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15057756 No.15057756 [Reply] [Original]

Books on how to defeat Neoliberalism?

>> No.15057762
File: 23 KB, 413x500, Bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apply these teachings to your life.

>> No.15057796

Ah yes, many of the most talented socialists in history were well versed in the old testament...*wink wink*

>> No.15057851


>> No.15057865

the western liberal democracy walks hand in hand with the western liberal economic system. to defeat one you need to defeat both

>> No.15057869


>> No.15058643

blair was a successful politician?

>> No.15058651
File: 48 KB, 298x475, foundations of geopolitics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got u senpai

>> No.15058701


It defeats itself. No books, just open your eyes.

>> No.15058708

You don't. Neoliberalism is extremely based and irrefutable from its sheer ingeniousness

>> No.15058719

Succdems will always lose, OP. Just accept it and live your life.

>> No.15058765

Yes he won three elections.

His party are the major opposition in British politics, yet without him they haven't won an election since James Callaghan in 1979 lmao

>> No.15058776

britain is a majority fundamentally conservative country, nothing new there

>> No.15058800

He is also completely reviled and Labour's attempt at a centrist candidate (Ed Miliband) did shit too. Labour doesn't need to be getting nostalgic about Blair, Labour needs to be thinking about why Boris is winning.

>> No.15058827


>> No.15058832

Tbh if it weren't for the whole Iraq shenanigans, Blair would still be extremely popular. He really did nothing wrong besides that.

>> No.15058851



>> No.15058862

You say that like it's a bad thing. It creates a pool of low-cost workers that help British companies thrive.

>> No.15058875

Despite the odd public protestation, Tories love cheap foreign labour. It was the reason they joined the EU in the first place.

>> No.15058878
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>> No.15058881

tories love it, tory voters (and members) dont

>> No.15058899
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>> No.15058913

Yeah and thanks to that now millions of British people get to be among the pool of low cost workers that exist to help British companies.

>> No.15058946

No shit. The objective of neoliberalism is never to help people, only corporations as people, ie contractual property between individuals. Those without productive property(no not your house) are not People under the law.

>> No.15058966

Reminder that his name turned up in the Panama Papers.

>> No.15058982

The Panama what?

Old news homie!

>> No.15059011

That piece of shit was the prime minister of Britain for 3 consecutive terms while dodging taxes and he's still not in prison.

>> No.15059166

Insectoid-tier take

>> No.15059192

they don't care about anything besides money and further stuffing society down a trash compactor until all traditional insitutions of it are either completely destroyed or warped

>> No.15059196

wow, good taste

>> No.15059233

Read any introductory book on American Government

>> No.15059272

>until all traditional insitutions of it are either completely destroyed or warped

You know, the traditional institutions argument never tells me how natural resources will be managed, or if they will be managed well. Take the dust bowl: a large cause was the overuse of the soil by families of farmers, who's tradition since their forefathers practiced raping the land and moving on once nothing was left to exploit.

>> No.15059324

So here's one thing I don't get about lefties in America. They have ostensibly positioned themselves against the neoliberal orthodoxy as it stands, and are quick to call out neoliberal politicians like Hillary and Biden. But massive unchecked immigration is more or less supported in neoliberal thought, as it weakens the political power and financial earnings of the native-born working class. Bernie even said it was a Koch brother idea in 2015. Yet many leftists and sjws in America essentially want this, calling for a halt to deportations. How do they reconcile these two seemingly opposite ideas?

>> No.15059366

It's the manufacture of consent, bro. The wealthiest class control the media and education as their greatest weapons. They're introduced to "socialism" as it has been filtered through these. That is a vague humanitarian concern for others, not a serious critique of the present state of affairs.

>> No.15059523

They don't "reconcile" them. It's pure irrational group think at this point. I have a theory that the real reason for the rise of serious Third Position ideologies again after a century is that it turns out even Leftist thought is able to be absorbed by Capital. The problem Mark Fisher posed in Capitalist Realism, of Capitals ability to subsume everything to its interests might be only defeated through ideologies that are unconcerned with material factors per se. Ie, You can buy off Leftists, but you can't buy off Uncle Ted & psycho-Nazi O9A death cultists or even absorb them properly into the spectacle. I think this explains Nick Land having gone around the "horseshoe" from being a Leftist to his own version of Third Position, it's the only place left to go where new thought uncorrupted by Capitals interests can arise.

>> No.15060022

lol wow

>> No.15061414


>> No.15061469

The True and Only Heaven by Christopher Lasch. We need to reexamine the artisan and workers' movements of the 19th Century to fine values alternative and an economic model alternative to the neoliberal paradigm

>> No.15061484


Neoliberalism is good.

>> No.15061485
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>> No.15061489


>> No.15061503


When thought is influenced by Capital, it is not corrupted thereby. You are stupid. Neoliberalism is good.

>> No.15061527


>> No.15061539
File: 155 KB, 711x1059, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO the discord trannies actually exist? I thought it was a joke but I guess its true. Holy shit I joined you guys and its full of insufferable fags.

>> No.15061548
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>> No.15061552

>I love being governed by men of a single race

Lol c.Uck!

>> No.15061560
File: 116 KB, 746x700, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These are the people shitting up /lit/

>> No.15061562

Just kill them.

>> No.15061586

Jesus imagine having this worldview

>> No.15061637

Probably the only way would be to some how permanently cripple the ability to maintain an industrial economy. I do not think this is feasible. It is too late, it is all strip malls, multilane highways and atomization from here on out, most likely.

>> No.15061906


I thank God that people like you shall never be able to effectuate their will in this world.

>> No.15061923

I highly doubt you can parse out what my will is from that post, anon.

>> No.15061932

They're just liberals

>> No.15061943

Very based, wish I had a physical copy.