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/lit/ - Literature

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15040721 No.15040721 [Reply] [Original]

BOOK CLUB Spin - Robert Charles Wilson https://mega.nz/#F!O1cFiKaS!hPf1KFnauX7PSaM5PJE3QA
RECS https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/1029811-sffg
CHAT https://discord.gg/KWPCM7m
CHARTS https://mega.nz/#F!JrhSyY6S!7qmTPol52TnmpFOdbag7RQ
THREADS >>/lit/?task=search2&search_subject=sffg
MANAGEMENT https://calibre-ebook.com/download
BOOKS & AUDIOBOOKS https://forum.mobilism.org/viewforum.php?f=120

Previous thread: >>15019856 (Cross-thread)

>> No.15040768

sanderfag a hack

>> No.15040772


>> No.15040947
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>> No.15040963
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Who's your favorite qt character in sci-fi and fantasy?

>> No.15041011
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>> No.15041056

Just a reminder that there is not a single good fantasy book with any literary merit. Even sci fi has a the occasional gems.

>> No.15041073

LOTR, Gormenghast, BOTNS

>> No.15041093

>literary merit
so rowling, good job

>> No.15041148

Anyone else here read through the Metro series? Halfway through 2034, enjoyed them both so far.

>> No.15041180

Fuck E William Brown

>> No.15041250


>> No.15041299

anon is has been posting about brown since mid last year or something. hes mad that brown doesnt update his blog and only talks to his paypiggies on subscribestar. also theres no updates on anything except some hints about his space loli series.

>> No.15041423

hey, I like studying mathematics and I like reading, but whenever I have access to computers (I need to have access to one currently ) I always waste 16 hours every day gaming like a degenerate. it's not even satisfying or fun, it's just addictive and deleting things, uninstalling accounts or breaking components doesn't help. How do you get to the point where you naturally prefer to read or do wholesome things in free time, without having to completely restrict access to things as I usually do??

>> No.15041541

You are a a weak willed child. Work on your mental fortitude and willpower.

>> No.15041617

Just like anything else pal, start small and snowball. Learn to really enjoy it rather than feeling the obligation. Reading something basic you think you might like is good enough to start. If you like The Witcher games, for instance, you might start with the first book. Even just 20 minutes in the morning is enough. Then before you know it you'll be arguing with retards on this board.

>> No.15041633

Nynaeve from the Wheel of Time! I'd love to tug her braid while dicking her

>> No.15041703

You find a book that grips you, best to look for books that are based on something you are interested in. If you like vidya try reading a book based on a video game you like. The Assassin's Creed and Halo books are supposed to be ok. The original Mass Effect books are supposed to be good as well.

>> No.15041727

im in the same boat. wasting time on the computer is just way easier than doing math even though i didnt have that much of a problem before the quarantine

>> No.15041819

I know that, I usually keep myself from using technology or games as a substitute for real willpower, but I thought it was kind of neurotic and image-chasing and thought it would be healthier to allow myself to do whatever I wanted in spare time - but was dissapointed to find that all I ended up doing again was playing games.
It's not because I enjoy them more or they are satisfying, it's just the way they are built is specifically to promote addiction and it takes usually a few months to get over it and start doing wholesome hobbies voluntarily. And it's much better to do hobbies which you want to do for enjoyment voluntarily than through willpower, so I'd like to know how to make reading more appealing to the brain than gaming so that that happens permanently

>> No.15042109

It's funny how much you can pad your resume in Skyrim really quickly, while doing so in real life takes effort and social skills

>> No.15042289

>book is supposed to be about cool fantasy holy war
>it's just not-Christians vs not-Muslims
Prince of Nothing sucks.

>> No.15042339
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Any recommendations for books similar to the scene in Three-Body Problem where the world military leaders are discussing how to intercept and stop the "Judgement Day" ship?

as well, are the other books in the series any better, felt a tad underwhelmed by the first

>> No.15042686

Monarchies of God does this too, it seems pretty interesting then you realise he's just doing the western schism. Still a good work but I prefer fantasy to be more fantastical

>> No.15042742

Is wandering inn actually worth reading, one of the charts calls it "well written" so I'm giving it a second glance

>> No.15042757

The Gone World

>> No.15042837

Hyacinth from BotLS

>> No.15042853

That’s sci fi you retard

>> No.15042869

Does anyone sudenly get really tired when reading? How do I stop this?

>> No.15042888

Eat better. Carbs make you crash and sleepy.

>> No.15043178

Any good fantasy involving giants?

>> No.15043225

Biggest your mileage may vary warning ever but Thomas Covenant

>> No.15043231

Read Sad Tale of the Brothers Grossbart. Two clueless microbrain thugs living in the midst off the Great Schism who have no fucking idea what's going on.

>> No.15043234

Hugo Awards Finalists:

>> No.15043238

The reason he rapes is because he thinks it's a dream. Basically the book starts out as an evil/rapehobo playthrough before the main quest starts.

>> No.15043241

I liked the part where the dude had black semen.

>> No.15043247


>> No.15043252

Anything Wolfe, I think he got a fetish or something

>> No.15043301


Was Baldanders a giant or just freakishly tall? I need to re-read soon

>> No.15043307

people who don't like it seem more bothered by him still refusing to believe it's real later on rather than the initial rape
I like the two of the noms that I've read but I had no interest in reading Anders or reading more Seanan McGuire.
Hilarious that they fucked up the name of The Wormwood Trilogy when they originally printed given that it's some of the best writing on there.

>> No.15043496


>> No.15043537

is fantasy just for transsexuals? The witcher and wheel of time seem like the author imagining himself as a powerful woman
>men are stupid and corrupted women are pure

>> No.15043545

recommend me a book that reads like an MMO

>> No.15043558

sounds like you're projecting, tranny.

>> No.15043564

have you read the wheel of time?

>> No.15043572

the biggest fucking problem with wheel of time is that jordan writes all of the women as conniving bitches whilst rand is perfect lol

>> No.15043573

no, that's for trannies, that's why you read it.

>> No.15043626

>recommend me a book that reads like an MMO
recommend me a book that reads like an MMO

>> No.15043627

>whilst rand is perfect
I did not get that impression from the first 3 books. He's confused and not fully in control.

