often just tell a story for the sake of telling a story (not that there is anything wrong with that, but it won't elevate you over your average dino) without examining their setting. A rare example is the Terra Ignota series, but since Perhaps the Stars is still a year away I'll stick to shilling old timers for half a year more.

>> No.15111272

Okay, so you personally read sci fi primarily for settings.

That's fine, I would think you'd be in the minority on that, though.

>> No.15111293

I’m going to hold you to this, you’ll be hearing from me again very soon

Not that guy but I think “settings” is only a part of it. I think a ci-fi ultimately is about ideas, and just as technology and the world around us changes constantly, so should the (science) fictions we build off it. I agree with the dude you’re replying too, modern sci-fi I’ve read is stylistically enjoyable but really lacks the meaty ideas I like in the genre

>> No.15111300

Shill me the Terra Ignota series. Is it fun? Is it pozzed?

>> No.15111302

Yes because giant space spiders is totally not cringe.

>> No.15111303

Read The Light Brigade,

>> No.15111327

Setting in the widest sense of the word. I'm currently reading The Forever War, and while it's far from a masterpiece it does a good job of portraying the motivation, alienation and loneliness of a army veteran through its setting. The setting is there for a reason, not just because it's cool.

Now I have not read Charlie Jane Anders latest book (the one nominated for a Hugo) but I have read All the Birds in the Sky and the only point of the setting was to make the story possible (or maybe the story was just there to show of the setting).

I'd say so. It's exiting, surprising and extreme without relying on tweeeeeest or feeling ridiculous, the later being quite a feat considering some of the absurd plot points.
The book is hailed for it's take on gender and pronouns in the future but it takes quite a critical stance on its own setting. The extreme society, sometimes described as an utopia, presented is one of the driving forces behind the events of the story. The series is GRI+ approved to the extreme.

>> No.15111387

Any fantasy books that capture the tone of the Earthsea books? I'm not sure how to describe them: empathetic, introspective? Most of the fantasy genre seems heavy handed with drama and an overarching quest

>> No.15111397

The magic skin?

>> No.15111416

Ah, yes, the annual diversity award in speculative fiction. Truly, Jemisin is a paragon of contemporary literature, because she is a black woman, no matter how poorly she writes...
The descriptions of those 3 womanbooks sound so disgustingly cliche, such shitty escapism... What happend to recommending Le Guin, K.J Bishop, Butler, etc.? Someone whose mere book synopsis do not induce a bad aftertaste in my mouth?

>> No.15111427

If you have examples I'd be happy to try.

>> No.15111446



This is a blogpost about the author you recommend. I'm not really talking to you there, just pointing it out so that other anons don't lose money reading it.

>> No.15111461

Thanks but no-one was going to, as soon as he bought up modern Hugo winners his argument was over.

>> No.15111727


I trust that "others" will read and judge books based on their own merits, and make their own judgments about the authors.

I feel so deeply sorry for you that you allow such empty, mediocre people as the Sad Puppies to do your thinking for you.

In case you don't know it, the central thesis of the Puppy argument -- namely that a secret cabal of social justice warriors took over the Hugo Awards, is fucking idiotic. And the thought-leaders of this movement are genuinely pathetic people. If you are going to outsource your thinking, at least find people with a plausible understanding of reality and IQ's above room temperature to be your masterminds.

>> No.15111728

Tau Zero, It's quite good

>> No.15111811

I gave modern Hugos a try, I read N. K. Jemisin's Broken Earth series
NOT, racist btw
But when I read a book written by a black lady, I'm kinda disappointed when the whole subtex is about racism, kinda one-note, can't we ever get something else?
I'm pretty far removed from this in my daily life, so it doesn't speak to me at all

But the series left a bad taste in my mouth, mainly the main character, liked her less and less as the books went on. Didn't get if she was supposed to be a bad person, the product of what was done to her.
But she did so much bad stuff, and then the narrator was like: you are the chosen one, you I will save, you deserve it, only you
How is she a hero (book made a point of her not "being a hero", but it didn't really stay true to it, when she get's portrayed as being in the right) of the narrator just absolves her of guilt because - cause and effect?
Didn't really understand how she got the sympathy of her band, she was an actual monster at times

Lot of build up, that didn't get the pay off I imagined it would, especially with the far-far flashback stuff
Would have liked it more if it dwelt longer on the present time before the apocalypse
So you maybe could feel a bit more for the terrible world that was gone

>> No.15111859

Your trolling is very bad but to answer your argument I've never heard about Sad Puppies and reading a blog post from the author is a good way to see what topics she wants to treat in her books.

