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/lit/ - Literature

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15089346 No.15089346 [Reply] [Original]


>When I spoke to Corbyn in advance of this year’s Bloomsday – 16 June, the day in 1904 on which the events of Joyce’s Dublin mock epic are set – he recalled first reading it in the early 80s while travelling round Europe and north Africa by train. “A very great Irish friend of mine told me 15 years or so before the journey that I had to read Ulysses. It was the perfect company on the train journey, which was endless.”

>Corbyn’s love of the novel is part of his broader interest in Irish literature and history. As far back as school he was influenced by Cecil Woodham-Smith’s classic account of the famine, The Great Hunger. Later he read James Plunkett’s Strumpet City, centred around the Dublin lock-out of 1913-14 and the horrifying poverty of the times.

Was Jeremy Corbyn the most /lit/ political leader we've ever had?

>> No.15089408
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Is it impossible for him to make a comeback?
New Labour’s pushed him aside?

>> No.15089454

>Was Jeremy Corbyn the most /lit/ political leader we've ever had?
Obviously not. Gladstone read a crazy amount, something like 20,000 books in multiple languages

>> No.15089542

>corbyns fantasy land
He was living in a fantasy alright same for all his delusional supporters
>current prime minister studied classics
>excelled at Ancient Greek and Latin
>can recite The Iliad
Why is OP such a pleb? And bojo isn’t even the most /lit/ political leader of the UK

>> No.15089582

>offended tory shows up to kick people around
Dismantling of the NHS working out for you and your community, dear? Numbers low yet?

>> No.15089592

What does this have to do with /lit/?
Go to >>>/pol/

>> No.15089599

Stop trying to shove some stupid political debate into everything butterfly just because you’re bitter populist far left wing politicians are getting btfo in the UK and US

>> No.15089646

Get in the sea!

>> No.15089658

Isn't Boris even more /lit/ than Corbyn? He knows ancient Greek.

>> No.15089691

And knows how to screw people over without giving a care. Laughs about it in fact.

>> No.15089692

he recited the illiad from memory, he based

>> No.15089742

What does this have to do with /lit/?
Go to >>>/pol/

>> No.15089808

We were talking about what Corbyn has read and then some butt-sore tory barged in here to explain some sociopath learned another language.
As if you didn’t already know.

>> No.15089844

>Isn't Boris even more /lit/ than Corbyn
>And knows how to screw people over without giving a care. Laughs about it in fact.

>> No.15089871

The leading question of this thread is "Was Jeremy Corbyn the most /lit/ political leader we've ever had?". That is an invitation to disagree and argue for other political leaders being more well-read. Not an invitation to have a political circlejerk about Jeremy Corbyn.
The main focus of this thread is politicians relationship to books, not the politicians and their politics themselves.
If you want to be political, go to /pol/

>> No.15089883

Boris is an amoral scumbag who's pretty well-versed in old bullshit and views life as a jolly rout to get whatever he wants.

an utterly pathetic fat cunt, but not in the lit way.

corbyn has principles and cares about things like the dignity of normal people so clearly not lit either.

sorry, your lit dad isn't in uk politics

>> No.15089884

>man who did classics at university can recite choice parts of the Iliad
Neat, but not that strange.

>> No.15089897

See >>15089871
butterfly seethes anytime somebody remotely challenges an opinion he shares. Studying classics and knowing Ancient Greek and Latin is as /lit/ as it gets regardless If it’s Boris Johnson or fucking Stalin. Stop being so butthurt all the time

>> No.15089905

Get in the sea

>> No.15089909
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>Boris is an amoral scumbag who's pretty well-versed in old bullshit and views life as a jolly rout to get whatever he wants.
Sounds pretty /lit/ to me

>> No.15089916

>Studying classics and knowing Ancient Greek and Latin is as /lit/ as it gets

yeh no

reading the wikipedia page of the bell curve is as /lit/ as it gets. get real

>> No.15089922
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>says butt-sore
>greentexts butthurt

>> No.15089929 [DELETED] 

cope more monolingual tranny

>> No.15089932

Kek can’t argue with that
>has no response
Here’s your (you)

>> No.15089936
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Blocks your path

>> No.15089954

Angela Merkel is well read

>> No.15089969
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>Britbong politics thread
Just because your Blumpf and Bernie Sanders equivalent have read books doesn't make your shitty thread on-topic

>> No.15090158

>Doesn’t get Stirner
>Hasn’t read

>> No.15090318

>He was living in a fantasy alright same for all his delusional supporters
You remember back in 2017 when he almost managed to dislodge Teresa May's lead? feel free to throw a load of "cope" (you)s my way, but there have been so many documents that have come to light highlighting just how much of a effort there was within the labour party to stop him getting into power. Given this knowledge, and also the fact that he actually manage to gain seats at that election, what makes you so sure his chances of winning were a "fantasy"? The blairites wouldn't have reacted so strongly against him if they thought he didn't have a chance.