>> No.15043660

there arent any books about grinding mobs and gaining levels

>> No.15043669

fuck you

>> No.15043674

Fantasy idea: write a novel set during the antediluvian about giants.

>> No.15043693

why dont you try reading the Warcraft books? Theres nothing thats going to read like playing a mmo

>> No.15043895

No, it's not trans power fantasy but a meek man depicting women and scoldy and powerful. He is used to being dominated by them and it carries over. You know, like a nerd.

>> No.15044081
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Just read this series after some anon bitched about heavy handed christian themes but I thoroughly enjoyed it. The themes weren't lite or anything but I appreciated that it focused so much on predestination and not just straight western morality

The part in book three where it's revealed that Katharine was found by Nethgallah truly sucked. I was holding out hope for so long

>> No.15044336

Folds her arms under her...

>> No.15044387

prince of nothing is definitely the best fantasy of the last decade tbqh. to be fair that doesnt preclude it from sucking.

>> No.15044391

I'm always tired. I have a sleep disorder that they don't seem to be able to diagnose or fix. So, they just tell me I have "poor quality fragmented sleep". You just learn to live with and deal with being tired. You read when you don't feel like it and sometimes forget you're tired while you lose yourself in the books.

>> No.15044412

reincarnation of the strongest sword god. its just as mindless and power up/loot focused as playing an mmo. I enjoy reading it even though its really fucking low brow.

>> No.15044451

Human beings are starch eaters. We're meant to live off starch. Take the oil, dairy, and meat out of your diet.

>> No.15044494

>download 5 new books/5 recs/5 books in a micro-genre
>read 1-2
>download 5 again
getting to the point where I can find stuff I put on the ereader years ago and actually want to read it which is nice.

>> No.15044656
File: 467 KB, 764x1491, sffg recommendations actually fixed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your /sffg/ recommendation shelves

>> No.15044670

Reading fantasy set in another world with no relation to our own is a cuck thing to do. You should only read works set on Earth, like Conan.

>> No.15044704

>Literally just made-up, stereotyped caricatures of irl Earth cultures
>implies Atlantis is real
ok troll

>> No.15044734

It's embellished, but at least it's ancient Earth and ancient man. Not faggy elves in faggy fagland.

>> No.15044789

You've known you made it when you have autists feverishly posting hate comments about you.
Sanderson, Rothfuss and GURM are living examples.

>> No.15044831

>using that chart instead of mine
You deserve everything you got coming to you

>> No.15044839

I can't even tell if this is bait.

>> No.15044843

Don't breed or your kids will get it.

>> No.15044875

Go to Amazon kindle and search for "online" in the science fiction and fantasy section, you should get your heart's delight.

>> No.15044891

Come back and recommend us books when you read at least 500 books.

>> No.15044900

But I have.

>> No.15044916

Why do I feel you are pol?
Why do I feel that if we invented colonization space ships tomorrow, you would be trying to blow them up?
Why do I feel that if cute alien bitches came down right now and wanted to bare your children you would want to hunt them?
Why do I get the uneasy feeling that you thump bibles and cry about "god's earth", and do everything in your power to hamper scientific progress.

>> No.15044925

>my little pony

>> No.15044933

Why did goodreads allow comicfags onto the platform.

>> No.15044937

I love how I can read Marcel Proust's In Search of Lost Time and posting my goodreads would still only result in
>my little pony
It's been 10 years and the butthurt is still galactic in scale.

>> No.15044983


>> No.15045006
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Finally got around to starting the Penric short stories and they're pretty great. Random rural nobleman accidentally gets a demon shoved inside his head and goes on adventures.

>> No.15045032
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thoughts on this book?

>> No.15045041
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I bought a bag of chips. Now I need to put on my wizard robe and grab my wizard staff.

>> No.15045160

He’s technically a regular human who is just constantly making himself larger

>> No.15045180

>made it
I actually hate you. I never despised his writing, even though it was essentially just a power self insert into everything he wants to be...then I met that fat fuck. He is the epitome of an impotent neckbeard. He is the personification of the “woke” fedora tipping feminist dude, who eventually gets found out as the rapist

>> No.15045182
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So are there any good books that deal with the concept of dreams being other planes of reality or something like that?
I've already read Lovecraft's Dream Quest stories.

>> No.15045217

I don't get it? Is the solution to be a sexist asshole, or a woke feminist? Or can you just not win either way?

>> No.15045221

I've met a few bronies irl. They are very mentally nutty people.

>> No.15045227

Do you fucking understand how genetics work? It is not "guaranteed" you'll pass on anything as a dominant trait.

>> No.15045411

/sffg/, I don't know how much longer I can survive like this. I'm getting claustrophobic just thinking about it

>> No.15045453
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I know Stephenson gets some shit for having poor endings (Seveneves really bad apparently), but how is The Diamond Age? So far I have LOVED Anathem, and really enjoyed Snow Crash. Sure - he starts very strong and peters out a bit, but it's fine.

>> No.15045521
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What are your thought on fantasy races like elves, dwarves, Tieflings, goblins, orcs, etc., /lit/? Do you like them, hate them, or just don't care? What are some things that you wish you would see more often regarding fantasy races, if anything? What would you like to see less? Are the races in your setting related to humanity at all?

>> No.15045537

Is it still Diversity Awards?

>> No.15045542

The solution is to not give a shit and do whatever you believe right. It just usually happens the super woke types usually get found out to abuse women because they only pretend to believe what they do to get laid...so umm don’t do that part

>> No.15045559
File: 772 KB, 1550x2048, FAA05242-80E0-4D6A-A830-13EF06F0E79F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Googled the very first author on the list. I stopped googling...

>> No.15045568

Read something set on a spaceship. There's your claustrophobia.

>> No.15045570

On the one hand, I guess Charlie could be a woman's name. On the other, I still imagined a man.

>> No.15045572

Read The Big U. Not because of the ending, but because of the lesbian surprise sex scene. Girl saves other girl from getting raped and then surprise sexes her.

>> No.15045670

Those fucking teeth good god

>> No.15045846

What's the consensus on Brandon Sanderson? I feel like he's good at world-building and systems, but he has some terrible passages, and these are the better ones.

>Vin used her Luck on Laird. She reached out tentatively—not even really sure what she was doing, or why she could even do it. Yet, her touch was instinctive, trained through years of subtle practice. She’d been ten years old before she’d realized that other people couldn’t do what she could.