>> No.15111863

Every book isn't going to speak to every reader. I imagine young black women reading sci fi don't find a lot to relate to when they pick up Heinlein either, you know?

Thing is, it's okay for there to be books that talk about topics that don't relate to your life.

And of course it's okay to just have criticisms of Jemisin's work.

But at the same time, let's acknowledge that it does speak to thousands and thousands of people who have read and loved those books who aren't you.

>> No.15111880

Sorry went on rambling.
The point I was getting at is, this is probably among the "worst" books I've ever finished
When I say worst, I mean it very loosely, more along it annoyed me after I was done with it, feeling a bit tricked, didn't enjoy much.
Not that it had technical flaws, terrible prose or something like that

It's probably the last time I use Hugo awards to pick my books

>> No.15111889

>never heard about Sad Puppies

You never heard about the Sad Puppies but you're so familiar with the evils of female Hugo nominees that you have links ready to throw down whenever someone recommends their books?

That's not real plausible, to be honest.

>> No.15111900

But done right it's the quickest and easiest way to an hero. Why should I suffer from ingesting rat poison just so you can enjoy an misinterpreted law about muh guns? I'm gonna die, I don't care a fuck about you.

>> No.15111901

I think you should probably just read books that have premises you find interesting, to be honest.

Hugo nominees give you a good sense of what sci fi fandom is reading and into at the moment. You should at least browse their synopses and see if they sound interesting. And if they do, give them a shot.

>> No.15111916

Why do we have a namefag in the general? And why are people tolerating him? Before you know it he will transform into a tripfag. Stomp him out before he evolves.

>> No.15111941

Okay, you're in charge of getting rid of them. Let us know how it goes.

>> No.15112074

>namely that a secret cabal of social justice warriors took over the Hugo Awards
That's not a fair statement and you're letting yourself be convinced by after-the-fact articles gaslighting them. You won't be able to find a single statement by any of the campaigners that mention "we don't want women" or "we don't want minorities" or claiming to be anti-diversity. They wanted novels judged by their merit, not their authors. (If you think that the awards aren't a popularity club (one which is led by people trying for social justice) then that's a whole different topic) Then they were smeared out of existence and labelled as bigots.

>> No.15112081

lol they have to tolerate him because he agrees with their dumbass "every good is actually bad" takes

>> No.15112084

I use "Anonymize everyone" in 4chan X because fuck names, fuck trips and fuck users

>> No.15112091

>premises you find interesting
But I did find the premise to be interesting
It was where it went with it I didn't like, and that was a slow and gradual thing. Couldn't pinpoint where it started losing me.
Still, that is not what has me grumbling.

It's all about the characters, their motivations and actions.
I thought the pirates was such assholes for saying they had figured out survival though apocalypses, when they relied on plundering trade ships, how is that going to work when the rest of the world is in apocalypse-mode?
Island hand no crops(?) or means of produce except raiding and meagre fishing, their protective magic entirely local.
Last apocalypse was stated to turn the oceans to acid. They were clearly not surviving on fish, yet they claimed to have a history surviving 4 apocalypses, they were not good people.

Usually I'm fine with books having morally ambiguous characters, no I actually prefer it.
But this ticked me off, because it was portrayed as some kind of utopia.
If only the book had stayed with the reasoning of - in a mean world, you turn mean, it wouldn't get to me.

The "villain" (daughter) motivation to bring and end to suffering, she would end the world.
Jemisin has probably not played as many shitty old JRPGs as me, or she wouldn't gone with that idea. But to me, it jumped out as a supper cliche, I almost didn't believe it, until I digested that most people wouldn't find it that cliched, maybe?
It made sense in context, and served the plot conveniently, but still..

Book placed the virtue of common sense on a pedestal, but the characters you where rooting for, did so many senseless actions.

These are all petty gripes, but I got so many of them.
They wouldn't be visible from reading the back of the book. A reviewer wouldn't warn me, unless he was literally me.

>> No.15112102

I'm with you, I was honestly pretty hyped to read the series because I'd heard so much about it. The story was nice, but the writing itself was poor af. If someone with more skill in the craft had had the idea, it probably would've been absolute kino.

>> No.15112107

because I'm lonely. I'll never have a wife, I'll nevr have kids, I fell like life has meaning but I can't access it

>> No.15112120

If you go to the wikipedia of your favorite author, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kameron_Hurley, you can see this book listed at non fiction
On the page of said book, the first link is "We have always fought" which is the blog post I linked.

