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/lit/ - Literature

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15048385 No.15048385 [Reply] [Original]

Pretty much all of us can agree that light novels are worse than dogshit in general. Are there any that could be said to be reasonably well-written, though? Or even just okay?

>> No.15048397

if they were well written, they would just be normal novels.

>> No.15048414

There are visual novels that are good, but not light novels.

>> No.15048523

yeah if they were good they wouldn't be marketed to retards using anime pictures

>> No.15048557

Hunt out the works of Thorne Smith

>> No.15048581

>artist is a fucking retardo with a saber face fetish, probably an ugly virgin fuck too
>half-naked drawing of shiki to appease the pee pees of its teenage "readers"
Weebs should just get genocided

>> No.15048587

I like Slayers because Lina Inverse is my waifu

>> No.15048594

have sex incel

>> No.15048598

Dilate tranny

>> No.15048622

I did read the last story of Kara no Kyoukai and it was pretty fun.

He is too rich to be virgin desu.

Also, I want to read the Ghost in the Shell SAC novels and only found the first volume online, does anyone knows if the second and third volume was ever scanned?

>> No.15048629

Did you read it in the original? How hard is Nasu's prose in KnK?

>> No.15048646

>How hard is the prose in [book written for 12 year olds]?
The absolute state of weebs.

>> No.15048653

VNs and eroge are better. Fate Stay/Night, Subarashiki Hibi and Rance games are literary masterpieces

>> No.15048655
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No, I did read the fan translation. I really enjoyed his stories, they were short and full of nice concepts.

This last one was about a magic cinema box that makes narratives that are all out of character to the usual characters, so it was quite fun to see the situations go on.

>> No.15048660

all light novels use furigana, which means they're written at an early high school reading level at the most.

>> No.15048670


That's good to hear. I heard Nasu likes to get fancy with his kanji.

>> No.15048671
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You forgot Tsukihime

>> No.15048685

you forgot the part where Shirou destroys Sakura with his dick and takes ownership of Tohsaka Rin’s defenseless anus

>> No.15048693
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Oh, he does, a lot. It is common to see japs not understanding or knowing what Kanji he is using at all when some chapters of FGO is released.

I should read the VN already, I only read the manga and watched the anime.

Shiki was pretty cool

>> No.15048695
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Tatami Galaxy perhaps.
tfw no eng translation

>> No.15048704

Light novels are not worse than Western pop literature, such as ASOIAF, Handmaiden's Tale, Stephen King and so on.

It is not Tolstoy, but it is not worse than what most people read.

>> No.15048706

this all looks like shitty fantasy shit

>> No.15048707

Thank you for your response, anon. Do you think something like the Boogiepop ranobes would make for good first works to read in moon? I've read the translations of the first 6 novels already and I'd like to read the rest.

>> No.15048718

thanks for recognizing its true place int he literary pecking order

>> No.15048720

They're the equivalent of YA fiction.

>> No.15048726

I've heard the anime was shit, never watched it myself
Did read the manga after reading the VN though, and I approve of it, pretty good job taking elements from most of the routes and combining them with Arc's in new original scenes
I recommend giving the VN a shot, the order most players go in is: Arc, Ciel, Akiha, Hisui, Kohaku
Just remember to save at decisions and use multiple save slots, this makes it easy to go back through a route and fix where you might have fucked yourself from a certain ending

>> No.15048732

Nasu likes his rare and archaic words, but between furigana and a good dictionary it's not a big problem.

>> No.15048746
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>the Regura doujin of that girl on the right

>> No.15048749

so like the books anon mentioned

>> No.15048765

They do not have as their objective being Tolstoy. You won't learn profound shit about the human condition by reading them. If you do, it is by accident. They are only meant to entertain and they do that well.
They are honest about that, in the same way that someone like Brandon Sanderson is honest about that.

The examples I give are not really different from YA.

>> No.15048766
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Dunno man, I don't deal in runes.

The anime was really weird, it was like they knew there was no way of getting the story told in that format, so they changed the tone to something more gothic 00's vibe. The OST was really good, but the story and animation was very limited.

