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/lit/ - Literature

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15052062 No.15052062 [Reply] [Original]

>James Joyce had sex with prostitutes
>Fredrich Nietzsche had sex with prostitutes
>Franz Kafka had sex with prostitutes
>Charles Baudelaire had sex with prostitutes
>Marcel Proust had sex with prostitutes
>Victor Hugo had sex with prostitues
>Oscar Wilde had sex with prostitutes
>Lord Byron has sex with prostitutes

I, too, will have sex with a prostitute

What are the moral repercussions of this? How did these writers and thinkers justify their actions? Is there any need to justify their actions? I am a soon to be 23 year old virgin; sex with a woman my age based on a shared emotional connection is very unrealistic.

>> No.15052066

i will not have sex with anyone and still be a fucking loser anyway

>> No.15052077
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you aint actin in accordance with duty foo

>> No.15052086

do you idolize these idiots or something? read the Bible and grow up

>> No.15052094


and (almost) all of these people also had fulfilling committed relationships. fuck all the hookers you want yo, but dont confuse that with emotional gratification

>> No.15052100

How could anyone go to a fucking prostitute? Don't you get grossed out by the mere thought of the hundreds of men who spunked in her beforehand? Like, fuck, just jack off by your lonesome like a man with self-respect.

>> No.15052115

Then how could anyone have a girlfriend at all in today's age if you're grossed out at that?

>> No.15052123

No evidence that Nietzsche had sex with prostitutes; he may have even died a virgin in fact

>> No.15052135

Marry a traditional virgin; I did it so it can't be that hard

>> No.15052141

>implying prostitution in the 19th century and in the early 20th century had the same context as prostitution after the sexual revolution

>> No.15052157

Sex without love is pointless. Don't do it anon. You'll want to kill yourself when it's over.

>> No.15052200

And on that note, the homosexual act was also seen in a different light back then. Gay sex was something that lonely sailors and dock-workers did to each other in order to let off a bit of steam, it didn't make you gay. Maybe you all just need to fuck your buddies.

>> No.15052342

All women are whores

>> No.15052386
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I have had sex with four people:
>molested by a relative
>3 year relationship with a beautiful weeb redhead
>fucked a transexual during a manic episode
>fucked a twink over a month ago
How do I master my balls? This whole sex thing is becoming degrading.

>> No.15052390

>moral repercussions
Do such things exist?
But ask yourself, did any of these men fuck prostitutes because they saw the others on your list doing it?

>> No.15052403

Massage parlors>escorts

>> No.15052412

based faggot

>> No.15052569

>Do such things exist?
Possibly, depending on what the truth of morality is

>But ask yourself, did any of these men fuck prostitutes because they saw the others on your list doing it?

I don't see how that matters.

>> No.15052583

You can add Dostoevsky to your list

>> No.15052643

Billy Yeats is rumored to have been a virgin until age 31 or so. Granted, he was a playa in old age. But don't let these superficial things govern your life, OP.

>> No.15052657
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>fucked many prostitutes
>done a ton of psychedelics
>tried to kill myself, was about to try again, until I did drugs and whores

Now I sit around reading Baudrillard and working the same 9-5, drugs and escorts too. Am I /lit/?

>> No.15052667

Yes, and they were all insufferable degenerates.

>> No.15052672

It's not that big a deal

>> No.15052674
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None, faggot. Great men will have little in common with women. Emotional affection and needing "love" is a weakness. Cut off the bonds that tie you to the social world and all its contradictory moralities.

You are literally one in a million, you fucking faggot.

>> No.15052726

This thread reminded me of when I was sparring with my friend and I secretly wished he would hit my left eye hard enough to do damage so that it would permadililate like David Bowie’s.

>> No.15052736

I feel like my life is going to be like this too. How often do you go to prostitutes or do drugs?

>> No.15052745

they didnt have to worry about being shamed on twitter tb h

>> No.15052766

Nonexistence of Twitter didn't save Oscar Wilde.

>> No.15052776

Once or twice a month. If there's chemistry with a girl I'll visit her twice, but they cycle them through where I live, the girls are only there for a few weeks. One nice thing is you can fuck girls that are ridiculously hot, beyond what most people will ever get.

