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15082526 No.15082526 [Reply] [Original]

What comes after post-modernism?

>> No.15082531
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>> No.15082535


>> No.15082542

quantum analytic epistemology

>> No.15082551

I come sincerely to car crashes. Post-modern cumming is insincere and escalates excessively.

>> No.15082554
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>> No.15082577

post-modernism was a dead end which was retro-actively refuted by Hegel

>> No.15082578

>What comes after post-modernism?
The realisation that Wittgenstein (and to an extent Feynman stem-lords as well) was 100% right.
Philosophy is mostly now just intellectual masturbation and philosophy should really have ended with the 20th century.

>b...but m...muh political philosophy is necessary
Nope. We are moving towards a post-scarcity and post work society; therefore a post-politics society.
By 2150 we will have complete automation and now scarcity of resources. Everything will be done by machines. No resource scarcity, no dispute over resources so no politics.


>> No.15082589
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the collapse

>> No.15082594
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What is a /sci/fag doing so far from his home board

>> No.15082629

>What is a /sci/fag doing so far from his home board
Philosophy had its time. However, technological and scientific developments means that a lot of the philosophical questions asked from Epicurus to Nietzsche are now either answerable through the scientific method or will eventually become irrelevant.

In the future the disputes in modern philosophy will be taken about as seriously as today we take the medieval philosophical debates about whether angels have physical sex or whether the dog-headed people of the East have souls.

>> No.15082632
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>> No.15082636
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leaving the cave

>> No.15082655

You don't think people will find something else to bitch about like religion or just start bitching about the past? Oh well maybe we will be living in globohomo technocracy by then so maybe we won't be able to.

>> No.15082667
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>> No.15082677

>angels have physical sex or whether the dog-headed people of the East have souls.
kek unironically this is still more important then most philosophy

>> No.15082709
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>> No.15082726
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>> No.15082742

post-nuclear wasteland

>> No.15083073
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HUGE fuckin titties. Like, honkers you wouldn't even believe

>> No.15083076

Hypermodernism. This pandemic is already a mark of it.

>> No.15083082

O-oh boy!

>> No.15083084

Who tf is this slag???

>> No.15083094

We just go back to modernism but with redefined terms. See the contemporary American left which does indeed believe in a grand narrative of the progress of history and actively attacks people for not conforming to its projected future.

>> No.15083106

Jonathan 'Mr Difficult' Franzen

>> No.15083120

>I come sincerely to car crashes
Hi Ballard

>> No.15083124

Which Wittgenstein was right?

>> No.15083184
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>> No.15083196

Monist genre. I'm already working on it, dw

>> No.15083209

Nope I've got it >>15083196

>> No.15083214

Post-post-modernism, obviously. What else?

>> No.15083273

Something retarded that will probably get a retarded name like "actualism"

>> No.15083291

What is hypermodernism?

>> No.15083328

There is no post-modernism to begin with.

>> No.15083386

This. It asserts nothing and so it is nothing

>> No.15083399

That's not how the world works

>> No.15083408

Meta nihilism

>> No.15083414


>> No.15083706
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>> No.15083913

What was Wittgenstein right about?

>> No.15084066

Fucking accels.

>> No.15084099

>Philosophy is mostly now just intellectual masturbation and philosophy should really have ended with the 20th century.
Philosophy did end with the 20th century.

> We are moving towards a post-scarcity and post work society; therefore a post-politics society.
By 2150 we will have complete automation and now scarcity of resources. Everything will be done by machines. No resource scarcity, no dispute over resources so no politics.
How can you honestly believe this?

>> No.15084100

Wittgenstein was based, but you're not. Man will never be satisfied. At the bottom of his existence is endless want. Read Ecclesiastes.

>> No.15084107
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>> No.15084112

You clearly have no conception of philosophy, modern or medieval. I would venture as far as to guess that you’ve never actually read an ounce of philosophy.

>> No.15084125

This question makes no sense as you’re asking what comes after the epoch defined by its relation to the modern epoch. Everything after modernity is simply post-modernity.

>> No.15084178

Actualism was the philosophy of Giovanni Gentile

>> No.15084205

There is nothing that comes after post-modernism. The cat has been let out of the bag and man is left to suffer indeterminable and only subjective meaning at the whims of the masses until fate provides a hard reset. Perhaps there could be some kind of melding of past with present given the precipitous decline of fossil fuels or something, fundamentally rearranging our way of interacting with the world but even then I don’t see how post-modernism lets go of whatever grip it can keep hold of. Russia will be the leading center of culture and influence in the future by the way.

