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15104534 No.15104534 [Reply] [Original]

I'm reading trap porn on my ereader ama

>> No.15104592

Good choice leaving the screen protector on

>> No.15104636

Who's your favorite anime girl (male)?

>> No.15104706


>> No.15105663

Do you ever wish you could go back to jerking it to normal hetero porn?

>> No.15105828


>> No.15105846

Fucking based

Love you, daddy ^_^

>> No.15107187

Based. Great taste too.

>> No.15107375

I get to live out trap porn whenever I have sex

>> No.15107427

Tell us more, hearing about the barbarian sex-havers' lifestyle and stories is exactly what we all came to this board for.

>> No.15107576

>No wonder the birth rate is declining like it is!!

>> No.15108421

well actually i'm a trap so i let barbarians pound my boipussy

>> No.15108435
File: 84 KB, 385x600, original (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking sicken me, filthy harlot.

>> No.15108458

but i'm cute and i really like men! i didn't choose to be this way anon!

>> No.15108508

You didn't choose to be a faggot but you surely chose to sell your body to countless packs of horny men. Your existence holds no more value than an used up cumrag, you're disgusting and the only reason people do not realize that is because they're too blind to see the filth inside you. That goes for every homosexual and straight man who engages in polygamous practices.

>> No.15108528

histrionic personality disorder made me do it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
male attention is like opium and i am a cantonese peasant

>> No.15108558

>namefag is a massive faggot
muh shock

>> No.15108575

well yeah i use a trip so i can attentionwhore

>> No.15108632

go to /r9k/ and /fit/ then, you could rebuild Sodom and Gomorrah with all the faggots on those boards, they're gonna love you

>> No.15108636

>X made me do it so it's justified
Fuck off, whore. No mental disorder will ever help your cause, you're a deplorable degenerate wallowing in the debauchery of the modern world. When you'll turn 30 your trap aesthetics will shrivel like an unwatered flower and commit suicide because no one will supply you the attention you base your identity on. Sexual liberation is a huge fucking trap and you fell for it.

>> No.15108644

*you'll commit suicide

>> No.15108647

i post sometimes on /r9k/ but my friends tell me to stay away
i usually post on /lgbt/, but the jannies banned me because i'm pretty and they're ugly and mannish
anyways irl i mainly just read books and study, which is why i post here
maybe i'll start a youtube channel or something idk

>> No.15108660

i'm on hrt and klinefelters so the chances of me aging like anything other than any other nordic woman is unlikely
sexual liberation was probably kinda dumb, i wish i just had a strong husband who would let me cook and clean for him

>> No.15108667

please don't go to /fit/

>> No.15108676

someone posted a thread there once larping as me, but i don't plan on going back unless i wanna talk about exercise
rn my regimen is pretty good so no reason to go there

>> No.15108686

I take it back, make us a favor and kill yourself here and now.

>> No.15108690


>> No.15108737

Well, maybe /r9k/ will drive you to depression and will make you want to kill yourself, but you're going to reach that stage anyways when you hit your thirties, so who cares?
/fit/ is already filled with faggots, i just went there and saw a guy who posted his dick. You're on denial, anon.

>> No.15108743

blah blah blah blah
if i'm fated to die in my 30s of suicide that means i have another 11 years at least of being able to suck dick a bunch!

>> No.15108750

then enjoy your years under the sun, anon
just remember that it's never late to change your retarded ways

>> No.15108784

i will live to see you buried, and my chad husband and i will come to ur funeral anon

>> No.15108802
File: 42 KB, 1200x630, 1561112751921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No he won't, he'll throw you in the trash and provide a sex carousel for other younger, mentally deranged tranny abominations like you.

>> No.15108808
File: 63 KB, 680x794, 121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try

>> No.15108813

why did you feel the need to make this off topic, worthless thread?

>> No.15108827

i'm not angry either anon i'm just posting lol
i don't really care that people don't like trannies, which i guess is a little strange seeing as most trans people freak out over that stuff constantly
i guess i'm just comfortable with how i look and my existence
it's chill lol

>> No.15108896

>i'm not angry either anon i'm just posting lol
I never suggested you were angry at all.
I'm not even trying to change your mind (i know is useless), nor i hate you for being a tranny anon. I'm just saying that building your entire personality around being a whore it's not healthy, and when time comes (and it will come), know there's always a way to get out of your situation.

>> No.15108914

part of me wants to not be a whore and a camgirl and all the other degenerate stuff i am, but society is set up in a way such that these things are rewarded and my only real passion (germanic philology) will never earn me a real living
i think if i were born as a cis girl in a more conservative country or time i would've been quite happy to just marry a man and have kids
even if there were a society where trannies could do that, i'd probably want to do that
but the world we live in is too far gone

>> No.15108961

You know the old saying, "If everyone else jumped off a cliff, would you jump, too?”
Yes, the world has gone to waste; yes, virtue is not rewarded; but that doesn't mean that you should go to waste too, and that you should not find comfort in your virtues. Give a little more value to your life, anon; you have an unique chance in existence, don't waste it being a dumb whore for a few bucks.

>> No.15108996
File: 29 KB, 331x334, D5BD4FE8-5FFA-4CFB-AA6D-015135EA16AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your cute feminine body.
Let me judge you, woman.

