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File: 684 KB, 687x686, philosophy now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15107940 No.15107940[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When did philosophy become corrupted and shit?

>> No.15107966

during the second age of Atlantis

>> No.15107975

when pertersonfags found about it

>> No.15108054

It went to shit around 3102 BC, which was the same time writing was invented, and coincidentally the start of the Kali Yuga.

>> No.15108094

When did the image of philosophy become marketable?

>> No.15108101

Zizek is an accredited academic and does not belong there.

>> No.15108136

None of them even pay attention to philosophy.

>> No.15108183

When trannies, faggots, and faggots who fuck trannies realised that they could grift degenerate dullard redditors on the internet by recreating Channel Awesome with a veneer of "philosophy".

>> No.15108223

Zizek definitely deserves better than to be compared to the others, I say as someone who strongly dislikes Marxism
Why is Terrence Howard on there? Isn’t he just a c-list actor?
De Botton may produce prole-feed but he’s far more intelligent than the others who are in that image

>> No.15108241

replace zizek with Land or Guenon.

>> No.15108248

Accurate description of Breadtube

>> No.15108249

Zizek is a hack who produced one "serious" work and 30 pop-politics pamphlets. He belongs there.

>> No.15108253


>> No.15108271 [SPOILER] 
File: 18 KB, 507x750, 1586991979372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>breadtube and their “right wing” equivalents are to philosophy what Channel Awesome was to popular culture
Redpilled outlook, a most accurate comparison, but I have another question

>> No.15108273

When basic bitch "opinions" had more reach than actual critical thought. Go to a philosophy class in university today. Half of my class failed because it was too hard for them.

>> No.15108283

One “serious” work is enough to make it unfair to compare him to the others, he’s not great, but he’s not as bad as them

>> No.15108284

why do you guys suck off these institutions so much

>> No.15108296

I don't recognize all these people, but I do recognize most of them.

>> No.15108298

>remember the basic laws of common sense

>> No.15108312
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Much more accurate.

>> No.15108326

Why is Kant here?

>> No.15108366

Why wouldn't he be?

>> No.15108537

Why would he?

>> No.15108550

Why wouldn't he be?

>> No.15108565

zizek is the only man hear with a brain
also contra is such a nightmare i can only imagine how embarrassing it must be for her when people meet her irl and realize she's 6'4" and has massive shoulders

>> No.15108581

>she's 6'4" and has massive shoulders
Sounds based

>> No.15108590

He's not a contemporary philosopher

>> No.15108602
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>> No.15108604

i would be terrified of her ability to snap my body in half
she'd do it too, out of jealousy and hatred

>> No.15108634

When people stopped trying to understand each other. Go back 200 years, and people like Marx, Bakunin, Stirner, and other philosophers would openly debate each other. They wouldn’t strawman each other or lie, they would just honestly exchange ideas and debate. And when they lost, they would just accept it and either change sides, or improve upon what they got wrong.

Nowadays, it’s like everybody is completely delusional and unable to exchange ideas. They live in their own little world.

>> No.15108638

>the only man hear with a brain
Just fucking kill yourself you pathetic tripfag

>> No.15108640

try reading sometime

>> No.15108669

oh fuck lol

>> No.15108790

Read the OP again

>> No.15109416


>> No.15109466

>When did philosophy become corrupted and shit?
Doesn't say contemporary. Doesn't say modern. Doesn't say since xxxx.
Nice job idiot

>> No.15109560


Zizek and de Botton are the only people in that pic that hold philosophy degrees

>inb4 hurr phil degree
they are at least read in the subject matter instead of the other wiki-tier personalities in that pic

>> No.15109561

Is that the black guy from the first Iron Man? lol

>> No.15109573
File: 2.55 MB, 4000x4000, C0819E96-9CE0-4E9A-B455-A4955309BD11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads rate my 3 x 3

>> No.15109572

Because he made worthwhile contributions. Why would he be?

>> No.15109586


>> No.15109608


>> No.15109616

Why do they all use that weird purple/red lighting? It's like massage parlor lighting

>> No.15109622


Abhinavagupta’s pretty great here’s some comparisons of his work with neuroscience and Ponty.



>> No.15109633


>> No.15109762
File: 177 KB, 701x699, dec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15109765

In all seriousness, why would having a philosophy degree matter at all?

>> No.15109788

they are at least read in the subject matter instead of the other wiki-tier personalities in that pic

>> No.15109799
File: 25 KB, 540x451, IMG_20191101_180516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phew! no Heidegger or Evola

>> No.15109804


>> No.15109829

>In a 2015 interview with Rolling Stone, Howard explained that he had formulated his own language of logic, which he called Terryology, and which he was keeping secret until he had patented it. This logic language would be used to prove his contention that "1 × 1 = 2".[33]

>"How can it equal one?" he said. "If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what's the square root of two? Should be one, but we're told it's two, and that cannot be."[33]

Howard blames his leaving Pratt over disagreements with a professor regarding this hypothesis. He also stated that he spends many hours a day constructing models of plastic and wire that he patented and claims to confirm his belief.[33]

In 2017, Howard published his proof of his claim that "1 × 1 = 2" on his Twitter account.[34] It was heavily criticized by his followers, due to containing multiple logical errors and faulty reasoning.

>> No.15110825

Those are not philosophers. Those are rhetoricians and sophists and liars. Good philosophy is out there but largely avoided by the public mind. It's always been this way.

>> No.15110832

He has a few serious works; though, only his first book is interesting.

>> No.15110834

>philosophy is when pseudo intellectuals on YouTube yell at teenagers.

>> No.15110846

>When did philosophy become corrupted and shit?
In the 60's when all the faggots from the left joined in. God those pedophiles and cock suckers from the left are disgusting and useless, should probably be gassed to death if Trump gets re-elected.

>> No.15110878
File: 56 KB, 680x380, 183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit your sissy hypno addiction

>> No.15111263

because they filter out the pseuds. you simply cannot become an academically reputed philosopher while being stupid

>> No.15111281

land, moldbug, guenon, and sargon aren't philosophers. well land is one but he's not noteworthy

>> No.15111284 [DELETED] 

bottom row are literally whos

>> No.15111292

Who are you, Alan Sokal? Leave the guy alone, bugman.

>> No.15111304

>Why would having a degree in physics matter to being a physicist?
>Why would having a degree in accounting matter to being an accountant?

>> No.15111336

What the fuck am I looking at?

>> No.15111338

it arguably doesn't

>> No.15111435

People who do pretend to do academic work outside academia are known as crackpots.

>> No.15111448

why is terrence howard there?

>> No.15111468


It was corrupted before and after Spinoza, but not during.

>> No.15111509

It depends what you mean by "academic work".

>> No.15111513


>> No.15111536

>When did philosophy become corrupted and shit?

>> No.15112000

>when did philosophy become corrupted?
>posts a collage of objectively the greatest minds in history