>> No.15084230


>> No.15084239

I’m pro-scarcity, though.

>> No.15084241

>Quasi-illiterate culture will lead the future of art

>> No.15084256

Neoschizotypal fractal pre-postironic “realism”

>> No.15084272

The end of the cycle, followed by the cataclysm.

>> No.15084516


>> No.15084520

Primitive futurism

>> No.15084587

Actually I will expand on this.
Post-modernity's acid bath has no refutation on the horizon. A skepticism towards meta narratives, an overindulgence in irony and the use of the nebulous "social conditioning" to explain human behavior will continue into the foreseeable future.
We are now on the cusp of deep acceptance of post-modernity's implications on a total level. The last remnants of the people who found it disruptive have almost been completely replaced by people who we born in and molded by postmodernity. They have no beliefs to begin with, so there is no real room for iconoclasm. Irony is default, ontological assumptions are all postmodern in nature. There are no more existential crises because no one has the "revelation" God may not exist and they are alone in the universe; they are born assuming this. What will consequentially follow is the implementation of art and policy in the era of true nihilism- the deep delve into the true potential of postmodernity, and its subsequent reorientation when there's nothing left to dip in the acid bath. Criticisms of modernity have nothing to compare it to, accelerating the pace of which its new functions are embraced. When criticisms or deconstructions of modernity themselves become anachronistic, we emerge into hypermodernity: Postmodernity without memory of modernity

>> No.15084591

Like modernism but moar

>> No.15084925


>> No.15084962

It is all panem et circenses friend.

>> No.15085064

manufactured sincerity. look at the wellness industries, self help books, and all these "wholesome memes" that zoomers keep worshiping.

>> No.15085067


>> No.15085521

Self farts snifferism

>> No.15085685


>> No.15085716 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15085722 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15085727
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You're so wonderfully naive

>> No.15085748


>> No.15085797

>future of art
Future of art? What future or art? Art is purely subjective today.

>> No.15085808

post humanism, everything else (especially fascism) is a larp at the end of time

>> No.15085824

will we ever go back to the Long 19th Century and the undisturbed belief in human progress bros?

>> No.15085834

Where Modernism is the realization of the primacy of form, and Postmodernism is the realization of subjectivity of experience within the form, Hypermodernism is the actual substitution of the subjective for the objective. In hypermodernism we are unable to distinguish perspective from reality. Hence every perceived slight is a grave insult in actual fact, deserving of the harshest punishments, and other extreme-moral-solipsism of modern world.

>> No.15085974

He was sentenced to 23 years in prison. So who cares.

>> No.15086191

Who wrote this

>> No.15086227

We already have, you are just on the wrong side of history now.

>> No.15086240


>> No.15086372

Presumably this thread again.

>> No.15087161

Modernist Revival

>> No.15087186

Ok. But it’s not 2150 right now and we are not living I. A post scarcity society, so what is your point? If philosophy is obsolete when that happens and we are not there yet then philosophy is still useful.
And here I’m just using your incoherent logic. I personally disagree, but at least make your argument non contributory, by saying philosophy WILL be obsolete instead of IS.

>> No.15087244

Neo-post-modernism? Or maybe retro-post-modernism?

>> No.15087719

Neo-modernism >>> neo-colonialism

>> No.15088245

Quantum meme.

>> No.15088268

Best thing would be to escape the machine world, but keep some essential tech like the interconnected network (in optical fiber, not 5G) and surgery. The rest can be thrown away.

>> No.15088370

a communist revival would be the only genuine movement from the unraveling of late capitalism's end of time delusions. i don't see fascism recurring like it did before. Siege and ecofascist psychos will get wiped out by neoliberalism which would transition itself into a weird bastard neofascism, if it hasn't already in some places

>> No.15088571
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Rebuilding Hyperboria

>> No.15088751

Positivism has been refuted

>> No.15088770

You? How should I know?

>> No.15088796

Dear God... why did somebody do this? Why did I recognize it?

