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15104095 No.15104095 [Reply] [Original]

What book made you ditch your atheistic beliefs and embrace God?

>> No.15104102

Prometheus Rising ironically enough

>> No.15104134
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archetypes of the collective unconscious

>> No.15104242


>> No.15104906

The Bible

>> No.15105125

Catcher in the Rye

>> No.15105130


>> No.15105139

Atheists. The idea of atheists burning in Hell for eternity makes you want to believe

>> No.15106599

Mostly how cringey fedora tips are. Id rather be part of a rich cultural tradition.

>> No.15106614
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>> No.15106625
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these threads didn't age well.

>> No.15106642

if a book did it, you have not embraced God, you are merely a fly by night idolater

>> No.15106660

Tao Te Ching

>> No.15106697

both atheism and theism are for the minds of children, nihilism is the way

>> No.15106952

Phaedo (and other dialogues)
The Ethics
Those led me to embrace the God that is the truth of reality

>> No.15107018

No book did. It was my personal life experiences.

>> No.15107054

Holy Quran

>> No.15107076

a femenist book about masturbation being healthy,it made me cringe and i started praying more since then

>> No.15108178


>> No.15108403

Crime and Punishment affirmed my belief about conscience and good will

>> No.15108424

The fucking disingenuous larping faggots on this sub are genuinely making me more hostile to Christianity than I ever was before

>> No.15108482

Man and Nature: The Spiritual Crisis in Modern Man by Seyyed Hossein Nasr

>> No.15108490

I was always agnostic but Jung’s Biography did it for me. He admits it’s a faith based argument and there’s no way to know for sure but if you look inside you can feel that your more one way than the other.

>> No.15108512

I came to the realization myself. Just need to read the Bible now to bring me closer to God.

>> No.15109952

It was over a year more or less, but it started with aristotle, then i read tolkien, then aristotle again (first politics, then ethics and metaphysics) then plato's republic, the ramayana. Then, a breakthrough on acid. After that i read aurelius' meditations, a book on astrology, and the bhagavad gita. And when reading the gita i had some serious flashbacks and ended up believing everything wholeheartedly. (After i quit doing acid i started having all these dreams with the devas) Shiva is particularly kind to me. But of Krsna i only dreamt once. Which was the day i first read the gita.
I can even enjoy the bible again. Christ definitely went to india and thaught yoga to his apostles. (Walking on water, johns revelation)
Christ was a really cool dude. He probably knew a bunch of other secret magic stuff. The pharisees hated him because christ dared study their doctrine and share it with the unwashed masses
I really need to stop smoking weed. Anyway thanks for reading my blog

>> No.15109976

Whos this artist?

>> No.15110003
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Law school textbooks and moving within politically active liberal circles.

>> No.15111080


>> No.15111085


>> No.15111104

Capitalism and schizophrenia, also DMT The spirit molecule

>> No.15111114

I became Catholic just by comparing the artistic output to other ideologies.

>> No.15111136
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>What book made
You don't get to embrace God, God embraces you

>> No.15111361

Learning about Orthodox Christianity
>*Tips fedora*

>> No.15111371

Caesar and Christ by Will Durant when I was 16 or 17 started me down the path.

>> No.15112724

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.15112729

What if I bring my cross through the other door and just throw it at that lizard beast

>> No.15112748
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>worshipping a jew instead of the god of my ancestors

>> No.15112796

What about those of us who aren't larpers?

>> No.15112819

I look at it this way: God's gift is always available to us, but not everyone is willing to accept the gift. I think calling the acceptance of the grace that was always there "embracing God" makes sense. Again, that's just my opinion though.

>> No.15112825

actually it was psilocybic mushrooms

>> No.15112847

My gf left me because I had no job so I became angry and decided to visit Catholic Church like anons told me now I'm fighting for new traditionalist revolution.

>> No.15112908

I watched a McKenna interview and came to the conclusion that the world cannot be as simple as I thought of it, even the complete projection of our own minds would only make it a mind. Can't really think of it as anything else, especially lesser anymore.

>> No.15113038

Whats the point for God to create us?

>> No.15113847

Same reason humans create children and art.
To share the Love in the Holy Trinity to us.

>> No.15113927

I'd say experience led me to books that helped me interpret my experience of God.

I had a near death experience and from there turned to the Tao Te Ching, the Upanishads, the Sutras, Saint Augustine, Aquinas, a summer at a monastery, and eventually the Bible and prayer and the esoteric and mystical writings of the Orthodox ascetics and hesychasts.

>> No.15113955

do mushrooms

>> No.15113976


>> No.15113988


>> No.15114016

Can you actually follow this are you just impressed by words like "fundamental theory of physics." I for one can't derive much meaning from this low poly graph, but if I was an eternal being, I'd be more than willing to bet this model is not at all accurate when/if we do find a "fundamental theory of physics."

>> No.15114026

What is that?

>> No.15114034

Based as fuck

>> No.15114040

Fantastic book. Nasr needs more discussion here

>> No.15114058

>JBP got demolished by a homeless Russian and turned himself retarded, forever blowing the BTFO the fuck out of himself
>now christposting is back in style with LARPing anons genuinely or ironically wishing for a spiritual surrogate daddy
I almost want JBP back. At least he was easy to dismiss outright.

>> No.15114091

>LARPing anons
I went to church today and prayed to the One True God. How does that make you feel?

>> No.15114107

Churches are all closed down you LARP

>> No.15114112

completely indifferent bordering on just fine assuming it kept you from shitposting for the duration unless you phoneposted in the pews, in fact you were truly doing God's work for just a moment, but see >>15114107

>> No.15114116

Its probably bullshit. Quantum physics are not finished

>> No.15114197

but gods of your ancestors isnt your god.

