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/lit/ - Literature

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15063563 No.15063563 [Reply] [Original]

Perfect assassin edition

BOOK CLUB Spin - Robert Charles Wilson https://mega.nz/#F!O1cFiKaS!hPf1KFnauX7PSaM5PJE3QA
RECS https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/1029811-sffg
CHAT https://discord.gg/KWPCM7m
CHARTS https://mega.nz/#F!JrhSyY6S!7qmTPol52TnmpFOdbag7RQ
THREADS >>/lit/?task=search2&search_subject=sffg
MANAGEMENT https://calibre-ebook.com/download
BOOKS & AUDIOBOOKS https://forum.mobilism.org/viewforum.php?f=120

Previous thread: no

>> No.15063572

sanderfag a hack

>> No.15063620
File: 33 KB, 482x482, IMG_20200318_120039_799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any decent book reviewers on YT that don't masturbate over YA?

>> No.15063767

>had to open up outer /lit/ to find this
oh god it's bad

>> No.15063795

Previous thread: >>15040721

The old one died before anyone could make a new thread. We are finally dying boys. It took 6 years, but the general will finally die!
Also the christcucks /pollies/ and philosophags are destroying /lit/ and people who actually read are leaving every week.

>> No.15064223

lol no
threads ending without a new thread post happens like once a week

>> No.15064224

I was in the thread and could've made one, I just rarely ever make threads so I didn't look to see it was on page 10 lol

>> No.15064400

I read Spin a few months ago. Found it really boring. All the characters are annoying and forgettable. Kept reading because the mystery was just tantalizing enough but it never paid off in the way I expect from Big Idea Sci-fi.

Just finished Semiosis and Interference by Sue Burke. First book was unexpectedly good. Second book was disappointing, as sequels usually are.

Looking for more good xenofiction or people who wanna discuss it.

>> No.15064420

I've been reading Dracula by Stoker. Taking it slow but I enjoy it so far. I'm at the point where Lucy got bit.
I also have the King in Yellow next to my bed. I'll probably read the first story tonight, I'm pretty interested in it. And last night I read the Hound by Lovecraft. I can't say that I'm a fan but I recently watched a playthrough of the Dark Corners of the Earth and thought, what the hell let's read some stories. I'd read the Colour out of Space and didn't like it, but hey. I can't say that I'm impressed so far.

>> No.15064726

No because ya is where they get all their clicks from. It is eith ya or the latest meme book.

>> No.15064752
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Sounds like a market to fill, if only I had any kind of charisma whatsoever.

>> No.15064779

I watched it die
to avoid the trauma of accidentally putting the title in the name field again

>> No.15064794

I liked Spin but it was a slog. The thing where the atheist brother can perfectly quote Aquinas and the theist sister doesn't know the first thing about atheism doesn't fit any of my IRL or online experience at all. I guess it's stuck in the 2000s when the two genders were fedora and bible basher.

The Mars sideplot was criminally underused and the coolest thing in the whole story. I'd rather have read about them, but the author was doing this painful introspection thing, I'm sure he got a lot of therapy out of writing this. My favorite part, though, looking back, was that the red heifer prophecy actually came true.

>> No.15064799
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Unlike most other authors, overtly political Vance is superior Vance.

>> No.15064836
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I am like 50% through the first book in the Night Angel trilogy. I enjoy it so far (even though it feels pointless, the book is basically "guy doing [stuff]") but I feel like the author is a little bitch coward.
Why not go all the way if you're writing western Naruto? It's like he steps close to weeb heaven but is too afraid of the light.

>> No.15064943

YA is hit or miss. Here's a comprehensive hot take on every YA book I've read in the last 5-7 years:
>Grisha series by Leigh Bardugo is good storytelling even if the bullshit radical MeToo-ist feminist and Marxist messages are reductive garbage.
>Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas is okay but not great, Lord of the Rings meets Riverdale with the expected DEAR DIARY, HERE'S MY DRAMA.
>Divergent series by Veronica Roth is horseshit, Hunger Games meets Harry Potter with a cliche concept and a weird message.
>Katharine McGee's Thousandth Floor is giggleheaded bullshit that promises more than it delivers. Lost interest in book 2 when the older film professor tried to seduce one of the main girls.
>Near Witch by Victoria Schwab is Schwab at her weakest.
>Catfishing on Catnet by Naomi Kritzer turns a perfectly good adult SFF short story about an AI with a possibly dark subtext into low IQ teen romance fluff with a comically incompetent villain

>> No.15065088
File: 351 KB, 263x239, tfw you want to be operating but get stuck on watch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Half of all fantasy that comes out these days is YA
>The other half is YA but the author threw in the word fuck on every page so they could pretend it was "adult" fantasy

>> No.15065100

I read those books back in high school so my memory is pretty fuzzy, but it's either in the second or third book where the whole thing goes full weeb and Kyler starts making himself wings made out of shadows and shit like that.

>> No.15065278


>> No.15065291

I read a blog from a reviewer, he has also yt but is not active on it and doesn't like ya much because that guy seems old.

>> No.15065422 [DELETED] 
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I love Cradle. What’s some other good chinkshit like that? Available
on kindle and western or English speaking authors preferably. Someone in the previous thread said they’d started this. Is it good?
>inb4 female author

>> No.15065547

You should read the Bartimaeus trilogy. They are legitimately the best YA books I have ever read.

>> No.15065595
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The Abhorsen trilogy is objectively the best YA fiction there is and I'd even be so bold to say the "YA" tag is undeserved because it easily holds up as a normal fantasy series.

>> No.15065656

i read the first book, holds up pretty good as a standalone

>> No.15065675

>Northstrider catches Lindon by the throat

>> No.15065690

I think this is one of those cases where the author wasn't completely sure if the book would become a series so the first book was written so it could just be it's own thing in case he never wrote more.
The second and third book are pretty much one book split in half on the other hand, but their plot almost completely branches off the original, good reads if you want more of the setting but you can completely skip them if you want.

>> No.15065748
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>What’s some other good chinkshit like that?
I'm reading pic related. I have to tell you that it's bad. So bad that you want to read what happens next...

>> No.15065814
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Are those the books with bell magic? I remember reading one or two of those and living it.

>> No.15065877

I mentioned liking what I've read of it last thread and her other book street cultivation is decent

Brightest Shadow so far is like a slow starting western fantasy but with chinese martial arts as the power system.

>> No.15065926

I should reread night angel trilogy again, to get those feels. Books these days don't give much feels anymore.