>> No.15052848

No it's not based it's become a problem. I feel too impure for girls who like me now.

>> No.15052862

What makes you impure? The concept of impurity is fucking silly for a man. There's no need for you to tell a woman about that, no need to internalize it,

>> No.15052979

Do twinks even exist?
Been looking for at least one for a long time now. I hear people telling their sex stories with twinks and shit. At this point I'm so desperate that I've become the twink myself. What the fuck.

>> No.15053005
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>tfw fell in love with a prostitute

>> No.15053028

Just go have sex with one and figure out how it affects you. There's an interesting contrast between the associations you build up with it and the act. I did it in search of some ambiguous grit, some shade, it was like playing pantomime. Since I've been to brothels occasionally, not out of necessity but just when curiosity takes me there. It can be fun, but it's gratification is a small part of it.

>> No.15053034

If you gotta pay for pussy, you a simp

>> No.15053036

tell me about her

>> No.15053042

sex with prostitutes back then was like going out and fucking some barfly/club slut or some bitch at a party, its way more pathetic nowadays when this shit is free if you know how to play your cards right.

>> No.15053049

>read the bible
>grow up

>> No.15053086

That's still not free, you're spending money on something that's not even guaranteed, which is far more pathetic.

>> No.15053088

I remember when I thought doing psychedellics would give me an edge over all who had not. Well that ended after an insane half year weekly binge. Nothing helped: going to the gym, getting cultured, learning to dress. I am not even ugly but I have a shit personality that I just cant change. It is very hard for me to show genuine emotion or to connect to people, I am a 21st century schizoid man

>> No.15053100

It is really the other way around. Paying for sex reduces pussy to a commodity. If you have to persuade a woman to have sex with you, you literally are putting pussy on a pedestal. It is a very emasculating activity.

>> No.15053104

lmfao who needs to go on a date to get laid

>> No.15053110

what are you spending money on when you go to a party lol

>> No.15053131

Sick dubs. I don't have any goal with psychs, I legitimately enjoy doing them. If you're an artist they're the ideal drug

>commidifying something puts it on a pedestal

If anything converting something to exchange value, then back to use value shows how it lacks any tangible value. Sick dubs btw.

>> No.15053139

Not everybody is an extravert. If you don't enjoy talking to people, it becomes far more degrading than just paying for it.

>> No.15053149

>sex with prostitutes back then was like going out and fucking some barfly/club slut or some bitch at a party, its way more pathetic nowadays when this shit is free if you know how to play your cards right.
No, it was literally going to a brothel and pay to fuck a woman.
>its way more pathetic nowadays when this shit is free if you know how to play your cards right.
Who gives a shit about wasting time seducing some annoying thot. Just pay a quality escort and get done with it.

>> No.15053154

Money isn't the only currency. Your time and labour is also a currency, and a far more valuable one.

>> No.15053159

At least the escort knows how to fuck

>> No.15053172

>time and labour

If anything your leisure time is a far more valuable currency, seeing as how the commodity has colonized it to the point where leisure time is as productive as labor time.

>> No.15053181

because paying for pussy makes you a simp.

>> No.15053192
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What can I tell you anon, she took my v card and supposedly I was her first client.
She is small, with tiny breasts but a great ass.
She is always kind to me, the first thing that I had sex with her she encouraged me talking sweet things like "you are not my boy, you are my man".
I have meet with her outside of an hotel room, going to eat with her, chatting with her, etc.

She is married and seeing other clients and even being aware of that I still fell in love with her, sometimes I really don't want to fuck her, just hold her and kiss her.

I am a sick and spiteful man.

>> No.15053214

I didn't say that. I said that by reducing pussy to its monetary value, and by not mystifying the experience of sex, you are doing the very opposite of putting pussy on a pedestal. Once you can quantify the monetary value of pussy, you can become the very opposite of a simp by playing the game by your own rules, not the woman's.

