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15102309 No.15102309 [Reply] [Original]

Share blackpilling quotes

>> No.15102315

I know this girl who is like this. She is legitimately a psychopath and I hope someone shits on her face

>> No.15102329
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>> No.15102356

i hate women - me

>> No.15102370

If you truly and deeply believed most of the population is composed of p-zombies/npcs/walking-corpses/whatever then your comportment would probably also ressemble a psychopath's

>> No.15102376

Not unless I realized this at an early age and am now a professional zombie handler / mine craft architect

>> No.15102385
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>> No.15102397

>‘Start by expecting the worst!

>Act as if you did not exist!

>Act as if you were not free!

>Act in such a way that you accept the struggle you cannot flee from!

>Act in such a way that you never forget to imagine the end of all things!

>Act as if the apocalypse had already happened!

>Act as if everything were always already lost!

>Act as if you were dead!

>Act as if you were an inexistent woman!’

(Frank Ruda; Abolishing Freedom)

>> No.15102401

Where is the lie?

>> No.15102403
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if you know you know

>> No.15102405

Incredible. Liberals wouldnt get it though, or care

>> No.15102411
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>> No.15102413

Based. Women should be seen, not existent.

>> No.15102428

Just goes to show, CAPITAL GOOD

>> No.15102434
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Capital is bad you don't possess it

>> No.15102435

>Give up
>Die inside
Soldiers bs.
And you of course take that out of context

>> No.15102438
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>> No.15102481

kill yourself

>> No.15102482

So what though? Capital has done more for me than any human.

>> No.15102487


>> No.15102488
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Don't say mean words to her!

>> No.15102507
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>yes do what you want with your money private citizen

>> No.15102523

Yo I started reading and Life is Real Only Then, When 'I Am' and the dude just keeps saying how he’s about to explain his ideas and 50% through, has only told stories about getting in a car wreck. Wtf is gurdjieff on about? Does he ever get to his ideas? Am I reading his books out of order?

>> No.15102528
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>> No.15102533

Marx was a Stirnerian
Based as fug

>> No.15102534
File: 65 KB, 850x400, hitlerwasright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15102565


>> No.15102569
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>> No.15102602
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>> No.15102614
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bless you anon, it ain't over yet

>> No.15102623
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stop posting all this meme shit

>> No.15102628
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>> No.15102630

False flag

>> No.15102632
File: 48 KB, 850x400, quote-truth-is-a-pain-which-will-not-stop-and-the-truth-of-this-world-is-to-die-you-must-choose-either-louis-ferdinand-celine-33929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15102633

nah, even he'll forget me

>> No.15102650
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>> No.15102654

If only they had just said “we don’t like usury” but no.

>...to invade The USSR...

Or you’re thinking of the murders that you’re simultaneously proud of and deny ever happened?

>> No.15102657

stfu you vapid cunt this is so far above your IQ and knowledge you are worse than talking to a child/ You are just spewing diarrhea out of your face like always

>> No.15102664

Go invade Russia.

>> No.15102665

oh no not the poor jews :'(

>> No.15102698

The Holohoax didn't happen but it should.

>> No.15102699

Go suck shit and stop shitting up this board with your pseud idiocy 24/7 with your depreciate dried up cunt. I would offer to educate you but your vapid retardedness and inability to understand anything more complex than an 11th grade textbooks drips off of you like nigger cum so it would be pointless.

You don't care about knowing, or understanding or being right because you are a stupid bitch, you just care about running your mouth about things you will never understand for attention. I loath cunts like you in a place like this, a place where intelligent and educated people try to have some peace way from you fucking mindless morons but you useless sacks of shit follow us everywhere

>> No.15102703

>and he was right forrrrr.... thinking about doing it!

>> No.15102711
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>> No.15102720

yes he was, he should have wiped that rat race off the map

>> No.15102746
File: 580 KB, 639x669, naziOrigins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fighting fire with fire? I don't see your point, remember what?

>> No.15102747

>"What do you think, monks: Which is greater, the tears you have shed while transmigrating & wandering this long, long time — crying & weeping from being joined with what is displeasing, being separated from what is pleasing — or the water in the four great oceans?"
>"This is the greater: the tears you have shed while transmigrating & wandering this long, long time — crying & weeping from being joined with what is displeasing, being separated from what is pleasing — not the water in the four great oceans.
>"Long have you (repeatedly) experienced the death of a mother. The tears you have shed over the death of a mother while transmigrating & wandering this long, long time — crying & weeping from being joined with what is displeasing, being separated from what is pleasing — are greater than the water in the four great oceans.
"Long have you (repeatedly) experienced the death of a father... the death of a brother... the death of a sister... the death of a son... the death of a daughter... loss with regard to relatives... loss with regard to wealth... loss with regard to disease...
>"Why is that? From an inconstruable beginning comes transmigration. A beginning point is not evident, though beings hindered by ignorance and fettered by craving are transmigrating & wandering on. Long have you thus experienced stress, experienced pain, experienced loss, swelling the cemeteries — enough to become disenchanted with all fabricated things, enough to become dispassionate, enough to be released."

>> No.15102772

>and capitalism would have turned into a well oiled free market of grace!

>> No.15102795

>stupid bitch is talking about economics
You dumb cunt, that is such a minute aspect of any of this. Economics are simply a tool and in certain hands a weapon. As I already said this is far beyond what you can even process you are a like a downsy child. This is a war for survival to the last man woman and child. You have no clue wtf is going on in this world or why, and you likely never will because you never stfu or care about actually knowing wtf you are talking about

>> No.15102798

Replying to namefags should be a bannable offense.

>> No.15102826

I like primeval Buddhism best, where a radical pluralism is described, more in line with process metaphysics and hard physics. No soul, no self, consciousness a process to be ceased.
All processes to be ceased. Essentially, finding a way to dissipate heat more efficiently and help inertia. Stopping momentum.
Skandhas as part of that

>> No.15102836

Based. Journey to the End of the Night is a great book.

>> No.15103858

show me your bum my sweet bby girl

>> No.15103977


>> No.15103996


>> No.15104024

This sounds more like a cope than anything