I understand that using wikipedia might be difficult for you, but some of us are very skilled with computers so we managed.

>> No.15112181
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I'm a few chapters in to this, so far so good.

>> No.15112323

>Stomp him out before he evolves.
Lmao, this made me laugh like a maniac, thanks anon.

>> No.15112395

can you at least go out killing a fuck ton of politicians or upper class jews? FBI FBI THIS POST IS A JOKE IM A COMEDIAN THIS IS A JOKE POST FUNNY POST

>> No.15112524


>> No.15112549
File: 54 KB, 540x362, 3b65e21e-186f-4310-9363-14f51d024bb7-Texas_Prison_TT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late, you will have corona chan injected directly into your bowels by a turgid biological syringe in the coming days.

>> No.15112619
File: 55 KB, 333x500, toriko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any hunting fantasy book you'd recommend? It doesn't need to rival pic related, just be good.

>> No.15112852

I love feeling small and insignificant. Any sci fi novels for this feeling. Something that makes humanity seem irrelevant to the universe?

>> No.15112909
File: 2.70 MB, 1149x1049, mnemonic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the we thought last we no longer astronaut needed her

>> No.15113006

the genocides

>> No.15113612

E William Brown a fuck.
Daniel Black a double cuck.

>> No.15113626

>asking for fantasy books that are similar to anime shit that people here don't read
Ask /a/

>> No.15113877

You could try Recluce, I've never read it but that seems to be the vibe from the series

>> No.15113893
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I've been pretty impressed with the quality of these novels so far? anything titles that are similar to pic related that are worth looking into?

>> No.15114064

I simply asked for hunting fantasy, and if it doesn't exist, I'll make one such book myself.

>> No.15114100

Closest thing you'll get is litrpg adventurer self published trash.

>> No.15114104

Is Kenneth Follet considered sci-fi?

>> No.15114195
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Then cooking fantasy? There must be something.

>> No.15114268

You could find someone. There are a lot of desperate people. Just live.

>> No.15114315

I hope you botch it and end up survive without a face.

>> No.15114419

You will have to ask flavours anon for food books. He acquired a bunch over his years of sffg. Hopefully corona chan didn't kill him, I didn't see him in months.

>> No.15114427

granny ogg's cookbook

>> No.15114435
File: 289 KB, 640x504, brother anon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's that short story coming along? Tell us about it, Anon!

>> No.15114522

With you fren. When my mom goes I have my little secret tucked away to follow her. Don't have nothing interesting in this life. Low thirst levels means when you interact with females you are thinking with your head and not your crotch.
Girls are shallow vapid creatures who are worthless if you don't want sex, and without sex or pheromones driving you, you don't build the feelings of love (lust or infatuation) that makes a relationship.
When girls see I'm not looking at them with my penis they are more open with me. I'm sorry to all you anons but your gfs cheated on you at least once during your relationship. Girls don't see anything wrong cheating if they are feeling emotionally vulnerable.
If you don't at least have great sex or a child to bind you with a female, she would be unfaithful to you. Seeing that I don't want kids nor to fuck, getting a gril is just tantamount to looking after a girl who is fucking other guys, in general, a simpcuck. Because she would be cheating on me and I would be looking after her, without me even having sex with her.

>> No.15114544

Then I will sue the doctors for saving me when I wanted to die, and take the lawsuit money to a country that allows legal suicide.

>> No.15114591
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Jesus fuck anon.

>> No.15114607

see >>15114591

>> No.15114623

>save pic as gif
>it isn't animated
You should be whipped.

>> No.15114637

its animated, your heathen eyes just cant see it.

>> No.15114732

>let's acknowledge that it does speak to thousands and thousands of people who have read and loved those books who aren't you
So does twilight, 50 shades of gray, and the da vinci code, doesn't change the fact that they are all terrible books.

>It's probably the last time I use Hugo awards to pick my books
pre-21st century is OK, although far from perfect, biased towards what the masses enjoy. 21st century is just garbage.

Ah, yes, one group of shit, school of hatred authors bashing another group of shit, school of hatred authors. Truly, I must pick one of those groups and adhere to their beliefs, because I can't think on my own and see their world-views as faulty... Reminds me how I once got called a CNN sympathizer after saying I hate Fox news, even though I hate the entire country those abominations came from.

