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1508098 No.1508098 [Reply] [Original]

Books/Authors that changed your political views?

For me, I would have to say Nietzsche. He brought me out of my former socialist mindset and introduced me to an objectivist point of view.

>> No.1508110

The Fountainhead.

enjoying my enlightened self interest.

>> No.1508112

inb4 edgy 16 year old objectivist

>> No.1508119

Down and Out in Paris and London and Nineteen Eighty-Four

>> No.1508128

>implying Nietzsche was an objectivist

>> No.1508129

the one with the rabbits and the talking seagull

>> No.1508131

He was a proto-objectivist, where do you think Rand got her inspiration from?

>> No.1508134

IIRC Rand claims fairly strenuously that she wasn't inspired by Nietzsche

of course it's a ludicrous claim but whateve

>> No.1508145

Peter Oborne's the Triumph of the Political Class really kickstarted my distrust of modern politicians. While I disagree with much he says I do accept the idea that people in politics are a class in themselves with more in common with each other than the rest of society.

What I disagree with is that he believes the Labour party is solely to blame and that it's something absolutely new.

>> No.1508155

Fucking Karl Marx. Communism is a fucking Xa$h and B0$$ and underground politics and its fucking beast. Commutism is fucking edgy as tits. Kim Jung-il is fucking brilliant. did you know he invented the hamburger and the greedy capitalist western cunts took all the credit?

>> No.1508161

I havent read rand and probably never will, since im past the age of 17. Ive read Nietzsche though and he is no more objectivist then a socialist. Nietzsche could inspire one to believe just about anything though. It is a matter of interpretation I suppose

>> No.1508165

no she doesn't

The first edition of the Fountainhead had Nietzsche quotes at the start of each chapter.

>> No.1508203

You pretentious literati are funny; to you, there is only one way of interpreting Nietzsche, and that is when you interpret him as a leftist. All other interpretations are false.

What makes you think that you are correct in interpreting him? You could just as easily be the one misinterpreting him.

>> No.1508234

I think Nietzsche sets the stage, but I don't know if I'd call him an objectivist/proto-objectivist. Though it's true he argued selfishness has more extrinsic value than altruism, that's alongside suffering, inequality and other things Rand et al would rather not have.

>> No.1508247

Perhaps I wasn't clear. I don't interpet Nietzsche as either.
Interpretations of Nietzsche are bit paradoxical.
Nietzsche viewed interpretation has a power position.
I.E. You power structures tell you how to interpet Nietzsche. (Universities).

Nietzsche viewed everything as a power structure. He never valued one power structure over another (socialism or objectivism). He just saw them as power structures.

>> No.1508416


This man speaks the truth.

>> No.1508423

>I havent read rand and probably never will
snobby pseudo intellectual faggot who gets all of his opinions from lit detected