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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 16 KB, 183x275, gatsby1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1507560 No.1507560 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think Daisy would have married Gatsby if Gatsby didn't die

>> No.1507566


>> No.1507565
File: 3 KB, 300x57, image..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spoilars you fuck

>> No.1507570

nice spoilers broheme

>> No.1507572


No, I don't. Daisy was a bitch.

>> No.1507573


I think it was made fairly obvious that she would not have married Gatsby if he didn't die. For those asking for spoiler tags, you probably shouldn't come into /lit/ not having read The Great Gatsby by now. Have you guys not gone through high school yet?

>> No.1507574

>implying everyone hasn't already read this in High School.

>> No.1507575
File: 6 KB, 118x141, bateman1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haven't read Gatsby
>browses /lit/
What are you guys like 14?

>> No.1507576

Daisy dies?!

>> No.1507579

NO I haven't fucking read it in high school. Sorry it wasn't on the syllabus. I was planning to read it soon.

>> No.1507584

Yes. Everyone who posts here is American.

>> No.1507591

Why would immigrants go on an American website?

>> No.1507606


I've read it about six times, but why would you want to ruin one of the world's greatest books for those who haven't?

>> No.1507768

I'm not ruining a book by revealing a little bit of the plot.

>> No.1507781

This is honestly what I hate about /lit/. You're not allowed here if you haven't read "the greatest American classics of all time". Yes, I've read it. And I fucking hated it, I was bored to tears. Oh, whats that? I'm an uncultured swine who can't appreciate classic masterpieces? I should go back to twilight? Fuck off. And you know that's what half of you wanted to fucking say. Get off your high fucking horse and realize not everyone has to love anything written before 1970 and that it's not 1950 anymore. The world is an entirely different place and these books just don't connect with the youth of today. Nothing against you if you do enjoy them, that's fine. But don't shove it down everyone's throat and act all big and bad. You're not. Get over it.

>> No.1507788

[x] CAN'T EVEN STOP 9/11


>> No.1507799

>implying the youth of today can't relate to stories of unrequited love
Lost Generation = best generation

>> No.1507800

Spoiler? Like it isn't easy for anyone with a little imagination to realize at the middle of that shitty, horribly overrated bore of a book that Gatsby will die.

>> No.1507808


Seconded - and the other thing that pisses me off about Gatsby is that everyone raves and screams about it's the greatest novel of bla bla bla and then nobody's ever read another Fitzgerald novel in their life. Certainly not to the end. And why? Because he was a barely literate drunken hack who couldn't write for toffee and never had a "beautiful talent, baby" - he was a hack.

Tender is the Night? I fucking shit it. Fuck Fitzgerald, fuck Gatsby and fuck you OP you cunt, because it was a pretty pointless spoiler.

>> No.1507812

It's ok, Stagolee is a faggot.

>>The world is an entirely different place and these books just don't connect with the youth of today.

I can understand if, in high school, teachers would want to provide reading that really attracts their students, but in the wider world there's a lot to gain from literature that isn't draped in familiarity

>> No.1507826


Don't worry maybe moot will open up a young adult lit board just for you.

>> No.1507834

All the animorphs she can handle!!

>> No.1507836

this thread has been horrible

i'm going to go watch tsunami videos on youtube until stag and ty go to bed

>> No.1507839


And it will be full of underage b&s chatting shit about The Great Gatsby to enlarge their junior literary epeen while not realising that a) it's over-rated and b) the novel is an artistically banal form that's really only suitable for passing large amounts of time in a decadent and culturally bankrupt society where people have too much time on their hands.

>> No.1507844

This is exactly what I mean. I'm surprised you can even hold a book; your ego should just be knocking it out of your hands.

>> No.1507853



>> No.1507868

Its the way it was written, not the content you fuckwits. The book didn't even get noticed until after the depression. The fact that you don't. Understand this shows you do not belong here. Pick up your superfudge on the waay out plz..

>> No.1507882

Good job continuing to prove my point. Thinking you're so deep, intellectual and better than everyone else because you love Gatsby and bash harry potter. L

>> No.1507891

You are now aware that english majors are full of shit

>> No.1507901


>the way it was edited

Fixed. For real - Fitzgerald could hardly string a sentence together, and he could barely spell.

>> No.1507904

Daisy should marry Donald

>> No.1507912


No wai - that pervert runs round with no trousers on and his relationship with his nephews is questionable to say the least. Still he does come from old money, so perhaps there could be some common ground. Allowances could be made.