>> No.15114742

hell yeah we're now getting the world weay 16 year olds from outer lit in here to say everything is bad

>> No.15114781

You can see that animation as easily as you can see your god. I guess I just need "faith".
Kys and get off lit christcuck.

>> No.15114801

This is so stupid it rules, the author spent like 30 chapters setting up a bestiality rape joke

>> No.15114803

Just because you feel good doesn't mean everyone else does.
Just because you want to be cucked doesn't mean everyone else does.

>> No.15114808

please have sex

>> No.15114991

>dude bad words and stayr penis lmao
That's his whole character

>> No.15115096

At some point, the translator released two chapters per day, and it was goddamn nice.

If you want chinkshit when you finish it, you should consider "monarch of evernight". It's totally unlike AWE, but personnally, I think the translation is even better, so is the writing.

>> No.15115114
File: 493 KB, 1000x2447, E0484CD4-B88B-4614-9CC5-6DDF0EEE4B92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on casting for the upcoming Dune adaptation?

>> No.15115134

I looked through the charts and found David Eddings' belgariad on beginner tier. I really liked the belgariad and malloreon, where can I go from here?

>> No.15115165

The local and particular shittiness of any given adaptation is meaningless given that "shit" is already part of the analytic definition of "adaptation." "This is a shitty adaptation" is like saying "This piece of shit tastes worse than other pieces of shit I've eaten."

>> No.15115205

I've seen bad or mediocre works made better in adaption so I'd say that's an oversimplification

>> No.15115231

How come scifi don't talk about the rise of China/India and their eventual takeover of world politics/economy/military? Why is it just American dream/European idealism lived out in scifi? It seems so bizarrely avoidant of reality that is taking shape.

>> No.15115248

Thanks I'll look at it, even professional translations aren't always the most readable things so I'm happy to look at anything that's got a good one

>> No.15115271

Ah yes there's no way that Dune, a book that was famously unedited and released by a car repair manual publisher could be improved in adaptation.

>> No.15115287
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Jessica looks too young, Chani's actress is shit, and Liet Kynes is just fucking retarded. Everyone else looks alright.
The costume design is fucking garbage though, the stillsuits look like they spend five minutes in a sporting goods store and the house uniforms and armour look generic as fuck. David Lynches stillsuits still look the closest to what I imagined while reading the book.

>> No.15115289

It could be but it won't

>> No.15115296

>How come scifi don't talk about the rise of India and their eventual takeover of world politics/economy/military?
Because it's sci-fi, not fantasy

>> No.15115321
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>> No.15115344

Bcos most westerners don't know shit about the east and it would take a ton of catch up to write knowledgeably.

>> No.15115361

They do, you just don't know about them.

>> No.15115373

You probably just aren't reading/looking enough, just off of the very top of my head the luna new books have a chinese power block and mazes of power is about a colonised planet with an indian caste society and irrc behind the throne is indian inspired matriarchy

>> No.15115413

The mistake you're making is simplistically reifying the "work" so that it's some "thing" that can be "translated" or otherwise moved between domains. A work is not reducible to the sum of its accidental dimensions (like the fact that it's text instead of film, or poetry instead of prose), there is a holism to it supplied by the holistic genius of the author, but its accidents nevertheless form part of that holism. The whole needs the part just as much as the part needs the whole.

In terms of local content, asking for a movie adaptation of a Bach concerto is the same as asking for a movie adaptation of a book. To a superficial observer these two cases seem different, but that's because he's wrongly reifying only one part of the total work of art (in this case, the prose narrative, although it could be argued that a concerto has a narrative in an abstract sense) and presuming that this is what is really "essential" about the "work," so that it can be translated from one domain to another. As long as two guys named Duncan Idaho exist in both media, it's the "same" "work."

But that's not true. It's a new work. It might interact with the old work or with the reader's/viewer's mind in some interesting way, but it is not the asme. In fact the interaction between adaptations and the original work is almost always disastrous, for example the Lord of the Rings movies depict a sterile, dis-enchanted, generic fantasy landscape, as decided and determined by a relatively discursively stable group of late 20th century fantasy readers. Not only do they lose all the original traces of what Tolkien saw when he saw "Middle Earth," they actively obscure those traces by filling the reader's mind with generic Hollywood garbage sets and dead "realistic" landscapes, of the "gritty realistic fantasy circa 1995, no more of that outlandish bombastic dreamlike Conan stuff, why wouldn't a fantasy setting have a feudal economy, Orc banter about restaurant menus, and women experiencing explosive diarrhea at sunset?" style.