>> No.15065935

Yes! There used to be a flash game based on it back in the 2000s. Not sure if there's anywhere still hosting it but that was fun.

I literally learned that women menstruated from this book, no shit. Third book had a decent 1910s-ish steampunk-lite setting in the parts that took place in the New Kingdom.

Already read it years ago. It was like YA House of Cards with a genie. I have mixed feelings about Stroud through a few degrees of separation because I know the illustrator for some of his later work and have some past personal drama with them.

>> No.15065941

Street cultivation was shit. Someone should have raped the little sister when she was low and infuse her with chi rich cum.

>> No.15065968

Litrpg isn’t wuxia you dumb fuck

>> No.15065974

>I have mixed feelings about Stroud through a few degrees of separation because I know the illustrator for some of his later work and have some past personal drama with them.
Are you the writerfag that self published that french book, that your friend made a cover for you(a shit one, I might add, if I saw that cover in Amazon I would overlook it).

>> No.15065985

>I know the illustrator for some of his later work and have some past personal drama with them.
What happened?

>> No.15066002

>commenting on a book he hasn't read
Not the other anon, but that book combines litrpg, wuxia, xanxia and a bunch of other shit in a hot pot. Book authors these days take whatever is popular and try to combine all to make a story to interest as much people as possible.

>> No.15066062 [DELETED] 
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If it's not shitty fantasy it's even shittier chinkcrap.

>> No.15066099

Today I spent $4.99 to join E William Brown's SubscribeStar. His April post was brilliant writing.

>> No.15066293

Is there an actual good book with any of these elements?

>> No.15066364
File: 122 KB, 497x799, 0z8kgltjwf931yq1sdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading First Man in Rome. Since you guys love the Masters of Rome series, what aspect do you guys like the most?

>> No.15066365

A will eternal?

>> No.15066371 [DELETED] 

Asians are really the masters of makeup and disguise. You fall for a chink and marry her, only to catch her by surprise before she puts on her makeup and it's a completely different person.

>> No.15066379

Fuck E William Brown and fuck you for enabling him even more. Now the next Daniel Black is going to be 2024 and Alice long is 2021, unless he will pull a Jim Butcher on us and double publish Alice Long and Daniel Black this year.

>> No.15066384

>Since you guys love the Masters of Rome series
>you guys
It was one shill, we reported him and after he was banned a few times he stopped.

>> No.15066407

I didn't knew about it, thanks bro.

>> No.15066556
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Tfw when your climax is almost reaching 20 pages and it's absolutely kino.

>> No.15066650
File: 27 KB, 220x327, 220px-GatewayNovel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ordered Gateway by Frederik Pohl, anyone read the sequels in the "Heechee" saga? Is the whole series worth it? looks like the accolades diminish with each book

>> No.15066673

I remember reading the Way of Shadows because I specifically looked up "books that are like anime" and it was full of h-hayai and characters "blurring". Also, Talent is nen. I dropped it because the main guy should have been a walking god once he got invisibility but so much contrivance just made him look like a fucking retard, and when Kylar killed Durzo the author had to insist that "n-no, there are still totally guys left who are the super duper strongest assassins who can beat Kylar!" Even though that's retarded.
I liked the part in the first book where Durzo had to climb along the ceiling and clean the dust as he went so it wouldn't fall, a nice bit of realistic consideration

>> No.15066697

Is that long? Touma vs Accelerator was 40 pages: approx. 1,200 words long.

>> No.15066772
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>playing on a MMO private server
>random asks for some advice on playing the class/spec I'm playing
>tell him some basic tips then log off because I feel like playing another game
>feel like a xianxia protag giving out a bit of guidance to a lower cutivator then forever fucking off
I'm on the last chapter of Desolate Era AAAAAAAAAAAA been reading Doctor Who books and now reading City at the End of Time. It reminds me of In Other Worlds by A.A. Attanasio.

>> No.15066802

where my babel bros at?

>> No.15066852

I meant 12,000 words crap

>> No.15066920
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Waiting for the fourth book.

>> No.15066941
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The Seventh Tower is Garth Nix's magnum opus.

>> No.15067183
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Why the fuck was my post deleted? Kill yourself ya fat fucking tranny janny. Nobody will ever love you pork chop

>> No.15067753
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>books that are like anime
Remember..... Broken Sky?

>> No.15067762

Erotomania, one-sided interest. The usual.

>> No.15067884

I've read all but the last one IIRC. They're good but the quality does decline with each. Read just the first and it's got a good, dramatic ending. The rest isn't bad at all though.

>> No.15067966
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Does anybody think that the Aiel were black?

>> No.15068051

>chris wooding

>> No.15068124

damn, Elric looks like THAT?!

>> No.15068223

No. They are described as just being tan throughout the books.

>> No.15068698

Spin readalong happening on Discord starting on the 18th, 5 chapters/day. Will post more reminders later.

>> No.15068759

No, because before you ever see the Aeil you're told Rand looks like them, and he's fair skinned with red hair and gray eyes.

>> No.15068829

Fuck off

>> No.15068995

Wasn't it said that he was darker than the people in the Two Rivers?

>> No.15069016
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What is a fantasy book that is written as well as Prince of Nothing but deals with more comfy themes such as the Witcher?

>> No.15069237

No? I've reread the first book a number of times and that was never mentioned. His appearance is remarked on several times and all they mention is his hair and eye color, since Two Rivers folk tend to be dark haired and dark eyed. His unusual height was also remarked on more as he traveled around and saw most people in Andor were a head shorter than him at least.

>> No.15069391

KJ Parker

>> No.15069754
File: 459 KB, 1056x1048, 91eKW3gg8JL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /sffg/ I played a video game (Sin and Punishment: Star Successor) that is just shooting monsters but the manual describes the setting and it's crazy and I wonder if you guys can recommend a science fiction book with the same scale and crazy ideas.

>eons-long war between beings of "inner space" and "outer space"
>"inner space" beings aka the Creators create humans to fight for them, who are useful because they have a propensity for killing but have the disadvantage of sometimes empathizing with others, so when that happens the Creators have to wipe out that Earth and build a new Earth with a new batch of humans
>the plot is about a girl from outer space sent to recon humans losing her memory and only remembering that she is interested in them, and she meets a human soldier who is supposed to kill her but instead empathizes with her
>Creators aren't happy about this, so they promise a different Earth greater privileges if they can assassinate the traitor and the outer space girl

Kind of silly-sounding maybe but I like to think each Earth can last as long as the real Earth has lasted, and the process of creating took as long as it took for prehistoric man to develop, so the time scale is really huge. I also like to think the Creators don't really have much contact with each Earth as a whole, so maybe humans don't even really know about this whole set-up until it's time. And the idea of Earth being attacked not by aliens but by another Earth with similar societies and cultures is pretty cool. The only thing I have read on that scale that I can think of is the Book of the New Sun.