>She pressed against Laird’s emotions, dampening them. He became less suspicious, less afraid. Docile. His worries melted away, and Vin could see a calm sense of control begin to assert itself in his eyes.

>Yet, Laird still seemed slightly uncertain. Vin pushed harder. He cocked his head, looking thoughtful. He opened his mouth to speak, but she pushed against him again, desperately using up her last pinch of Luck.

Is this good writing in fantasy? I'm not asking in a negative way, I'm just wondering. I'm not saying it's bad.

>> No.15045850


>> No.15045877

It's very YA-ish. That's the trend these days because New Adult doesn't have to be PG13 but it still keeps the YA style and reading level.

>> No.15045884

If you just want self-indulgent anime fiction, go right ahead. It's serviceable for what your getting, but there are better authors who do the same thing but better.

>> No.15045886

Diamond Age is his best. I really liked it.

>> No.15045906

They're too tropey. It would take some really good reviews from people I trusted for me to read a book with them.

>> No.15045998

It took me a second too, I intentionally didn’t google it until I decided what gender someone named Charlie Jane Anders would be. The sad part is I tried to choose the most flattering picture

>> No.15046119


>> No.15046128
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>The solution is to not give a shit and do whatever you believe right
Spoken like a true reader of sf&f.

>> No.15046136

Don't breed you fucking breeder.

>> No.15046589

>t. jelly incel

>> No.15046851

Depends on the execution like everything else. A lot of the time they're either cliched shit being used because "fantasy has elves therefore I need to add elves", or a way to disguise parables for idiots who only read elf books.

>> No.15046863

There are zillions of them

>> No.15046868

You got both

>> No.15046912

Seven of Nine

>> No.15047509

I am the author of that chart and I have since reconsidered and updated the list, as it was hastly made, I was influenced by the opinions of others, and had only read about 600 or so pages of wandering inn at the time

God Tier:

Mother of Learning (great time to start reading, it is about to end)
A Practical Guide to Evil
Worth The Candle

Good tier:

The Gilded Hero

You should check these out tier (mostly rationalfic, fanfic, and similar garbage that can be entertaining):
(Upper level)
Twisted cogs
The Games We play
The Gam3
Purple Day
A bluer shade of white
Harry Potter and the Methods of rationality
The Waves Arisen
(Lower tier)
The Good Student
Re: trailer thrash
The Metropolitan Man
Metaworld Chronicles

Stay away tier:

The Wandering Inn
Star Child
Savage Divinity
The Zombie Knight Saga
How to Avoid Death on a Daily Basis
Super Powereds

Best chinkshit has to offer tier:

The Novel's Extra
Release That Witch
Emperor's Domination
40 millenniums of cultivation

>> No.15047512

btw MOL has already ended, I was reposting from warosu

>> No.15047638


>> No.15047654

Patrician answers.

>> No.15047664

By this statement are you ignoring he was the same type of creature as Abia (Spelling?) and the other ocean giant villains - or does your description apply to these individuals as well?

>> No.15047675

>How to Avoid Death on a Daily Basis
Why is this bad?
I have not read it yet but i heard really good things about it. Really only praises. The only thing i know about it is that its like portal fantasy but no one actually gets any fancy powers and everything is out to kill people.

>> No.15047696

>Why do I feel you are pol?
>Why do I feel that if we invented colonization space ships tomorrow, you would be trying to blow them up?
>Why do I feel that if cute alien bitches came down right now and wanted to bare your children you would want to hunt them?
>Why do I get the uneasy feeling that you thump bibles and cry about "god's earth", and do everything in your power to hamper scientific progress.

I want a fantasy book where the protagonist wants to do these kinds of things.

>> No.15047715

>Why is this bad?
Because it has no redeeming qualities at all. The author basically withdraws all isekai cliches that are actually sorta entertaining, leaves all the stupid, boring ones, and adds nothing original to compensate.
>i heard really good things about it
close reddit

>> No.15047718

There books about that, it's just that those people are the terrorists or antagonist organization.

>> No.15047738

>but i heard really good things about it
People that don't read much usually have shit tastes. Look at Amazon where people praise books with 5 stars and say how the author is the next Tolkien.
Always find someone with similar tastes to yours follow. Don't take randoms word for granted online.

>> No.15047762

This post is beyond pathetic.

>> No.15047809

Because you're gay.

>> No.15047890

>Mother of Learning (great time to start reading, it is about to end)
the future is now, old man

>> No.15047899

post yours please, I have nothing to read

>> No.15047912

>if cute alien bitches came down right now and wanted to bare your children
but exhibitionism is illegal
or did you mean bar

>> No.15047918

>why do people dislike us so much, I just don't understand it
>how do they always spot us
>they always know it's us
>t. pathetic unliked cuckold /pulll/

>> No.15047998
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It's trash too. I've read a lot more books since making this chart, and some things need to be taken off.
The chart was started as a "best of the trash" I read. There were many, many shit books, but I put the least annoying in the chart. People say these books are bad, but they haven't read the truly bad to understand how wrong they were.

I would recommend coiling dragon (the Amazon ebook with cleaned up grammar version).
The beginning of the end (publishers pack, since that was also cleaned up from utter trash grammar).

If you still want the chart here. From now on I think I will put stars on the charts under books.

>> No.15048032

>n.b books may have varying forms of quality and degeneracy
Jesus Christ. Why would you need a disclaimer like that?

>> No.15048079
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Has anyone here read the entire Solar Cycle? I'm finishing up Long Sun and I hear mixed stuff about Short Sun.

>> No.15048145

Why does the lady in the lake look so anime?

>> No.15048249

Fanart I guess

>> No.15048259
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This was alright but I can't help but feel like cultivation is secretly the least interesting part of chinese martial arts novels.

Unless you're gonna subvert it and have a protagonist who actually does try to skip all the training and hard work with magic pills or whatever there's only so many ways you can take a story.

>> No.15048289

Most of those cultivation novels are about the journey and not the destination.

>> No.15048348

They're sort of the same. Abaia and Erebus are really really old beings from Earth who have turned into monsters

>> No.15048383

I think The Diamond Age is his best.