>> No.15053229

I knew Byron was still alive

>> No.15053230
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I sort of agree. I loved drawing as a child and completely abandoned it. On 200 mics I did pic related. All in all it did help me long term, I can navigate my inner lamdscape much deeper now (can lucid dream for example). Still no gf though and I doubt it will happen anytime soon. I am to strange, to fucked up. My past was full of tragedy and not the petty first world kind (death, disease, violence).

>> No.15053239

And trying to attact a woman's attention doesn't? lol fucking whores is literally an anti-simp practice. No faggot "chase", no seducing, no fee-fees, no gay "compliments" or "talking", just plain old fucking. You can even beat the shit out of some whores, whip them, slap them, treat them roughly and all that.

>> No.15053252

According to Augustine & Aquinas, hookers are based. So go for it OP.

>> No.15053257

Really? Sauce me bro

>> No.15053292

fuck man iktf. There was a belarussian girl who just made it over here, similar situation. fuck

>> No.15053313

I recommend it mate, idk about where you live but here in Brisbane you can find whores nice and cheap, let you plow em as hard as you want, coom on their face etc. all for under 100 USD

>> No.15053327
File: 58 KB, 626x782, 1586314175363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have sex with a prostitute.
Just realize that women are literally worth the change you get from a fast food value meal.

>> No.15053352

It's easier to find them in a city using grindr

>> No.15053367

dumb beta faggot, they say this on purpose to hook in clueless johns such as yourself.

>> No.15053371

lmao classic

>> No.15053382


>> No.15053422

Nah strong disagree here, the moment you start removing the illusion of the world you're completely damned. You're like the story about the priests who sought to write every name of god in hopes that the world would end, so they hired IBM. IBM got it done in days, then as the priests walked down back towards their cars the stars went out one by one. Illusion is the only thing we can claim, truth is a fiction.

That's a really cool picture. I appreciate it. I sat around and made people listen to me play paganini during the last trip.

>> No.15053424

We're out here, but we're looking for other hung twinks

>> No.15053430

"Take away prostitutes from the world, and you will fill it with sodomy" - St Aquinas

"If you do away with harlots, the world will be convulsed with lust." - St Augustine

Have an article by a roastie coping about the fact that such devout man approve of whoredom: https://www.catholic.com/magazine/online-edition/what-does-the-church-teach-about-prostitution

>> No.15053431

You do NOT want to give your virginity to a prostitute. It will haunt you.

>> No.15053444

Beyond based

>> No.15053459

>All except Byron are severely overrated trash who're only popular because they were 'edgy' and in with the right crowd

>> No.15053479

Only if you're a pussy. Lots of artists and poets didn't and they don't give a shit.

>> No.15053490

considering he was the proto-incel ideology I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.15053491


>> No.15053492

>Lots of artists and poets didn't and they don't give a shit.

A lot of them died of venereal diseases or killed themselves.

>> No.15053843


>> No.15053856

I lost my virginity, not to a prostitute, but an obese French cabaret singer I met on a night out, and I'll say that the memory fucked me up for like 5 years but I'm over it now.

>> No.15053883

>not heterosexual

You hate to see the stereotype play out. Seriously though, read the Bible. Start with Luke or Romans

>> No.15053933
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>> No.15054089

Thats why I dont want a prostitute. I had my first kiss in a night club (am virgin but atleast not kissless). She was pretty and all but I was so desperate when she only wanted to have fun. In my naivity I pursued her and followed her to ask her out. Got shut down and learnt that day that some girls really only kiss in the club for fun. Grabbed her ass while we had a long kiss and I think in retrospect that I went too far even though she did not react negatively to it. But I still cringe at the thought. If that already fucked me up how bad would fucking a prostitute do me? I am remarkably sensitive for a guy. Always hated that about myself. I barely forget anything

>> No.15054357

I learnt that all sex is embarrassing and that you make a lot of mistakes but the more you do it the less cringe you become and the more confident and comfortable you get. The thing to realise is that hooking up with strangers is always awkward and uncomfortable for everyone involved, even hot people.