>> No.15070079

Everyone uses it.

>> No.15070232

>written as well as Prince of Nothing
Do you really enjoy reading about semen and who res?

>> No.15070286
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This was amazing, thanks to whoever recommended it. More like it?

>> No.15070307

Not that guy but I really fucking enjoyed Bakker's stuff.
The Great Ordeal is probably one of my favorite fantasy books of all time.

>> No.15070494
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Hunter x Hunter

>> No.15070715
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I want to get started with chinese wuxia/martial arts fantasy online novels
what do you reccomend?

>> No.15070724

Try again.

>> No.15070775

Daniel Greene is decent

>> No.15070845

just read the condor heroes translation first instead of diving straight into webnovel shit

>> No.15070866

Ze Tian Ji is the only worthwhile one to read.

>> No.15070927
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>He was sluiced—Nikys stood on the bench to lift the bucket high enough—soaped himself up, sluiced again, and then nipped delicately into the wooden tub. Thin he was, but strappy, not scrawny, she was pleased to note. And that milk skin went all over. And then she was allowed to fulfill the fantasy that she would not have confessed aloud under threat of thumbscrews, and wash that amazing hair.

Bujold is truly a connoisseur of man meat. She doesn't just limit herself to strapping daddies, she loves twinks as well.

>> No.15070933
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What a patrician.

>> No.15070942

sanderson is a hack

>> No.15070959


>> No.15071016

Just finished Lies of Locke Lamora. I liked it more than I thought I would. Does the series go downhill after the first book or is it worth continuing?

>> No.15071030

What time period does Senlin Ascends take place in? I assumed it was ancient, because the description mentioned the "Silk Age" but the opening chapter has them taking a train which kills my boner

>> No.15071047

feel like a smoke

>> No.15071061

Whatcha smoke? I'm having a pipe and some coffee right now. I know it's fedoraish but I think pipes are pretty relaxing.

>> No.15071081

just those small cigars but i've been holding off due to corona

>> No.15071084
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>> No.15071100
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Based. I wanna try pipe smoking but I don't really know anything about it. What kind of pipe do you use, and what kind of tobacco would you recommend? I usually smoke Marlboro red 100's but I've been out of smokes and booze for over a month now.

>> No.15071136

Water Margin if you can find a good translation.

>> No.15071160
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I have a shitload of different pipes from cobs, to briar, to meerschaum, to petrified oak. If I were to recommend someone to start I'd tell them to get a cheap $5-10 cob, a pipe tool as pictured which costs a buck or 2, and a $3 pouch of Prince Albert or Carter Hall that they sell at drug/grocery stores. You can move on to different aromatics, English, or VA tobaccos from there but I think it's best to start with the boring old man tobaccos because they're easy to smoke.

>> No.15071342 [DELETED] 
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This general really went to shit.

>> No.15071352

you're right, what it really needed was whores

>> No.15071356
File: 264 KB, 1080x1346, msashleyvee_79712768_189296938880761_6947634754807896313_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly, whores make everything better.

>> No.15071359

fuck off then

>> No.15071362

We are going to make this thread great again anon.

>> No.15071369

By turning it into something off-topic? Fuck off.

>> No.15071377
File: 787 KB, 1152x2048, 1586542358457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By building the wall to keep shitty fantasy and chinkcrap away. You might get booty bothered in the process but those are the sacrifices I am willing to make.

>> No.15071382

omg 3 posts about smoking tobacco my autism is going off i must post a picture of a whore complaining about off topic posts we must keep things clean and tidy

>> No.15071386

Got' em.

>> No.15071433

i really liked the 1st book, 2nd has ups and downs but it was decent overall, there is a massive side quest that i feel took away from the fun parts. i plan on getting to the 3rd eventually but the 2nd didnt really motivate very well me to do that

>> No.15071457

Is there a database which shows what books have been published and by whom?
There is a nine book series and book seven is ridiculously expensive. I'm not sure it even got a physical release because most sites don't have it available, or if they do it's by some random used seller. Is there a way I can find out if it ever even got a physical copy?

>> No.15071465


>> No.15071488

Thanks, it's on there. I guess it got a release and was only $8.99, but it must've been a limited release because it's $50+ everywhere now.

>> No.15071515

Fuck fedoras pipe are based and redpilled. Way higher quality tobacco than cigarette trash, and far more versatile than cigars. Also pipes themselves are pleasant to hold and to look at while smoking them.

>> No.15071540

Pipes are tolkienpilled and on-topic
Whores are rothfusspilled and on-topic
and ruthfussfilled

>> No.15071571
File: 41 KB, 333x500, 2BFF6C82-E082-4090-9D5C-8EAAC3BF8DAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good series? I heard the next book is coming out in December.

>> No.15071574

What fantasy is best written? I want good prose (not flowery tryhard faggotry) and obviously engaging story, fleshed out world, interesting characters, etc. I want it all.
Does such a thing exist or do I have to write it my fucking self? Cause I hate writing and would rather simply read.

Also why are so many people on Gene Wolfe's dick? While not bad, there's certainly nothing special about his writing. Book of the New Sun was alright I guess, but it didn't entice to read in farther in that series, and his Wizard Knight books were, frankly, bad.

>> No.15071585

I went off it in book 2, liked book 1 until the aliens showed up
Really liked the start to his newer series tho

>> No.15071619

anything by brandon sanderson

>> No.15071655
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I read the first two books. It's by the numbers military sci-fi with future Cold War, overpopulation, grim darkness and a host of other stereotypes. It's fairly well written and it's basically a Air Force combat controller in SPAAAACEEEE.
It's head and shoulders above the usual Baen dreck.

>> No.15071682

You can't go wrong with good ol' Brandon.

>> No.15071730

Post petrified oak pipe.

>> No.15071778

just did a big brandon sanderson feel a weights been lifted of me

>> No.15071816

>I want good prose
You need to be more specific about what you consider "good" prose. Preferably authors you enjoy and what you enjoy about their prose.

>> No.15071899

For more edgy woke preaching from Leigh "patriarchal able-bodied gringo gentile rape culture is oppressing me" Bardugo, read the Grisha trilogy.

>> No.15071911

The Magicians trilogy by Lev Grossman.

>> No.15071924

Wait that book is some woke crap?