I will admit, however, up against Boris it was always unlikely. In terms of charisma and public appeal, there's no question that Boris is the stronger candidate.

>> No.15090473

>there's no question that Boris is the stronger candidate.
That’s just crazy. I’ll take your word for it though.
You’re probably from the UK

>> No.15090853

nope. corbyn and sanders represented the last remnants of the old left and marxism. white male relics stuck in the 70s, and tired tropes about muh working class, when its increasingly clear the real conflict is about identity and culture. those woke college educated lgbtqia leftists hate middle america, they don't care about economics, the main problem they see with society is that YOU are not being humiliated enough, persisting in reading books by dead white males instead of keeping up with teen vogue and the latest diverse YA. seriously go to any leftist space online and you will see 80% is taken up by narcissistic trannies. They are unanimously petulant, whiny and ideologically conformist, these people all hate themselves, reject any notion of virtue or self reliance and their only goal is to drag others down to their level. they might pose as rebels but really they are weak, complain ceaselessly about their mental illness rick and morty reddit basedface depression and anxiety, easy quarry for the propaganda of the leftist establishment, their politics nothing more than identity driven consumerism. and somehow they believe they are better than you and have the right to dictate how you live your life.

meanwhile the real elites: labour or DNC zionist stooges with pedo blackmail on them, they will sooner loose to 'the right' on purpose rather than allow any significant change in the status quo. and the 'radical' left will always line up behind them when the time comes. I'm not saying 'the right' is any better but at least they piss off leftists

>> No.15091144
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>> No.15091264

bookchin's ideas could never be realised by americans, far too narcissistic a people, the closest they can get to anarchism is lifestyle posturing, basically liberalism but more obnoxious, the kurds were getting somewhere but didn't they get steamrolled by turkish nationalists?

>> No.15091507
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>what makes you so sure his chances of winning were a "fantasy"?
Not him but the loss of almost the entirety of Scotland (which used to vote mostly labour) to the SNP killed labours chances of another victory, without those seats they have little chance of gaining a majority without the conservatives doing almost unbelievably poorly. Had the SNP not existed at the time of May’s election that reduced her majority, Labour may well have won.
>That’s just crazy. I’ll take your word for it though. You’re probably from the UK
Boris was a very public figure in the UK for some 20 years before his election (his presence as a journalist and then his tendency to appear on comedy panel shows willing to make a fool out of himself made him very appealing compared to most politically active Brits), consistently very well-liked by much of the country. His long tenure as London mayor cemented him as a crucial figure in British politics (especially his strong association with the 2012 olympics, which were a huge point of pride for the UK due to success of management as well as success in the events themselves, those successes became associated with Boris), he’s so good at charming middle class people that even my very left wing parents who have never voted conservative like Boris. I grew up watching his political career and it’s rare a politician has a presence as strong as him, Theresa May was fairly unknown (by people without much interest in politics) even when she was Home Secretary before she became the PM, everyone knew who Boris was 15 years before he became prime minister. People compare him to Trump but that isnt fair because Boris is an actual politician, Trump was prominent publicly prior to his election but I don’t think anyone expected him to be president until he was almost certainly going to be the republican candidate. seeing Boris as PM feels as though it has been built up to for almost my entire life, how many Americans knew who Obama was before the 2008 election campaigns? I’d think very few. Boris’s victory isn’t a shock because it had been expected to happen eventually ever since he became mayor of London

>> No.15091525 [DELETED] 

You're the worst trip ever. Get off this board, tranny.

>> No.15091532

Ah, so he is MUCH more /lit/ than Corbyn.

>> No.15091563

>You’re probably from the UK
Indeed I am. Unfortunately Boris is seen as a "character" and that always wins over the average voter more than actual integrity. He was mayor of London despite London being a particularly left-wing city. The fact that he didn't even show up to any debates at the most recent election and still totally fucking wrecked labour is a clear indication of his widespread appeal. And almost dying for his country from COVID-19 is also only going to make his ratings go up. You have no idea how bad things really are...

