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15101620 No.15101620 [Reply] [Original]

''I experienced that the Center of the Supreme Heavenly Abode was actually a place deep within myself and that the place of experience within was spawned by the Same. It was as if the entire creation was emanating from my Being and the radiance of an incredibly beautiful Light was spreading through the Sahasrar. 'It is His river of nectar flowing through the world'. A flow of liquid nectar was rushing through body and mind - waves upon waves. I heard the Onkar Sound, the Sound of Brahman - the thunderous Pranava resonance - the First Pulse of the creation of the Universe. Suddenly, my breath came back into the lungs. Oh, if I could only express how my heart was filled with disappointment. I cannot tell you. That Great Being of mine was completely gone. Again I came back and was imprisoned by this insignificant and miniscule physical cage - this thing that cannot contain that Colossal Person of the Atman. Like the prodigal son described in the Bible, I left my Immense Abode of the Cosmos, and again entered this tiny 'pot' of the body."
''with entry into the witness position, or with the 'falling into it', which takes different forms, but a most fundamental one is the falling from the head-based awareness to heart-based-Consciousness, one has total confidence in his identity as consciousness, but there us still a felt distinction from objects. One does not know they are arising from consciousness, but one has a basic wellness in Being, in identity as consciousness. With the collapse of the witness position, one then experiences no-separation with others, objects, and conscious. But there are still distinctions, or there would be no seeing.''

Hylics and dualist brainlets may skip this thread, need not apply thyself .

>> No.15101890

source of writing?

>> No.15101924

You ever see the distortions of a feedback loop from pointing a video camera at it's own output?
That kaleidoscopic pretty illusion is exactly the same kind of illusion as Consciousness.
Consciousness is attention trying to model itself. The act of modeling that the brain does all the time, which we attend to and call wakefulness, is a caricature. It is as much a liar when turned inward as it is when turned out.

Now, part of this you are understanding in your excerpt.
The implications however, are totally missed.

>> No.15101941

It is not pointing towards itself it is known by itself without projection , many mystics point this knower and known are one , it is intuitive understanding.

>> No.15101957

Distinction without a difference.

>> No.15102124
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Whenever I'm suffering from extreme anxiety for seemingly any reason, God appears to me as a ball of light that somehow communicates His utter indifference to all human concerns without speaking. Once I was shown a vision of hell, when I was permitted to turn from the light and stare in the other direction. This black, infinite chasm I perceived, itself communicated that it was what I really am.

This vision does end up fixing the anxiety, but God's lack of care for anything human was deeply disturbing, since I didn't understand how it meshed with Christianity. Eventually I came to the conclusion that it was right, just a very esoteric vision.

Has anyone else had this happen to them?

>> No.15102152

No, for me it was an endless ocean of creative power as if being in the center mind of creation

>> No.15102182

I suppose you can square the circle though. All that is happening is that you're having a good trip, and I'm having a bad trip. Except God is revealing himself. You're starting off from a position of being creative, so God shows you nothing but creativity, I'm starting from a position of anxiety, so God shows me his indifference to correct my fears.

>> No.15102290

I never did drugs , did u do drugs prior to it?
I go into depression/anxiety and doing so dissolve it and enter deeper experiences sometimes.

>> No.15102338

I have met God and she is royally pissed off.

>> No.15104087

She? Surely you jest

>> No.15104631

I didn't do drugs no, my use of the word trip is rhetorical laziness. I'm aware that drugs can be a shortcut, but I don't want temporary feelings.

I'm a Christian too, though now increasingly heterodox, since I no longer view morality as something that occurs in relation to God. God is instead this thing that only comes out in true repentance (which doesn't mean to say sorry, although it can be that, repentance is more like what the Stoics call acceptance, except it feels a bit like an apology, since the acceptance typically happens after an impossible attempt at control). But overall, God is not interested in human morality like most Christians believe, he's only interested in one being accepting of reality, or Himself, which is why the big virtues of the religion are things like faith, hope, charity, forgiveness, repentance, humility etc. Anything that seems to get at acceptance in other words; whether it's just a mental trick or something deeper, it's all about acceptance, self-surrender, or whatever, and that lets God into a world where he's normally excluded by our cravings and aversions that we dress up as morality -- the fruit of the tree of good and evil.