>> No.15071940
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But her twatter was so normal (for a female writer).
I almost fell for anon's perfidity.

>> No.15071943
File: 25 KB, 1058x595, sffg_is_doomed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the jannies delete a harmless post about wanting cradle-like lit suggestions, /sffg/ is truly doomed.

>> No.15071949
File: 131 KB, 1280x720, beastly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As soon as she fell into the world of beastmen, a leopard forcibly took her back to his home. Indeed, Bai Jingjing is at a complete and utter loss. The males in this world are all handsome beyond compare, while the women are all so horrid that even the gods shudder at their sight. As a first-rate girl from the modern world (she's even a quarter Russian) Bai Jingjing finds herself sitting at the center of a harem filled with beautiful men -- at the very peak of existence.

>> No.15071960

Ha not falling for that, I've read Sanderson and he is trash.
Well I've read Wolfe, was mediocre, read Zelazny again meh, Le Guin much overrated though not terrible, Peake was fantastic, Howard also quite good despite being austere, Leiber another favorite, I enjoyed Wheel of Time though I won't claim it was greatly written, but Jordan was far better a writer than Sanderson for sure,McKillip is also good though I have to be in the mood for it, Hope Mirrlees I enjoyed, and Peter Beagle, Tolkien of course wrote excellently, Clark Ashton Smith was hit or miss, Dunsany I enjoy but for short stories the atmosphere is fantastic but it gets tiring for anything approaching a novel, Rothfuss was trash, Robin Hobb I did not care for, Scott Lynch yet more mediocrity, Glen Cook's writing is rather poor, Walter Scott wrote well, Kipling too though not necessarily fantasy, Eddings was cardboard and boring, Borges is great, Moorcock is extremely variable though I enjoy some of it, Vance was okay though I never bothered to read beyond Lyonesse. Holdstock was okay I enjoyed some of his works, the Ryhope wood ones, Simmons was okay but again not so gripping that I continued on.

There are more probably I could render an opinion on but at the moment they slip my mind.

>> No.15071963

There are like two or three different rape and revenge plots, with "entitled toxic masculinity" as the villains' entire motivation.

>> No.15071974
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Don't be such a tranny.

>> No.15071984

I almost fell for the Jewish tricks.
The horror.

>> No.15072000

>Well I've read Wolfe, was mediocre,

>> No.15072024
File: 48 KB, 960x783, bored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anybody read anything new and interesting? I've read so much crap...

>> No.15072032

Gotta sift through shit to find gold friend

>> No.15072065

I have forgotten what gold is from all the shit i've read...

>> No.15072072

It seems we have similar tastes, so I will give you honest recommendations.
The Runelords series by David Farland is well written, but he can definitely border into the "flowery tryhard faggotry." I read it directly after Wheel of Time and it was a good fit.
The Godspeaker trilogy by Karen Miller is great, but the story is extremely hit or miss. If you like Hekat, you'll love it. Also, you need to realize that the repetitive and broken dialogue is on purpose and also only temporary.
The Broken Empire by Mark Lawrence is sorta like Rothfuss except good, imo. You need to go into it knowing that he's intentionally overly edgy though, or you'll drop it in the first book before the MC grows up. (I've heard his newest series is great too)
Indigo series by Louise Cooper is an underrated series of books. It's well written but it can feel a bit monster-of-the-week if you read them too quickly, because in the first book she unleashes eight demons, then finds and conquers one in each consequent book.

>> No.15072076

Read some stuff by Adrian Tchaikovsky and thought it was pretty good, he's got a pretty wide range of stuff from fantasy to sci-fi too so I'd give him a shot.

>> No.15072141

What have you read anon?

>> No.15072157

The latest shit was this >>15065748
Please don't read it and don't hold it against me.

>> No.15072159

I bet it was a floater

>> No.15072169

Rent free

>> No.15072176

Don't worry anon, Reborn was a fun schlock and to be honest the ways the MC used his foreknowledge to outplay enemies was at times pretty well done. Too bad the author is terrible at keeping a writing schedule despite having a patreon

>> No.15072183

That book is dated and dry.
I wrote a whole two paragraphs explaining why, but my browser crashed before I could post, and I can't be arsed to do it again.

>> No.15072192

You goys know of any scifi books similar to "speaker of the dead" philosophicaleaque hard scifi with some weird aliens thrown in.

>> No.15072196

Don't forget to shave your balls before you start reading.

>> No.15072205

Thug notes

>> No.15072210

It was as if written by a toddler. The general scenario was ok and attracted me to read it, but the writing style is horrendous. I read it only because i haven't found something better.

>> No.15072222

thanks for the advice anon. I think I'll pick up a basic pipe once this chink flu has passed.

>> No.15072228

I mean its a webnovel and by those horrifically low standards its pretty average. Lower your expectations

>> No.15072253

Why don't you suggest something higher tier? What did you enjoy lately?

>> No.15072265

She must be losing the con nerds if she had to patreon thot softcore porn for e bux now.

>> No.15072290

When did she get thiccc? Has she done nudes yet?

>> No.15072294

Pretty much the only webnovel I've read recently with anything close to good writing is He Who Fights With Monsters by Shirtaloon. Unfortunately its not even close to finished. Updates Mon-Fri though

>> No.15072332

I'm not asking only about webnovels. Reborn was the first one i've ever read. I'm asking about any book that you found noteworthy.

>> No.15072381
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The businesses of e-thotery is a very competitive one. I think the other girls are upping the ante.

It's all photoshop and angles.

>> No.15072432


>> No.15072443

Cool, give us counter examples from the past 5 years.

>> No.15072458
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>Peake was fantastic, Howard also quite good despite being austere, Leiber another favorite, I enjoyed Wheel of Time
This just proves to me that not only are you pretentious and have no tastes, but you're a fucking dinosaur to boot.

>> No.15072464
File: 117 KB, 667x1024, 33065C2D-744E-42AF-A9E0-28C35D26D8F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can give this book a shot. A friend recommended it to me and it’s been on my to do list. Says it’s good and I take my friends word well.

>> No.15072563

I'm late to the thread. Fuck E William Brown.
Gotta be on time for my threadly posts.

>> No.15072580

Every day you make this post

>> No.15072590

Is he wrong?

>> No.15072637

Oh fuck... I forgot completely about this.
It was the first thing with an anime aesthetic I ever owned, and my christian parents had no idea what it was, freaked out, and threw it away. Well, I dug it out of the trash and then my dad threw an autistic fit and burned it and made me watch.

Christians are the niggers of faith.