It's not that the new way of viewing LOTR is bad, although it is, it's that it makes determinate something that is supposed to be fundamentally indeterminate and hazy. It collapses the process of reverie that any reader of any text is supposed to undergo into a single vision by a single retarded man pandering to retarded movie consumers and Hollywood producers. This is especially deadly in the case of LOTR, or Dune for that matter, when a huge part of the charm of the setting is specifically maintaining or briefly allowing a glimpse of pre-modern reverie, after modernism and even after post-modernism. LOTR is now "man with sword he fight a orc" for every reader, just like Dune for decades has been a gay desert soap opera.

In a few cases the original work is shit, like American Psycho as Ellis is a hack, but then the movie is not a "better American Psycho," it's just a good movie also called American Psycho.


>> No.15115423

My bad,
>In terms of local content,
should be
>In terms of logical content,

>> No.15115595

Why does Rohan hardcarry mankind so much?

>> No.15115665

it looks pretty sick. cant wait for it to come out

>> No.15115684

>5 paragraphs when a "no u" would have sufficed
That shit was too long to read.

>> No.15115710

Because you don't read much.

>> No.15115737

It's okay, I still love you.

>> No.15116087

>It's probably the last time I use Hugo awards to pick my books

definitely the best bet

>> No.15116114

you belong on reddit i think. you sound like a tranny of some sort

>> No.15116372

>why don't you speak like you are from pol, like me

>> No.15116404

>tfw know a guy irl who unironically uses the word "nu-male" and posts anti-diversity rants on facebook
He's the kind of guy who, depending on his life trajectory, would either end up as a Republican politician's paid overglorified private dick pillow, or end up writing novels published by Baen.

>> No.15116427
File: 19 KB, 319x326, 1549491964302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my pops isn't dead, it will make him sad but he'll understand

>> No.15116461

I'm painfully physically average, and a 3/10 face. th only thing goign for me is my blue eyes. I also made shitty life choice and I don't want to face the consequences ( a life of boring average jobs, and a cold home to return to after my 9-5)

>> No.15116534

>writing novels published by Baen
Is baen some crazy right wing publishing house?
Wen Spencer publishes through baen, I don't get pol vibes from her writing.

>> No.15116579

John Ringo and Tom Kratman are both the science fiction writer version of your crazy PTSD uncle who talks about wanting to use a shotgun against the libs at the family BBQ

>> No.15116615

Baen's got this weird mix of right wing yer da cranks and some very talented scifi writers who either slipped past other publishers or went to Baen because they were friendly with the owner.
Like they basically got Bujold because nobody else thought The Warrior's Apprentice (admittedly formulaic compared to later Vorkosigan works) was worth publishing

>> No.15116725

If you pay all your expenses why do you allow your parents to take a tax break for you
S m h

>> No.15116799

>my 9-5
Now this his is the kind of escapism I come here for. I'm too sad to get one right now, or force myself to do anything productive. I've got motivation issues, only made worse by the trauma of my brother putting an end to his suffering. A few years ago now but it still hurts, to lose someone you thought would always be there.

Any nice books about getting a sff job?
The last I read was Early Riser by Jasper Fforde.

>> No.15116883

Yea a will eternal was good

>> No.15116921

yeah I have a job because I need to pay rent, I would go neet mode if I could

>> No.15116925

If you want more like Belgariad but better, there's always the classics such as LoTR and Wheel of Time.

>> No.15117222

It's simple, we take the parent's relief money.

>> No.15117568

Don't respond to obvious bait anon.

>> No.15117578

reading stormlight, what the FUCK is moash's problem?

>> No.15117714

/lit/ scifi books where there are a bunch of sexbots? I'm horny and like rocketships

>> No.15117731

have you tried reverend insanity? The writing is pretty good imo, and the original seems to be the best written out of any chinkshit ive read.

>> No.15117928

Yes they are you fat fuck

>> No.15117950


>> No.15117995

Sounds based. We need more redpilled authors

>> No.15118012

>reading stormlight

>> No.15118042

That's different editors with different tastes/specialities

>> No.15118262

The fact is that the prequels are much better than the original. I read the original then the prequels.