>> No.15054696


Ummmm no
Nieech had ghonnorea from bath houses bro, it's the main reason he couldn't get any bitches at the hochschule. I know the guy, I was there and saw it

You're probably thinking about Kant, he's the one they say died a virgin and I know because I was there for every waking moment of his life

>> No.15054914

You have discovered the secret of great literature

>> No.15054941

Just make sure you find a good hook bro half the time they get naked then try to charge you more

>> No.15055054

holy kek

>> No.15055063

This comes up in Boswell's London Journal and he pretty much talks about it the same way coomers talk about no fap

>> No.15055081

Sex for recreational activities is bad, it is impure. There is something about the feeling of semen which emanates evil.

>> No.15055104

List one thing about his philosophy that is incel.

>> No.15055111


>> No.15055142

This is total cope though, it'd be impossible to get a girlfriend or get married and not have sex with her at all or only for reproduction in today's age. And I say that as someone who fully believes in the spiritual benefits of celibacy.

>> No.15055159

There is nothing morally wrong with prostitution since there is no coercion.

>> No.15055171

>emotional needs
Bin that shit. It's strictly for making babies. No man should really on a woman for "emotional needs".

>> No.15055191

If you stop consuming all media and art will emotional needs go away? Because even when I was completely disconnected from every produced in society like a hermit I still wanted a girlfriend. I think all modern men have been brainwashed at such a young age that it's pretty much impossible to act like you're talking about. Even though I know my romantic fantasies are not real no matter how much I try to get rid of them they don't go away.

>> No.15055322
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>> No.15055379

Prostitutes are too expensive. Paying for the whole night experience is not cheap at all unless it is some third world Asian country.

>> No.15055500

You're a simp.

>> No.15055879

This was before women could have sex before marriage without social repercussions. It's a completely different situation now.

>> No.15055972

in modern day terms you could put it this way
>go on a 20 day nofap streak and watch yourself fuck trannies
Man NEEDS to cum, the logistics don't matter. Just pay the whore.

>> No.15056226

Don't forget Dostoevsky. He was kind of notorious among prostitutes in Petersburg, very few of which would meet him more than once due to his preference for humiliating and painful practices.

>> No.15056235

Was the weeb redhead female at least?

>> No.15056237

There's really nothing wrong with fucking hookers. Men being ashamed of going to them just gives women more power in the sexual market (for lack of a better term).
Can you imagine how less thirsty men would be if it was normal to get your nut off in a hooker and not be judged for it.

Most dudes act weird around a girl their trying to fuck because her approval dictates wether the guy will have a steady supply of pussy for a few months or wether he will jerk off alone for those same months. Imagine just going to a hooker bro...

Men who shame hookers or johns are the same fucking incels who will then complain about woman only fucking Chad. And they can't see they're fighting agaisnt their own interests.

>> No.15056248

Well, you're a faggot for sure

>> No.15056257

Imagine playing for sex. It should be females who should be paying me for blessing them with my essence.

>> No.15056278

lol no. Sex was also free back then if you knew what you were doing and went to the right parties.

>> No.15056287

>chaucer didn't sleep with prostitutes
>shakespeare didn't sleep with prostitutes
>milton didn't sleep with prostitutes

whores are for literature's b-tier

>> No.15056290

very based

>> No.15056490

More like one in a hundred

>> No.15056632

Just live in a big city, that's really all there is to it. High population density inevitably breeds debauchery and sin.

>> No.15056687

It's a sin, OP

>> No.15056709

This. Like not even pay for the sex because I don't fornicate with whores, but just pay me to spend time with them.

>> No.15056761

Life protip: Don't have sex with people you don't love

>> No.15056778


It's basically the norm in Japan, marriages are sexless except for procreation.

>> No.15056798


t. weeb who only sees a foreign culture from the outside

>> No.15056812


Actually I have a degree in Japanese Studies and studied at 東大 for a year but thanks for playing.

Obviously prostitution is fairly common, but marriages are often sexless.

>> No.15056834

My only goal in life is to become an expert in Latin and live in Thailand fucking hookers, both females and ladyboys. Every day I will get steamed drunk and smoke two or three packs of cigarettes until I die from an STD or liver/lung failure. I will write a book about my experiences and thoughts, in Latin, and release it for free on lit before I die.