I was kinda saving for the remake, but I guess it won't come in a few years, so I guess I will have to decide if I will read Tsukihime or Muv-Luv anyways.

>tfw raita wont be able to make doujins of raikou and murasaki

At least Fue is putting some godtier comfy content.

>> No.15048893

>The examples I give are not really different from YA.
None of those are targeted at teenage readers and aren't written with them in mind, whereas LNs are.

>> No.15048912 [DELETED] 

Muv-Luv would be a difficult read. Unlimited and Alternative have a fair amount of fast-moving auto text.

>> No.15048945
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>> No.15049003

Read a good VN instead

>> No.15049113

Some LNs are aimed at other audiences.
And I'm not talking about target demographic, I'm talking about their quality.
Of course there is a large variance in LN quality, but on the average they are on the same level as ASOIAF, Handmaiden's Tale, those grimdark fantasy novels by Abercrombie.

>> No.15049180

No they aren't.

>> No.15049271

Yes, they are.
ASOIAF is not in a higher tier than "Hunger Games" (which I believe is the most popular YA series) or Konosuba.

>> No.15049328
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No, they aren't. All anyone has to do is read the first page or two and you can easily tell. Left is the beginning of Konosuba, right is the beginning of ASOIAF. You're just a deluded weeb.

>> No.15049345


>> No.15049358

They are both "entertainment pop novels" that you read to pass your time. They are on the same level.

>> No.15049377

larding your prose with uninspired descriptions doesn't actually improve it

>> No.15049399

They aren't. Light novels are primarily just strings of back and forth dialogue, whereas an normal novel contains more descriptive prose.
In other words they're not the same thing. Thanks for admitting it.

>> No.15049410

>In other words they're not the same thing. Thanks for admitting it.
i actually don't disagree, martin is trying a little harder, but not nearly hard enough

>> No.15049425

Can you name a few?

>> No.15049428
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Let's delve a little further into the free Amazon preview. Again left is Konosuba, right is ASOIAF. The difference is as clear as day. I'm not making an argument for the literary merit of ASOIAF, but it is an actual adult novel.

>> No.15049440

They are on the exact same level. You will not become more cultured, learn about the human condition or anything of the kind by reading ASOIAF, Handmaiden's Tale, Harry Potter or Konosuba.
You will get entertained by their plot and that's it. If you want to get any life lessons from those books, you are an idiot.

>> No.15049449

>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelt fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew.

>> No.15049450

Continuing to repeat the same nonsense in the face of clear evidence fails to convince.

>> No.15049459

I quite clearly said, in the very post you are responding to, that I was not arguing for the literary merit of ASOIAF.

>> No.15049463

The best translated VN is Subahibi.

>> No.15049471

What kind of clear evidence?
What exactly do you learn from ASOIAF? It is literally just a fun fantasy novel you read to pass your time.

>> No.15049481

The clear evidence that light novels are written in a fundamentally different and much more simplistic manner than a normal novel.

>> No.15049485

anonymous thinks more descriptions and longer paragraphs makes a book more adult

>> No.15049486

>an actual adult novel.
Do you think ASOIAF is superior to Chronicles of Narnia due to being an "adult novel"?

>> No.15049500

When their core objective is to "entertain the reader" that doesn't make them worse.

>> No.15049502

Even western children's literature like Narnia is written in a more sophisticated manner than LNs.

>> No.15049509

What is your opinion on Blood Meridian? Is it worse than ASOIAF?

>> No.15049515

Answer the question.

>> No.15049519

It makes them not the same thing because their composition is fundamentally different.
I'm not sure what point you could possibly be making. Blood Meridian is not written in prose intended for 12 year olds either.

>> No.15049542

honestly the content of that light novel isn't for 12 year olds either (lots of sexual shit), so i'd think it's mainly just written for retards. though i know japanese basically put softcore porn in their children's media so whatever

>> No.15049551

>It makes them not the same thing because their composition is fundamentally different.
They have the same objective, their end is to entertain the readers.
You judge their merits on that.

>> No.15049565
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No, I do not. It has no bearing on the discussion though because literature such as Narnia is not written in the same retard-tier dialogue "prose" as LNs.
Dumb sexual shit is very funny to teenagers.
>I will ignore the way in which they are quite clearly different so that I can say they are the same thing ;)
I repeat that you are a deluded weeb.