>the loss of almost the entirety of Scotland (which used to vote mostly labour) to the SNP killed labours chances of another victory
very true. Also the problem was only compounded in the subsequent election when Farage stood candidates that may have unseated tory MPs. Labour is totally up shit creek at this point

>> No.15091641

the COVID storyline feels like a welcome addition to the rest of boris' cartoon adventures. heads of government or state function more as hyperreal cartoon avatars of their countries than advocates of political platforms. If you are a little paranoid you might start thinking that bolsonaro or boris getting hospitalised for covid wasn't some sort of PR photop simulation cooked up by a vladislav surkov wannabee in their administrations, of course they didnt actually catch the virus. If you are very paranoid, you'll know all the leaders of the western world are CGI simulations acting off scripts written by BlackRock's AI

>> No.15091690

At this point, I would readily believe that Bernie Sanders is just a journeyman/fall guy who sucks up millions in donations for the dems from willing younger voters and gets them on board with the idea of voting for fucking lizards like Clinton or dementia patients like Biden. Boris Johnson is definitely real, but I think Cummings is just an AI chatbot that is constantly being fed every bit of information scavanged from the internet and spits out "radical new ideas®" for the tory party. Brexit referendum? Designer babies on the NHS? Herd immunity based on the wrong epidemiological model? yes please!

>> No.15091716

Boris is just kind of likable, even if you don't agree with his politics.

I do hope he gets that free movement/free trade zone going between the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. He's talked about it for a while and it seems like destiny now that Brexit has happened.

>> No.15091718

Fucking delete this thread janny it has dropped all pretence of being /lit/ related in the slightest, it is just a dumb thread about British politics

>> No.15091720
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Long suspected by wsws/sep (neo-Trotskyists) and I tend to agree. Also never fully trusted Gabbard.

But lets have one more looks at Tulsi’s caboose

>> No.15091750

>gets them on board with the idea of voting for fucking lizards like Clinton or dementia patients like Biden

He's failing miserably if that's the case because they're definitely not doing it

>> No.15091752

Game theory in the loosest sense of it can be thought of as an esoteric doctrine that applies recursively to itself. That's why the sects of secrecy in deep state cold war american think tanks like RAND served as fertile breeding grounds for all sorts of 'game theory'. This also means you don't actually need to know what the fuck you are doing as long as you keep making allusions to game theory

>> No.15091791 [DELETED] 

The DNC aren’t seriously trying to win though. They’re paid to lose. Obama is just some feather in their cap and they all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw how easily corruptible he was.

>> No.15091839

holy moly if I was american I would 100% vote for that ass

is it any wonder when they literally have sociopaths like this working for them?

Based, I'm ignorant as fuck, its about time I start my own consultant firm and join in on the 5D chess

>> No.15091865

>taking someone seriously when they have a twitter and identify as an activist

>> No.15091886
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/lit/ is a british and continental European board

Retarded Americans are not welcome

>> No.15091902

Boris acts and speaks so consistently stupidly(I'm not even be political just watch him) that I have to imagine whatever he knows was crammed into him for the sake of social capital without a shred of actual appreciation. Oh he's part of the British political class by birth? Well study something posh and smart sounding since you'll get connectioned where you want to go after graduating anyway.

Corbyn I can easily believe actually liked Ulysses.

>> No.15092102

Tories are scum

Labour Blairites are evil beneath contempt, what the fuck do they actually even believe in

>> No.15092120
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My fucking God, the seething in this thread. How many Corbynite pinheads are in here? How asspained are you all? God save England. God save the Queen.

>> No.15092134

No seething, more just depressed resignation. I take it you skimmed the entire thread?

>> No.15092146

The bits of Ancient Greek poetry Johnson quoted on the spot on BBC Radio recently to sound smart he didn't even get the Greek right
The man 100% watches Hollyoaks on the TV in the Travelodge room after shagging some bint he's shoved £100,000 from the public purse to

>> No.15092147

>what the fuck do they actually even believe in
getting labour into government

>> No.15092170

>worst election results since 1935
The one thing corbyn will go down in history for kek. Oh and look what a surprise butterfly man is still seething kek how does it feel that corbyns been replaced by a bunch of blairites? That Bernie just endorsed a neolib lmao

>> No.15092179

>just depressed resignation
That’s even more pathetic. Get over it nobody wants an incompetent paper bag in office

>> No.15092207

As I had been expecting for years. In 2016 I didn’t even expect the DNC to let him win.
New Labour and the Tories are just like the DNC and the RNC. Two headed monsters.