>> No.15072657
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I read it and while it was ok and charming in its own way, it was a bit lacking at times. It reminded me of what a homosexual Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson fanfiction but with magic elves might read like, albeit one that is extremely shy and does not go into any descriptions of sex.

I recommend Arcadia by Iain Pears. Very interesting, great audiobook narrator. My best random find of the year.

>> No.15072762
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Guys, I've read BotNS a couple dozen times now. Every time I finish it, I feebly attempt to read something new... but I end up back at the beginning. Last time it was Proust and, while I loved it, I didn't get very far past the madeleine incident; before that, it was Vance's "Dying Earth" omnibus. Books for this feel?

>> No.15072767

I only do it once a thread, like the sanderhack poster.

>> No.15072806
File: 2.17 MB, 1355x954, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can you tell me about these two sagas? The Sword of Truth and The Wheel of Time?
I am kind of intrigued by both series, but I am not sure which one to read. So I decided to judge by the first books. Is it worth it or there is a clear winner between them?
The only problem that I heard about the wheel of time is that there is way too little violence.

>> No.15072938

sword of truth is terrible so this isn't really a debate

>> No.15072974 [DELETED] 

That would apply they're in some way oppressed.

Protip: if you live in a place where Christianity is the dominant culture, they aren't.

>> No.15073003

Both of them are centred on Rand

>> No.15073067

They're both different, they're only mentioned in the same name because of their length.
Robert Jordan is a classy writer who overindulges in the politics and background drama. Romance is done well and is kept at arms-length. Violence occurs, but it's also done well, so a dagger will "strike home" and the character's "wound will rush forth crimson." The plot is almost too-overarching, to the point that, at times, it becomes so distant you forget how what you're reading relates to it.
Terry Goodkind is a poor writer who likes slapping readers in the face with things because there isn't as much depth to his series as the number of books would imply. Romance and violence are warped together and handled directly. Characters have sex and people are "stabbed in the heart" and "blood flowed out of his chest" and there is BDSM and there isn't as much of an overarching plot, it's constantly changing as needed.

>> No.15073111

sword of truth is bad fantasy that only got published because of a boom in long fantasy novels and goodkind being a fast writer
but the books written after 9/11 are so awful they're genuinely funny

>> No.15073393

I've never read Goodkind but does he really describes his shit that dull?

>> No.15073402

Rand Paul or Ayn Rand?

>> No.15073424

why does raymond feist never get talked about here?

>> No.15073441

Ayn Rand and Rand al'Thor respectively

>> No.15073476

What does /sffg/ think of Elizabeth Haydon?
What does /sffg/ think of Sara Douglass?

>> No.15073481

women aren't creative their for breeding and housework and rearing children

>> No.15073487

Better than food book reviews, look him up

>> No.15073505


>> No.15073512

How would you know?

>> No.15073522

i'm a girl, tehehehe

>> No.15073528
File: 121 KB, 1165x1864, Of Shadow and Sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some straight up anime shit. Will Wight just wrote an anime.

I have very mixed feelings about this. I don't know what to think. Except that if Cradle is Dragonball, then Of Shadow and Sea is Naruto.

>> No.15073549

If you're reading fantasy for "epic" fight scenes, then just skip Wheel of Time. Wheel of Time has just as much violence as is required to carry the drama of the story, and nothing more.

>> No.15073557

I hope they make rainbow thigh highs in XXXL.

>> No.15073558

I obsessed over DBZ, but by the time people were gushing over Niggruto I was already getting bored of anime and thought the latter looked like goofy dumb shit.

>> No.15073564

go back to first grade and learn your they'res from theirs, bigot

>> No.15073565

>I have very mixed feelings about this.
The problem is on your end.

>> No.15073592

Would you like to expound on that thought?

>> No.15073612

I agree. Bartimaeus is much better written and fun than most beloved /sffg/ books here, with a few exceptions (specially Gormeghast of course).

>> No.15073620

You should have read the pirates first, sea and Shadow.
Shadow and sea are the ninjas. No wonder it seems anime.

>> No.15073628
File: 152 KB, 1080x1350, violets.tv_83790379_300843180874600_3705292799936798442_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me break it down for you lil' nigga.

>This is some straight up anime shit.
Now that's bad. You are a grown ass man reading something resembling retarded anime shit. You are not 14 any more, you haven't been for quite some time.

>Will Wight just wrote an anime.
What the fuck are you doing wasting time on yet another shitty fantasy author?

>I have very mixed feelings about this
What about this whole generic fantasy shits how is giving you "mixed" feelings?
What other feelings can be involved in this pile of literary excrement?

>> No.15073651

Hey fren, would you rip and zip all posts he made? Thanks.
I would love to see what he was up to.

>> No.15073656
File: 81 KB, 401x550, one-piece-74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, because anime isn't known for any pirate stories. I'm really looking forward to... (actual spoiler)... baby cthulhu with the lol so randum manly voice.

>> No.15073665
File: 11 KB, 173x291, deepgate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Discussing fantasy novels that resemble anime
>No one brings up Deepgate Codex
How? Airships, a mopey ass emo teenage angel, a big sister mentor angel with a dark traumatic past, a city held up in the sky by chains, and a grotesque final boss each book.

>> No.15073672

>of course the /mu/ thot poster is a literary snob who looks down on genre fiction and fun
Why do you still come to this general if sff is "literary excrement"?

>> No.15073678

I keep getting Sara Douglass mixed up with Jacqueline Carey.

Elizabeth Haydon writes passable romance fantasy.

>> No.15073685

Do you just hate fun, anon? Also one piece a shit.

>> No.15073688

A jaded former fan trying to become their own incredibly rigid and inflexible idea of a "serious adult" by screaming at their box of old favorite toys. We all go through phases like that.

>> No.15073704

Elizabeth Haydon is a good writer, but Symphony of Ages has enough Mary Sue in it that it's hard to recommend it. If you don't mind that, it's a great romance. I'd recommend stopping at the third book.

I tried reading Sara Douglass but she writes third person omniscient and jumps between multiple characters' viewpoints in the same scene and to me that's garbage.

>> No.15073712

Oh wow, you're so above it all. I can tell because you post fake tittied instathots shopping vinyl in 2020. Certainly, she's so cultured and intelligent for refined men like yourself.

>You are a grown ass man reading something resembling retarded anime shit.
How would I know this, until I actually try it?
You are not 14 any more, you haven't been for quite some time.
There is a lot of entertainment that crosses age barriers.

>What the fuck are you doing wasting time on yet another shitty fantasy author?
I really like Cradle, so I gave this a chance.

