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File: 421 KB, 828x1068, 8C26E89A-E77A-4ABA-B5CA-E999C47A38F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15048899 No.15048899[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does might make right? Why do idealists always lose?

>> No.15048939


>> No.15048943

To make a long thread short, for someone who doesn't believe that morality is objective, the notion of moral rightness/wrongness is completely unfounded. But for somone who believes in objective morality (a Christian), they will respond that morality does not change because morality comes from God.

Idealists don't always lose, but their victories are often co-opted and watered down becuase they're most easily manipulated.

>> No.15048944

The virgin bernie vote vs the Chad Marxist Leninist insurrection.

>> No.15048948

Why is he backing out?

>> No.15048969

No refunds.

>> No.15048977

that's an even bigger joke jsyk

>> No.15048985

Couldn't win. Dems fell for "electibility" nonsense and voted establishment. Bernie was pretty much the last chance for the left-right dichotomy to be broken for a while giving a chance for redemption on the left and right but now I guess it's another 4 years of Trump, or if we are mildly lucky, 4 pointless years of the same shit which lead to Trump.

>> No.15048986

Bernie had no balls. He should have gone full Lenin and done a call to arms, as >>15048944 mentioned

>> No.15049012

four more years of trump then, cant say im surprised

>> No.15049020
File: 19 KB, 300x300, kill urself my man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually donated to a 1000 year old communist millionaire jew only for him to achieve absolutely nothing and hand over all your money to a senile boomer retard serving as the figurehead of an international satanic child rape cult
>he did it TWICE
>he STILL won't learn from this

>> No.15049025
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I think the best option is for putin to turn muttland to glass

>> No.15049033

Might is more pragmatic. At the most elementary difference between action and thought, a results-driven mode of operation. If the ends justify the means, your options for means is expanded and ethics can be transgressed. Might projects its vision over the world and imposes it with determination, idealism hopes for a better world and can do little about it.

>> No.15049042

In the words of the freedom loving Athenians, creators of democracy:
"The powerful do as they will, and the weak suffer as they must."

>> No.15049047

Sanders isn't an idealist, he's a pragmatist who realized that you can sell a pie in the sky idea TO idealists as a strategy.

This isn't just empty conjecture, I can draw you a concrete example. In the mid 90s Bernie Sanders voted in support of sanctions on Iraq that resulted in the starvation and deaths of about 500,000 people. The next year, after SEEING the results of these sanctions, he voted to continue them, which killed another 400,000 people.

Bernie Sanders voted to starve a million people to death because he was a lockstep Democrat. In 1997 he voted Yes on this Joint Resolution of Congress:


This bill officially made the removal of Saddam Hussein official US foreign policy. 11 senators dissented, and Sanders wasn't one of them. This means that WHATEVER he said in 2004, he voted to make invading Iraq inevitable and legal. The only reason he voted against the war when it was actually happening was that it was good optics--he helped lay the groundwork for the invasion almost a decade prior to the actual war.

The guy is a total fraud and a massive cocksucker. He's controlled opposition, a cartoon Socialist to placate dumb white kids into continuing to vote for the anti-white party instead of seeking alternatives. Why do you think he's cucked to everyone who has crushed him through dirty tactics so far? Because that's his entire career. He's a honeypot for dumb "progressives."

>> No.15049054

what alternatives lol

>> No.15049055

Yes. Turn the world into a Russian shithole. I'd like it if the West looked more like Detroit than the Mall of America.

>> No.15049098
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There aren't any, because the American Left has been corralled into a neoliberal party run entirely by a geriatrics who have held power since the 1970s.

The only way to change that is to destroy the party. The reason that this won't happen is that it would mean letting the Republicans win a couple of elections. The Republicans don't have this problem because they can seamlessly transition from retarded Neocons to hardcore Nationalists in one election cycle, the Democrats do have this problem because their demographic blocs have totally disparate interests, and so they are constantly in a state of civil war.

The irony here is that this is was not true in the 1980s. The thing which ultimately destroyed the ability of the American Left to meaningfully organize was the diversity vote. Mass immigration created a serious contradiction in Left-Wing interests in America. Mass immigration is objectively bad for the working class, but immigrants also support welfare programs and anti-white stuff.

The result being that the Democrats lost the white working class hard, and now have to rely on fags, blacks and spics for the bulk of their vote when, if they had just continued pushing Socialist reforms organically without literally flooding the country with foreigners, they definitely would have gotten their way by now.

We could have returned to Eisenhauer's system, instead we're where we are now. Reforms that in the 1950s would have been totally logical are now unthinkable anywhere except a Berkeley drum circle.