>> No.15109002

it'll be interesting to see where my life goes i guess
i like attention, and since transition my dysphoria is basically gone
i have another 2 years in my degree left
once that's finished, i guess i'll decide whether to do porn or to do a phd
right now i'll continue as i have been i guess

>> No.15109033
File: 258 KB, 828x368, willow trap 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a pic of me from a while ago
my social media is all @wjllowo , so if you wanna see my face go there i guess

>> No.15109077

>i guess i'll decide whether to do porn or to do a phd
Genuinely sad. I would stick to the phd, anon.
The attention you get it's because you're young, and know that will not last. When you fall, try to prepare a soft place in advance, so it won't hurt so much.

>> No.15109104

thats what i want
genuinely i function so much better when i'm in a relationship where my boyfriend just orders me what to do
i don't make good decisions and need a man to make them for me
maybe i'll do my phd and live a comfy life
who knows?

>> No.15109118

You’re very cute. Do what the other anon said and get a PhD though. Doing porn will ruin you.

>> No.15109129

Why be an ugly woman when you could be a pretty boy?

>> No.15109130

no you're not- you saw someone get praised for posting this pic the other day and calling them "based" and you wanted to feel that same thrill. hope it was fun

>> No.15109138 [DELETED] 

You’re very nice.

Stop leaving so much of an internet trail though. All I did was look up @wjllowo and I saw a lot more than I expected.

>> No.15109153

right now i'm doing both
homely woman, cute girl, cute boy, i'm all of them at once anon
idk that's just how it goes i guess

>> No.15109154

You'll probably grow out of your transgenderism before you hit 30, so I wouldn't invest in it. I'd go with the PhD (not that that's a good option either).

>> No.15109163

i've had gender dysphoria since childhood so i don't think it's gonna go away
i've always been feminine in appearance and personality, so i guess things just make more sense with me as a woman than as a man

>> No.15109168

Imagine being a degenerate

>> No.15109170

you "function better" because you don't have to face your own demons and problems-
they will come for you someday. your decisions are yours to make. your life is yours. you are the captain of your own ship. people cannot own other people.

>> No.15109182

just stay being a pretty boy. androgynous in the least.
do yourself a favor and never go full tranny.

>> No.15109190

this is facing my demons anon
i just fit in better as a girl
don't have to imagine, unfortunately

>> No.15109197

full tranny is just a personality
i don't ever plan on doing that sort of thing
also i'll probably keep my dick because the current surgery is barbaric and i don't mind it that much

>> No.15109198

It'll probably go away. You have to understand that gender dysphoria is a social contagion, and that the social conditions that allow for it's current spread will not exist in a decade. Just as you had no choice in having gender dysphoria, you'll have no choice in not having it.

>> No.15109202

that's not what the research shows, at least for early onset gender dysphoria
if it persists past puberty
look into professor Ray Blanchard

>> No.15109226

interesting to hear that- thanks for the perspective

>> No.15109232

I actually thought about messaging that profile on IG to say that someone is larping on 4chan then I checked your twitter and saw the background.
well, that was something I did not expect.
Go do your PhD.

>> No.15109234

>"you have to understand"
you're embarrassing yourself anon- you have no power to change this person's life. you can think what you want but do not pretend to have an opinion that is more valuable than theirs.

>> No.15109235

Current research is predicated on current social conditions; the same social conditions that have given rise to gender dysphoria. So of course they'll verify it's existence. Again, you probably shouldn't invest in this; social conditions will inevitably change.

>> No.15109242

I'm under no illusions. I simply have relevant knowledge. I'm obliged to share it.

>> No.15109254

I'm glad to hear that.
I'm just saying because you're way too young to understand how much your outlooks on life will change.
It's always best to be able to just turn back.

>> No.15109262

no one is obliging you- you are not living that person's life. the mind is an unfathomable machine- is it so preposterous that one might feel that they were born in a different body? just let it be- as i will after this post- and follow your own interests

>> No.15109281

>is it so preposterous that one might feel that they were born in a different body?
No; I'm not denying the possibility or existence. I'm only affirming that it's a socially and historically contingent phenomenon (and a precarious one at that).

>> No.15109286

most people assume i'm a girl and i fulfill female social roles so basically socially i'm a girl i guess
biologically tho i'm an intersex male
germanic linguistics is great but i'll never make any money
maybe i'll make a youtube channel for the time being
rn most of my income is just from being a camgirl, though obviously sex work is draining and not sustainable in the really long term

>> No.15109319

I choose engineering and I regret it a lot.
I wish I went to humanities, you can earn a decent living there, don't think it is going to be shit.

I do understand that if you have some medical emergencies (which in your case is partially true) then it can be taxative to think about the future and how to earn enough money to solve all the problems. But still, try to do a PhD in something you like and try to make a plan B that looks more pragmatical, learn a trade or something... I know for women is kind of hard to join some different trades and being trans is also complicated, but weight your options because you can do both things at once while you are young.

I'm kind doing that but chances are I'll spend the rest of my life in this forsaken country doing some menial engineering jobs and consuming some literature or trying to learn stuff from the internet because I can't foresee a future in which I do a PhD in something I really like