>What about this whole generic fantasy shits how is giving you "mixed" feelings?
There are good qualities mixed in the the cliched stuff. I have to admit, that Will goes out of his way to use creatures, settings, and devices that no other author is using. The world of OSAS really does feel fantastical. And not just another D&D campaign.

>> No.15073713

I tried reading the first Wayfarer Redemption book, I didn't get far.
>Elizabeth Haydon writes passable romance fantasy.
I recall her novel Child of Blood having a rather surprisingly good fight scene within the first 100 pages.

>> No.15073720 [DELETED] 
File: 1.00 MB, 833x1343, d7nyvyictg541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you still come to this general if sff is "literary excrement"?
To talk about something other than said excrement for fucks sake.
What have you read that does not involve a brooding figure on the cover, is written by bat connoisseurs and has given you a decidedly unmixed feeling of joy?

How dare you respond to me?

>> No.15073729

A good pirate story, is like a good western. They become popular because of their cliches, not by challenging cliches. So I'm looking forward to to some generic yo-ho, rag tag group just looking for plunder and riches bullshit.

>> No.15073746

>How dare you respond to me?
I'm the anon you initially replied to. You asked me a bunch of question, so I answered them.

>> No.15073787
File: 26 KB, 475x475, 442239._UY475_SS475_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both posts were yours?
You may answer me.

You, and people like you, are the reason we can't have nice things, pirates included.
For some non-cliche pirate fun I recommend The Republic of Pirates by Colin Woodard.

>> No.15073799

What are some chapters in scifi/fantasy books you feel could be entirely cut out with little to no effect, of even a positive effect to the novel as a whole?

>> No.15073813
File: 57 KB, 500x500, 51RcBLlAOML._SL500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read this shit? Is it good? Is the angel fucked/raped?

>> No.15073826

Who's Rob Hubbard, Amazon customer?

>> No.15073844
File: 37 KB, 620x350, terrygoodkind08-620x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard he had a stroke or had a falling out with his editor that was carrying his ass.

>> No.15073851

Tom Bombadil

>> No.15073858

He has a reputation as kind of a dingus.

>> No.15073863

Why do female writers think that melodrama = horror?

>> No.15073868

You ever thought of coming up and asking them?

>> No.15073870

Didn't he write the scientology religion?

>> No.15073871

I've also heard he's letting a relative write under his name.
He must be an asshole. Reviews don't like him. Authors don't like him. Fans say he turned on them. He's blacklisted on Fanfiction.net

>> No.15073877

>coming up
From where?

>> No.15073880

It was something that occured to me just today.

>> No.15073895
File: 69 KB, 1058x595, battlefield-earth-2048x1151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Ron Hubbard.

Front and center. If you come up from behind you end up looking creepy... well creepier.

>> No.15073908

>Both posts were yours?
I don't know what you're thinking, but just for clarification, these are all me >>15073528 >>15073592 >>15073656 >>15073712 >>15073729 >>15073746
Keep in mind that the first person to reply to you, isn't always the same anon. In fact, more often than not, it's some shitposter who wants to push your buttons. They reply so quickly, because they put zero thought in their post.

>You, and people like you, are the reason we can't have nice things, pirates included.
So hol-up. You have a hate boner for anime and ninjas. But you enjoy pirates this hardcore? You're like some relic from the earlier internet. Still keeping the pirate vs ninja feud alive.

And why am I the reason why "we can't have nice things"? Because I desire pirate stories not be just be the same pirate story told again with a new coat of paint? IDK, maybe Will Wight will surprise me. But I'm setting my expectations lower this time.

>For some non-cliche pirate fun I recommend The Republic of Pirates by Colin Woodard.
Remind me the next time I ask for recommendations.

>> No.15073922

>And why am I the reason why "we can't have nice things"?
Cuz you eat generic shit and ask for more.
You are the worst.

>> No.15073932

Can /sffg/ recommend me a violent fantasy book with a really vividly beautiful environment?

>> No.15073940
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>> No.15073948

>Cuz you eat generic shit and ask for more.
>Ask for more
No I don't. I eat whatever /lit/ recommends me, because my experience with literature is very limited, and my tastes are unformed. I only began reading I think last year? Or perhaps the year before that. How can I know what is good or bad, if I don't try various things out?

>> No.15073955

Why is John Travolta choking that Sinbad look a like?

>> No.15073964

He's an alien who the Earth rebels are fighting against.

>> No.15073969

He's a dickwad. For example, in 2018 he removed every trace of Sword of Truth from his website in a failed attempt to switch markets. He has been trying to get into the thriller market for financial reasons, as it's far more lucrative now than ever before, but his standalone novels are trash so they keep bombing. Once "The Girl in the Moon" had been released and the initial marketing campaign was over, he silently re-added information about Sword of Truth to his website. The same year he released another book in the Sword of Truth and then threw his cover artist under the bus, saying it was a shitty cover.

>> No.15073984
File: 450 KB, 1280x720, mendoksai.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw read so much xianxia I now have a hard time finding decent translated ones
Guess it's time to learn chinese.

>> No.15073987
File: 140 KB, 1199x627, battlefield-earth-2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst.

He didn't dance so good.

>> No.15073995

>Guess it's time to learn chinese.
Avoid the bat soup bro.

>> No.15074005

>dat bulge
Wtf are those aliens packing? Elephant trunks?

>> No.15074009

Have you read all of Wolfe's other work? The Wizard Knight, etc.

>> No.15074016

It was pangolin birthed corona chan.

>> No.15074032

Isn’t this some YA whiny teen romance bullshits?

>> No.15074033

You have Forest Whitaker and Travolta dressed up (badly) as aliens and all that you see are the "bulges"?
What a fag.

Sure it was.

>> No.15074041

You'll like it.

>> No.15074069

Is fantasy and science fiction still considered to be new genres? (relative to novels)

>> No.15074119

yes, he's a shill that recommends it to everyone

>> No.15074143

I might try The Runelords I've got at least the first book that I downloaded ages ago but for some reason have never gotten around to reading. Don't remember why, probably just every time something else ended up sounding better. I guess
I keep hearing about The Broken Empire but at this point I just assume most books I see recommended on /r/fantasy are going to be trash lol, and more than half YA trash at that.
And I've never heard of the Indigo series, nice to try something that's not the same old overrated series absolutely everyone recommends.

>> No.15074145
File: 31 KB, 556x418, 1530502150997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the proud has fallen to begging. Begone serf.