>> No.15056837

>thanks for playing
No problem, happy to have been involved.

>> No.15056842

That sounds based but how will you finance the booze and the ladyboys?

>> No.15056844

This story was gay unil the last sentence, now I'm patiently awaiting your release of the definitive 21st century classic.

>> No.15056859


Actually based

>> No.15056929

Why you fags obsess over thai trannies they look like literal boys

>> No.15056942

The work I do can be performed anywhere there is a laptop, and brings in enough money to finance a bender of this magnitude, indefinitely.
I will do this sometime between 2021 and 2027. I need to get my Latin to a suitable level before I 'go off'.

>> No.15056943


>> No.15056955

I only like ones with milkers. I have serious psychological problems from my poor relationship with my mother, and trannies are part of the solution. older women and thicc thots will also be targeted.

>> No.15056956

Impossible. That's literally science fiction. Fitting that were on lit of all places...

>> No.15056981


My girlfriend was a 23 year old virgin when I met her in university, she was also chubby and homely but that comes with the territory really.

>> No.15056989

There is no point in traveling if you are not gonna engage with the culture

>> No.15056995
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>humiliating and painful practices
Tell me more, anon. Asking for a friend.

>> No.15057008

>Is there any need to justify their actions?
No. what is the moral argument against prostitution supposed to be?
Mind you, fucking a prostitute won't make you any less of a loser but there's nothing bad about doing it either.

>> No.15057022


Um maybe because it's degenerate and destroys your pair bonding mechanism sweetie.

>> No.15057029

There are none. But you're paying for what's easily free and doing so out of a refusal to put the work in because you're weak.

>> No.15057036

>muh degeneracy
Fellate a shotgun, retard

>> No.15057047

What about the fact that it destroys your pair bonding mechanism?
>doesn't believe in degeneracy
I know it's become a buzzword but come on, don't do this to yourself.

>> No.15057053



Obviously you weren't loved as a child, but you don't have to be as worthless as your parents.

>> No.15057079

There's nothing wrong with banging a hooker when you can just look at her as a receptacle for your gunk, it's not like you have to marry her

>> No.15057084

>they can't function on society without having someone telling them constantly that they love them
Sociopaths win again

>> No.15057098

I'm sure mommy will notice your tantrums eventually, anon, don't be upset

>> No.15057241

no shit

>> No.15057336


Source? A Japanese studies degree doesn't count for anything. I don't believe at all that it's the "norm" in Japan, that seems like a massive generalization, and anyway marriages can be sexless outside of Japan too. And they're not sexless because these people recognize the spiritua and social benefits of sex only for procreation but for other reasons, and these people usually end up having sex outside of marriage anyway.

>> No.15057362

>easily free

Obviously not.

>refusal to put the work in because you're weak.

Obviously not.

You clearly haven't been paying attention at all to societal trends, you're still stuck in the 60's which is pathetic. At least 1/5 of the upcoming generation of men will end up never having sex.

>> No.15057369

Anyone who asks for a source should be banned on the spot. Its fucking obnoxious.
>baseless assertions
>heavily referenced redditspeak

Just take peoples word on things if you like it, or disregard what they say if you dont. simple as.

>> No.15057445

/lit/ Thailand meetup when?

>> No.15057477

pretty /lit/ desu

not as an author, but as a story.

>> No.15057493

Drooling retard. This is a board to have discussions, discussions which require you to substantiate what you say. Go back to /pol/ nigger.

>> No.15057513

Big brains dont need sources to substantiate anything my friend xoxoxoxoxox

>> No.15057519

Multiple studies have been published that demonstrate that birth rates have been dropping and both men and women remain virgins for longer in Japan. They live in a society where salarymen spend 100+ hours at their job, never see their families and have to engage in enjo kosai because their wives became frigid after popping out 1 (one) kid

>> No.15057574

>moral repercussions
you'd be surprised how much morality amounts to "sweep it under the rug and hope no one finds out"

>> No.15057599

He had syphillis you uncultured swine

>> No.15057664

It's wrong, but if you do do it it's more just "meh" and so forth.