>> No.15048474
File: 918 KB, 1893x2723, Grey Mouser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Human-centric fantasy = best fantasy

>> No.15048492

This list is clearly old, especially when it comes to chinkshit.
Lord of Mysteries and Reverend Insanity are both better any of the other chink novels and Emperor's Domination is complete shit.

>> No.15048550
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, lb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Radical feminist woman
How many diversity points does she have again?

>> No.15048579

>not a tranny
Ugh, how cissexist

>> No.15048734

Go back

>> No.15048851

Redwall has the best badgers, so no

>> No.15048898

sci fi is literally just fantasy with different aesthetics.

>> No.15048932
File: 23 KB, 444x322, 1287432895880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Fantasy" is such a broad and sweeping genre that you could easily include half of Goethe and all of the mytho-poetic tales. What is Nibelrung except very, very old fantasy?

You only think this way because you have a-priori defined Fantasy as a genre with no literary merit, so obvious things which should be included within it must not be included because they by definition can't be.

This is a stupid way of going about it. I don't even acknowledge the distinction between Fantasy and Science Fiction, they're permutations on the same genre.

>> No.15048936

I've found that when I have a good book, particularly one that's engaging, I have to pull myself away from it to do stuff on the computer instead of the other way around.

If you want to go cold turkey, try taking some good books and go camping for a weekend.

>> No.15048947

Ignore this man and do the exact opposite of what he says. Cheese, meat, and fat, divorced entirely from sugars and carbs, will make you enter ketosis which makes you feel like a tireless god.

>> No.15048960

>Harry Potter and the Methods of rationality
Hang yourself, Yudkowski.

>> No.15049131

I loved 2033. Thought 2034 was a bit weirder and weaker. I wouldn't say they're sensational but I did enjoy it would certainly recommend for younger/newer reader who wants something more than YA (AKA post-Enders Game level)

>> No.15049145

This is about Long Sun / Short Sun
Are Abaia and Erubus at all related with the family of Typhon/Pas? The ones who accompanied him in the Mainframe of Whorl? I am only halfway through Green's Jungles (Battle of Banzo I think) so don't ruin my life boss

>> No.15049158
File: 330 KB, 1000x1500, 000BC28D-111A-45DC-9EF6-3A9861CDE52C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this /lit/?

>> No.15049330

I thought 2033 was fantastic. Great setting, creepy mood, some very memorable scenes. Haven't read the follow-on though.

>> No.15049420

The thing about generals is that they can be superficially helpful if you only take a quick dip into them. However, since they are so corrosive if you spend any meaningful length of time in them they will rot away everything that you are. Goes for 4chan in general as well.

>> No.15049499

He’s not wrong though. That’s a stupid amount of buzzwords for one individual

>> No.15049510

Not arguing with you but would you consider Latin American magical realism as fantasy?

>> No.15049593

I mean if you only read cultivation I see how that could be boring, but isn't the same true for fantasy quest stories, first contact stories, war stories, crime stories, etc?

>> No.15049904

2034 tries to be deeper and it doesn't really work, Hunter's whole character is supposed to be "broken man who only knows combat" but it's so unsubtle that he just comes off as an edgy middle schoolers OC. Homer is great character though, my favourite scene in the book is when he's remembering the birth of his daughter.

>> No.15050101 [DELETED] 

Is there any argument against saying that in tolkien's legendarium race plays a very large role, human's characterizes are decided by their race and race mixing tends to be bad?
For example there's a civil war among the rohirim that happens because some nobles intermix with the swarthier dunlendings and gondor is said to fall because the numenorians intermix with lesser men

>> No.15050166

Give me some high level int scfi books

>> No.15050322

>pact over worm
>those chinkshit recs

retard. Also add ward to stay away tier.
based and true. its fucked up that RI might never end because the chink censors realized they were getting btfo though.

>> No.15050353


>> No.15050379
File: 354 KB, 1651x2467, 81lo8eKCGCL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, this is great. Can't believe I've been ignoring it for so long. Third book was a bit of a letdown, but from what I've read Peake was heavily losing it during the writing of that one.
This is long shot, since it's so unique, but is there anything else that is even somewhat similar to the feeling of this masterpiece?

>> No.15050384

Can't find a book with that name?

>> No.15050467

they mean blindsight and its sequel eczema

>> No.15050504

Well that explains it, thanks.

>> No.15050512

Why does this book get such high praise? It’s literally babies first attempt at shoehorning in shitty philosophy into a sci fi book

>> No.15050521

That edition also has a handwritten fragment of a planned fourth book, which trails off into arthritic chicken scratch a few pages in.

>> No.15050581

Because there's a vast swathe of genre readers who refuse to read anything that's not dragon/spaceship books because it's "hard", or worse "not nerd", so they're impressed and amazed by basic level stuff.

>> No.15050612

So tell us anon, what books do you recommend?

>> No.15050644

jesus christ. ward was just anticlimax after anticlimax after anticlimax. im starting to think that all that narration about "if you cant beat them, take away what they want" was actually supposed to refer to leaving the readers dissatisfied

>> No.15050688

Looking for a novel where the "Hero" dies before the first act because of the POV sidekick characters mistakes/flaws, whomst then has to take over the hero role despite being unfit at first but growing into a hero themselves.

>> No.15050715

*in the first act

>> No.15050841

>Best chinkshit has to offer tier:
>Emperor's Domination
No, just no.
I really really like Against The Gods tho

>> No.15050857

Cultivation/xanxia is basically the litRPG version of wuxia novels like Legend of Condor Heroes.

Further, most of them are published as serials so the authors are paid by the word and have no incentive to end the thing.

>> No.15050873

I recommend a lot of work, I try to not get my philosophical lessons from science fiction though because like blindsight, it just comes off as the author thinking he’s far deeper and more intelligent than he actually is.

>> No.15050900

It utterly spoils the surprise of the book but this is how kel kade's new series that started last year goes
Still feels like self-pub even though Tor picked it up tho

>> No.15050940

Eh this actually sounds interesting. Willing to accept anything that includes an unwitting dumbass who somehow heroes. Basically Quixote in space

>> No.15050966
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>> No.15051051

Well, yeah. This entire place is a well known echo chamber of edgelord opinions that won't make you many friends irl.