>> No.15074175

The "modern novel" as popularized in the American colloquial has been around for since the 1800s, and "fantasy" - referring to the explosive boom and exploration as a result of Tolkien - happened in the 1960s.

I'm not sure what you're asking. Does who consider them to be new?

>> No.15074184

>Brent Weeks
>not even his "best" series
This place have gone downhill

>> No.15074217

>finished Starship Troopers
>it's shit
Will be reading Forever War next, sure hope it's more enjoyable.

>> No.15074221

That's Forest Whitaker?


>> No.15074236

Well which one's his best anon?

>> No.15074251

I hope you're not implying the Lightbringer series is good

>> No.15074264

It's honestly just kinda depressing when you realize just how correct the author was about how shitty the future would be.

>> No.15074277

The first science fiction book is considered to be Frankenstein (1818) but it was the 1930s when science fiction started to become popular and the tropes that define the genre were forming.

>> No.15074286
File: 28 KB, 600x459, the thing from another world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long is Who Goes There?

>> No.15074294

>first science fiction book is frankenstein
>science fiction became popular in the 1930s
also bullshit

>> No.15074306
File: 1.11 MB, 2437x2304, Adaptation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Very short, it's like 50 pages or so. You can read it in an hour, or two or three if you're a slow reader like me. If and when bookstores ever open back up, you can find it in an old Bova anthology.

Here, have an autistic chart I made (sboilers)

>> No.15074307

Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Barsoom series (Mars) was 1917. Before that I’m sure boys were reading King Arthur and Robin Hood classics.

>> No.15074309

Both him and Travolta were bulking at the time.

>> No.15074318


Something else worth knowing is that the original story dropped in the fall of 1938. The same time when Welles' radio play of Well's War of the Worlds (whew!) aired. A very important season in American science fiction.

>> No.15074319

I think that anon is correct. Heck you can probably go even further back in time for sci-fi-ish works.

>> No.15074324

It's absolutely worthless, but I hated it slightly less than I did Night Angel.

>> No.15074331

I actually opened the copy of it I had and realised the contents is for different short stories, not chapters of the story itself. I probably should have done that the first time I got confused that it was referred to as a short story.

>> No.15074333

DBZ is dumb. I've never seen Naruto but it's probably dumb. Anime is dumb.

>> No.15074339

What a hardcore Randian is a douchebag?!?!?!

>> No.15074346

Fuck E William Brown

>> No.15074395

First book was my first love when it came to story telling, 2nd and 3rd were a bit on the meh side, didn't like Lirael all that much, but still a good series.

>> No.15074412

There's a fourth one coming? I haven't even started on the 2nd.

>> No.15074490

Good points, riveting discussion, this is why I lot talking to people on 4chan.

Frankenstein is obviously not the first story to ever have sci-fi elements, but it was one of the first to be wildly read in the modern era.

>> No.15074498

I take it then it's a good series? It's been catching my eye lately.

>> No.15074506

Did this nigga really use the word russet as a skin tone?

>> No.15074579

Blade Runner is based more heavily on Frankenstein than it is on Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.

>> No.15074731

Is there a book like The Road but set in a medieval fantasy world?

>> No.15074819

even without doing a deep genre survey hg wells was way before that

>> No.15075056


>> No.15075226

>tight pussy was better than night angel

>> No.15075251

Based. Btfo of that soiboi beggar.

>> No.15075322

You know, he was doing so well in overcoming my bias against him from Night Angel and then the jade gates closed and the series went sideways. Maybe when he's an old man.

>> No.15075506

All men are simps. You know he put that shit in his books to get some pussy.

>> No.15075587

I'm not sure what you're referring to, but most women dislike his books because he writes females like a horny 12 year old.
I don't doubt he's trying, though, especially with that chapter where that one character gets her period and it's written like he's never heard of a real female having a real period in his life.

>> No.15075610

women love when you talk about vaginas being too tight

>> No.15075638

wtf just finished street cultivation and noticed a sequel is out already
considering the author is pretty decent for a webnovel/kindle unlimited type they write at a fucking insane clip

>> No.15075693

The problem here is you have terrible taste.

The solution, I think, is to read material that is universally understood to be embarrassingly bad. Probably your only chance at enjoying SFF, honestly.

With that in mind, check out Mark Lawrence, he's truly awful. Then maybe try the Gor novels. Follow up with some Warhammer 40k novelisations. Finish with a round of Brad Torgersen.

>> No.15075757

Gor is enjoyable and has its fanbase. It's like sexier and less verbose Robert E. Howard.

>> No.15075928

What's some good picks from the series then?

>> No.15076118

>women love when you talk about vaginas being too tight
They do. They even say how tight it is. They are always on the look out for the next slong that will stretch them out.

>> No.15076530 [DELETED] 

Is the this the lightnovel/chink cultivation novel thread?

I remember reading the night angel trilogy during highschool, wanted to re read it again before i graduated since i started it when i was in grade 9, took out the first book, but forgot about it due to exams. Its still on my shelf, i feel like a nigger, but im too ashamed to go return it since its been years and i dont ever want to set foot within a 1km radius of my old school grounds again.

>> No.15076590

Sounds like you got a free book my man.

>> No.15076882
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literally the opposite you tard, he's lighter than people from two rivers and people from two rivers are white already

>> No.15077115

>Is the this the lightnovel/chink cultivation novel thread?
Every time someone makes a separate thread, it fails, so yes.

>> No.15077274

I enjoyed it. The fourth and final book is currently due out 2021. But I think the series is good enough without an overarching ending. Unfinished series are all the rage these days, but I think the writer will pull through. Some writing advice for self-publishing from his blog:
>3. Channel greatness.
>Nobody reads the middle of books. They read the first ten pages, then the book sits on their bedside table for six months, collecting coffee rings and guilt. When they can’t take it anymore, BAM, they read the last couple of pages just so they can stop lying to the terrible friend that loaned it to them in the first place.
>The moral is, only people in school and on toilets read the middle of books. So, don’t bother writing it. Just go to the library and check out something nobody’s ever read like Moby Dick or Ulysses, then pull out the middle bit and stick it in your book. Call it an homage if anybody says anything, and they won’t.

>> No.15077438

Gateway is one of my favourite scifi books. Enjoy

>> No.15077542

Knight of the Seven Kingdoms stories by George R.R. Martin

>> No.15077562

I just read the first chapter of E William Brown's novel Fimbulwinter. Jfc. This is just above fanfic tier. Ok so he created his own characters but the writing is garbage. I guess if you like insta overpowered isekai then here's something for you. I skipped ahead to some of the sex scenes and if this is the main draw then you have the reading taste of a tween. There's a million better sex scenes on Literotica, Asstr, etc. Whoever's mad at E William Brown should direct his anger at his own fucking brain for caring about this author at all.

