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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 66 KB, 295x341, black ash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1506216 No.1506216 [Reply] [Original]

okay /lit/ i am about to start writing for the first time ever.

My plan is to write 2,000 (probably terrible) words and then see how it is.

I have never written creatively before and was just wondering if you guys would be interested in reading what i've written when i'm finished?

pic unrelated

>> No.1506218

You need to pitch the ideas to us first.

>> No.1506217

im surprised at your self-doubt/worth brownbear. of course we would.

>> No.1506220


not got any idea here, im literally just going with the flow and seeing how it develops

>> No.1506221

I'm not convinced I want to read it.

>> No.1506234

Obviously we'll read it. Word of advice if you're going to freeflow it though: once you're finished you should look at it, map it out in an outline, and rewrite it. Trust me when I say this will do more to improve it, even before anyone else has seen it, than anything else you could do at this point.

I look forward to reading your piece.

>> No.1506264


okay the basic plot i've got revolves around the life of a man called James Lawson, an uneducated man from Manchester who lies dying aged 101 in a room surrounded by varied and interesting characters (i'm talking not neccessarily FAMOUS people, but people like the ambassador for Russia is there, ringmaster of a world famous circus etc) and basically as he dies they slowly begin to tell each other the stories of how they know this man.

Each chapter has its own unique voice (as its told by a different member of the gathered party) and the time line varies because they all met him at different times in his life.

This all comes together at the finale when he ties the unfinished plot together with his own recollection of certain events.
then he dies

sound good? y/n?

>> No.1506272

Yeah, those kind of stories can be good. There was a Connections play a few years ago with a similar premise called Burn (except the characters were all much younger). That was wonderful.

>> No.1506273

mitebcool. Go for it.

>> No.1506303

this sounds terrible

>> No.1506308


cool concept, but sounds hard to pull off. do it anyways and see how it goes.

>> No.1506310


Sounds fucking awesome bro! Although I am quite stoned atm. I'll read it!

>> No.1506311

it's weird you guys troll your own boards. brownbear and fat&lazy, with trips, can't you think of anything interesting to post? What is the point of this bullshit?

>> No.1506312

we're all still pretty young, not everyone can be as insightful as me.

>> No.1506315
File: 152 KB, 258x314, harvey dent pffft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks guys, i think i'll butcher the concept horribly but you never know.

>trolling a board
>with trips

you think using a tripcode is trolling a boatd?
pic related.

>anything interesting to post
>calls it bullshit
>doesn't sage

>> No.1506319

that story doesnt have a lot of potential and i dont think it will be very good

>> No.1506331

If you want, send the chapters to me and I'll send them back with only minor corrections and editing notes for any stylistic suggestions on changes.
I've got to get ready for work now but next time we're on tinychot talk to me about it if you're interested.

>> No.1506338

you're a shit editor. suffocate please. and yes i really visual the fantasy of that happening to you when i say that. suffocate.

>> No.1506343
File: 146 KB, 366x307, DavidMitchell28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds cliché as fuck.
I wrote some shit like this as an essay in S1

>> No.1506344

the whale awakens, dark storms rise as the mass moves in for the kill and the sky burns with thunderous flames; it has started. Hambeast vs Behemoth

>> No.1506346
File: 106 KB, 250x220, DavidMitchell7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1506345

i'm not a girl. or fat (in the way you mean) .

>> No.1506352
File: 45 KB, 400x300, super_hans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh what, so Mr fucking ocean colour pants don't get it? Well, quelle fucking surprise.

>> No.1506354
File: 84 KB, 211x258, DavidMitchell20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quoting alongside a picture of Super Hans in a relevant manner?

You get to live.

>> No.1506390

>literally just going with the flow
Are you in a river?

>> No.1506394

i think he means the flow of his thoughts

>> No.1506568

thanks broroviev


i did mean the flow of my thoughts

>> No.1506585
File: 194 KB, 100x100, Saho.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll send them back with only minor corrections and editing notes for any stylistic suggestions on changes.

"too much wibbledywobbledy, not enough clippetyclop"

>> No.1507339
File: 32 KB, 251x241, 1278641118520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you've never seen one word of my prose
>mfw that has jack shit to do with editing anyhow
>mfw ty thinks what it's seen me do on /lit/ has anything to do with what I actually do when editing
>mfw I had other writers on campus pay me to edit their works
>mfw I've been to dozens of poetry and writing workshops on a number of different styles and ideas, and led a few as an editor
>mfw the author's club here on campus came and asked me to re-join and when I said I've quit writing they asked if I could still come and give people input
>mfw you guys consistently think I don't know a damn thing, I do I'm just not as good at remembering it
>mfw it's because I'm not an English student and reminded of it all on a daily basis
>mfw I'm going to have a decent job most likely re-building America's infrastructure when I leave college
>mfw my job will leave me enough spare time to write and pursue other specialized fields if I so choose while you're busy taking your work home night after night to work on while eating half-cooked noodles multi-tasking to crunch your miserable allotment of "free" time because you're a broke-ass TA reading awful term papers and kissing ass
>mfw I bump this thread just to talk some shit.

>> No.1507345

u seem to be upset

>> No.1507368

>u mad
Really bringing the A-game there, anons.

>> No.1507377

when do you -ever- not get pwned by d&e?

>> No.1507383

I would read it. I'm particular though, just so you know.

>> No.1507402
File: 92 KB, 975x1278, 1278915240964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When discussing Steinbeck.

>> No.1507434
File: 619 KB, 241x182, tearfulpunjab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1507526
File: 4 KB, 252x184, overweight smurf holding ps3 gaems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



i laffed

>> No.1507536

didn't we go over this? you have to have a good name for it to be littered on.

>> No.1507550

no, that post has a smug cat picture attached to it. there is no way he's upset.