>> No.15051234

i unironcally dont get any hint of philosophy from blindsight and dont know how you did. It had ok writing and cool sci fi ideas about aliens and consciousness. Most sci fi is just a shitty drama with spaceships. Its genre fiction nigga its not supposed to be super deep.

>> No.15051377

whole pages are dedicated to sucking metzinger's dick. You are one delusional pleb

>> No.15051388

i view the conciousness shit as more science than philosophy but i guess its kind of a grey area. You probably got filtered because your soft humanitard brain cant handle stem concepts.

>> No.15051430

>there is no "I" in Intelligence
>to be or not to be
Truly the height of science

>> No.15051437

stem concepts consist mainly of scientists finding out about stuff philosophers thought about centuries ago lol

>> No.15051453
File: 27 KB, 128x128, 8885_blini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine actually believing this holy shit this is beyond cope

>> No.15051485

Anybody familiar with the following?
>Outriders (Posey)
>Sol Arbiter (Chaney & Shen)
>Sol Shall Rise (Hudson)
They're sitting in an Amazon basket but I can't make up my mind

>> No.15051492
File: 57 KB, 353x1284, 62f1dc57ecefce0bab2204ccefd0e853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got an idea for a sci-fi setting where some humans were abducted by aliens and transplanted onto other worlds thousands of years ago, and they eventually got FTL tech themselves and have been visiting Earth on and off for years. They've made some modifications to themselves, and glimpses humans on Earth have seen of them are the inspirations for the various fantasy races in myth and fiction. What do you think? What kind of environments do you think the elf!humans would have specialized in, with their pointy ears as their most obvious modifications? The dwarf!humans? Goblin!humans? Orc!humans? Etc.?

>> No.15051546

I’m an engineer and you’re a fucking retard
>dur all his waxing poetic about consciousness is stem not philosophy
I’m sorry you think the novel is good because you’re a pleb and think it’s deep. But like I’ve said before it’s just the author thinking’s he’s oh so smart and fooling cretins like you, who’ve never actually read any philosophy

>> No.15051574
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>im an engineer
thats even worse what the fuck ahahahaaha

>> No.15051590

Did you even fucking read Wheel of Time?
Men are the ones who seem corrupted by power at first due to the events of the series, sure, but the entire point of the Tower was to show how up their own ass the Aes Sedai were as women who had no real male checks.
This is contrasted by the Wise Ones of the Aeil who were 'kept in check' by their healthy relationships with the men. Sure, the males who developed the power were eventually sent into the wastelands to die due to the corruption of the taint, but there was no way around it, and because they weren't just immediately killed they were still able to breed and the power was able to not really lessen in power.

Point is, if Jordan's writings led you to believe "women stronk" then you are really getting the wrong message from it.

>rand is perfect
>the entire series isn't a display of one man's slow descent into madness and paranoia due in no small part to the taint and the resurgence of memories from a previous reincarnation and the terrible choices he makes due to the distrust he develops, culminating in him eventually overcoming said issues in a come to god moment before he... well, spoilers
But yeah he's a perfect gary stu right lol

>> No.15051758


>> No.15051858

>claims I can’t handle stem concepts
>am an engineer
>cries like a little bitch about it. Goes hurr durr that’s not what I meant
The cope is getting kind of pathetic from you

>> No.15051880

"Engineer" is top-tier cope status in the modern world and the fact that you're so upset over a meme just proves how emotionally unfit you are to handle the actual big concepts. Go punch a graph into you're calculator, kid

>> No.15051897

It's all fine in that you can understand what's going on.

Throughout a whole book, not every sentence will be written amazingly, but as long as the reader can effectivley understand what's going on and what the writer is trying so say, it's usually good enough

>> No.15051968

what do you like about this? never heard of these books.

>> No.15052271

You know what? Fuck it. I hope the coronavirus kills every human alive

>> No.15052333

It infects all mammals and avians, so it could take out quite a lot along with humans.

>> No.15052565
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Is BBC ever going to adapt Book of Dust?

>> No.15052923
File: 23 KB, 288x430, Bujold-1-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doh-ho-ho. This lusty old Broad has more complexity to her than I though.
This is Lois McMaster Bujold. Author of Curse of Chalion, and the extended "World of the Five Gods" universe.

Having only read the first three books in the series, I thought her thing was older rugged experience men. But Now having read three of the follow novellas, I see her tastes extends to boys as well. Penric, the protagonist of these novellas, starts off as a young 19 year old man. But he is said to look even younger than his age. Implying a very youthful appearance. He's a pretty boy too. Tall, but slim and boyish and towheaded.(The tall and slim figure is the one constant so far. All of her male desires are lanks)

At the very start of the adventure. This young pretty boy happens to become possessed by a demon. And at first, the way it happens is very odd. The demon is inside of a dying woman. And that woman reaches up to Penric and say "so pretty", before Penric is possessed. But then you learn that the demon can actually use the mouth of the person it possesses. So in retrospect, it makes sense that the demon jumped from the dying woman to Penric, not because he was the strongest(like most demons seek), but because the demon was enamored with his beauty.

And whyyyyyy would a demon find a human boy "pretty". Well this particular demon just happens to have lived 200 years possessing various women. 12 different women in all. It retains the imprint of all the women it possessed, creating a shared identity. So you essentially have this wise 200 year old demon woman, leaping after this boy who probably doesn't look older than 14. But he's technically 19, so it's legal ;)

>> No.15052935

>me am so smart
Big oof

>> No.15053027

I've been a species traitor for awhile now.

>> No.15053341

>finish rereading the shining a day or two before
>fucking my girl with a whiskey dick for a hour and half
>she cries out "cum dick please cum, dick please"
>go limp because I remember reading that

>> No.15053370
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Are there any decent star trek novels? Something that continues the legacy better than discovery and Picard?

>> No.15053447


I recently read that Neil Gay Man Norse mythology book, he's literally just retelling the few stories we have so naturally giants feature prominently.

It's enjoyable enough, Norse myths are super wacky and I've always liked them

>> No.15053454 [DELETED] 

>its fucked up that RI might never end because the chink censors realized they were getting btfo though.
You are lucky you still have a chance and he wasn't gulaged.

