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File: 31 KB, 432x571, hemingway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1506963 No.1506963 [Reply] [Original]

"All thinking men are atheists."

If this does not describe you:
a. You are not thinking.
b. You are not a man.

>> No.1506969

False, this doesn't exclude stupid people of being atheists.

>> No.1506971

>stupid people don't think


>> No.1506972

I'm a thinking woman and I'm an atheist.

>> No.1506975

you must've misread, darling. go back and give it another shot.

>hint: it doesn't say all atheists are thinking men.

>> No.1506976


>> No.1506978

Therefore dildoes.

>> No.1506984

This is what all atheists realized but are too embarassed to say because the media forces them to hide anything that could be read as arrogant. It's absolutely right.

>> No.1506985


Nah, I didn't misread. I just objected to the b) qualifier. Doesn't matter a flying fuck if you're male or female: thinking people are atheists.

>> No.1506986

People who think are atheists. People who feel are theist.


Congratulations on overcoming from your genetic displacement.

>> No.1506987

I'm a thinking woman but I'm a deist. So I guess I don't disprove anything.

>> No.1506990

All atheists are men who think only of themselves.

>> No.1506993

>thinking woman

>> No.1507004

People who think are atheists. People who think deeply have gone full circle and come back to the conclusion that there has to be some kind of God

>> No.1507012


You sound intimidated.

>> No.1507019
File: 49 KB, 325x531, Heidegger3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heidegger's polytheism comes next after nietzsche's period of nihilism after the death of god.

heidegger's polytheism isn't based on absolutes. the 'gods' are just a way of understanding being.

>> No.1507027

>Reject thousands of years of religious intellectuals and their canon
>hurr only atheists r smrt!

>> No.1507039

women only pursue intellectual pursuits as a secondary goal, refer to Schopenhauer's On Women.

>> No.1507043

They killed or repressed all the good intelectuals that we are never going to hear about.

>> No.1507047
File: 151 KB, 1099x1469, 1296414910951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U greatly mad?

>> No.1507052

Yes, this quote is infallible, because god said it and wrote it in the bible, the quote must be true and we cannot question this quote.
Einstein believed in a non personal higher power so suck it bitches.

>> No.1507054

Bleh. I'm an atheist, but sometimes I'm baffled at such naive assumptions. Straight up "fan boy" towards atheism. And, let's remember that every human being can say what they want, but the minute everyone quotes him, it appears right.

>> No.1507057

thinking is only a minute aspect of the totality of human consciousness.

>> No.1507062

>einstein hurr durr.
^that's appealing to authority, which is a fallacy, faggot

>> No.1507065

All atheists are Marxists, anyway. Their opinions are thus irrelevant.

>> No.1507066

instead of "consciousness" say "being"

>> No.1507075

>implying the whole premise isn't about 'appealing' to authority.

>> No.1507080

this was supposed to be for you, ugly. >>1507062

>> No.1507081


>points out appeal to authority as risposte
>whole thread is based on an argument of "Appeal to Authority"

Good one

>> No.1507083

it's not true because he said it, he just said it well because he's a fine writer

>> No.1507091


As a woman who has made a conscious choice to directly pursue an intellectual course to the detriment of other parts of life, I find you laughable.

And Schopenhauer was a dick with maternal issues, his work is outdated and ludicrous.

>> No.1507098

It's because no one have the guts to say it.

>> No.1507099
File: 3 KB, 48x48, Princess Heart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't be insecure, darling. you're only lessening our respect for you.

>> No.1507104


Women are intellectually unproductive. They like their ideas too much. It's probably a maternity substitute/corollary.

>> No.1507111


Insecurity is often characterised by a need to demean others to feel more secure in your own superiority, darling.

>> No.1507113

lol. you say that but i think in the fine details of your choice you'll your own issues will be clear and more important reasons for choosing it obvious.

in fact, you wouldnt have responded to me if it wasnt true!

>> No.1507114


>implying women are capable of possessing intellectual capacity in any way.

>> No.1507116


>Doing as Schopenhauer prescribes in his essay, for the exact same reasons
>hurr he outdated misogyny lol

Stay classy

>> No.1507118

I love that this just became a 'let's bash women' thread.