>> No.15104933

This wasn't my own but this is from my parents.

My uncle was going through a rough rough time. He got tinnitus and wanted to commit suicide. My father and mother spent so much time with him to help him out. After about a year things finally started to turn around.

One night, my dad had a dream that he was a beautiful and fruitful courtyard. In the midst of the courtyard were two very large dangerous lions. They wouldn't hurt him because they were his. He woke up and looked around. There was an ambience and a purple illuminating cloud on the ceiling. The ambience sounded like "large huge chimes". The cloud was purple and it illuminated the room. Then my father noticed my mother was awake. They kept asking each other what they were both seeing and hearing. Then she began describing the dream she was just having. It was the exact same dream my father was having. They feel peacefully asleep again.

The next day it was gone and we all began to talk about it.

A year later my dad was puzzled and was praying to know that had happened. The next morning as he was doing what he was does, he kept hearing a voice in his head. "Ezekiel Ezekiel Ezekiel". It confused my dad because he forgot what he was praying for. Finally he remembered. "Ezekiel 10, Ezekiel 10, Ezekiel 10". So it says...

Ezekiel 10:3-5 3 Now the cherubim were standing on the south side of the temple when the man went in, and a cloud filled the inner court. 4 Then the glory of the Lord rose from above the cherubim and moved to the threshold of the temple. The cloud filled the temple, and the court was full of the radiance of the glory of the Lord. 5 The sound of the wings of the cherubim could be heard as far away as the outer court, like the voice of God Almighty[a] when he speaks.

>> No.15105131

Who wrote this?

Very interesting. Thanks for sharing, anon. What do you make out of it?

>> No.15105187

Some atheist/theist schizo

>> No.15105216

Nice. This is, in my opinion, the really spiritual viewpoint to have on things, as opposed to the arrogant moralizing some people get into.

>> No.15105327

Yea, but I'm not sure I came to the conclusion that he doesn't care... what d you mean by that?

>> No.15105356
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>thinking there's only the choice between this duality

>> No.15105796


Absolutely its an amazing testimony.

After years of prayer, reading, the spirit of God helped me understand it alot more today.

What they were dreaming is what they were experiencing in the spirit while they were asleep. The garden/courtyard always means the presence of God and paradise. Paradise is where the presence God is, in the beginning it was in the Garden. The lions the saw in the dream were the Angels that were outside of their window. In the front yard.

What they saw when they were awake was the Shekina Glory. What was in the Holy of Holies in the Temple of the LORD. It is called the Glory of the LORD. The chimes were the wings of the Angels outside.

It seems that night, the LORD came to my parents bedroom I believe.

>> No.15105820

the point is to become synonymous with the group of processes that include the 'act of modeling' rather than allowing the act of modeling to build a 'caricature' for you to identify as yourself

>> No.15106628
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Well, I tried to get into the arrogant moralizing, but it backfired with the aforesaid consequences. I was willing to go along with it because I had little wit, therefore I was willing to believe that humanity just got it all wrong (it seems plausible enough), so if I could get it right then I'd get to see God face to face, and all my sinful habits would go away, and maybe I'd be reviled, but I would have everlasting treasure. I was a bit of a tradcath zoomer for a while, but I kept it to myself because I wasn't quite sure and I've always been discreet. When I actually saw God for myself, the whole edifice of religion crumbled and I barely picked up the scriptures for a few months thereafter, but I ended up relearning it all very quickly.

Overall though, I wouldn't say that I learned nothing. Outwardly I learned nothing that's true, but inwardly I gained the costly pearl of the Holy Scriptures. "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it." Matthew 13:45-46. My life is much much better now that I know the secret of living like a ghost, as St Paul says in Colossians 3:3, dead and hid in Christ. I'm a much happier person now that all my illusions have been killed by God's grace.

>> No.15106689

I mean this >>15104631
and this >>15106628
Also indifference is not "not caring" indifference might be considered a form of love; if someone you loved felt ashamed or guilty, wouldn't your indifference to the sin be a sign of beneficence?