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15097056 No.15097056 [Reply] [Original]

This is fucking retarded
>In the real world it is more important that a proposition be interesting than that it be true. The importance of truth is that it adds to interest.

>> No.15097096

This may surprise and upset you, but in real life (the conscious lives of human beings in both historical and biographical time) that is the situation.
The global situation is a glaring example of feels over reals

>> No.15097164

>philosopher: "x is y"
>you: "wtf he think x should be y"

>> No.15097223


>> No.15097253
File: 1.25 MB, 1800x1200, BB764DF1-4752-4961-9154-5BFFBD6146A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who do shit like this aren’t allowed into the library, try reddit normie

>> No.15097275

t. math illiterate brainlet

>> No.15097405

ought vs is retardo

>> No.15097434

What does that have to do with anything retard?

>> No.15097468
File: 148 KB, 768x1024, 67CB2F46-2255-4D06-A591-A54C619628F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the person trying to talk philosophy with me does shit like this “for fun”

>> No.15097496

you will never know because you can’t read

>> No.15098232

Is that true though?

>> No.15098239

whitehead was post-truth

>> No.15098592
File: 187 KB, 916x675, 1583803163109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds pretty based to me

>> No.15098692

>this is fucking retarded
welcome to the human race my friend - memes run the show

>> No.15098996

>feels over reals
that's not what it means

>> No.15099176

Oh really, how's that? How is it not saying that?

>> No.15100085

What makes you think this is retarded?

>> No.15100119

Holy shit youre retarded

>> No.15100174

Not the guy you quoted but he might have been saying it as a matter of fact statement rather than epistemogical. In other words, "it is what it is". We would have to check the context out.

>> No.15100249

because it is literally postmodern hooey

>> No.15100313
File: 157 KB, 310x350, 1578958301245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't go back to the sweet hypnosis. You have to live in the real world.

>> No.15100355

ok i got a pdf and found the context will just copypaste

A proposition has neither the particularity of a feeling, nor the reality
of a nexus. It is at datum for feeling, awaiting a subject feeling it. Its
relevance to the actual world by means of its logical subjects makes it a
lure for feeling. In fact many subjects may feel it with diverse feelings,
and with diverse sorts of feelings. The fact that propositions were first
considered in connection with logic, and the moralistic preference for
true propositions, have obscured the role of propositions in the actual
world. Logicians only discuss the judgment of propositions. Indeed some
philosophers fail to distinguish propositions from judgments; and most
logicians consider propositions as merely appanages to judgments. The
result is that false propositions have fared badly, thrown into the dustheap, neglected. But in the real world it is more important [396] that a
proposition be interesting than that it be true. The importance of truth is,
that it adds to interest. The doctrine here maintained is that judgmentfeelings form only one subdivision of propositional feelings; and arise
from the special sort of integration of propositional feelings with other
feelings. Propositional feelings are not, in their simplest examples, conscious feelings. Consciousness only arises in some integrations in which
propositional feelings are among the components integrated. Another point
to notice is that the physical feeling, which is always one component in
the history of an integral propositional feeling, has no unique relation to
the proposition in question, nor has the subject of that feeling, which is
also a subject prehending the proposition. Any subject with any physical
feeling which includes in its objective datum the requisite logical subjectst
can in a supervening phase entertain a propositional feeling with that
proposition as its datum. It has only to originate a conceptual feeling with
the requisite predicative pattern as its datum, and then to integrate the
two feelings into the required propositional feeling.


>> No.15100359

Evidently new propositions come into being with the creative advance of
the world. For every proposition involves its logical subjects; and it cannot
be the proposition which it is, unless those logical subjects are the actual
entities which they are. Thus no actual entity can feel a proposition, if its
actual world does not include the logical subjects of that proposition. The
proposition 'Caesar crossed the Rubicon' could not be felt by Hannibal
In any occasion of his existence on earth. Hannibal could feel propositions
with certain analogies to this proposition, but not this proposition. It is,
further, to be noticed that the form of words in which propositions are
framed also includes an incitement to the origination of an affirmative
judgment-feeling. In imaginative literature, this incitement is inhibited
by the general context, and even by the form and make-up of the material book. Sometimes there is even a form of words designed [397] to inhibit
the formation of a judgment-feeling, such as 'once upon a time.' The
verbal statement also includes words and phrases to symbolize the sort of
physical feelings necessary to indicate the logical subjects of the proposition. But language is always elliptical, and depends for its meaning upon
the circumstances of its publication. For example, the word 'Caesar' may
mean a puppy dog, or a negro slave, or the first Roman emperor.
The actual entities whose actual worlds include the logical subjects of
a proposition will be said to fall within the 'locus' of that proposition.
The proposition is prehensible by them. Of those actual entities which
fall within the locus of a proposition, only some will prehend it positively.
There are two kinds of pure propositional feelings, namely, 'imaginative
feelings' and 'perceptive feelings.' These kinds are not sharply distinguished, but their extreme instances function very differently.

>> No.15100377

OP is retarded

>> No.15100901
File: 30 KB, 740x493, yellingjoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a part of this tragic degeneracy so bad AAAAAAAAGHHHHHHH

>> No.15100912



>> No.15100940

good post

>> No.15100949
File: 7 KB, 192x263, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is fucking retarded
we tried to warn you...

>> No.15100972

fuck off

>> No.15101048

didn't read lol

>> No.15101058


>> No.15101533


>> No.15101630

It’s not really denying truth so much as talking about how people approach it. For instance take a look at how people choose to spend their time do you think if people valued truth over what was i interesting things like fiction or partisan mass media would have a market and a following ?