The first computer programmer was a woman.

>> No.1507120


She was also a dumb bitch.

>> No.1507121


What world do you live in that has women performing in only non-intellectual ways? Did you attend university?

>> No.1507122

nice dubs, hopefully they make you feel better

>> No.1507124

>The first computer programmer was a woman
cool leaving out the facts bro that she only got into it because of her husband.

>> No.1507127

That just sounds arrogant and wrong. Especially considering the term "computer programmer". You could argue whoever invented that abacus was the first computer programmer

>> No.1507130


Ha. Ha. Ha.

I'd like you to meet this man.


>> No.1507131

at most universities it is a fact that women largely make up the lower 25 percentile

>> No.1507134


I'd love some genuine statistics there, bub.

>> No.1507135

Her notes on the engine include what is recognised as the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine; as such she is regarded as the world's first computer programmer.

>> No.1507136

From atheists vs theist to man vs woman. I say let's talk about how bad niggers are.

>> No.1507139


Yes, I did, and it is there that I learned the following: Women aren't capable of possessing true intellect.


>> No.1507143


You haven't mentioned a name..

>> No.1507145

Oh god...
I forgot that /r9k/ lives here now. x.x

Arguing that a woman is intelligent is pointless.
They all hate women for things that they have done to them throughout their life.

>> No.1507146

Ada Lovelace.
Apologies, I thought you guys knew how to use the internet, and/or had some sort of base intelligence about these things.

>> No.1507148


You didn't have any women in your class? The women in your class didn't graduate, or graduated poorly?

Or maybe you consider yourself to have a high, unattainable 'true intellect' that you refuse to acknowledge in women, even though many of them surpassed you academically?

>> No.1507151

All thinking men are agnostic.

If you chose to be an atheist, you're not thinking anymore, you've made up your mind.
Not only that, you've made up your mind on something you can't be sure about.

>> No.1507153
File: 133 KB, 354x363, feels-good-man1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so glad I'm not a woman. I'm so glad I'm a white male (main character of the world), and an above average one at that.

inb4 stupid/insecure /lit/ people/women nitpick what I say to try to prove they are more above average than me

>> No.1507155


Do you think it matters than women have smaller brains than men?

>> No.1507156

This guy. This guy right here.

>> No.1507158

*agnostic atheist

>> No.1507159

All atheists are thinking men but not all thinking men are atheists

>> No.1507162

I know I am more above average than you because I am more above average than you.

inb4 you do not know this because you are not as above average as me.

>> No.1507163


> any criticism
> mysoginy
> whoever criticized me is a pathetic fat virgin

Herp derp, never change uterus-wielder.

>> No.1507164


>base intelligence about these things

Fair enough, now may I introduce you to the Ancient Greeks.


A date was entered, and the device calculated the trajectory of the sun, moon and stars. Thus making it the first "programmed" device.

Considering this was Ancient Greece, you can bet it was developed by a man.

I bid you, and your new-found knowledge, good day

>> No.1507178 [DELETED] 




>> No.1507184



>> No.1507185


Any criticism is not misogyny. Trying to argue against the existence of female intellect against common sense, however, is ludicrous misogyny of the highest order.

>> No.1507189


Any criticism is legitimate, in and of itself. The only thing that determine it's worth is the soundnes of its reasoning.

I'm just saying that the maternity instict keeps them from being as good because they like their own ideas too much.

it's just a hunch, though.

>> No.1507190

Maybe if some actual evidence of the stupidity of women was presented here, I'd be more convinced.

It's all just
>hurr durr because I said so

>> No.1507191

Men of no substance deny women's inferiority. Men of substance recognise it, but avoid the subject as they still need to get laid.

>> No.1507196

Haha, you should see /r9k1/ on 4ch0n (not sure if it's filtered on /lit/). A mod had a huge fit the other day and started locking and banning for misogyny threads because "that's what ruined the original /r9k/". That's fine and all, except the only threads up were ones that might possibly be considered as misogyny if you look at it from a very radical feminist perspective.

Such as a thread asking why women are more prone to abandon long-term relationships than men, and providing some divorce statistics and all that.