>> No.15053587

I read so many of those shits. They are usually comedy in function. Guy is thrown in deep end and everyone watches him fumble. Hell, there are so many fucking movies about that too. It's played out. Did you just finish the cars movies anon? Is this why this is on your mind?

>> No.15053656

So if everything is going to die, should I go and rape all those girls I fancy and cum deep? They probably gonna die before I could get some, so it best me take mine now.

>> No.15053833

These are the best fantasy books to come out in a long time

>> No.15053840

What a gay cover

>> No.15053859

Based on that hair color I can accurately predict what her stance is on every political and social issue

>> No.15053936

Get a load of this pseud

>> No.15054592

It was pretty comfy. My only complaint was that the ending was incredibly telegraphed. Third book is definitely the weakest of the three, but the book two ending was kino.

>> No.15054610

What the fuck is up with The Fifth Head of Cerberus?

>> No.15054612

>sffg - stance on political and social issue

>> No.15054731

>there are better authors who do the same thing but better
like who? no bad faith. pls tell me

>> No.15054740

It's just trippy as shit, man. Everything you think you've discerned of the narrative and characters is exactly what you were meant to discern. Everything that seems misty and vague is beautifully, inexorably so. It's Wolfe, baby.

>> No.15054743

He won't tell you because he doesn't actually read to know anything to recommend and read.

>> No.15054805

she is a ragging lesbian and it is impossible for her to keep her filthy deranged fetishes out of every page she has ever written..

>> No.15054808


>> No.15054812

There is a Picard book releasing soon which is a prequal to the show.

>> No.15054836


>> No.15055308
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Stop being new

>> No.15055407
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did Phil K Dick actually have magical powers /sffg/?

>> No.15055424

I read the rest of this series within a day and it was barely even decent lol.
The author's solution to this
>feel like cultivation is secretly the least interesting part of chinese martial arts novels.
was to just to have it take 3 fucking books for the protagonist to make any actual notable progress lol.
I'd be much more sympathetic of doing an average/slow learner protag if he did anything interesting with it but besides implying that half of the other characters are more typical protag material (i.e. exceptionally gifted with mysterious backstories or actual conflicts to resolve) he does nothing with it.

>> No.15055642

Short Sun is great. Better than Long Sun for sure.

>> No.15055659
File: 153 KB, 312x475, 13616278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this any good? Looking for a standalone fantasy book that's less about court intrigue and more about man vs. monsters, demons, or beasts. If The Red Knight isn't that, or if it's shit, anyone got any recs?

>> No.15055666

it's not remotely standalone but the series focus is big battles of man vs beast

>> No.15055793

A lesbian who wants stiff young dick is something I can get behind.

>> No.15055810

Cocaine is a hell of a drug.

>> No.15055819

It is tao wong after all...

>> No.15055881

>reading red knight

>> No.15056003

>I’m an engineer
Cool, what have you engineered?

>> No.15056101
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My dick into your mom.
I really need to start this lusty matures.

>> No.15056107

Any standalone fantasy you'd recommend?

>> No.15056156

Honestly haven't read any in recent years outside of kj parker novels (the exact opposite of what you want) and The Raven Tower (thought it was awful and not what you want)

>> No.15056194
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>> No.15056220

>tfw no milky mommy

>> No.15056253

No worries, thanks for the reply.
This was not helpful.

>> No.15056277

Something more than night.
Metro 2033

>> No.15056314

I find that highly doubtful. Considering she was married for 21 years, and has two children.

>> No.15056363

>War of the Flowers by Tad Williams
>Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
>Fevre Dream by George R.R. Martin
>Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King
>The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle
>Well of the Unicorn by Fletcher Pratt

>> No.15056403

Thoughts on the witcher series? I don't usually read trash fantasy for children but a clever person I know says they're good so I dunno might be worth looking at.

>> No.15056424

It's trash. Read Fritz Leiber instead.

>> No.15056447

>fantasy for children
No worries there then. Personally I'd recommend the series, it's your standard dark fantasy setting, the characters are well-made and the philosophical bits are at times genuinely thought-provoking. It does get too overt with analogies to modern-day politics occasionally and the main story is pretty slow-paced, but if that's no problem to you, you'd probably enjoy them.

>> No.15056459

phew, almost downloaded a book by a female author

>> No.15056513

I loved Long Sun. It's slightly less mystical than New Sun, feels a bit more like an adventure and the sci-fi elements are a little more evident. It nearly rivals the locations in New Sun, and I would go to far as to say the cast is much stronger in Long Sun (except I think Severian is still the better protagonist).

I'm currently on Short Sun but will report back when I wrap it up.

>> No.15056542
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Yes, you can't post on /sffg/ if you haven't read it
Gloriana, or The Unfulfill'd Queen by Michael Moorcock

>> No.15056572

it's just the classic boomer mentality of "lol i hate my wife"

>> No.15056785

Woah careful, you almost tumbled into disaster.

>> No.15056846

i will always google them to see if they are actually women or lesbian "women" aka trannies,who are even worse.

>> No.15056916

What's wrong with that? So far, all the female authors I've read are good.
It's the female protagonist by a male author you have to be careful about.

>> No.15057028

>trash fantasy for children
>underage sex, murder, rape, drug use, genocide, etc are things people in his country write and read to children
Damn no morals. Where you live? Russia.

>> No.15057109

I think he meant that children love that kind of stuff, children don't care about morals.

>> No.15057122

Where should I start with Gene Wolfe?

>> No.15057157

>the ending was incredibly telegraphed
True but at least it was a very complete ending and didn't leave any plot holes.

Really liked that Davian being able to use Kan in Zaevel was because he was conceived there

>> No.15057458

just read botns unless you specifically want to look at something else like latro or wizard knight

>> No.15057586

fifth head of cerberus is short and highly worth reading if you want an appetizer before book of the new sun, but otherwise just jump into new sun

>> No.15057601

>So far, all the female authors I've read are good.
list them

>> No.15057618

>female protagonist by a male author
But I like those

>> No.15057637

Are there any simpcel novels?
Where you don't believe that all women are queens, but you don't also believe that all women are thots.
Are harem novels like this?

>> No.15057653

and yet they remain celibate

>> No.15057683

anyone here like the expanse? its not blowing my mind but its been a comfy quarantine read. just started the 5th book and im very into the direction theyre going with this one

>> No.15057940


I read up to the 6th book I think? I enjoyed them no great work of art but pretty fun. The world details were good too, it started as a pen-and-paper RPG and that shows.

