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File: 74 KB, 662x900, EVXzRT5XYAA_W9K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15076186 No.15076186[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't you save me dad?

>> No.15076215

I bet she cleans a mean room if you knwo what I mean

>> No.15076224

Why the fuck is she so obsessed with posting selfies while dressing nothing but underwear? If Peterson can't educated his own daughter, how can he educate anyone else?

>> No.15076225

Honestly, she is actually doing a good job of embodying her dad's philosophy. That's basically the female equivalent of "lobster dominance hierarchy". She is thotting herself out for social power. That's the end game of Peterson's reductionistically darwinistic weltanschauung.

>> No.15076229

Have you ever met a young female with a smartphone?
That's their culture now

>> No.15076232

God I wish that were me

>> No.15076232,1 [INTERNAL] 

Good point.

>> No.15076248

But Peterson wanted "enforced monogamy"

>> No.15076254

wtf that fascist

>> No.15076259

the internal contradictions of his system are probably what caused his mental/emotional breakdown

>> No.15076263
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How to get grills who look like this?

>> No.15076264

shut up

>> No.15076267

you completely misrepresent his point about how society enforces that couples usually only involve exactly two people
Shame on you

>> No.15076277

Social status. Those are social status gold diggers.

>> No.15076281

Make a lot of money and post pictures of yourself with luxury goods on social media

>> No.15076328

You know he's right. We all know that he's right. The very fact, that all you could find as a reply was telling him to shut up, is more than enough proof.

>> No.15076414

>Eats literally nothing but beef
Imagine the smell......

>> No.15076439
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the excuse is to show how healthy she supposedly is, and how well she has recovered, thanks to her meat diet

>> No.15076460

does she really?

>> No.15076464


>> No.15076511

Owen stop posting your crush

>> No.15076518

He didn't spank her enough as a kid, now he really wants to spank her, but he's a bit shy since he didn't do it when she was younger. He even has to work up the courage to talk to her sometimes. "Well Mikhaila, your mother and I were wondering if you were going to remain with Andrew." "What I want to do with my body is my business. un un un, if I want to date Bisexual Porn Stars than that's my business. I'm a free woman old man." Then he debated Zizek and shit his pants. "Well communism is bad because Marx didn't understand stand human nature." "I don't want to call you a fucking idiot.... But what Marxism have you ever read?" Then his wife died. "Oh boy, things are looking rough. Good thing I have my Bible and Dostoevsky." "Why do you interpret them so retardedly you pathetic Jewish puppet?".... Then he realized he was a fraud, went to Hungary and started crying and the Jews got mad. "Doctor, you're a bad Goyim." "Oh boy oh boy oh boy," Then he became a drug addict, and his daughter moved him to Russia while he was unconscious to be closer to the Gay Pornstar and they experimented on his brain, and he woke up 30 pounds lighter and 6 inches shorter, and he realized he was a pussy that kept getting bossed around, so he decided to ask Mikhaila's boyfriend for advice, and the Boyfriend gave him advice from two books he read called 12 Rules for Life, and Maps of Meaning. Jordan then read the two books, realized he wrote them, and decided to write a third book. Then Mikhaila went back to her husband, and Jordan's wife was resurrected. The End.

>> No.15076544

If I had her stomach AFTER giving birth I'd probably show it off too

>> No.15076545
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>> No.15076576

personally I'm not gonna judge a person who's youth was exclusively extreme pain when she becomes an attention whore. How can you really be surprised.

>> No.15076591

Read Sex and Character by Otto Weininger

>> No.15076645

I'm not misrepresenting him I just quoted him

>> No.15076654
File: 205 KB, 640x730, 1579694027964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amazing how balloons helium long..stay..

>> No.15076724

>Think she has a bunch of negative dietary reactions and health issues, hence her diet.

>> No.15076754

educated women post selfies in scanty dress all the time now bro that's just being young haha

>> No.15076766
File: 339 KB, 559x322, HPL_Crackerman2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then who was phone

>> No.15076819

Her room looks cleaner than his

>> No.15076906

chill dude

>> No.15076978

There is literally nothing wrong with showing off your body. Better than keeping it hidden until you are old and then there is no point

>> No.15076984

shitty bait

>> No.15076996

To your husband, sure. And only on days where you aren't bleeding and thus ritually impure.

>> No.15077012
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How do I avoid having my future daughter become like this? Is instilling a deep fear of God into her enough?

>> No.15077117

a) don't be a contemptible pussy
b) be present and affectionate

>> No.15077124

you forgot the most important
c) don't enroll her in public school

>> No.15077128

what other schools are there lol?

>> No.15077131


>> No.15077133


>> No.15077163

It's okay for her to do it. Yeah, it's thottery, but this is the west. If you want your daughters to be all covered up , you have two options: 1) stay in the west and be in denial, (2) move to a muslim country where beating women is permitted.
Sexual freedom is a choice that the individual has to make, wether stoop to degeneracy, or remain chaste. Imposing your morals upon another person is authoritarian. The best you can hope for is to stick to your ethical code and find a partner with similar code.