>> No.15092213

conservatives care more about protecting nonces than protecting tradition.

>> No.15092225
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There’s no representation in DC or parliament. Subvert them. Start with the cash system. Replace it with non accumulatives

>> No.15092254
File: 57 KB, 576x436, 4DAF2B89-EA58-412A-A5F6-E393ACF4CD34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look yet another leftist pseudo revolutionary who still partakes in consumerism and enjoys the fruits of a capital-based system

>> No.15092262
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Oh wow. This one again.
Why waste our time with it again? How old are you?

>> No.15092266
File: 373 KB, 543x591, CC8DB683-2E3A-4E44-A990-5129714B1CD1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe you just don’t like democracy because it never goes the way YOU want it to

>> No.15092273

Did I say I wanted Corbin in power? What is the point in coming in this thread if you’re just going to gloat and ignore any discussion?

>> No.15092274
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No, I love democracy. We ought to try it sometime.

>> No.15092276

>a simplistic comic makes me right and totally doesn’t make me a hypocrite
Get over it butterfly why are you always so upset over everything, did you seriously get that much of a shitty deal in life lmao

>> No.15092306

>petty thread about which political leader is most /lit/
>lots of people seething at the mere suggestion boris is more /lit/ because he’s trained in the classics and speaks Ancient Greek and Latin
>expects anyone to take the thread seriously
Come on now and before you ask yes I have read the thread, I was here earlier. There’s no real or thoughtful discussion happening why would I waste my time trying to start some at the end of the thread at 4:30am? What thoughtful discussion have you started?

>> No.15092320

Americans and British people that seriously suggest they don’t live under a democracy, albeit flawed ones (what happens when you allow government to grow too big along with corporations huh), are amazingly out of touch

>> No.15092339

>pretty well-versed in old bullshit
>Greek epics to the average labour subhuman

You animals shouldn’t be allowed to vote

>> No.15092348
File: 47 KB, 828x621, DEB20FB9-FD9A-4020-8754-CBE3A38AC2C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trolling and off topic posting outside of /b/ are reportable offenses

>> No.15092363

Sadly every other thread on /lit/ is off topic. Fags who don’t like /pol/ or /his/ come here to dump their shitty threads

>> No.15092364

>first few posts are about “who is more /lit/“
>rest of thread is entirely unrelated to that topic that you clearly haven’t read
If you don’t want to have a discussion, don’t post in the thread, and go the fuck to sleep. This shouldn’t need explaining to you, but midwits will be midwits.

>> No.15092368

>get DESTROYED in elections after betraying the populace
>t-there’s no representation, r-rebel

>> No.15092376
File: 164 KB, 1334x1328, 11285EC7-16E8-491B-8D70-EEE4A062A248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Report the person off topic posting the most

>> No.15092379

This. They’re bitter self-superior class-obsessed emotional retards. Pretty ironic considering that’s exactly how they view everyone that either doesn’t agree with them or just so happens to be materially better off than them

>> No.15092392
File: 222 KB, 600x598, A5219B7C-4E98-42B9-B504-F42D96354E23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooo how dare you shitpost in a shitty off topic thread you have to take it seriously
>get the fuck ouuutttt

>> No.15092400

lol tranny

>> No.15092413

>betraying the populace
Like everyone want the NHS left alone, but the two political parties and the Beeb don’t give a fuck, and you’re going to pretend there’s nothing fishy going on?
Ruddy yoke

>> No.15092416
File: 321 KB, 650x690, 6133F633-1D9A-42C2-A9BB-647FE6255CAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean butterfly? I don’t understand why the jannies won’t ban him yet he shoves his shitty politics into every thread. Maybe they’re afraid it’ll drive him to suicide

>> No.15092420

Obviously not you had a leader who won the fucking Nobel prize for literature.

>> No.15092423

>buying into all the drummed up crap about muh nhs getting sold off to muh corporations
You should read more, try looking at the fine print and beyond guardian headlines before forming such a strongly-held yet utterly retarded and misinformed opinion

>> No.15092433

>corbyn has principles and cares about things like

things like filling the country up with ethnics!

>> No.15092434

You think a fag like op or any corbynite has the capacity to appreciate Churchill? Guarantee you nobody else in this thread actually knew that despite it being mostly British people plus some assblasted tranny

>> No.15092452
File: 44 KB, 620x381, B33AB42C-BA4E-44A7-A0C3-6FF8EAC47446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What? Read The Economist

>> No.15092457

Except the newly-leaked report shows that that's the one thing they absolutely didn't to happen and were actively plotting to sabotage their own party to stop Corbyn from winning

>> No.15092468

No you could actually read the policy reports retard and not just some tabloid crap. Or what are you going to claim they’re all fabricated too now?