>> No.15049571

basically most light novels aren't written for 12 year olds, they're written for retarded autistic people, unlike asoiaf which is written for midwit autistic people

>> No.15049596

You judge the quality of something based on how it works for its purpose.

>> No.15049608
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First and Last Idol is unironically /lit/ af

>> No.15049610

>No, I do not.
But didn't you say ASOIAF was superior because it was an "actual adult novel"? Narnia is not aimed for adults.

>> No.15049640

I said it was "not the same thing."
>Form is irrelevant in literature

>> No.15049655


>> No.15049672

>using whaling in the metaphor instead of like agriculture
lol fucking gooks

>> No.15049685
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So this is the power of LNs......

>> No.15049691

even the translators know these are written for spergs

>> No.15049698

If Dosto wrote the same content but in LN style and his novels had random illustrations of busty anime women, his books would continue to have much more merit than ASOIAF.

>> No.15049719

Lol, okay.

>> No.15049740

You think this would not be the case?

>> No.15049769

No, I don't. You're welcome to show me any literature of a level with Dostoevsky that is written in the style of a light novel. I'll wait.

>> No.15049810

>No, I don't
So, form is superior to content?
A book written with simple words where you would learn about the human condition is worse than a book with superficial characters about fighting ice zombies?

>> No.15049822

>tfw my only exposure to Japanese culture is Mishima, Murakami and visual art
It's pretty nice not being a pleb.

>> No.15049831
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>anime thread
>on /literature/

weebs should just fucking die already.

>> No.15049861

You're welcome to figure out how you can replicator The Grand Inquisitor in light novel format without losing any of its meaning, but I'm done playing this silly game with you.

>> No.15049870


>> No.15049876

We are discussing content vs form.

>> No.15049903

And I don't agree with you that any given content can be replicated in any given form. Not posting again.

>> No.15049915

Not him but Wonderful Everyday

>> No.15049924

That's just a way to avoid answering the question of content vs form.
And in terms of content, ASOIAF does not beat YA like Narnia or LN like Oregairu.

>> No.15050038

>Mishima, Murakami
Those are the most internationally visible Japanese writers. You're a super pleb.

>> No.15050151

Anime website, normalfag
This thread is about Jap lit, even if we're talking about shitty Jap books they still can be discussed in /lit/

>> No.15050510

They are indeed, and for good reason. But as a result they are not weeby. While I will acknowledge that there must be a great many Japanese writers who are great that I am not familiar with, the fact is that most """popular""" Japanese writing and media is weebshit, that is utterly infantile. As an adult, I no longer have any interest in YA art, so why would I care about anime or light novels or what have you. I'll stick with the serious Japanese artists, and they are Murakami and Mishima. As I said, there are more and I will strive to find them, but for the moment I feel justified in my autofellatio over thinking that liking two greats is more patrician than reading stuff meant for people with an emotional age between 10 and 14. More patrician still is of course finding the less appreciated Nip authors and I am confident I'll get there one day.

Frankly I thought my post would get called out for appearing to be a newfag by dismissing Japanese culture on a forum devoted to drawn photo montages from a Pacific archipelago.

>> No.15050874

This post reeks of immaturity.
>Mature books for mature people like me

You are not superior to other people.

>> No.15050892

I mean... Let me guess, your favorite philosopher is Nietzsche.

>> No.15051381

evrytime a /lit/fag says that visual novels can be good he ends up bringing up some pretentious gay shit with lesbians in it
just garbage

>> No.15051399

Almost all anime trash is worthless, it's only appeal is that it offers some occasional novelty.

>> No.15051488

the only good animes are miyazaki movies

>> No.15051520

Miyazaki is a confirmed pedophile

>> No.15051902

Based. Source?

>> No.15052519

For light novels, I've enjoyed reading "The empy box and the zeroth Maria". Aside from that, "Dungeon Defense" is pretty solid, and very well translated by Shalvation in his blog (The light novel version).
For visual novels, nothing compares to "Wonderful Everyday down the rabbit hole"

>> No.15052570

A Certain Magical Index novels are entertaining and I like to read the new ones as they come out. That's all I have to say.