>> No.15077167

Lmao femoids recoil when confronted by their own shallowness.

>> No.15077236
File: 35 KB, 500x500, 1586395604680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The female is completely occupied and content with sexual matters, whilst men are interested in much else, in war and sport, in social affairs and feasting, in philosophy and science, in business and politics, in religion and art.

>> No.15077250

If you achieve a) and b) you will remain the anchor masculine influence in her life, which for the most part gives you control over which other external influences take root in her

>> No.15077258

Not at all. Once puberty hits women change completely. From that point forward peer pressure trumps parental love any day. Young teenage girls would sell their parents into slavery if MTV and her social circle says that it's the cool thing to do.

>> No.15077264

For the most part, the TV only becomes the anchor influence if the father fails to live up to the role

>> No.15077266

This. As Jesus said, don't hide your lamp under a bushel basket.

>> No.15077272

No don't read it. It's better to stay ignorant. It turned me from an incel to a vocel.

>> No.15077288

>I've been found out!

>> No.15077313

My guess is that she didn't receive enough attention from her father when she was a young girl. He was an academic, after all.

>> No.15077314

no lies detected

>> No.15077336

My guess is she's a woman.

>> No.15077380


>I could make my voice go high with a single puff. It's amazing how long helium stays in balloons.

>> No.15077401

I want to inflate her balloon.

>> No.15077404

I disagree, I don't think what's investigated about femininity in Sex & Character is immediately useful for understanding the insta-roastie phenomenon

>> No.15077413

Thanks for the book recommendation, Mr. Woahjak.

>> No.15077434

Chances on an onlyfans happening?

>> No.15077491

The effort required isnt worth it, but basically make money, have the body of a greek statue, confidence

>> No.15077501 [DELETED] 

bred for BBC

>> No.15077574


>> No.15077595
File: 128 KB, 800x563, 800px-Young_Spartans_National_Gallery_NG3860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Spartans were oligarchs like modern american conservatives. Maybe we're witnessing the shift of Spartan culture from the print age to the electronic age.

>> No.15077604


>> No.15077607

What? She's like a 6 just be a normal dude
Or is she a 9 in america because she isn't obese?

>> No.15077628
File: 35 KB, 474x395, ari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The most perfect political community is one in which the middle class is in control, and outnumbers both of the other classes.
Anyone miss Aristotelian Conservatism?

>> No.15077639
File: 25 KB, 640x359, Magnets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amazing how long helium stays in balloons
What did she mean by this?

>> No.15077642

Miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

>> No.15077652

Confidence and making your way up in life, competition with other men. Wanting to live a fulfilling life with a woman and children.

>> No.15077681

I really do hate this woman because she acts like she beautiful. She's skinnyfat and has a goofy face. She would actually look better wearing clothes because it would hide how out of shape she is.

>> No.15077683
File: 73 KB, 960x600, quotation from Menander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from Menander's Thais, which is quoted by Paul in his letter to the Corinthians. Thais was the wife of Plutarch, an Athenian courtesan and speaker. Has anyone read the original play, is it still intact?

>> No.15077730


>> No.15077753

>Imposing your morals upon another person is authoritarian
you are not supposed to impose anything, just educate your kids

>> No.15077786
File: 50 KB, 850x400, quote-for-cioran-the-aphoristic-style-is-less-a-principle-of-reality-than-a-principle-of-knowing-that-susan-sontag-267961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

generally conservatives seem to teach lifestyle choices whereas democrats teach more about the content of their lives... I think a balance is very helpful in that regard. Many of the great Western teachers spoke in metaphor and parable mainly to illustrate their stylistic orientation, admittedly it's only relatively recently that we've shifted to a more analytic way of viewing problems. Sontag's On Style could use a political formulation, and Peterson would probably be able to do it well.

>> No.15077798

Private school, but be careful because sometimes it backfires HARD

>> No.15077803

>Amazing how long helium stays in balloons
This is a funny thing to say, given how her only reference point to how long helium might stay in balloons is by observing other balloons. This circularity totally invalidates the statement.

>> No.15077810

What's the difference between imposing morals onto your kids and educating them on morality?

>> No.15077815

In what ways?

>> No.15077824

be a PUA

>> No.15077825

not that guy, but you can teach about morals by reporting of history and different perspectives. E.g. duty / winning / generosity / curiosity / minimalism and/or humbleness are all potential virtues that are differently exemplified in various teachings.

>> No.15077829

>you are not supposed to impose anything
Christ would disagree. I'll go with what He says instead of a bugman from modernity on 4channel.

>> No.15077830

any books or essays about the importance if any of ritual and social conventions for the well being of individuals and societies?

things like knights bowing before their king, priests wearing robes, people saying thank you and please when they buy stuff from other people they don't know and know they won't see ever again etc. a few years ago in my county a new politician got elected, and the first time he went into parliament he just wore a normal shirt even though everyone else always wears suits and tie. what is the logic behind dress codes? he loves his country, same as every other politician there. now several other are not wearing ties anymore

I didn't mean that any form of education (or interaction, for that matter) can't be seen as brainwashing, but let's not get silly here

>> No.15077835

That's not an answer to the question. How is teaching any different than imposing?

