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/lit/ - Literature

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15076445 No.15076445 [Reply] [Original]

Has Japan's cultural impact reached the high arts yet? Will there be a Blood Meridan of anime?

>> No.15076463

eventually. it's very popular

>> No.15076467

What's the best anime? Neon Genesis?

>> No.15076473

Anime is so repugnant it's baffling.

>> No.15076496

Anime is just slowly merging with western YA. A medium specifically targeted at children cannot produce anything of value

>> No.15076539
File: 568 KB, 1536x2048, ESO9syiU0AENV9y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neo Japan arrives from the future

>> No.15076559

I was going to say the same.

seems like it's the accepted form of YA for males for some reason, maybe because it's visual

>> No.15076566


Wrong. Anime is generally the platonic form of media vs western's aristotelianism. Of course you can't enjoy western media as you do anime, it's not idyllic. Western is a race to mediocrity. Everything is equal, ugly and unelite. That includes their values

>> No.15076570

This image is cringe fuel

>> No.15076575
File: 472 KB, 1280x720, galko anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've had threads like this a few times over the past few months. We had a thread a few months ago musing about anime's eventual impact on literature.

Some people think that because anime is a visual medium it can't influence written media. I disagree. Writers have admitted in the past to being influenced by cinema. Is it much of a stretch from there to be influenced by anime?

>> No.15076587
File: 373 KB, 2048x1536, EPr4JUeUwAAzniP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how your grand children will look

>> No.15076612

Anime and board games influenced video games and video games influenced literature judging by the huge light novel craze in korea.

>> No.15076621

korea don't count.
they aren't people.

>> No.15076649

They won't, though, this shit isn't actually popular in the west.

>> No.15076687

Agree. They both intermix already and pynchon is a great example. Anime and other emerging forms of visual media are already finding their way into literature and vice versa.

They will never fully converge because both have aspects of presentation and form which are not transferrable. A book will be a book, film a film etc. But I believe there is already the beginnings of an experimental new form evolving out of the intermixing of the two, it's certainly learning more towards the visual medium but still contains written prose so that you are both viewing and reading.

>> No.15076833
File: 99 KB, 500x331, 3680C2FF-901B-4D72-B610-70C166C29F2B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15077090

Rather than having a stylistic or thematic influence on literature, it will act as a countervailing force to the trend towards making everything cynically grounded and resignedly dystopian. This is because anime provides a space for the viewer to engage with idealized abstractions uncorrupted by the depressing, alienating, negative features of our lived modern reality (which is also why it's no surprise that this came from Japan, which rocketed into alienating modernity faster than anyone else); when you feel fuzzy kawaii affection or a catch in your throat from shonen heroism like when you were a 13 year old, it keeps the neural pathways for those emotions from atrophying, which will inspire authors to look a little higher and be a little more hopeful

>> No.15077149

might as well ask how my litte pony influences high arts but no one does that because that is an absurd question, yet animeniggers really harbor delusions about the brainrot of their choice being deep for some reason
>inb4 but akshully if you just wached obscure philosphical masterpiece Korokuro mo Nigguro where the anime grill says You really Die When Youre Dying you ignorant westerner animetranny screeching