>> No.15077799

sanderson is a hack

>> No.15077841

At least he's better than Bakker.

>> No.15077907


>> No.15077909


>> No.15077919

At least Bakker is better than Butcher.

>> No.15077931

how do these hacks support themselves surely non of you are buying their books?

>> No.15077984


>> No.15078360

From what I see the spergs cum over for brown it's his "world building" or some such. They always tell people to ignore the sex scenes.

>> No.15078484

Sabriel is just good fantasy.

>> No.15078499

what music do you listen to while reading? anything specific or just random playlist?

>> No.15078526

This, I need more

>> No.15078530


>> No.15078553
File: 327 KB, 495x721, 1418638512580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need complete silence to read my chinese web novels about rape and cultivation.

>> No.15078573


>> No.15078583

I just finished BoTNS after 3 times restarting it, and honestly I didn't see anything special in it. Maybe me being an ESL is a factor, but the later part of the book just kinda flew over my head, especially the ending that left me confused as fuck. Is this one of those "I need to read all the books to love the series" thing?

>> No.15078594

Where can I find an epub of this?

>> No.15078598

No, it's just an extremely mediocre series that gets reposted constantly because it makes people feel smart to talk about. It's the outer /lit/ of the SFFG genre.

>> No.15078604

Botns is one book split into multiple parts because reasons. Yes you have to read all the books. It's like reading two chapters of a book and not knowing what happened when you dropped the book.
It's a little hard for casual readers though.

>> No.15078605

Want to start reading Conan, but there are hundreds of stories and numerous different timelines to choose from.

What's a good place to start and should I follow a chronological time line or just jump about? Does it matter?

>> No.15078609

Just read the Complete Collection of Conan.

>> No.15078679
File: 327 KB, 1024x549, riftwar-saga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy, feel-good fantasy. I read a couple of them but Serpentwar, Legends and the game novelizations are still sitting on my bookshelf, unread.

>> No.15078760

Did you? Or did you just finish Shadow of the Torturer?

>> No.15078774

What is this tight vagina meme? What did he write?

>> No.15078804

all of the tiss chapters talk about her pussy being too tight lol
my man dropped this on his readers halfway through a long series

>> No.15078959
File: 299 KB, 1920x1080, aurora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sci-fi fans, the space autism-simulator Aurora has just launched their brand new updated edition of the game
It's free

>> No.15078992


>> No.15079020

thank you steve

>> No.15079114

>decide to check news for the first time in a few months
>my entire goddamn country is apparently on lockdown
What the FUCK did the wageslaves do this time?

>> No.15079185
File: 68 KB, 345x500, e3c1b9a85817d360503636e72c5ac1c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a work like this but better?

>> No.15079189

For the same reason no one gives a shit about Terry Brooks' Shannara series or Fred Saberhagen's Book of Swords. Because they're one of a million generic Tolkien ripoff series/franchises that started at the same time before publishers got sick of it. That shit is the shonen manga of fantasy.

>> No.15079198

I think I heard this when I went to a yoga store that sells crystals and essential oils

>> No.15079236

That quote is about Perrin

>> No.15079284

did they have scented candles too?

>> No.15079296

no shit

>> No.15079453

>scifi game

>> No.15079587

I hate how letists and retards assume anytime a book describes anyone as tan or really anything other than as white as the purest white snow it means apparently that they're the blackest niggers from the darkest depths of Africa.

Two Rivers folk are tan because they're fucking farmers out in the sun all day.

>> No.15079600

Isn't Malazan partially a transcript of the author's D&D games or some shit? Plus to omg so epic scope makes me hesitate to read it. I'll probably give it a go eventually, I mean I read fucking Sanderson and Rothfuss so why not, can't be any worse than those.
Maybe I should just stop reading reviews from reddit since no matter what the subject they gay it the fuck up.

>> No.15079607

I generally don't since, even if only a little, it is distracting. On the occasions that I do it's generally some sort of low key ambient music, depending on my mood and what I'm readin it can be anywhere from pseudo-celtic dungeon synth to like psytrance type stuff.

>> No.15079612

English is my first language and I didn't find that book particularly interesting or engaging. I don't know why it's so hyped and I especially don't understand why it's so often touted as being "muh real literature" or difficult or any of that.

>> No.15079617

malazan shouldn't be uttered in the same sentence as sanderson

>> No.15079621

Stick with the genuine Howard stories, not the pastiches nor the edited versions by later hacks. As far as order, it really doesn't matter.

>> No.15079624


fuck haven't listened to that genre in like 10 years

>> No.15079629

Saberhagen isn't that bad. The Book of Swords is hardly great but it's an enjoyable enough read and not a LOTR rip off, at least not so blatantly as something like Shannara.

>> No.15079644

neither is the magician by feist

>> No.15079646

Is it true that the first book is bad or confusing and that you have to read several books before you get it or enjoy it? Or is that just retards being retarded?

>> No.15079667

i'm on the second book now nearing the end, i found both enjoyable

the problem is theirs no extrapolation i.e. this is how this works and this is how the magic works

your just dropped into the story with no explanations

i kind of like that but i can imagine people who've read stuff like wot would find it difficult

>> No.15079680

I'm halfway thru The First Book of Swords. It's not Tolkienesque at all unless you count Midievalesque. There's a lack of elves and other races, there are gods, who are Olympian, etc

>> No.15079702
File: 200 KB, 500x334, 1586306481418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wageslaves finally embracing the slave lifestyle (work, home lockdown, work, home, work, home) and thanking the government for it. Nay, BEGGING the government to take away more of their rights.

>> No.15079710

>the problem is theirs no extrapolation i.e. this is how this works and this is how the magic works
Doesn't sound too bad, magic should be fucking magical anyway, not some autistic set of rules (depending I guess on the type of magic it's meant to be, I suppose so called ceremonial magic is by definition somewhat autistic and rule based lol).

I think I'm gonna give Vance's Dying Earth a shot first, then I might dip into Malazan if I'm still in the mood for SFF.

>> No.15079722

Yeah the only similarities I could think of are pretty fucking tenuous like I guess the swords are kinda like the ring(s) and the emperor is sorta Gandalf-ish maybe a little? Really I don't see it, but I'm sure someone could make the argument if hard pressed. I was going to add that the whole thing is also set in the far future in a post apocalyptic world, not that it really matters at all in the story, but then I remembered Shannara is too I think lol.