If you want to aspire to absolute perfection then you do not do it, but it's not an extremely bad thing.

>> No.15057678

You are evidently dumb and plain, and worst of all not a poet.

Wolfram would be despising such a statement, both in its lack of action and boring bookiness(however much you deny it), and it's lack of purity in pure youthful love. For that type of love is a useful thing.

>> No.15057685

That sounds great bro(even if you're gonna be gay forever for fucking those ladyboys bro), though it would probably be better if you had white women.

>> No.15057715

It would be better to get whites, but they are too expensive when compared to the mud-rivers. I wont be gay, Ill say no homo. Ill be too drunk to care anyway. I think masculine bodies are disgusting. the wee-wee on a feminine body (needs milkers) is the patrician choice. I will explain in my book why this is so, I have a very good and detailed argument as to why it is based

>> No.15057736

>Great male authors fucked prostitutes or had mistresses
>Great female authors were virgins
Really makes you think

>> No.15058396

i dont get it

>> No.15058430

Considering I can't get sex on Tinder due to my below average looks, I have to satisfy my primal urges with escorts. They are actually quite fun and fuck really good. Just do it bro.

>> No.15058867

>emotional needs
>bin that shit
>strictly for making babies
>because i emotionally need the human race to survive for reasons

>> No.15058893

Thank you for your utterly braindead insight into Japanese culture and generalizations that are not insightful at all. Everyone already knows that birth rates are dropping and that people remain virgins longer everywhere in the developed world.

>> No.15058897

>Lord Byron has sex with prostitutes

Didn't know he was still alive.

>> No.15058939

I lost my virginity to a prostitute when I was 24. Best £50 I've ever spent. She was really hot and the environment felt really casual so I had no issue performing. Gave me the confedence to go get it for myself, now 2 years into a great relationship.

Do it Anon

>> No.15058963

in 2009 1765 japanese familes were analysed in terms of the correllation between virginity and sterility. we cross referenced the results with a quantity of data obtained from UYI (university of yoshis island) and the p value was under .69 meaning that these particular families were an adequate sample to suggest that females aged between 34-44 +- 40 years are 75% less like to be sterile than they are to be non-sterile. attached is the graphs, reference list, and our statistics.

>> No.15058980

Get to it, scrub.

>> No.15058998

Then stop denying reality, you dense bitch. Are you incapable of seeing trends, the bigger picture?

>> No.15059962

Napoleon and Mussolini lost their virginity with prostitutes as it was common back in the days, I too did the same.

>> No.15060547

lmao at the fags replying to this

>> No.15060555


>> No.15060558

>dude just marry a butter golem

>> No.15060569

you deserve a fucking bullet

>> No.15060576

fucking kill yourselves

>> No.15060583

>"fell in" love
no you were infatuated with a woman willing to touch your sweaty peen

>> No.15060589

holy fuck this is pathetic. this whore board is sad man children

>> No.15060597

>purposefully making yourself a low value male by having sex with a prostitute

Bug man detected.

>> No.15060600

> a degree in Japanese Studies
>not embarrassed to say this

>> No.15060620

Everyone of you is absolutely irredeemable

>> No.15060632

Fren, don't worry to much about sex. It really isn't the spiritual nirvana your hyping it up to be.
Just enjoy your life as it is.

>> No.15060658

all men are cads

>> No.15060747

thank you for motivating me get back into Latin

>> No.15060762

You'd like Korea.

>> No.15060764

Where do you think we are?

>> No.15060779

>any of those guys you listed

>> No.15060780


>> No.15060791

I don't want to have sex with a prostitute, but what about a blow job? Is that okay?

>> No.15060940

Post pics
You can leave out the relative if you want

>> No.15061866
File: 107 KB, 500x520, 1579671642898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15062136

>is free if you know how to play your cards right.
What if I don't wanna play my fucking cards at this moment? What if I'm not in the mood for silly games? What if I don't wanna play the seducer tonight? What if I don't want love now, just plain raw sex? Do you think you're superior just because you've banged a random hoe? Do your think her opinion (convincing her) really matters? Look my man, do you want the ego boost of convincing/being accepted or just cumming your balls out?
I think harlotry is one of the few ocasions which a man gets exactly what he wants WHEN he wants, period.

