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15082962 No.15082962 [Reply] [Original]

-hated being born a woman since before I can remember
-get extreme guilty pleasure out of reading stuff like Schopenhauer on women even though a lot of it is clearly biased
- looking for genuine quality misogynist literature

>> No.15082969


>> No.15082975

confusing bate

>> No.15082982

Then tits or gtfo.

>> No.15082985

i think op is a tranny who enjoys being degraded

>> No.15082987

Weininger and my diary desu

>> No.15082999

Has to be a confused tranny with a weird sexual fetish. I won't believe otherwise until I see timestamp

>> No.15083004

h-hey, are you a gril? show bobs pls

>> No.15083008

just read /pol/ threads

>> No.15083034
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Femanon, let me lick your feet?
What's your race? White? Are your feet pink?

>> No.15083045

weininger is a genuinely good suggestion, thank you

>> No.15083052

most crime thrillers are misogynistic

>> No.15083099

Esther Vilar too

>> No.15083117

op have you seen a psychiatrist? do you have gender dysphoria or some kind of trauma that causes this? this isn't normal...

>> No.15083133

Most Burroughs' books are misogynistic
Got some other reccs but you must show bob and vagene first

>> No.15083140

Don't let your self hate reach the same level his did

>> No.15083147

mein ningger

>> No.15083148
File: 50 KB, 334x500, 500_F_14293856_dtG1QCs4YErwV4w9wuT522hXZc8wKCXo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are being silly by asking 4chan of all places. There is no value to your fucking sex no matter what people here might tell you. All that matters is yourself. Are you doing you?

This place is full of insecure pieces of shit and you know that! They see a chance to bolster their own ego by preying on your weakness. You are being masochistic by confirming your own fatalism. You knew your insecurities would be stirred by equally insecure pathetic manchildren. You came here to wallow in self pity. 4chan works that way, if not for "females" than for virgins or "midwits". You need a thicker skin and stop being a pathetic worm. Be a WOMAN! Nobody is innately worth more or less than yourself, it is hard to realise this in world full of competition but it is true on a metaphysical level. It is the smallest baby step to self realisation, before that you are doomed. So stand up straight and have some self respect

>> No.15083166

just read /lit/ lmao

>> No.15083178

lmao women are such memes

>> No.15083199

Is this bait?

>> No.15083201

>I need reasons to justify how shitty I am


>> No.15083217

show puhssy

>> No.15083250

Hating being a woman is normal if you're cursed with being thoughtful and intelligent as a woman. Nobody thoughtful or intelligent can seriously dispute the fact that women, in general, are frivolous hedonistic retards, happy slaves, and a bunch of other things which are not just morally awful but vividly repulsive to anybody with normal human levels of self-respect. Any woman who somehow becomes conscious immediately has to deal with a body that wants her to sink back into it and resume being unconscious, a society that wants her to revert to being a braindead baby with a sex hole, and is literally incapable of recognizing anything she does outside of this framework, and worst of all, she has to deal with other women, who act like antibodies and try to neutralize her.

Men are worthless retards who can't even see a woman unless she's being a retarded child, a nagging mother, or an exploitative coquette whore parasite stealing their money and/or satisfying their fetishes. Other women are evil shrews who hate anything that makes them feel unconsciously ashamed of being parasites and slaves of men. Whereas an autistic ugly weird man will be honored for achieving something that has nothing to do with his social capital or physical appearance, a woman could cure cancer and discovery cold fusion and she would still be primarily evaluated based on "is she cute gurl?" penis lust and condescending normie "clap because a girl did it" herd instincts, so that no one will ever just look at her achievement and appreciate it except obliquely as an accidental byproduct of scanning her physical form to see if she's young and has big tits.

There is no currently known escape. All you can do is keep trying to achieve things and be the best person, male or female, you can be. Keep holding onto hope that eventually mankind will be able to suppress the sexual instinct, and extend women the same privilege that they extend men, the privilege of always having the choice to renounce being a popular tall person with cool hair and instead be a person with a soul, that is to be evaluated on your soul and not on anything related to your physicality primarily. Even the lowest grimiest most autistic man has this privilege, but women still don't have it, and everything seems to conspire against women developing it, even other women. Especially other women. But that's why it's all the more important that the initial sparks of this movement be carefully cultivated, so they can one day be stoked into a flame.

>> No.15083277


>> No.15083348

>Hating being a woman is normal if you're cursed with being thoughtful and intelligent as a woman


>> No.15083404

I am dead serious. I also told the same thing to the selfhating "shitskin". Just replaced the words. It applies to all people who have troubles coping with their "predicament". I believe it is weak and juvanile but can be overcome. If this insecurity is not overcome you will never even approximste self realisation. Most people never do in their lifetime. If all people did, the world would be a better place. Just my personal philosophy

>> No.15083441
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Mishima hated women so much he became gay

highly recommend Forbidden Colors

>> No.15083447

Chopping off your dick doesn't make you a woman, anon-kun.

>> No.15083494

>Nobody thoughtful or intelligent can seriously dispute the fact that women, in general, are frivolous hedonistic retards, happy slaves, and a bunch of other things which are not just morally awful but vividly repulsive to anybody with normal human levels of self-respect.
Replace women with people and you're back at square 1 bucko

>> No.15084189
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Your guilty pleasure seems still too shallow.

Read more until you identify with the thing-in-itself underlying all genders, all life, all physical beings.

Labor and discover, to your relief or your horror, whether you will shed attachments to your individuality and embrace oblivion, or whether you will cling to the illusions of "woman" and "man" and "self."

>> No.15084231

You're correct, but women don't want to achieve anything of worth. They want to get their holes filled by cocks and treated like fucktoys. How do you respect someone when you know that the deepest desire of their heart is to be a cumrag? Women are a joke.

>> No.15084312

this is why I date dominant women

>> No.15084314

Based. I pay thousands of dollars to have them walk over me and whip me.

>> No.15084328

You have to pay them to put on an act because there are no women that are naturally sexually dominant.

>> No.15084381

started off based but then turned cringe by the end

>> No.15084427

Interesting, could you explain some more how Mishima was gay cuz he hated women? Not sarcastic just genuinely curious

>> No.15084437

The Iliad

>> No.15084611

There is no more unbiased a thinker than Schopenhauer. What are you talking about, filthy whore?

>> No.15084622

I hate women.

>> No.15084973

Unironically based

>> No.15085042

i don't think about women

>> No.15085055

post bobs and feet

>> No.15085626
File: 320 KB, 2000x1334, 0_o_CecdO13YfwMPO8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


read Confessions of a Mask

Briefly - he was sickly child raised by an overbearing abusive grandmother. His resentment towards woman and femininity in general is present throughout all his work. Concurrently he very obviously fetishized masculinity and violence.