>> No.15092470


>> No.15092471
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When it’s about politics I communicate with you on the topic.
Poltards and r9ktards pollute the board, not me.

>> No.15092474

>party officials are not allowed to privately dislike their party leader in whatsapp messages
Why are corbynites and far left fags always so anti-democracy? Also
>worst results since 1935
I think the people were pretty loud and clear on that one

>> No.15092476

You pollute the board too. What you don’t understand is that half of your posts actually do belong on /pol/. This entire off topic thread belongs on /pol/ reported it hours ago but of course shitty mods are ueseless on /lit/. Was surprised to actually come back and find it still up

>> No.15092577
File: 68 KB, 606x342, 2A9203A5-30D0-436C-B99B-DBD7F44A8025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I didn’t name names as announcing specific reports is against the rules. All I’m saying is, if you notice a pattern of someone posting off topic garbage and trolling be sure to report them for the sake of board quality.

>> No.15092594

See >>15090853

The left wing parties in western nations care more about open borders and divisive idpol than they care about the working class. This is why you lost and will continue to lose.

>> No.15092613

Will do good anon

>> No.15092666

I don't trust politicians who read.

>> No.15092860

>you lost
No, dummy. We’re all losing, and I’m telling you as much as this. I already know. They’re corrupted, like everything else, by capitalism. That the lynchpin to this whole mad world. The wholly spiritual qualities of money.

I nam saging this on page three, fyi

>> No.15093264 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15093280
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>> No.15093561
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There is no we. I will accept nothing more than right wing populists in power. Everyone else is my enemy.

>> No.15093728

They have no reason to make such a deal

>> No.15094016

No, labour is a complete lost cause and are more damaging to the left than anything. The left needs to give up on electoral politics all together. When has it ever worked?

>> No.15094137

Nonsensical. Are you Stonetoss?

>there is no populace
>only ME and my need for a big strong daddy!

Thought as much. Hope we have real revolts soon.

>> No.15094146

What do you think the point the comic is trying to make is

>> No.15094174

Corbyn doesn't read. All his closest friends/allies say they are struck by how little interest he takes in reading. His ex-wife said she never saw him pick up a book.

>> No.15094190

>Gladstone read a crazy amount, something like 20,000 books in multiple languages
That doesn't make one "/lit/", it means he'd have impressed a lot of people on goodreads.

>> No.15094206

That the people complaining about capitalism are in fact the benefactors of capitalism (the rich) and are looking for lackeys of the belief that they will correct the injustices in capitalism. This is through the comparison to feudalism.

It's one of the most painfully dumb things I've seen and interpreted in a long long time, you should spend some time reflecting on why on earth you wanted to defend it.

>> No.15094214

>I do hope he gets that free movement/free trade zone going between the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. He's talked about it for a while and it seems like destiny now that Brexit has happened.
Why do you think any of these would ever take part? I feel like there are a number of vocal Boris/Brexit supporters that are vocal enough that they appear intelligent to idiots, but are still like <90 IQ wise.

>> No.15094227

I guess he didn't skim through the Wikipedia pages of Stirner, Joyce, Hegel, David Foster Wallace, Guenon, Evola, Spengler, Zizek, Land so I guess he isn't /lit/ after all

>> No.15094233

>Guenon, Evola, Spengler ... Land
Wow, someone likes their pleb philosofus to rub shoulders with some pretty important thinkers huh?

>> No.15094244

he was listing /lit/ memes you autist

>> No.15094247

They're all memes, that's the joke

>> No.15094249

>/lit/ memes
You were forcing pleb memes some more and are now so buttflustered you're samefagging.

>> No.15094259
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>> No.15094284

You made an error in assuming the image targets critics of capitalism in the general sense, rather than particular (apparent) critics of capitalism (what we might call peddlers of radical chic, etc.) One of the prevailing truths of cultural criticism is that capitalism has no aversion to selling criticism of capitalism.

>> No.15094290

The point being the ancient Marxian dogma that well-meaning bourgeois cannot be depended on to reform capitalism -- liberals are a revolutionary force right up until they aren't.

>> No.15094292

You're confusing the left with liberals again.