>has retarded technolognies like aircraft that flaps its wings to fly
>the effects of these technologies are superficially explained and contributes little to the plot
>characters are mostly one dimensional with a single motivation, which is power
>their behavior is either driven by weird religious zeal or politicking

Prequels on the other hand
>based around technologies whos effects are explained deeply, like how Holtzmann shielded ships could hold back but not defeat a bigger Ominus armada and how easy it is to run away in space
>has characters with varied and intermeshing motivations and personalities like Norma Cenva, Serena, Xavier Harkonnen, Erasmus
>has more subtle and humane nuances, like the role religion places in the lives of Buddislamic slaves
>accurate portrayal of wartime economy and politics, and the effects of risky spacefolding

I don't see how anybody can think the originals are better

>> No.15118356

sanderson is a hack

>> No.15118513

our beautiful hack

>> No.15118553

I like the cast but the movie looks kind of dull and shit, has that generic washed out basic future look. In my head when I read Dune I pictured vibrant colours not white light everywhere.

>> No.15118764

It's in the OP where it says CHARTS

>> No.15118827

I've never read books 4-6 but always been really curious about them.

>> No.15118928

scifi died in 1999, everybody knows that

>> No.15118970

There are, it's just that you just read warhammer books

>> No.15119294

Buy a gun then steal every book.

>> No.15119355
File: 31 KB, 279x475, 5957555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for confirming my suspicions. This is exactly why I don't read anything on a Hugo list. It's more geared towards rewarding and spreading correct-think than, well, good scifi.

I was going to recommend Peter Watts but looks like someone already did >>15111026 (good taste Anon).

As for me, I'm reading pic related. It's another Dying Earth classic, although based in swords and sandals fantasy that just so happens to be sci fi. So far, the swords and sandals (e.g. battle of sand ships) are garbage but the world is amazing (it's at the bottom of the worlds dried up oceans, by description near the Marina's Trench), populated with weird adapted sea life, genetically engineered creatures (e.g. horses have six legs and look more like pill bugs) and there's off-shoots of humanity roaming around (e.g. hive humans, who are 90% asexual, with a surprisingly well developed weird culture fitting their biology).

The story is so so (so far), but the world building is shockingly good for 1974. It's just so fresh and detailed.

Would recommend to fans of Dying Earth or anyone looking for something new.

>> No.15119430

Name some

>> No.15119448

Lords of Light

>> No.15119462

The Zelazny? Based choice. IIRC, it was Americans who liked Hinduism rather than Indians but it's been a decade since I last read it.

>> No.15119490

I'm actually not that other guy but it was the only book I thought of that idealized a sci-fi future that wasn't western inspired. I'm sure there are many others, I don't read enough.

>> No.15119491

There a tons of hours of his writting class on youtube

>> No.15119561
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Just finished the first one. It was kinda fun.
Are the others worth it?

>> No.15119700

I'm putting together a kind of reading recommendation blog for a uni project, and I need to do a needs assessment, but I don't need anything formal, and the blog probably won't be seen by anyone. What kind of focus would you guys look for in recommendations? Technology, characters, worldbuilding, narrative? If you found someone worth listening to with similar tastes to yours what would you want to ask them about a book or author first?

I'd recommend Asimov's Foundation series for many different reasons, but I could focus on the series' setting and tech. Asimov started Foundation in the 40s, and his vision of an advanced intragalactic civilization is backwards in a way that I like.

>> No.15119720

Demographics and not recommending known authors.

The biggest problems with most western recommendation algorithms is they don't parse target demographic at all, and they recommend you shit by authors you already read which is totally pointless.
Then there's also people recommending stuff like Asimov's foundation series, acting as if people haven't ever heard of it. Literally everyone knows about Asimov's foundation series already, recommending it is totally redundant.

>> No.15119847

I loved Blindsight and Starfish (Echopraxia was too unfocused, in my opinion) and I absolutely adore Alistair Reynolds' work. Revelation Space starts a little slow, and you have to trust the author that they know what they are doing. To build that trust, I'd suggest to start with The Prefect or Chasm City. I envy you more than a little.

>> No.15119929

not to necropost but how slice of lifey you looking at? Bounty: The Hunters Of Vanaheim has a plot and conflict to it, but literally every other chapter is just the protagonists eating lunch or grocery shopping.

>> No.15120085

Lotta Chinese influence in sci-fi these days. One of the principle themes of Remembrance of Earth's Past (Three Body Trilogy) is that China is now elevated to the ranks of Europe and America and is officially part of the 'superpower club'. I think think this represents a lot of how China is viewed in sci-fi now, essentially transcended into the ranking relevance of the USA/Euro trends you're discussing.