>> No.15062243

Unironically this.

Without the emotional connection (doesn’t have to be “love” per se), sex is just not very good.

>> No.15062266

This can be solved by going to a poor country where you can afford to pay the whore to stay the night and cuddle. Anyone who fucks a whore without making her stay over is an uncultured savage. Id pay a whore just to cuddle. Cuddling is the final redpill.

>> No.15062297

Who would pay for this service?
Its where a big tiddy mommy gf comes over, fucks you, then you both take a load of MDMA, and spend the night cuddling while she tells you she loves you and you both share your life story and deepest secrets. There is a stringent selection process for the mommys, so you only get the highest grade of nubian, loving women with this service.
In the morning she spends another three hours cuddling before she makes you take a ton of opiates and she leaves.
There are two options with this service, one is where you get enough opiates to numb you for a day, the other is where you get enough to kill you. Mdma comes free with the service and its pure as can be.

>> No.15063343

>How did these writers and thinkers justify their actions?
Having sex with a prostitute was like a must-do for a teenager nobility. Girls should be pure but young lords ought to have some expirience before marriage.

>> No.15063443

Has anybody been to japanese Soaplands? Not even a weeb but want to lose my virginity in a more exotic way than just hiring local hooker

>> No.15063780

Why are first worlders so obsessed with hookers?
Its just a service, everybody uses.
Like your local drug lord

>> No.15064412

You go to hell that's the moral repercussion of it.

>> No.15064691

cuddling is overrated. fuck having hair all in my face.

>> No.15064704

you are an uncultured savage with no appreciation of the finer things in life.

>> No.15064716

id rather sleep by myself desu

>> No.15064801

I've been seeing escorts for 3 years. I've had good experiences and bad experiences. Hasn't made me any more literary and it certainly hasn't made me less of a loser, but it does sap some of the mythic power from the female form so I don't run around chasing skirt all the time when I know I can drop a few hundred dollars on a blonde bombshell who will do whatever I ask.

>> No.15064941

I lost my virginity to a prostitute at age 25.

>> No.15065098

Tolkien didn't, ergo they were all wrong

>> No.15065301

>losing your virginity to a prostitute
Anon, you are extremely short sighted. There are things people do in this world which fundamentally alters their character in a positive or negative way, once on a path you will slowly lose the ability to shift, if you go down this path you won't have to worry about the afterlife because you will be a hollow shell of a man in the present, you will remember your actions forever and it will be used against you by your own conscience to ensure you never improve yourself in any meaningful way, and you'll look for worse ways to destroy yourself because you'll have lost all sense of shame. I speak from experience but even I didn't fuck a prostitute anon.

>> No.15065767

I like the spirit. Way more interesting than whining incels.

>> No.15065990

i'm not going to pretend to be some uberchad, because i'm not. however, girls have generally found me to be charming all my life, and i've pretty much never gone a period in life without knowing at least one girl in my social circles who was into me. i've been in situations where i could have gotten laid a handful of times - with girls who either had a crush on me over months and years, or ones i had just met. every time i've been in such a situation, for some reason, i've backed out before the act.

there's something about the thought of touching or being touched, smelling the body of another person, and seeing her lower parts, and having to rub and put my face on her that just kills my drive. for a while, i thought maybe i was asexual, but i'm not so sure anymore. i just find the thought of touching girls to be repulsive, for some reason. thanks for reading my diary, anon

>> No.15066098

>having a conscience
never going to make it

>> No.15066160

>Lord Bryan has sex
Anon, I-

>> No.15066164

Absolutely based

>> No.15066176

wasn't specified any further

>> No.15066495

How did having sex with prostitutes work back in the day? They didn't have condoms, right? So wouldn't the girls constantly get pregnant and be infected with all sorts of STD-s? Also recommend comfy vintage prostitute literature, besides Notes from the Underground of course.

>> No.15066552


If you are serious I could give you some advice.