>> No.15094312

It does target them in the general sense, that's the problem. It's the belief vs reality side of things, in the original strip the peasant is really an everyman and the criticism is laid at the ready made criticism that one cannot criticise capitalism while also participating in it because something something hypocrisy. That's about as general as you can get. That within capitalism some people (a tiny minority) are in some way "selling" criticism is immaterial as a point of comparison.

>> No.15094354

The idea is that the original comic strip is dishonest in depicting the “hypocrite” as a common peasant, because the point it is trying to refute is one which criticises the paradoxically exploitative lifestyle of certain critics of capitalism—peasants under feudalism, and proletarians under capitalism, are not the targets of these rhetorical attacks. Obviously it is referring to a certain kind of critic of capitalism, who derives ostentatious material or social benefit from the status quo. These people’s broadcasted revolutionary sentiments are, under Marxist analysis, insincere. Their economic self-interest, the fact they are gluttonous beneficiaries of capitalist exploitation, prevents them from having any truly revolutionary role. They are not dependable. Their words mean nothing.

>> No.15094375

>peasants under feudalism, and proletarians under capitalism, are not the targets of these rhetorical attacks
They absolutely are. Moreso than those receiving benefit for it. I'd like to say get out in the real world more and don't just get it second hand from the media, but the amount of times I've seen op ed pieces saying things like "and they had their PHONES and their COFFEE which they BOUGHT WITH MONEY" about random protesters or members of a movement, it's one of the tiredest tropes aimed at the common man there is.

>> No.15094379

Your mind is a cliche

>> No.15094389

I bet you felt like Wilde coming up with a line like that.

>> No.15094397

Crying? I wish I was wilde I'd rape you bitch. you seem like one of those humourless """""""""left-of-centre""""""" FREAKS whose politics consists entirely of reacting to online stimulus... nooo not the conservatives op-eds aaaaaaah

>> No.15094411

>FREAKS whose politics consists entirely of reacting to online stimulus... nooo not the conservatives op-eds aaaaaaah
I mean not only was I thinking about physical print media, I've also seen such criticisms in places like the Grauniad. What a reaction you've had though! What the hell!?

>> No.15094418

Sorry you've activated my beast mode form

>> No.15094426

Moar like breast mode (because you're a total boob)

>> No.15094431

you're cute

>> No.15094446

Nigga, even the biggest dope pre-20th century knew a bit of Ancient Greek if he went to school.

>> No.15094456

no, Corbyn barely reads books.

he's a small-brained politician who only ever opens a book that he knows will validate his own beliefs. reading Ulysses and Irish literature in general is only his way of validating his own prostration at the altar of the IRA and his self-loathing towards anything British.

>> No.15094466

>his self-loathing towards anything British.
That's very British tho.

>> No.15094472

self-deprecation and self-loathing are two different things.

>> No.15094474


This is such a sad cope.

>I dislike this person, hence he must be dumb despite evidence to the contrary
>I like this person, hence he must be intelligent, based on the exact same type of evidence I disregarded for the other person

>> No.15094483

Only if you want them to be.

>> No.15094500

Boris has been wearing the mask of The Fool since his mother died as a young boy. No one knows what he's like behind it, but many people close to him suspect he's a literal Hellenic pagan with monstrous ambition.

>> No.15094501

>thread still up
>go to bed
>thread still up
lmao I guess you can still make off-topic political threads if you mention a politician's favourite book, huh

>> No.15094508

>who only ever opens a book that he knows will validate his own beliefs
I smell projection lmao. the nigga just likes his irish history damn, I'm surprised this needs explaining to you but Ulysses is pre-IRA

>> No.15094517

Probably more likely that the janny is a Corbyn sympathiser. Which would make sense with the kind of shit that's regularly allowed on this board

>> No.15094544

what does that matter? Joyce was an advocate for Irish independence, hence Corbyn attaches himself to that author purely for political clout. everything Corbyn does is done to define and validate his political stances. You never hear him talk about literature more broadly, or reference any other great authors, which is strange as you'd think someone who claims to enjoy Ulysses would have a lot more to say about literature more generally.

>> No.15094633

based, books are for intellectuals who need to be purged

>> No.15094636

Threads barely ever get deleted on /lit/. /lit/ has had little janny or mod presence for years. It doesn't really need it though, the board is slow anyway.

>> No.15094642

Funnily enough the /lit/ threads I've seen actually been deleted have been the high quality ones with interesting conversations

>> No.15094650

>Joyce was an advocate for Irish independence
read Emer Nolan's book on the subject, Joyce's relationship to Irish independence is far more complicated than that. It's not as black and white as you think

>everything Corbyn does is done to define and validate his political stances
Literally the case for any politician ever.