I don't think this is silly at all. If you say imposing is bad but teaching is good there must be a difference between them but I don't see it.

>> No.15077837
File: 322 KB, 700x1000, 1585632150538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather be a PBUH if you catch my drift.......

>> No.15077838

wash your penis

>> No.15077845

The classical fathers of western civilization understood that virtue is something that must be cultivated. This is where the word culture comes from, it's something to be imposed on younger minds. That's what it means to educate them.

>> No.15077852

Has anyone else noticed how often women will share a semi-nude photo on social media accompanied by an utterly trivial thought? It's so predictable at this point, but presumably they think it's an effective means to obscure the real reason they shared the photo: narcissistic validation. Too bad bimbos, I see through your pathetic charade.

>> No.15077861
File: 1.40 MB, 1281x1113, Pfz1ZtV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15077870

is your individual well being really worse because some politicians are wearing casual dress? is your society worse off?

>> No.15077879

The funniest one I've seen is some thot in SE Asia posting a picture of herself in a bikini thong looking over some paddy field, with some inane drivel about contemplating on the differences in their lives. Don't have it saved though unfortunately

>> No.15077883
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>> No.15077886

Why tf is this on lit?

>> No.15077891

I don't know, that's why I was asking. but these things are so prevalent in society that I suspect it has a real logic behind it, and real purpose in the long run. rituals can be more or less obvious, but they are literally everywhere

>> No.15077892
File: 1.30 MB, 1440x2144, 20200412_205643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women literally do not have souls

>> No.15077894

That's the one

>> No.15077899

>narcissistic validation.

coming to incel land to have air your resentment with other losers who live in a bubble and 'know women' only from a sliver of social media posts meant to represent them all

lmao, the level of self-awareness here is just comedy gold. ty

>> No.15077900

Beats me. I may or may not have reported this thread over an hour ago, the jannies are incompetent at their (unpaid) job as per

>> No.15077912
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>> No.15077913

they can be the same thing and yet be different. it's like the where does the grain of salt end and the mountain begin thing, we don't have to get lost in the definition of things because ultimately they don't matter

>> No.15077917

>they don't matter
they don't matter not so much because they are not important but because they are imperfect tools we use to talk and thing about things

>> No.15077921

They do matter because you're saying one is good and the other bad, they we should do one and not do the other. You're really stupid.

>> No.15077925

Fuck off with your assumptions, whiteknight. I have a gf and despite being more self-aware than most about about it, she is just as culpable of doing this kind of stupid shit on social media (only she has the integrity and self-worth not to post semi-nude pics that scream "notice me!!"). Women are not above criticism simply because they have something between their legs that you want.

>> No.15077934

this could just be cherrypicking. I bet if I wanted I could do the same with men or any other group, if it wasn't posting these kind of pictures it would be some other stupid shit some people in some groups do. we just notice these girls because we wan't to fuck them

i just agreed they can be seen as the same thing, what matters is the intention, the methods. what's your point? we shouldn't educate?

>> No.15077937

and getting completely triggered and ranting impotently when any modicum of criticism comes their way..

the exact behaviour they vilify and mock in their delusional , made up version of womens' character.

lmao, honestly please keep it up. utter gold.

>> No.15077944


>> No.15077951
File: 25 KB, 395x106, 20200403_221641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. Doesn't mean that we should ignore female soullessness just because most men are also subhuman.

>> No.15077954
File: 75 KB, 482x427, 1585841996094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my gym crush looks like this
>mfw i never gathered the courage to go talk to her

>> No.15077957

>modicum of criticism
>baseless shitflinging of "incel" and "resentment" is criticism
To quote a retard: lmao.

Can I ask, where in my post did I say my criticism was directed at women in general? I'm attacking the ones who are culpable of this kind of behaviour. But keep whiteknighting, pal, I'm sure you'll get into their pants because of it.

>> No.15077971
File: 36 KB, 400x400, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a few years ago in my county a new politician got elected, and the first time he went into parliament he just wore a normal shirt even though everyone else always wears suits and tie. what is the logic behind dress codes? he loves his country, same as every other politician there. now several other are not wearing ties anymore
A politician should really be educated in the importance of inner style > outer content.

>Decorative style has never existed. Style is the soul, and unfortunately for us the soul assumes the form of the body. - Jean Cocteau

>> No.15077976

dont even bother.
These snivelling faggots just want to agitate people over the internet for good boy points

>> No.15077987

is that paperbackdreams?

>> No.15077991

>Women are not above criticism blah blah blah

literally lmao. gold etc


one might even say triggered.

you guys are too powerful and manly for that though


>> No.15077995

anon....thats a man...

>> No.15077997

who gives a fuck what people wear or what color they paint their hair, fuck off. that's not how you should judge people

>> No.15078002

What incentivised you to take up a career as a human doormat? Do you have a foot fetish, or is there some other reason why you put women on the pedestal that is your face?