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15059637 No.15059637[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>can't sit down and fucking read without getting distracted after 3 minutes
>have 200+ books on kindle that I didn't even went past the first chapter
>spend my free time constantly switching between different sources of dopamine hits

>got prescribed amphetamines to alleviate the problem
>use it to jerk off for 5h straight instead, every time
I'm beyond help isn't it?

>> No.15059649

1. put on background noise. A podcast or something that you've listened to before. Something you like, but don't have to pay attention to

2. make sure you actually want to read the book you're trying to read.

>> No.15059651

Physical books are better for ADHD. Less distractions.

>> No.15059656


>> No.15059665

I'm speaking from experience. Maybe it works better for you.

>> No.15059678

me too. on an ereader you only have the one screen to read at any given time. you can't get overwhelmed. or, I can't.

>> No.15059683

>leave the house with your book and without your phone
>walk until you're bored/tired of walking
>sit down on a bench, park, cafe, library, etc.
>take some stimulants
>start reading
this is what I do to manage my add and it works decently well. Still, the mind wanders off and all, but its manageable.

>> No.15059696

You wanna know how to read for more than 10 minutes? You just read for more than 10 minutes. There's no trick. Stop making excuses or just give up the idea of reading as a hobby.

>> No.15059705

>its all in your head bro... just overcome it with willpower bro...
This is what happens when you ignore medical science. Retard.

>> No.15059714

More power to you then. Hope it helps.

>> No.15059719
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ADHD is causes by sexual excess. Too much masturbation and sex destroys focus and you ruined the one pharmacological treatment by associating it with the very behavior responsible for causing your ADHD in the first place. Never going to make it. You're hypofrontal and your dopamine receptors are shot. Only thing that might make it more bearable is a high dose of seleigline but you ruined yourself, coomer.

>> No.15059731

This is true. Get a physical book and go somewhere without your phone and without other distraction, like a park or something, if you can. I have mild ADHD, and I’ve found this strategy effective.
Also, if you’re going to take amphetamines, it’s best to refrain from taking any before you’ve actually planned out what you want to do/focus or whatever. If I take adderall mindlessly at the beginning of the day I’ll end up getting super sucked into whatever I happen to start doing, whether it’s playing piano, jacking off, or whatever, and I waste a shit ton of time. When I take it only after I’ve committed to studying, though, it’s very useful.

>> No.15059732

Cope. You can manage to read my posts.

>> No.15059737


>> No.15059739

It's no loss to me if you can't read. Maybe /lit/ isn't the place for you

>> No.15059742

one thing that helped me is to literally force yourself to read. if you're a couple pages in and start feeling like you want to stop, just force yourself to keep reading. i'm making some progress doing that

>> No.15059757

Reading isn't some magic thing everyone else is able to do with ease except for you because you have a damaged brain. If you lower your expectations on what 'reading' is and actually just spend some time looking at words and ordering them the whole enterprise becomes far more manageable.

>> No.15059771
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>> No.15059779

based and brainpilled

>> No.15059783
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>You're hypofrontal and your dopamine receptors are shot. Only thing that might make it more bearable is a high dose of seleigline but you ruined yourself, coomer.
If I lay off it for a couple months it should get better, right? Right?

>> No.15059791

>reading is hard :( it's my brain

>> No.15059797

Imagine spending all that time reading up on ADHD to convince other people it makes it hard for you to read LOL

>> No.15059823

Doesn't exist.

>> No.15059838
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>constantly moving and seeking stimulus since I was a kid
>mom even took me to a therapist when I was 7
>even today at 25 people comment that I can't stay still
>legs bouncing all the time

>"its probably just me being a faggot :^)"
Eat shit

>> No.15059839

Assuming you can. I found it easier to extricate myself from opiates and cig habits than masturbation. My honest advice at this point is to tell people to use images when quitting because long masturbation sessions without porn serve only to reinforce past memories and taint the imagination by using it as your COOOMing stimuli, which manifests in more sexual thoughts, more sexual dreams. Use sports illustrated or playboy images when quitting and strive to reduce the frequency of mastutbation more than anything, adopt neurocognitive stategies to recognize triggers and prevent maladaptive pre-sexual thoughts from circulating. It will be extremely difficult but I think you might be able to make it to the point where you can undo the conditioned place preference of stimulant + sexual behavior and once that withers away you might be able to use those drugs as intended. Look on ADD forums if you doubt this hypothesis. Many are unrepentant coomers, this one guy there thought it was abnormal that he was the only one admitting to 11 ejaculations in a 12 hour period. Remember, you are what you repeatedly do.

>> No.15059848

Wow you've been making the same excuse for your behaviour since you were 7? No wonder you're so defensive

Yes you're so special and you can't read :)

>> No.15059856

Nope, only recently I started paying attention to how abnormal it is. Before I just regarded myself as being quirky or 2fast4normies or whatever.

>> No.15059866

You're so special :)

>> No.15059894

Also, reading a few bits of information here and there on the internet when it sparks your interest momentarily is peak ADHD. Very different than dutifully reading something sequential from start to end like a book where you are prone to get bored all the time while at it.
But of course you'll reduce it to your limited understanding of the issue and draw conclusion from that, like a proud brainlet.

