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15080680 No.15080680 [Reply] [Original]

Write about a dream you've had recently, or share a captivating piece from your dream journal.

1) In Italian city. Im in a large church attending the wake of a stranger. I have anxiety over the votive candle which I have lighted, for I'm not sure whether it's to be placed near the altar, where a solo vocalist is chanting, or the rear of the church, which is congregated by the other worshipers and mourners. I place it somewhere out of sight near the latter, hurrying to leave without notice, but someone from the congregation stops me and says that it's placement would likely cause the whole church to go up in flames.
2) I'm in bed at the condo. During my (real) sleep, I had been waking up frequently in the night, and this felt just like another one of those times. In this dream, I believe I was thinking about the previous dreams I had, which I thought I had just woken up from. I looked out the bedroom window, and instead of seeing the second wing of the building, I saw the bay, stormy and with funnels of tornadoes everywhere. I was witnessing clods of earth from the other side of the bay be picked up by the tornadoes and thrown like projectile towards the condo window. The sound of them hitting the bedroom window was at first very light, but soon there became a real threat of the window breaking.
3) Also in condo bedroom. I had a lightnight that was molded to represent Christ crucified. I plugged it in, turned it on, and it exploded due to the high wattage, popping out of the socket and landing, in flames, on the carpet in my room

>> No.15081270
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I haven't had a dream in a long time, I only have 3 written in my dream journal.
The first was the 14th of January, 2020, I had to do some kind of test in a white room upstairs. I was supposed to have my own sit, just like in highschool, but for some reason I didn't, so I sat in the first chair I found. There was a lot of old people for some reason, and there was a cute girl with glasses reading Infinite Jest, I tried to talk to her but she didn't answer, just nodded with her head. I finished the test and looked at the girl, but she was a very old lady now, and I wasn't surprised or anything, as if that was perfectly normal.

16th of January, 2020. I've never played volleyball, but for some reason I was in a volleyball team, the politicians ran a marathon and my team couldn't play because I wasn't wearing any red clothes.

The last one was much more "normal", I was being attacked by spiders in my bed.

>> No.15081344
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I was going to meet some friends at a subway station. I set my bag down near the platform and some kid stole it. I chased him down endless hallways of fluorescent lighting until he went through a door and when I followed I found myself in an African Savannah. He was huddled in a hut and I went and dragged him out and beat him sneslees and pulled out a knife and said "I could stab you! But I don't want to." Then it was like I was in a movie and my father started narrating a story called The Lost Lions of Azimuth, these glowing gold lions who had been around since the Ice Ages. Then we flew around the world and saw all of history and humanity's achievements unfolding around us, with the pyramids being a built and the hanging gardens rising and falling,