The show on Amazon/Netflix is pretty decent as an adaptation.

>> No.15057953

started reading because I heard they were about space politics then broke my kindle after they fled the grey goo station early in book 1
never went back because I didn't fancy rereading that first bit of book

>> No.15058018

Hi, I would like an opinion from anyone who has read the wheel of time and/or memory, sorrow and thorn

Firstly about wot, I am in the middle of the third book and have incredibely mixed feelings on the series, I really like the parts with Rand or Mat but cannot stand any of the Tar Valon related chapters, they make me wanna claw my eyes out. Is this something that gets better or worse? I have very mixed feelings on the series but i heard book is amazing, should i read it?

Regarding MST, does the 2nd book ever pick up? I mean, the first one had a very slow start but once it got going it was a rollercoaster, I am like halfway through the second and nothing has really happened, it is just complaining and complaining, and the book is so long that if this does not get better I would rather spend my time reading something else. Should I keep reading it?

thanks in advance

>> No.15058155

I read the first and I overdosed because of how many stronk wamen there were.

>> No.15058329

No, nothing gets better for either series. Tar valon continues to drag the series down, and Simon continues to be irrelevant and do nothing as the plot of MST slowly plods along to a lazy attempt at a subversion.

>> No.15058358

You're reading the best part of WoT right now. I don't know who told you it was amazing. Even its fans admit it dies in the middle books (but disagree on whether it is resurrected later on)

>> No.15058366

depends on your taste, for example I thought the seven of nine novel was ok, the kobyashu maru one was also good but that's my opinion and its been ages since I last reread themso who knows

>> No.15058393

i meant to type book 4, a lot of people say that its the best, with 5 and 6 close behind.

I heard that the third book is really strong though and after finishing the first i was inclined to believe it, does it really not pick up in the third one at least?

>> No.15058549
File: 1014 KB, 1382x2048, 1_vlT-F5MCp3kzMWajMI-ReQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

books like this? i already red a canticle for leibowitz. perhaps i should start getting into comics

>> No.15058554

Looking for book recommendation, more precisely a space sci fi with horror/thriller themes with good writing and larger scope of interest. I have so far tracked Judan Unchained and Leviathan Wakes on goodreads, but I'm afraid to get involved with something with shit prose or something intellectualy vapid. Help me out guise.

>> No.15058555
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>> No.15058612

>i meant to type book 4, a lot of people say that its the best, with 5 and 6 close behind.
Not the anon you originally replied to, but just interjecting. This is mostly true. I don't know if I can rank the books exactly. 4, 5, and 6 are great. And then the pace really slows down for a while, until it picks back up again with the final three books.
The middle books aren't "bad", but they needed a lot of editing down. There was just too much repetition. The actual events of the story remain rather fascinating though.

But more to your point about Tar Valon: I just don't know what to tell you about that. Because I found them entertaining. But those chapters are more about trying to suss out who is manipulating who, and for what gain. So if you're not conspiratorial minded, then I suppose it can be a drag. Tar Valon does play an increasing role in the story. So expect more of that.

As for MST: That story remains luke warm the entire way through. Doesn't reach any real highs. But it manages to never reach any lows either. It tries so hard to subvert tropes, but then it forgets to write something interesting in their place.

IMO, I say drop MST. But read WoT up to book 6. Because if I remember correctly, 6 sets up a lot of new adventures. It puts everyone on new interesting paths, and you might like the new trajectory. It also has one of the best scenes in the entire series. Which I won't even describe vaguely, because it's too good to spoil. If book 6 doesn't hook you, then drop it there.

>> No.15058649

Hull zero three

>> No.15058655 [DELETED] 

Wtf? Why is 4chins filtering three to dark?

>> No.15058794
File: 48 KB, 316x475, 37642819._SY475_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished the second book in the series. Just as good as the first, highly recommended this series to people who like sci fi with a strong emphasis on the science.

Going to satrt the last book in ther series tomorrow.

>> No.15058935

The issue I had with the tar valon was that it felt like the book just changed genres, coupled with the terrible chapter order it makes for a very awkward read. Like, the boys will be out there fighting fantastical threats and then you cut back to the girls living a soap opera for 100 pages at a time. It fels so out of place, and what really does not help is that a lof of the Tar Valon characters feel more like stereotypes than characters. You know, Rand is out there being a muad'dib, Matrim is on some sneaky quest and then the girls will just be there complaining about some mundane shit and then they just run off and get captured. Like, I really want to like the plotline (I think that ending of the plotline in book 2 was really good) but I just can't.

Also regarding MST, what did you think about the 1st book?

>> No.15058961

Any less shit Military Scifi/political space scifi? I feel like I've read most of it

>> No.15058970

Absolute trash, bottom of the barrel fantasy. Twilight for teenage boys.

>> No.15058999

The Witcher is low-effort, episodic sword and sorcery with a generic setting. It's like Conan but without the passion.

>> No.15059015

why bother posting when you haven't actually read the series beyond the first short story collection
it focuses almost entirely on human wars and politics

>> No.15059016

You've read everything by John Ringo, David Weber, Robert Heinlein, John Scalzi, etc.?

>> No.15059026

those are all what I'd call shit milscifi lol, maybe with the exception of heinlein's better works

>> No.15059034

>then the girls will just be there complaining about some mundane shit and then they just run off and get captured
Hang on, I'm confused. I thought you said you were in the middle of book 4. The girls do some really cool shit in book 4. Maybe you're not far enough yet.

>> No.15059039

Ringo is trash my guy, >>15059026
is right. Basically some decidedly less shit self published/lesser known works like Drysine legacy, etc

>> No.15059175

>watch me as I try to fit in by pretending I read something and telling someone who actually read it what it's about.

>> No.15059208

middle of book 3

>> No.15059249

Oh... Just keep reading then. Book 4 introduces all kinds of new dynamics. I can't even begin to explain. Really, just keep going, the girls' storylines get better.