I have yet to encounter any serious Indian presence in sci-fi but I don't give a shit. I think an African influence, Rosewater was good for that (if a little preposterous)

>> No.15120410

well put anon

>> No.15120473

Contrary to the other anon, for a uni project specifically I would recommend some "well known" books. Perhaps not the most popular tomes, but the trend-setters and the progenitors of their respected sub-genres. The notable early works in New-Wave, New-Weird and other genres. See what influenced and evolved the medium.

>> No.15120597

most recommendation lists assume the reader is not very versed in scifi (that's why most people use the lists. you are right that a hood engine should take into account the demographics of the people using it, particularily the user's past reading history

>> No.15120757

>Ellis is a hack

Pretty much. Pages upon pages of catalogue products, which I know are kind of the point for the vacuous culture he's supposed to detail, make for an awful read.

>> No.15121203

If your problem with life is that you can't access what's conventionally considered as "good life", i know, i know it's difficult, but just make a fucking tinder account, you'll surely find a dumb woman as yourself and find a precarious confort which will lead you to find an actually good reason for suicide. Thinking seriously on death is the best opportunity to actually understand life and keep on living or finally commit suicide. But with a good reason.

>> No.15121208

They basically replaced the Russians

>> No.15121273

i'll actually recommend, not a good book, but a good film: Un homme qui dort.
A good sci-fi book, a little infantile, but that might actually help would be Tiger, Tiger.

>> No.15121396

Just about finished with Dune and I've gotta say: Robert Jordan sure has some fucking explaining to do lmao Aiel are nearly carbon copies of fucking Fremen, why don't people mention that more often in critiques of The Wheel of Time? I've only seen it mentioned once or twice as a minor thing, but fuck it's blatant.

>> No.15121405

Because the Fremen aren't remotely original either. Aiel and Fremen both are just Thracians mixed with Australian Aboriginals except white.

>> No.15121601

So that fag that cries in every thread about how he can't write (corona got him, didn't see him for two threads) should watch Sanderson's videos and get gud.

>> No.15122100

It's a novel. I'm 15,000 words in but while I have an idea for the overarching story, I have trouble filling in the minutia getting from one important event to another.

>> No.15122492

Are you just throwing out words to seem smart and impress people on an Estonian Water Filtering Forum?

>> No.15122875

Have you read Dune and The Wheel of Time? Neither is a unique concept, just look at the middle east.

>except white
I thought they were all brown skinned

>> No.15122964

Sounds hot. I'm in.

>> No.15123357
File: 61 KB, 250x371, ChildhoodsEnd(1stEd).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

opinions on this book?

>> No.15123551

I really wish mentioning Wheel of Time was illegal.
Everyone knows of it you, utter imbeciles. Stop shilling your uninspired, shitty bloat that no one over the mental age of 16 would enjoy.
You are literally worse than /r/books and Stephen King.

>> No.15123644


You don't understand, everyone needs to know how much I hate Ewgene and Nyneave

>> No.15123703
File: 95 KB, 708x800, 6D9EF3B8-B194-4B3F-860A-B53D907BFF38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I really wish mentioning Wheel of Time was illegal. Everyone knows of it you, utter imbeciles. Stop shilling your uninspired, shitty bloat that no one over the mental age of 16 would enjoy. You are literally worse than /r/books and Stephen King.

>> No.15123720

And obviously the retard didn't answer

>> No.15124067

It's a classic. If you haven't read it, go for it it's pretty safe

>> No.15124113
File: 577 KB, 2000x1384, 1587020202655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything makes sense now

>> No.15124158

Are you the guy who wrote that book?
Anyway, I was talking about mostly slice of life showcasing characters, their everyday dynamics, some internal musings. There may be a conflict. but its scale is negligible (in the large picture) and life continues almost the same as before. Nobody acquires government toppling weapons/skills, nor kills an uber demon or any of that shit.

>> No.15124178

I would have said Arabs, since a lot of ways it was just Lawrence of Arabia but scifi, but still WOT Aiel was very blatantly ripping off the Fremen, plus the whole male/female thing which WOT clearly took for the dynamics of the one power. I guess I'm just a bit shocked how obvious it is and that no one really seems to ever talk about it, more often I hear WOT being called a LOTR ripoff which is mostly nonsense beyond the first book or so and in a very crude sense at that.

>> No.15124200

Wolfram sure loves tooting his own horn. I was going to say this is off-topic, but then again Wolfram's cellular automata fundamental theorem of physics nonsense is, after all, fantasy.

>> No.15124223

This book doesn't seem to be public domain even though it's from the 1950's. How can that be?