>> No.15094671

>Literally the case for any politician ever.
Not Trump, who doesn't have political stances.

>> No.15094678

True. But then again its questionable whether he can even read.

>> No.15094737 [SPOILER] 
File: 45 KB, 480x390, 1586863786405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Labour management blatantly discussed how they could lose the election to prevent a Corbyn government. The Democrats, for the second time, sabotaged Bernie (not to say that he isn't a thrall to the party).
It is clear the establishment will do everything in its power to prevent a change to the status quo.

Social Democracy's focus on electoralism is a dead end. The Labour party in Britain is not a typical social democratic party insofar as it let all its institutions/infrastructure crumble while it focused on electoralism. All the sports clubs, the working men's clubs, the venues, the youth clubs - they all disappeared over the last 50 years. They were completely hollowed out to being a electoral machine. The abandonment of the dual strategy, that is, trying to win seats but also creating bases of resistance in communities, will only lead to defeat in the long run.

Time to organize. Time to READ.
Time to return to Lenin!

>> No.15094778

Social Democracy's wins for the Left in the West over the past century: Numerous, helping to shape society as a whole and forever

Marxist-Leninism's wins for the Left in the West over the past century: Zero, contributing not a single thing to history

What "return"? Western Europe and North America is not 20th century Russia or China, and it never will be. The same prerequisites for revolution are inapplicable here

>> No.15094813

>All the sports clubs, the working men's clubs, the venues, the youth clubs - they all disappeared over the last 50 years. They were completely hollowed out to being a electoral machine. The abandonment of the dual strategy, that is, trying to win seats but also creating bases of resistance in communities, will only lead to defeat in the long run.
Not wrong. When politics is not liberating it seems to be the dream of the oppressed to elect oppressors.

>> No.15095166

How about combining social democratic electoralism with French Proudhonist syndicalism

>> No.15095393

>The Democrats, for the second time, sabotaged Bernie (not to say that he isn't a thrall to the party).
Appealing to low turnout voters isn't sabotage.

>> No.15095421

Absolutely astonished that people actually believe this.

>> No.15095423

Its pretty based he got that far without going to uni but thats fairly unlit

>> No.15095451

If you can watch Boris Johnson in public for five minutes and not think he's retarded because he has a degree you genuinely are a complete and total housebroken sheep.

>> No.15095531

Read this article. A good insight into the kind of man Boris really is
If you think he's a retard you've not been paying attention

>> No.15095612

>remember when he was 60 seats away from getting a majority against one of the weakest leaders the Tories have ever had?

>> No.15095941

>dignity of normal people

>> No.15095989

Remember when they called that general election to get a "mandate" because the Tories were supposedly a shoo in? You only know she was weak in retrospect, Johnson would have been the weakest in history for you as well had he acted the same but the electorate had acted differently.

>> No.15095995
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Yes, a very balanced source of information.

>> No.15096019

>reading for "balance"
Nobody does this. If you can't freely read left-wing, right-wing or centrist writings without autistically screeching about how it doesn't conform to your opinions, you are genuinely thick as shit. You should be able to read anything regardless of its general opinion.

>> No.15096063

ur daft m8

>> No.15096290

I mean have you read >>15095531
It's one of the tweeest fairy tales that has ever been penned. It is so unbalanced as to have fallen into a chasm of nonsense and is too bloated to ever rise again, yet has been presented as "the man Boris *actually* is". Jesus.

Ee bah gum.

>> No.15096379
File: 93 KB, 640x1602, A9C4115E-4767-4C2D-9D01-B97A13742A2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A lot of radlibs do infest leftist spaces, though I think even a lot of them mean well. They are amenable to changing their priorities, because a lot of them do care about the working class movement and they glorify old revolutions and the labor movement, which wasn’t so dominated by useless bohemians. Many of them have been changing into more serious people as they get tired of the failures of cyclical meetings with the same people and protests and posting online that does nothing. With each successive loss they grow more unsettled with the prevailing state of affairs among leftists.

>> No.15096500

They're just in a phase and will grow out of it before too soon and will turn apolitical. Leftism is just aesthetics. I mean they call each other "comrades" for fucks sake, if that's not indicative and wide-scale larping I don't know what is.


This is who they are. The fact they legitimately think a genuine revolution is going to happen is just delusional.

The US needs social democratic changes, but it doesn't need 20-30yo larpers who adopt communist symbols as a part of their identity and blame everything in vague Capitalismus.