But apparently that's misogyny because it made women look bad.
Girls these days.

>> No.1507200

>Men of substance recognise it, but avoid the subject as they still need to get laid.
Real men of substance know it to be false and still get laid. Your describing pussy whipped men.

>> No.1507205



no need to deny it on anonymous sites though, kekeke

>> No.1507207


You're trying to find a (woolly and basically unscientific) reason for something which does not exist. First prove women are not 'good', then try to fit your psuedo-psychological solution to it.

>> No.1507210

I assume by "know it" you mean, let everyone know they know it.

Then, yeah, they're pretty Alpha. But it's not that hard, like they say you treat a girl like dirt and she'll stick to you like mud.

>> No.1507212

What I hate.. no..what I despise, more than anything in the world, is the thousands of female "scholars" who think they're making some sort of intellectual breakthrough by "critiquing" the most intelligent men ever to exist by simply pointing out the "overtly sexist and oppressive views" they find in the person's writings, as if that should somehow discredit them entirely!!!

See Charlotte Witt on Emmanuel Kant and Aristotle to understand what I mean.

>> No.1507213

fuckin dubs train

ch3ck 3m

>> No.1507215


Your stupidity was visible when you claimed a woman was the first computer programmer.

Comma [Pause] You fool.

>> No.1507216

How many women here are atheists?

>Women bashing thread
Seriously guys?

>> No.1507218

You have no idea about what you're talking about, you don't know what being an atheist means, you don't know what being agnostic means, you don't know what being a theist means and yet you are so full of yourself and so certain about what you're saying.

Read a book.

>> No.1507219
File: 17 KB, 256x353, zelda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol quoting wikipedia. and like i said its babbage's machine she's a whore that only got into it because of him.

im not even a misogynist but im glad i started this off, tons of insecure whores and guys with insecure whores as gfs/friends/wifes getting insecure over facts that apply yo them

>> No.1507220

What is an agnostic athiest?

I never liked the idea of bein agnostic, because it basically says that there's just as much of a chance of magical invisible unicorns, etc. as there not being any kind of god. Which seems a bit unrealistic.

I assume agnostic athiest means that you're pretty sure there's no conventional god, but there's still a chance?

>> No.1507221

thinking inplies you are having a problem.

OP...your premise implies that thinking men have a problem with atheism

strange but true

>> No.1507222


Good god, you're a moron.

>> No.1507223


Artistotle had some pretty herpy derpy moments - when he justified slavery by saying they had strong backs that suited manual labour.

But I systematically hate feminist scholars, so I'm with you bro !

>> No.1507229

and you're upset that i called you out. nothing wrong with admitting things to yourself.

>> No.1507232


Some of the greatest minds to forge Western Literature and Philosophy into the glorious accomplishment of human intellect that it comprises, were bigots, sexists and misogynists. So, frankly, I'm in good company.

>> No.1507235


I'm neither insecure, nor a whore, and you're a moron. Believe it or not, I actually feel pretty good about that, rather than upset.

>> No.1507240

If you think there's something wrong with what I said specifically, then comment on it and point it out. If it's actually wrong, I will be glad to learn and be able to correct myself.

You can't go about telling people they're wrong just like that. It helps nobody.

>> No.1507242

gnostic theist - I know that god exists
agnostic theist - I don't know if god exists, but I think he does
agnostic atheist - I don't know if god exists, but I think he doesn't
gnostic atheist - I know that god does not exist

But when people just say...:

theist - I think god exists
atheist - I think god doesn't exist
agnostic - lul i dunno, dunt care, u all suck ballz u cannot kno 4 sure so why bother havin opinion rite guise

>> No.1507244


>not insecure
>No longer using her name or tripcode so she can post anonymously and call people morons to make it look like the "crowd" is on her side
>dumb bitch

>> No.1507248


What am I:

I don't think God exists, but I want him to.

>> No.1507250

>still going at this
damn! i feel sorry for you, at least i know whats wrong in my life and dont pretend im interested in shit im not to myself.

>> No.1507251

y do u want him 2 bro

>> No.1507254

>thinking man

WOW I proved something!

>> No.1507255

You can have an ontological position without an epistemological one.

