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File: 373 KB, 1507x1200, 1933-may-10-berlin-book-burning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15063118 No.15063118 [Reply] [Original]

Is it book burning really so condemnable or do some books deserve to be burned?

>> No.15063122

All books deserve to be burned. Literature is a scourge of humanity.

>> No.15063125


>> No.15063130

it's not the book burning itself, but it's representation of violent censorship, and the symbolic declaration of complete, malicious control.

>> No.15063165

I don't think it really is. It's just deeply offensive to contemporary liberal sensibilities. And that's the whole reason the Nazis did it.

To their enemies it's the declaration that even their beloved press isn't safe. To their supporters it's a declaration that this kind of ignorance and perversity won't be allowed to spread any further.

>> No.15063183

A person's ability to chose what they consume is their freedom. To publicly announce that freedom of choice is not tolerated is a clear declaration of violence and censorship.

>> No.15063194

And people have the freedom to choose to burn. A society of enforced tolerance is a society where freedom only extends as far as your nose, the purely legalistic freedom of an Anglo or a Jew.

>> No.15063195

you're a moron.

>> No.15063197

Libtard = owned

>> No.15063201

It's one of the most based things I've ever seen; burning pedophile tranny propaganda in public.

>> No.15063202

You're an ahistorical nitwit

The only books deserving of being burned and wiped off the face of the planet are those by Ayn Rand. Treacherous danger to organised society.

>> No.15063206

And like a quibbling jelly he retreats.

>> No.15063210
File: 13 KB, 467x359, q5vcTkc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>except the ones i don't like lol ban that filth

>> No.15063213

I'm not your highschool history teacher.

>> No.15063321
File: 11 KB, 165x264, E58CDFCC-331A-4043-8392-C234E8CD1B40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burning books is always a pathetic cope

>> No.15063327


>> No.15063337


>> No.15063390

what is the difference between burning books and publishers refusing to print certain older books or new books with certain content?

>> No.15063411

burning books is a show of power
people not printing books is because they think it won't sell/will hurt their brand.
Both are dumb, but one is a little more pure-hearted greed.

>> No.15063430
File: 136 KB, 720x480, 1502659916262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books get pulped en masse all the time. Most book simply don't deserve to exist and were a big fat mistake that cost some poor tree its life.

>> No.15063440

you were a minute ago

>> No.15063444

more like trenchcoat and fedora hazard

>> No.15063449
File: 184 KB, 500x281, 1583501161773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but they don't pulp it in the middle of the street and make a big spectacle of it.

>imagining all the priceless books that people threw out and were destroyed because they didn't know what they had.

>> No.15063459

They should.

I'd love to see all the crap they couldn't sell get burned. In fact I would pay a few dollars to see that.

>> No.15063461
File: 701 KB, 1000x656, hitler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iirc the books they were burning were what they unironically classified as "degenerate," like pornography and Krimi. I don't think the way it's framed today -- that they were burning literature to destroy knowledge -- is accurate. Same for girolamo Savonarola.

>> No.15063509

Difference between abortion and murder

>> No.15063570

My friend gave me a 1750s copy of ovids verwandlungen with gold-leaf and color lithographs. She fished it out of the trash after her dad threw it away.

>> No.15063576

Based dad.

>> No.15063577


>> No.15063591

>do some books deserve to be burned?
Yes, anything written by a jew deserves to be burned.

>> No.15063812
File: 2.13 MB, 746x3265, Guardian Archive-Banned_books_1_Aug_1933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its surprisingly hard to find the actual index of what was was banned. The magazine "Börsenblatt für den deutschen Büchhandel" is where the list originates from but I would have no idea how to find an archived copy.
>Good Soldier Švejk is a threat to Germany

>> No.15063916
File: 6 KB, 400x225, 1574098646826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GERMANY: "Read No Evil"
>To re-educate Germany, the Allies last week adopted a typically Nazi device. The four-power Coordinating Committee decided to reduce to pulp all "undemocratic, militaristic and Nazi" literature, museum and library material, newspapers, films and war memorials. Tombstones were excepted.
>TIME Magazine, Monday, May 27, 1946

>> No.15063945

What books did they burn?

>> No.15064160

Thank you, Plato

>> No.15064168

Only those incapable of defending their positions feel so threatened by other positions that they must destroy them

>> No.15064196

only if you are a conservative principles. they are just fine for libertarians or authoritarians.

>> No.15064201

It wasn't the destruction of the smut and drivel that was the problem, but the disobedience towards the Jews that this act represented.

>> No.15064221

Yes. Most of the books burned by Nazis were ones about transgenderism, prostitution and sexual deviancy whose only purpose was to corrupt their readers. Burning it was no different from burning garbage when the landfill overflows.

>> No.15064261

What is the point of having warehouses full of novels that sound and read the same, but with small adjustments?
Same authors, same stories, same shit. I say geburn them. Better to have books that disappear like money on the street instead of having a wide selection of the same scripts.

>> No.15064713


>> No.15064741

Any measure that we would condemn the nazis for is justified if it is done against the nazis, because the elimination of nazis takes precedence above every other moral obligation.

>> No.15064746

What difference?

>> No.15064747


>> No.15064771


If only they could have thrown the authors on the pyre, too.

>> No.15064818
File: 145 KB, 1193x797, crying aoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realize the holocaust was made up

>> No.15064830

It's the founding principal of modern civilisation.

>> No.15064835

not an answer