>> No.15089023
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Post postism

>> No.15089435


>> No.15089559

The Fempire

>> No.15090701


>> No.15090729

You die

>> No.15090746
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We should just return to the greeks. Prove me wrong.

>> No.15090884
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>> No.15090910

Ah, so it is you who they call 'Nietzsche's last man'

>> No.15091360


>> No.15091464

I'm intrigued; tell me more about this "hyperdegeneracy".

>> No.15091498

Reading this made my blood boil. Who the fuck do you think you are? More importantly what the fuck do you actually know? Nothing, so shut your mouth.

>> No.15091521

>Man will never be satisfied. At the bottom of his existence is endless want.
That's literally a good thing though, and may motivate us to fly off this planet before the sun engulfs it, thus saving the human race and immortalizing us in the stars.

>> No.15091635

What is this?

>> No.15091645

Like Bataille?

>> No.15091953

Good coochie will always be scarce and have robust competition

>> No.15092300


>> No.15092412
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>> No.15092431
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fuggin ribs man

>> No.15092464

yeah I wear a target dress when I go to target

and you know it’s my dress cause I got it at target

my shoes an my dress got em both at target

and if you tryna mess we goin outside target

all target eythang all target eythang (4X)

a birthday dad is a birthday occasion

step in line to the checkout least ragin

scanner shut down but dads stay agin

barcode price check hurts when they page em

red shirt uniforms all upstagin

Fred Durst rearrange em

all target eythang paid freemason

>> No.15092467

Why are men such cucks? Scientifically it is irrefutable that women are the more dominant, the more intelligent, and they’re starting to wake up. Just look at women’s height vs men’s. You think men are taller? Give it 10 years and women will be the larger of the species, just like the animal kingdom.

Men will bow down and kiss the feet of the Goddesses who will rule earth and they’ll thank them for the opportunity.

>> No.15092492 [DELETED] 
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fempire soon, ladies

>> No.15092501 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15092543

people who look beyond post-modernism probably don't understand post-modernism. you have to understand modernism to understand post-modernism. also post-modernism isn't something that there's another stage after. it's the stage at which the big other of History has collapsed, along with all other "meta-narratives" which gave meaning and order. this trend is just continuing into chaos.

>> No.15092612
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spectaclism. Nothing matters, life is just a movie where your eyes are the camera. Everything is humorous and entertaining to some degree whether it's based on some deep rooted ironic tendencies or that it's actually engaging to to view. In an instant you can turn it to any genre of film. Action, comedy, horror, pornographic all with an internal switch. Schizophrenia is the norm but who cares? More characters for your life's film.
Genuine emotional response is gone in favor of analysis or downright forgetfulness. Your experiences are entertaining to others so you must share them. Conspiracies are real because they are interesting.

>> No.15092661

I don’t think anyone really disagrees with this and seems to me kind of the (very oversimplified) idea underlying thinkers such as Martin Heidegger, who himself is sort of the inaugural grandfather of post-modernism. The problem is that we don’t exactly have the conditions to simply “return to the Greeks” nor could we ever really “return” to anything.

>> No.15092676

An Aristotelian naturalism that realizes man has a nature and tries to create cultural constructs which best manifest his ideal potential.

>> No.15092705

Communication networks are arguably the worst culprit though. They’re probably the single largest technological contributor to the rise of group think and dominance of the herd. The consequence of something like the internet is the standardization of interactive experience with reality.

>> No.15093515

It goes:

New Sincerity
New Aeon

>> No.15094251


>> No.15094257

>What comes after post-modernism?
I cum

>> No.15094273

Serious answer: The problem was generated by labeling early 20th century arts as "modern" because inevitably something would come after. "Post-modern" is an ugly makeshift solution that can't last.

The solution will probably lie in re-labeling "modern" as "20th century" and re-suing "modern" for 21st century art. (That's what happened with early-19th century "modern" then "romantic" art and literature.)

>> No.15094316
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Jungian Psychedelic Fascism

>> No.15094866

This is unsustainable. Our society is upheld by institutions that cannot function under this universal nihilism. Post-scarcity is at least 100 years away. If this becomes true, it guarantees the future is just reactionary traditionalism.

>> No.15094874

Don't put lipstick on a pig, it's called narcissism.

>> No.15094881

Wow! 16 replies I'm keeping this as a pasta

>> No.15094916

post-hyper-neo reactionary anti-hypermodernism