>> No.15114232

This guy doesn’t understand this stupid hypothesis probably

>> No.15114372

But God knows all the outcome unlike humans

>> No.15114396

Plato's Parmenides

>> No.15114476
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Science just proved we all live in a simulation. Your move christcucks

>> No.15114512

Bhagavad-Gita and the Upanishads

>> No.15114548

The regular cycles of the creation and dissolution of the universes are roughly equivalent to God's breathing in and out, it just follows naturally from Him being there

>> No.15114604
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This site

>> No.15114617


>> No.15114634

Literally the first page of the Bible. "He saw that it was good"

>> No.15114714

I don't claim my journey has come to any point of stability, like it were that easy, but William James, specifically Varieties of Religious Experience and Ralph Waldo Emerson's Nature were big helps in ditching immovable atheistic assertions. Humbled me greatly.
Other mentions would be some excepts of Kierkegaard and the Buddha. Oh, and Jesus, duh.

>> No.15114995
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He was a cringe idol worshipper.

>> No.15115109


>> No.15115453
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Nice, I wish you succesful fishing.

>> No.15115470
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But I worship God of my ancestors.

>> No.15115478
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You revealed yourself

>> No.15115742

Bhagavad Gita.

>> No.15116468

that man aint getting that cross through the door in without dragging it on the ground first

>> No.15117142

He's the Creator and desired to create us in His image to reflect His glory throughout Creation.

>> No.15117212

>fuck christcucks, i worship the gods of my ancestors!!!
>religion was crushed and crusaded out of existence hundreds of years ago
lel, larpers deserve the rope

>> No.15117236

>space big and nifty shapes dude science

>> No.15117368

This literally looks like complete nonsense.

>> No.15117385


>> No.15117457

So might makes right? Hope that means you worship the Free Hand of the Market like as a proper enlightened neoliberal

>> No.15117791

Has anything since happened? I have a friend who is a physics Phd student who says this guy is a larp.

>> No.15117831

you all got baited

>> No.15117854

Master and Margerita is pretty good desu.

>> No.15117938
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>> No.15117963

I read his blog post and followed most of it. Ironically, I just finished Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine, a lot of which was difficult gibberish. But then I got to wondering, isn't Wolfram, in a very bizarre way, saying the same thing as some of the ancient occultists? After all, esoteric teachings, especially Kabbalah, hold that above all is the Law. So maybe the ancients had it right, but just didn't know how to say it using math. I'm genuinely intrigued by this idea.

>> No.15119413


>> No.15119453

I am Zarathustra the Godless!

>> No.15119470

that's a good thing right?

>> No.15119494

His blog post puts things in semi-laymans terms for those interested


>> No.15119565

you were never an atheist if you were able to go back. you were just an edgy christcuck rebelling against daddy.

>> No.15119612

What if both my parents are atheists.

>> No.15119623

obviously. just gotta figure out how to hack the matrix

>> No.15119872

The Upanishads

Fuck Yhvh tho, he's not God. Semitic desert demon at best

>> No.15119913

>he's not God
What makes you say that?

>> No.15119934

Based aesthetician.

>> No.15119958

based gnostic chad

>> No.15119970

The end of the affair and the screwtape letters tbqh

>> No.15119972

>get to have a rave with a giant dragon with all your buddies
>all the autistic hermit weebo types desperately try to fit their big dumb piece of wood through a small door only to get a fucking wreath as a gift
Thanks, Jesus, I mean I could have bought this at Walmart but its fine for all the hard work.

>> No.15119976

>the fat fuck to the right would not have fit through god's door anyway

>> No.15119978


>> No.15120070


>> No.15120123
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The Silmarillion
>tfw you accidentally make a superior version of your own belief system

>> No.15120864

Is it based? Should I read it?

>> No.15121209

reads like the bible took acid, yes it is based.

>> No.15121239
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>light skin
>dark skin

>> No.15121718

Does it have a based theology behind it? Like sodomy is punishable by death, etc

>> No.15121791

Wolfram is looking for the Logos, or the foundational rule from which all things emerge

>> No.15121811

>on this sub
ok redditor

>> No.15121833

i have always been an atheist, but i had a "religious" period due to spengler, junger, and such garbage.

>> No.15121864

lol cringe Reddit atheist kys

>> No.15121900

This sounds like gnosticism with extra steps.

>> No.15122422

Me walking down the stairs and suddenly coming to the realisation of The One True God.

>> No.15122700

The best way to bring yourself closer to Him is through life experiences, your attempt at being pious, and reading what saints and what church fathers have to say about things. There are plenty of Christians who couldn't even read but are much closer to Him than any person in this world could ever hope to be. That's not to say to never read the Bible, but it's important to know the traditio of the Church. That includes the philosophy, customs, sacraments, and others which can enrich your reading of the Bible.

>> No.15122718

>second box near the top middle is a penis

>> No.15122743
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>I fucking love science!!!

>> No.15122757

That's not what theology means. It's the why on "sodomy is punishable by desth" kind of things.

>> No.15123092
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Book of New Sun, Long Sun and Short Sun by Gene Wolfe. Didnt really make me embrace it straight away but rather showed me the path.

>> No.15124004

>not realizing Melkor is both brightest and darkest of the Ainur

>> No.15124084

Eru the creator would rather we be free, whereas Melkor desires endless control over thought and the Hroa (soul) of life. The laws of Eru are simply; be chill, acknowledge Him as the source of all, and don't be a dick like Melkor, who is the ultimate dick for purposefully doing everything wrong to spite Eru. Think of Eru as Moot and Melkor as the ultimate Jannie. He does it for free, and he does it wrong simply out of a twisted desire to control people and life.