>> No.15124250

oh it seems 1925 is the cutoff point

>> No.15124331
File: 38 KB, 700x450, dune-adaptation-700x450[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the original Dune series today.
good shit, book 1 and 4 were my favorites.
Is it worth reading any book written by the son ?

Also what other good sci fi books are out there, similar to dune or more like legend of galactic heroes

>> No.15124683

>Is it worth reading any book written by the son
don't do this to yourself.

>> No.15124851

Old school but with good ideas. I liked it at the time. It's short, just read it

>> No.15124903
File: 129 KB, 340x213, Damaged-Books1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Condition: Good

>> No.15125101

that bad?

okay I wont. Thanks

>> No.15125139

it’s just porn for women anon

>> No.15125282

I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask, but here it goes.

There's the standard sci-fi setting, a collection of tropes that define a typical sci-fi setting. These tropes describe a softer science fiction setting, but is there a hard sci-fi equivalent? What would the tropes be? I'd imagine The Expanse might be what most people imagine as a typical hard sci-fi setting.

>> No.15125447

>been gone for months
>come back
>everyone still talking about the same books and the same shit
At least you all seem more redpilled about the Hugos.

>> No.15125780

Hard sci-fi tropes:
Realism, ideas over characters, sometimes you think you may actually be reading a textbook, staid, stolid, may involve impaired social functioning, and etc

>> No.15125788

More like the the /pol/ coterie exclusively

>> No.15125812

The day that this anon discovered that their personal taste was actually the minority was a day that would forever live on in infamy in their memory.

>> No.15125845

That reason is because a lot of people read it and convinced other people they ought to read it to share in their suffering and because it's had a lot of marketing.

>> No.15125860

Various Japanese works like you've mentioned. There are probably Western works, but they are probably mostly literary and not genre.

>> No.15125993
File: 133 KB, 800x407, FrankHerbert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it worth reading any book written by the son ?

>> No.15126043
File: 59 KB, 640x480, 1583351559178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based up his own ass boomer getting lost in "beautiful" math and pretty pictures to produce a "theory of everything" that doesn't make any concrete predictions about anything. He has training as a physicist too so I don't understand why he really thinks this has any significance to physics. I guess the same criticism has been levelled at string theory so maybe this is just the state of the field these days.

>> No.15126083

It's not porn, it's ROMANCE. "Romance novels" for men are called porn, erotica, and so on.

Male Romance: unrealistic sex constantly with a partner willing to do everything and anything and exists solely to fulfill their gratification needs.

Female Romance: unrealistic interactions constantly with a partner willing to do everything and anything and exists solely to fulfill their emotional needs.

Trans Romance: unrealistic affirmations constantly with a partner willing to do everything and anything and exists solely to fulfill their psychological needs.

Asexual Romance: unrealistic compassion constantly with a partner willing to do everything and anything and exists solely to fulfill their companionate needs.

Fetish Romance: unrealistic indulgences constantly with a partner willing to do everything and anything and exists solely to fulfill their obsessive needs.

...and so on with various others.

>> No.15126090

>everyone talking about the same books
>but at least people are moaning about new books
genius level iq

>> No.15126097

>Proof: Think.
Wow. Clap. Clap. Clap.

>> No.15126159

People often become too excited with their signalling.

>> No.15126189

White Man's Burden

>> No.15126214

Ah, I see you've come to understand the fundamental problem of user churn interacting with long term presence. Any general is by design eternally repetitive and superficial.

>> No.15126228

You'll be the one we'll be going in, that's right.

>> No.15126241

I didn't really like it and then I watched the miniseries and didn't really like that either. I didn't like the entire concept and especially disliked the ending.
3/5, but maybe actually 2/5 as time has passed.

>> No.15126253

How very ineffective and inefficient.

>> No.15126271

Herbert: "DUDE! I was doing a journalism and I saw some DUNES and I was like DUDE AND DUNE ARE REALLY SIMILAR! So then I realized how epic that was so I'm going to write an epic book about dunes. Imma call it, DUNE. "

>> No.15126469


>> No.15126475


>> No.15126489

I thought the problem was the black women.

>> No.15126823


>> No.15127025

I read that book about a month ago, it's excellent. The ending caught me off guard in a good way, but it made sense in retrospect.

>> No.15127492

It's time to die. Off to page 11 you fuckers go.

>> No.15127523

>>15127492 It's nice to see that you still care.

>> No.15127737
File: 32 KB, 329x499, burning chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the FUCK is going on with Gibson's short stories, bros?