>> No.15096560

classical Marxism was all about the disciplinary function of the factory drilling industrial workers into a revolutionary army. readily adopted by capitalist modernisers who liked the industrial army part while rejecting revolutionary eschatology.

Marx's theology: of hegelian ultimately alchemical and hermetic derivation Maybe the actual revolutionary potential laid in 'petty bourgeoisie' artisan resistance against industrialization. Even revolutionary eschatology relied on ambient christianity. Modern leftists are narcissists, they loudly reject christianity and 'western' culture, but really they have merely replaced religion and community with identity politics formulas, psychiatry, and pop culture consumerism. they represent the most corrosive aspects of capitalist culture and individualism rather than an alternative to it. hedonistic, petty, deeply ashamed of themselves and lacking in solidarity or fellow feeling. they are mass produced victim-patient-consumer units.anyone who cares about preserving their autonomy would do everything to avoid leftists or elgeebeetees as self evidently toxic people.

>> No.15096701

>Marx's theology: of hegelian ultimately alchemical and hermetic derivation

man becomes self conscious spirit becomes God, but marx adds after and only after being reduced to nothing through the industrial system. You can't meaningfully criticise the industrial system if you also view it as your salvation. Corbyn Sanders supporters are a less sophisticated version of early german social democrats as soon as we get 51% of the vote(and why shouldn't we?), then we'll have instant 'socialism'. At least the SPD was a mechanism of mass socialisation that gave the workers a shared identity and taught them good bourgeoisie family values. modern leftists do the same in reverse, its like they want to help the capitalists along breaking down what little remains of organic solidarity. They have for the most part replaced the worker with that happless victim, the queer or the marginalized hminority. They show nothing but contempt forworking class or lower middle class values, their ideal is that ofthe eternal adolescent they want to believe their consumer choices are revolutionary, notice how they have pretty much forsaken all criticism of consumer culture?

>> No.15096709

leftists are liberals but even more so.

>> No.15096791

we need a party that is economically leftist but socially 'smash cultural marxism'

>> No.15096896

it should be legal to kill condescending 20 year old lib retards

>> No.15097028
File: 142 KB, 712x533, squad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which are you?

>> No.15097038

Why would anyone care about working class swine?

>> No.15097066

This is how your posts end up looking when you watch too many Peterson YouTube videos

>> No.15097711

I'm not a leftist because I prefer to think for myself rather tha consume disingenuous propaganda made by elite pedophiles and narcissistic illiterate trannies. I prefer to read whatever interests me rather than read ideologically compliant texts distinguished only by the 'identity' of the author. leftist elites are hypocrites, the leftist base are marks, why should I listen to people who obviously hate themselves are mentally ill and lack any sense of community? because that's what being a leftist means nowadays

>> No.15098725

what does raab have to do with the king david hotel bombing?

>> No.15099049

another lovely laschpost

>> No.15100224

You're going to need define "leftist space". Are you defining left-leaning politics by American standards, or the rest of the World in which people who are left-wing are considered to want change, regardless of its morality? I would consider /lit/ to be a leftist space, because there are a lot of people here that would like change, and the people on /lit/, and I don't see any "narcissistic trannies". Can you prove the 80% statistic? I want you to really dig deep here, and show me a thread-by-thread analysis of even a single leftist space. Reddit's a good example. Go to r/videos, and show me all of the narcissistic trannies. Also, your post ends with Reddit spacing, so it appears you're all too familiar with leftist spaces as it is.

>> No.15100301

How are these illiterate trannies writing and reading? Are they having help from men who read but also happen to dress in women's clothing? Are the elite only men, or are some of them women? Surely a woman dressing in women's clothing can't be considered a transvestite? You spend the first part of your post grouping leftists together as trannies, pedophiles and narcissists, and the second part saying that they lack a community. Which is it? How do you measure whether a text is ideologically compliant? What does ideologically compliant mean? Wouldn't a book written with a right-wing slant be ideologically compliant to a right-wing world view? Are you saying that you only read works that disagree with the very viewpoint they claim to espouse? I think the good people of /lit/ are just aching for more of your educated wisdom.

>> No.15100388

They just want you to look it up and pass on their "sekrit no-lej". Ooh, how ARG and fun their politics is, I sure m convinced!

>> No.15100414

You are too bilious to even begin to read these things properly.

>> No.15100730

Johnson ran a skilful campaign, May ran a terrible campaign

>> No.15102204

>A brit trumping an Irish classic
I'm laffin