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/lit/ - Literature

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15109493 No.15109493 [Reply] [Original]

what are some books you feel you have a profound and real connection to

>> No.15109777

The Bane by Thomas Plane

>> No.15109794
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American Psycho

>> No.15110241
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>> No.15110250

The Book of Monelle by Marcel Schwob
Pitch Dark by Renata Adler

>> No.15110259
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>> No.15110279

a natural history of trees of northern america by douglas peattie, a /lit/ user recommended it the other night in the thread where OP was complaining about not knowing about trees, it has since changed my life
a short history of myth by karen armstrong, really informed how i see the world and myself and my life- beautifully done
the penelopiad by margaret atwood, really dug in

>> No.15110283

i always see boys reading this on the nyc subway- feels like it's #trending. what do you like about it? haven't read this one yet

>> No.15110288

Diary of a country priest
The sister by Sandor Marai
Our need for consolation cannot be sated by Stig Dagerman
Flowers of Evil
Adventures of a photographer in La Plata by Bioy Casares
The future Eve by Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
Brothers Karamazov
Sentimental Education

>> No.15110291

Lord Jim
only the beginning though

>> No.15110303

Didn't know it was trending, I read it at a bad period in my life and really got me out of my nihilism cave

>> No.15110374

that is nice to hear

>> No.15110595

The beginning is the best part

>> No.15110701

Crime and Punishment

>> No.15110731
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Book of Disquiet
Genealogy of Morals
War and Peace

>> No.15110750

that tree book sounds comfy ...is it?

>> No.15110752
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Pic related and "Decline of the West", but I'm assuming this is supposed to be about fiction.

>> No.15110888

book of disquiet from pessoa,, and most by von kleist, kafka and ibsen

>> No.15111543

Jordan Peterson strongly recommends Demons on his website. That's almost certainly why.

>> No.15111546

the idiot

tfw prince myshkin

>> No.15111567

What's even the Book of Disquiet about? Is it just hundreds of pages of self-pity?

>> No.15111571

yeah pretty much

>> No.15111651

War and Peace. I Love all the characters so much, especially Natasha and Pierre. Prince Andrei is literally me, and he reminded myself about the negative aspects of my personality and musings and I started to hate him. Pierre is who I wish and i am in a certain aspect very like him.

>> No.15111653

it's in the title