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/lit/ - Literature

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15092115 No.15092115 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ that explains why i don't want to work or contribute to society?

how do i remedy this? i might become homeless after i run out of money

>> No.15092124

Get disability payments and live with other people.

>> No.15092222

Because your ego doesn't have with it enough of a motive force to satisfy your ideas of success, you are like a lion that loses a fight every day. Each day you lose your mane. This means that your brain won't produce chemicals that are typically accompanied by social or economic success. This is called a rut, and your personality implies you will not get out of it. This predisposes you to substance abuse, and given enough time abusing substances along with the aging process you will become wholly incompetent. Luckily, this means that after many decades of suffering you will be a retard, and also unable to remember your previous egoistic perceptions. You'll have new egoistic perceptions, and you'll finally be happy to be a mail man.

Life is agonizing hell.

>> No.15092272
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what if i want a better society?

>> No.15092286

Dropout and live like a parasite. There is nothing in today's world worth living or striving for. Is a middle class life working 40 hours a week for some guaranteed asshole boss for decades worth it to you in today's housing market and overall environment? Is it worth having to deal with a bitchy, insane, moody wife whose opinions you probably care nothing about and will increasingly detest with age? Look man, I'm not saying it's a good idea, but if you are able to talk to people adeptly, have street smarts, have good savings, maybe live somewhere cheap like Thailand or whatever it could work. I recommend making your money autonomously rather than corporate jobs when it comes down to it.

>> No.15092288

idk join dsa like a fag or something

>> No.15092304
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i'd rather start my own thing, also it wont be in america.

>> No.15092352

You're distracting yourself. Your ego is clever and moves the goal posts before you can approach them.

For example, you can tend to think you are very tough, but will not do push-ups. Prove that you will do the push-ups of society before you try your fantasy, because your fantasy requires an even greater resolve than the basic tasks you are avoiding.

>> No.15092401

what if I had the same goal post since I was a teenager, and I still want to do that, and do only that or perish?
>but will not do push-ups
i don't think i'm very tough but i can do around 30 push ups. could increase it too.

>my fantasy
can only be fulfilled by men of a certain epoch. if it's meant to be I will succeed in coming close to my vision whether I fulfill my domestic duties or not

>> No.15092497
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holy cringe

>> No.15092508

You perceive society as something that didn't care much about you, which is not entirely incorrect. Why should you care about it in turn?

>> No.15092510

You could try tricking yourself into having the will to work

>> No.15092555 [DELETED] 

read cieron

>> No.15092565

there’s no reason to help when your life is meaninglessness one the grand scheme of things. You don’t have a tribe to fight for.

>> No.15092597

Read Cioran

>> No.15092610


By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will. - Genesis 3:19

>> No.15092652

I think you are vastly underestimating how deceptive the ego can be.

>> No.15092673

Can i still try achieving my wildly unrealistic dresm?

>> No.15092693

The Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.15092703

You’re a ineffectual fag, just pick up some Marxist literature and seethe at society for not handing you a good life

>> No.15092723

Sure bro fuckin go for it, but you may not possess the internal fire required. That's my estimation.

>> No.15093210 [DELETED] 

wew lad

>> No.15093236

buy credit cards off the dark web to buy gift cards to trade for cryptocurrencies and live off those

>> No.15093544

I'd rather plan a perfect heist and rob a jewelry store desu.
If I might end up in prison it should be for something big.

>> No.15094974

meh you'll end up working anyway. I thought from the OP that you had no willpower at all

>> No.15095104
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