>> No.15059910

Oh no not boredom! :(

>> No.15059933

>making narcissists seethe with simple emotes and one liner ego checks
Holy fucking unfathomably based

>> No.15059977

meditate learn to control your focus
willpower nigers should actually pickup a book you're obviously retarded

>> No.15060007

>Take estrogen
>No more sex drive
Problem solved

>> No.15060017

It's nothing about 'willpower' you spastic faggot it's about looking at words in sequence

>> No.15060087

he already said he cant u absolute npc retard , i dont have his condition but i have basic empathy to understand him and help while you npc keep saying dumb shit that doesnt work for him;
Meditation can restructure the brain and deal with root of the problem therefore there is no struggle in reading

>> No.15060102

He can but it 'bores' him

Tell me though what's the difference between 'willpower' and as you say 'controlling your focus' you fucking moron?

>> No.15060109

Kinda gay

>> No.15060123

He could have ADHD, sure, but it could also be a struggle because this asshole enables himself with his excuses and now has a name for it. It can be both.

>> No.15060207

Over-stimulation probably doesn't help. Don't know if you've been officially diagnosed or not but you might just be in a rut. I know it's a platitude, but focus is more about discipline than anything. I don't want to be one of those people who thinks they're the first person to discover meditating and start preaching it at every opportunity, but it's helped me improve focus a little, although it's not a panacea. It'll likely take time to 'fix' whatever you're going through, but the body is resilient and adaptable as is the mind. You can learn to be less subservient to whim and desire if you're willing to take the time to define what you think is important, as if you don't have something clearly delineated, you'll fall back on basic impulse every time, and impulse is dangerous nowadays when most things are designed to exploit it. Obviously with something like ADHD, it's not something that's your 'fault'., but you do have the power to try and mitigate some of the negatives, which is ultimately a responsibility that lies on you.

>> No.15060330

you use your base awareness to adjust the brain back to normal its not willpower you unconscious creatin
virgin homo
chad faggot

>> No.15060363

good books on how to meditate?

>> No.15060420

Have you tried simply eliminating your distractions. I mean ditch the phone, tv, computer, all of it. Plant yourself somewhere with a book and don’t leave until you’ve read a sizable portion. You’d be pretty amazed at what you can do when you give yourself no other choice.

>> No.15060434


>> No.15060515

imagine thinking psychological labels are real, defining identities. nigga you're just lazy and stupid. throw your fucking phone, vidya, movies, TV, and other consoomer products out the window.

>> No.15060527

i came literally six times today and i could sit down and read a phonebook for 4 hours if i felt like it. puritanical retard incel.

>> No.15060622

>i s-s-s-swear i-i could i-if i wanted to...
>y-y-y-you're just involuntarily celibate!
Never seen a cope like this before

>> No.15060640

Of course the label itself isn't real, it's just used to define a series of behaviors as caused by a number of identifiable acute factors, some of them out of your control and some of them not. It's a way to acknowledge patterns of thought as to try and contrive a method of resolution. I agree that people can become restricted to their labels as they justify action by extricating themselves from the problem and saying something like 'oh I just have X mental problem so I'm confined to these behaviors and there's nothing I can do', but conversely it can serve to further your apprehension of yourself, which is what eventually leads to personal improvement. Self awareness is primarily what allows you to strengthen the aspects of yourself you deem to be important, so identifying the problems as being 'lazy' or 'stupid' is dumb since it's way too broad to ever address. We're all at least a wee bit lazy and stupid, so if that's the extent of the problem as you define it, you're never going to make progress.

>> No.15060709

>words words words
Let's be honest, you're just making excuses for yourself.

>> No.15060790

look i'm just trying to help OP instead of just calling him a 'gay coomer' or some shit. If you want to talk about excuses, how about adopting some bleak fatalist outlook where you relinquish control of yourself and take solace in ideologies that perpetuate your inaction. By internalizing these beliefs you're reducing the world to one as you expect it to be, and will fail to see it as it is. The more you descend into the structure of precept, any precept, the narrower your perception becomes. The simplest way to break that complacency is to accept responsibility for yourself.

>> No.15060797

>i-i-i-i s-s-swear..
I don't care. Fuck off retard.

>> No.15060809

>if i felt like it

>> No.15060813

You don't feel like it because your dopamine receptors are too associated with sexual arousal to contemplate anything but tasks related to it.

>> No.15060835

- Do not read fiction
- Do not read books
- Read individual chapters
- Only read so you can argue with plebs
- If you want to read something, start an argument with someone online first
- Only read the relevant chapter to BTFO someone, then look for another target
- If the pdf isn't on libgen it doesn't exist
- Use text to speech at 3x or higher to BTFO people faster, the actual voice should be so fast it is unintelligible background noise but the rythm will keep you on the correct page

>> No.15060941

i guarantee i read more books so far this year than any of you coping niggers

>> No.15060958

I can barely function without taking vyvanse

>> No.15060971


>> No.15061007

I don't know about books, but I know about videos! I was skeptical at first but is actually working :) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbcI2r4u2hyBjyNe9YcoDfA

>> No.15061014

This was going to be my advice, it's hard to beat it for 5 straight hours in public someone is bound to notice. That being said, it is fun but nowhere near as fulfilling as making real progress in a book.

I also find that audiobooks have helped me read the novel I want to engage in for entertainment purposes. Complex works dont translate well, and I find that nonfiction often make for tedious listening. I bought Walden two weeks ago and still haven't been able to get through it, despite only being 6ish hours long.

>> No.15061019

Stop replying to retards that should be on /b/

>> No.15061036

Just took it knowing fully well I'll end up fap binging

>> No.15061089

Or just read quotes and copypaste and btfo virgins anyway
Whats an actually good text to speech , any recommendations