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1507225 No.1507225 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to kill myself very soon. What is the last book I should ever read?

>> No.1507228

lol phony

>> No.1507231

As I Lay Dying

>> No.1507238

Gardens of Epicurus - Anatole France

>> No.1507234

The Happiness of Old Werther

>> No.1507243

The Wu-Tang Manual

>> No.1507245
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The Tibetan book of the Dead

first complete transation translated by gyurme dorje

>> No.1507246

Why do you even care about meaningless things like the poignancy of the last word you read?

Nothing will change.

>> No.1507260

I've read this..but a rather nice choice..
Why would I even be at this point if I was entertaining the idea that things would change? I just always have read books, and I will probably read something before I do it so I was wondering what all of you would choose as your last book ever. Most people who die ''naturally'' don't get to make this selection, but I will be lucky enough to get the choice.

>> No.1507272
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The Little Prince

>> No.1507276

great idea.
read through the whole entire wheel of time series.
trick is, you can't eat or drink until you finish it.
let us know how far u get before u die

>> No.1507284
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hey OP why are you thinking of killing yourself?

everything changes, the good and the bad, nothing persists forever

have you learned all there is to learn in this life? do you think you figured it all out already, and that it's time to be done with it?

>> No.1507296

The Gospel according to Jesus by José Saramago

not trying to send you a christian message...its just a good story and I think it won the nobel prize

harold bloom, I believe, also said it was one of his favorites...whatever weight/value that is

>> No.1507300

death is inevitable..and we all live life only to craft and fashion our own death..we take so many steps to reach the same goal..i just feel at ease with it..i feel as though i am completing the task..not too soon..but in my own time..i am not the first to suicide and won't be the last.

>> No.1507310
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Well I think such indulgences are pointless if you intend on killing yourself, not only because any meaning or understanding you can contract from the book will be useless if you are going to die soon after but any aesthetic pleasure you might gain from such an indulgence will be immensely dimmed by the prospect of your imminent death, and will evaporate as soon as your brain dies.

>> No.1507313

You sound like more of an intellectual suicide rather than a depressed suicide. Best of luck whatever you do bro.

>> No.1507315

It is all ephemeral..someone who is intensely aware of their mortality would always be in the same position as I am now..and I have always been in this position..I have still enjoyed reading more than anything else in life..

>> No.1507327

Also, my recommendation is Selected poetry by Rumi, the penguin classics one, it's sufi poetry, kinda spiritual without being religious, it has a few poems on death, and I think you would kind of like them, here are a couple examples:

You're so coupled to life, which lasts but a day,
that you can't even hear talk of death.
Life looks for a home and that home is death, But your donkey fell asleep on the way.

and http://www.shortpoems.org/poets/rumi/every_craftsman.html

>> No.1507330

hey OP...just a suggestion..since this thread seems to be veering away from 'last book' recommendations to an advice column...

edit your post to just...What is the last book I should ever read.

unless you really are seeking attention/suicide help...which it appears you are not

>> No.1507335


So you are going to surrender to death instead of trying to find happiness in the ephemeral?

I used to be in a similar position as you, I didn't share any of the existential enthusiasm of the great philosophers, however I learned that there is a difference between alluding death and simply forgetting, and I live my life for those moments.

>> No.1507342

The Oxford Dictionary.

>> No.1507347

How old are you OP? Yeah, I went there.

>> No.1507362

I really like this..thanks..I had always meant to read Rumi.
I don't know what I was looking for..I guess mentioning my plans was a little disingenuous..I only hoped to place my request in proper context..someone who intends to end their life would be the only one who would have the chance to choose their last book..
I have found happiness in the ephemeral..but happiness is like ice cream and I've had quite enough I think.

>> No.1507363

"moby dick", sincerely

>> No.1507371


>> No.1507376

Something by Hemingway?

Is an art, like everything else.
I do it exceptionally well.

I do it so it feels like hell.
I do it so it feels real.
I guess you could say I've a call.

Sticking your head in the oven might e a little meh, though. Do it with a shotgun.

>> No.1507381

>has had enough of ice cream

>> No.1507387

Heroin overdose, actually.

>> No.1507389

Ham on Rye by Charles Bukowski

>> No.1507394

I've never quite understood the 'why delay the inevitable' argument.
>implying life and death aren't meaningless

>implying you aren't just an angsty teenager

>> No.1507395

Twilight Eclipse with dark music on the background.

>> No.1507411

If life and death are meaningless, then why go on living? I'm not a teenager, but angst is definitely something I have drunk down in draughts..

>> No.1507417

By the same token, if life and death are meaningless, why bother killing yourself?

>> No.1507423

I think death will be the end to my efforts and if not it will at least be something different, and if it is as eternal as this life is short, i will probably feel incredible remorse but with eternity the remorse will fade, and i will adapt to eternity.

>> No.1507426

Don't read! Write! Write a long ass opus on suicide and it's benefits onto oneself.

>> No.1507429

you think you will be sentient?

>> No.1507445

I'm afraid that I might be, to be honest. I passed away slightly once by overdosing, and what happened was: I was looking at my friends there and I felt so much love, and they were smiling back at me. I was so happy and calm at that moment, but then..my friends started frowning and asking "Are you okay?" They seemed to ask this over and over again..but each time they said it, the sound of their voices got more and more distant..and while this was happening I noticed that the light was slowly becoming dim..finally, my field of vision began to shrink, and this happened much faster than everything that had come before..the world simply shrank to a pin point. And then, blackness..Suddenly I was shocked back to life, my friend was breathing air into my lungs, and I was in the shower. My ribs were broken from CPR. I felt so angry and so sad that they had revived me.

>> No.1507454

I was screaming through sobs "Why did you wake me up?!" I think this was the time when death started creeping in..it had gotten inside of me and would never leave..this was years ago and many things have happened since then..I have become light-weight..the heaviest things are my eyes..it's like being very tired.

>> No.1507466
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>> No.1507521

No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai

>> No.1507700

Just finished reading The Little Prince..it was perfect.

>> No.1507742

The Hours
character dying of aids has some opinions on life and death which may be relevant to your interests

>> No.1508441
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The Bible

>> No.1508471

Mason & Dixon.

>> No.1508477
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i was going to an hero too not long ago OP ...but i realized i like the pain of living. struggles are what make us who we are. fuck, to see who can endure the most torture

suicide has always been fascinating. are we all given a purpose in life? if so what happens when the tasks completed? do we find a new 'purpose', can we sit back have a brew and say 'wow that was pretty fuckin cool' for the rest of our lives, or do we just die (at our own hands or 'natural' causes). Once our main goals have been achieved are we left to feel empty due to the lack of something to come/do ( because isnt it all about the foreplay anyway?) or proud of the accomplishment?

im sure this rants all over the place

feels bad man

>> No.1508488
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HP Lovecraft maybe? The best way to die is to die in absolute terror (of What Could Lay Beyond)

>> No.1508489

Bukowski's ghost can have me

>> No.1508494

Radio Free Albemuth