>> No.15059251 [DELETED] 
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>American author
I will not read your book
>Main character is an orphan
I will not read your book
>Main character is male with brown hair and brown eyes with height around 5'11 just overall generic
I will not read your book
>There is a obvious super evil bad guy
I will not read your book
>Monarchy bad and democracy good
I will not read your book
>Main character has extreme features that stand out of the crowd
I will not read your book
>Main character is a prophecy child
I will not read your book
>Story told from first person
I will not read your book
>Story told from all knowing narrator
I will not read your book
>Time travel or time related anything
I will not read your book
>Magic 'system' that resembles anime or video games
I will not read your book
>Non explainable magic
I will not read your book
>There are Gods but they are super shy for some reason
I will not read your book
>Imperialism and capitalism bad
I will not read your book
>Communism good
I will not read your book
>Religion is overly mocked
I will not read your book
>Races/intelligent species in the world have absolutely no advantage or disadvantages between each other
I will not read your book
>War bad
I will not read your book
>Empire is based on Rome
I will not read your book
>Evil bad religion is based on Abrahamic religions
I will not read your book
>Characters from different parts of the world understand each other perfectly
I will not read your book
>Lovecraft inspired monsters
I will not read your book
I will not read your book
>Everyone uses the same currency
I will not read your book
>Dwarves, elves, and orcs
I will not read your book
>Dragons are wyverns
I will not read your book
>There is an obvious afterlife but people are still scared of dying
I will not read your book

>> No.15059317

>Posts picture of gigachad
I will not read your post

>> No.15059429


>> No.15059461

>giving a lecture
I will not read your book.

>> No.15059530
File: 571 KB, 1000x600, ASOIAF-Analysis-Featuerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the reason I liked asoiaf is the narrative jumping around so much, any other fantasy series that does the same thing?

>> No.15059553

The Wheel of Time. It starts with only a couple perspectives at first. But then it eventually branches to a dozen or more characters.

>> No.15059630

I'm trying to find a certain book the"Parallel Worlds" anthology but I can't make the mobilism thing in the OP work for me

Anyone got a plan B they can show the ropes for me

>> No.15059693

Going crazy trying to remember the one multiple pov fantasy that I read in recent years actually liked.
Might just be confusing it with the Luna: New Moon books which are scifi and do the multiple povs that are fairly disconnected from each other thing well
I got it off of irc and uploaded it for you http://www.mediafire.com/file/vec6bxq2touxk7j/L_J_Hachmeister_%2526_R_R_Virdi_-_Parallel_Worlds-_the_Heroes_Within_%2528epub%2529%2528epub%2529.rar/file

the mobilism links were either dead or centfile which I can never get to work
look up how to use irc sometime as your backup

>> No.15059708

irc huh, wow, talk about going back.
Thanks man, I will

>> No.15059721

yeah for reliability it's irc>mobilism>libgen>google (although I only use libgen if I can't find it anywhere else), mobilism in my experience is best for getting new releases first

>> No.15059792

Wow, I had to take the dust off WinZip of all things, but worth it.
Thanks man. Hope you're staying well during quarantine

>> No.15059811

>the expanse
If the scyfi network comes anywhere near a series I tend to avoid it like the plague

>> No.15059862

it's not syfy made they just funded it from what I remember, it's insanely high budget compared to anything they've aired since Battlestar Galactica and it's since moved from their to amazon who I think gave them even more resources.

>> No.15059880

But they dropped it because it was too expensive. The last season was produced by Amazon. It's some of the best sci-fi on TV in the last years, I think. Even though I disagree on how they made the spaceship chairs, the crash-couches, look like gamer chairs.
As far as the books go they're straightforward and fun enough, though some villains seem two-dimensional. Only one book left in the series, set to release this year.

>> No.15059916
File: 219 KB, 1300x861, 5-girls-sitting-together-laughing-15279038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's Larry Correia trying to shill his own books

>> No.15059969

idk i dont fuckin read man, I just like big sword go swoosh - like >>15054743 said

>> No.15059991

What is urban fantasy if not magic realism?

>> No.15060085

Recommend a better cultivation story that isn't Cradle.

>> No.15060096

Only read like 10% of it and it's barely touched on cultivation yet but Brightest Shadow has started well and hey it's immediately doing something interesting with the core genre concepts

>> No.15060156

Excellent, my fav Moorcock work

>> No.15060264

what's your favorite f book anon?

>> No.15060792

So what's the decent current equivalent of "Trending on Netflix" of Science Fiction and Fantasy right now?

Anything I noteworthy, or should I just shuffle off to something on the pile I've been putting off like Altered Carbon or re-reading Good Omens?

>> No.15061157

Mobilism was picked because although it requires sign-up to search, it provides an easy interface for casual impatient pirates without the clutter, complications, or limits of other methods. It also has a forum specifically for sff releases. Personally I prefer IRC, but people can be rather silly about it.

>> No.15061176

imagine having a mom that writes fantasy books about old ladies lusting after young boys

>> No.15061911

Imagine having a mom who dates boys your own age.
Is she trying to tell you something?

>> No.15062135

We're all gonna die, read as much as possible.

>> No.15062156
File: 479 KB, 356x713, Hob Gadling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll pass

>> No.15062203
File: 666 KB, 1126x845, 8b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abuse "The Look." just go to a library or a coffee shop, bring only a book or a low-end laptop. People do this because of the "The Look" of others upon you; you will be shamed into studying or reading because it is inappropriate socially to play video games in these environments.

>> No.15062499

I've found that most of the top 4-5 logins on Bugmenot usually work with mobilism. Main problem it has though is that some authors have wised up to it and send C&Ds for their stuff, and the IRC channels don't seem to update as quickly or at all for some of the rarer self-published authors.

>> No.15062696

If you want the new stuff on IRC, you'll have to download the daily packs rather than getting them individually from the servers.

>> No.15062997

One's will is reality entire.

>> No.15063176

Diamond Age ending was pretty weak imo
Seveneves ending was actually very good, it just had a sequel novella tacked on that didn't have a good ending.

>> No.15063217

Answer my little quiz for my final research at uni! It's about the contribution of science fiction to the level of open-mindedness.
Takes no longer than a minute! Thank you!!


>> No.15063392

i got no issue doing this but I don't actually know what you mean by openmindeness lol
like if I say open minded yes tolerant yes then I'm interpreting it to mean listens to others considers their situation
but if I say open minded no tolerant yes then I'm interpreting it as cares about others and isn't willing to change this view