>> No.1507256


Because I desire an afterlife.

>> No.1507261


Sry, never been a tripfag. Don't know if the tripfag is still posting, but that one was me. I'm always anon, and I always call people morons if they deserve it.

>> No.1507262

existentialist crisis

>> No.1507263

I can quote wikipedia too:

However, some biographers debate the extent of her original contributions. Dorothy Stein, author of Ada: A Life and a Legacy, contends that the programs were mostly written by Babbage himself. Babbage wrote the following on the subject, in his Passages from the Life of a Philosopher (1846).

I then suggested that she add some notes to Menabrea's memoir, an idea which was immediately adopted. We discussed together the various illustrations that might be introduced: I suggested several but the selection was entirely her own. So also was the algebraic working out of the different problems, except, indeed, that relating to the numbers of Bernoulli, which I had offered to do to save Lady Lovelace the trouble. This she sent back to me for an amendment, having detected a grave mistake which I had made in the process.

Not to mention the program was never actually used, the analytical machine was never built.
I don't really see how she can be considered the first computer programmer when she never actually programmed anything on any kind of computer. She just wrote "the first algorithm ever specifically tailored for implementation on a computer", which are pretty strict terms and doesn't make it much of an achievement at all. She just happened to be the first one who intended to "test" out his device, even if she never actually tested it.

At least you didn't mention how Franklin discovered the structure of DNA but Watson & Crick just went ahead and stole it and took the credit.

Captcha: Lovelace's ntropti
Wow, what're the chances of that?

>> No.1507266
File: 15 KB, 529x145, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic.

>> No.1507267

>Dorothy Stein

Damn, shut down by her own kind.

>> No.1507271

>agnostic - lul i dunno, dunt care, u all suck ballz u cannot kno 4 sure so why bother havin opinion rite guise

Pretty much this. Those who say they are agnostic usually think themselves as too stupid to try and figure it out altogether.

I shuffle from agnostic atheism to agnostic theism. Depends on the week. I'm 22 so I still have time to firgure it out.

>> No.1507273

Exactly my point. But most people don't get that.

You are a theist growing out of it. You'll get over it.

>> No.1507277

I'm a woman. I have a 4.0. I'll probably graduate first in my class.

>> No.1507279

at what expense in your life?

>> No.1507282


I'm a woman at Cambridge on the way to a First, but that won't get in the way of his gut feeling.

He's also wrong; in the UK at least, statistically around 70% of women traditionally graduate well compared to around 60% of men.

>> No.1507294

Unwilling agnostic.

>> No.1507298


I'm sure a lot of studies show women to be better students, though I'm not sure about university level. But that's mainly about work ethic and organisational skills, doing your homework like a good little girl etc. which women have a lot of. The thing the men have you beat in is actually being exceptional in their field. Putting that down to "male competitiveness" or whatever is such a cop out; even if that were the cause (which it isn't), we're still better than you at everything because of it and always will be, so your point is?

>> No.1507301


Doesn't university usually come first for those capable of high attainment?

>> No.1507302


I don't believe that you are the top in your class, that you have a 4.0, or even that you are a woman at Cambridge.

>> No.1507306


I am not 'top of my class' because we don't do that. I don't have a '4.0' because we don't do that, either. However, it is anticipated that I will graduate with a First-Class degree from Cambridge, among a few other people in my class.
I find it difficult that you would assume I was lying... on /lit/. Why would I even bother?

>> No.1507316
File: 38 KB, 450x451, not_this_shit_again..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Why would I even bother lying anonymously?

I didn't even think you were lying until you used that old chestnut.

>> No.1507320

>reation image
confirmed for 'broken'

>> No.1507322


Who's female? Broken? What are you going on about?

>> No.1507323


In my world, that's not exactly a determiner of deceit. I wasn't lying. There are 6,000 female undergraduates here. Why is it hard to believe I could be one of them?

>> No.1507331


I'm not willing to take your word for it and I don't really care, anyway.

>> No.1507326

So this is where r9k went...
Too bad.

>> No.1507336



3,394 admissions in 2009.


>> No.1507337


So your post is redundant? Thanks for sharing that with us.