>> No.15052581

I fucking love Japan


>> No.15052586

no he's not, you're thinking of tsutomu miyazaki the serial killer

>> No.15052602


>> No.15052609

your mother is a good anime when I came in her mouth. Faggot.

>> No.15052858

how you supposed to translate it, great big sister? no one says this shit

>> No.15052908

well translators apparently don't fuss about that crap with other untranslatable linguistic peculiarities, just the ones anime nerds are aware of and will get butthurt about if you translate like a normal person

>> No.15054368
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if you want to read light novels because you think they're fun, that's fine. But don't lie and say that they're quality fiction.

>> No.15054376

Holy shit this is fucking horrible and I already hated anime I didn’t think I could hate it anymore

>> No.15054404

I find it funny how people debate about the quality of light novels without actually posting excerpts. That's not even the worst example.

Excerpt from Strawberry Panic, professionally translated by Seven Seas.
>Flutter flutter...
>All around them, cherry blossoms scattered to the ground. In the middle of a cherry-blossom-colored mist, a larger figure and a smaller figure stood close together atop a hill, surrounded by thick, old cherry trees. Standing atop the gently rolling hill of bright green, the two figures looked like they were floating in a thin, cherry-colored cloud.
>"The time has finally come to say goodbye, hasn't it?"
>"Oneesama, I...still..."
>Fwooo. A gentle breeze blew. It scattered the cherry blossoms again.
>Flutter flutter...

If someone can find a western YA book with prose worse than this I'll give you a bitcoin.

>> No.15054445

more proof that anime is a CIA psyop to feminize intended targets

>> No.15054475

LNs are dog shit but VNs are patrician

>> No.15054550

Monogatari. Most likely the only well written LN. Haven't read Boogiepop yet

>> No.15054734

Monogatari, and also Zaregoto are quite well written. Nisio tends to care more about localization than other nip writers and his team approves what's released, which also has an effect on the quality.

>> No.15054748
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>Fwooo. A gentle breeze blew.

Imagine being asked to read this shit out loud to an audience at a library event or something. Oh dear god.

>> No.15054787

now imagine Christopher Walken reading it aloud.

>> No.15054791

murakami is trash

>> No.15054804


>"some kind of bugs on the earth, but...oh, no, they's flowers. I dunno why they have bug ears"
my sides

>> No.15054857

Kara No Kyoukai is the best Urban Fantasy out there. Blows the shit written by Butcher and Aaronovitch out of the water. Does anyone have any urban fantasy novel recommendations similar or better than KnK?

>> No.15055017

it makes more sense than translating it because we don’t even use honorifics

>> No.15055177

Polish translation of Re:Zero is pretty good

>> No.15055240
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>some kind of bugs on the earth
did he mean these kinds of bugs?

>> No.15055633

>rarely, if ever, does /lit/ discuss Tanizaki, Kawabata, Soseki, Oe
>but "SO, UH DIS LAIT NOBL, IS DIS /LIT/, HUH, HUH?" retardation occurs almost daily
I hate animenigger subhuman vermin so much its unreal

>> No.15055669

While GRRM books are just crap entertainment, you are absolutely right as he still puts more effort in than the writers of LNs. LNs are beyond trash, anyone defending them is a delusional weeb and doesn’t belong on /lit/, especially considering that they could discuss actual japanese literature if they wanted to, not trite anime crap designed to appeal to autistic shut-ins.

>> No.15055689
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>They are on the same level.
They would be if asoiaf wasn't for westernized bugmen and had cute anime girls.

>> No.15055696
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I think he could mean these bugs

>> No.15055701

A couple of manga I enjoyed personally were Death Note and Battle Royale, albeit the novel to Battle Royale was 100x better. I think I just enjoyed the manga because it gave backstories to all of the characters.

>> No.15055812
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>Subarashiki Hibi

>> No.15056172


>> No.15056300
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>> No.15056489

Not really a Light Novel, but the Moribito series is a good read if you're into fantasy. Only the first two have been translated into English, though