>> No.15049105
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Bernie wasn't playing to win because he didn't want to win

>> No.15049116

He joins corbyn. The reactionary right will assume the vanguard against neoliberalism

>> No.15049119

I don't think you know what this word means.

>> No.15049125

>if they had just continued pushing Socialist reforms organically without literally flooding the country with foreigners

B-but that's racist!

It's completely not pro-corporate to push for the ballooning of the labor market that results in lower wages which benefits businesses! Only someone on the Right would do that!

>> No.15049133
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Anything is better than merimutts.

>> No.15049143

wait for the depression, he will be even less popular

>> No.15049164

he just dropped out, maybe you can finally calm down now

>> No.15049165
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The irony is baked in. By permanently joining Economic Leftism with the hypercapitalist policy of mass wage suppression via immigration, the Right has created a permanent fracture in American progressivism that cannot be reconciled.

It's the perfect crime, the kind of curse you would strike your worst enemy with: Are you a racist, or are you anti-labor? It's the political equivalent of "when did you stop beating your wife?"

>> No.15049175

I'm perfectly calm. I was hoping he'd take it to the convention, it would've been funny.

>> No.15049176

right wing populism always TRUMPS left wing populism


>> No.15049179

Guns should be banned. Marx would clearly see that were he around these days.

>> No.15049182

Why does left wing populism suck so fucking hard?

>> No.15049185
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>no bernie victory
>sleepy joe gonna get raped like he did those little girls
>4 more years of LE EBIN DRUMPH
>can't leave the house
>can't trust the news
>neocon's dancing in the street will get corona
>libs will tell me vote biden
>leftists will tell me to stop crying and the movement lives on
>/pol/ will shout no refunds while lynching jews 6-ft apart

Fuck everyone rn.

>> No.15049188


underrated post

>> No.15049194


>> No.15049203 [SPOILER] 
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Bernie is a cuck who compromised with the establishment's dream of open borders and mass disarmament. Deep down, we all know the kind of person the left really needs in the USA.

>> No.15049206

American lefties are cucked to hell but theyll just keep blaming suburban boomers or whatever and never acknowledge that the minorities dont have a major reason to vote for them either.

>> No.15049209

>Why do idealists always lose?
Did he lose? The Democratic platform has been pushed further left than ever before in history thanks in large part to Bernie.

The spoils don't always go to the victor.

>> No.15049216

Corporate commodification of individuality via Edward Bernays legacy has shifted the conversation to identitarian issues as opposed to labor which has all but dissipated. Strong, well read, labor unionists don't exist because those jobs don't exist in america. Everyone is weak, has pink hair, read the wiki on marx, serves coffee to yuppies and wasps, moves back home, stays six figures in debt. Organizing against a police state reduces cries for violence. Federal labor statutes make strikes illegal. Mass media brainwashes those who would join a movement. Intellectual work is too hard for them. Basic needs take precedent, consume. Consume CONSUME CONSUME FUCKING GOD DAMN IT FUCKING CONSUME ASKJFDHLAKSJBFMFMK:K FUCK FUCK FUCKING FGOD DAMN IT

>> No.15049224

>The Democratic platform has been pushed further left than ever before in history

You know the country literally had everything Sanders claims to want in the Eisenhauer era, right? This is the most right-wing the country has been since the 19th century. The neoliberal establishment has won utterly.

>> No.15049225

The bad guys won :(

>> No.15049252

Any self respecting leftist should either vote for Gloria la Riva, Howie Hawkins, or Trump (if you're accelgang). Biden winning the election means the Dems can say "see, nobody wanted Bernie bro revolution, they just want to live in an intersectional Obama paradise forever."

>> No.15049253


Literally a life long politician, and controlled opposition.

>> No.15049270

Makes sense, I couldnt take the average cityfags call to violence or appeal to labor seriously considering the "labor" they tend to do. Shits fucked

>> No.15049360

He didn't even need a call to arms he just need to read Lenin one time in his 70 plus years or read the fucking news. I can't believe he could witness the media coup in Bolivia and NOT expect everything up to a violent counter revolution and prepare for it.

Succdems gonna succ

>> No.15049400

>The guy is a total fraud and a massive cocksucker. He's controlled opposition
Even if hes not aware of it this its true. He had the momentum and he totally cucked out for civilities sake. He lost the second he didn't blow up Iowa after the Pete media win and send his rabid fans after the DNC full tilt. It was textbook media rigging narrative and he had the means to counter it.

>> No.15049422

it really do be like that

>> No.15049443

Bernouts are the manlets of the political world

>> No.15049444
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>> No.15049451

the only way the USA is ever going to see anti-capitalist reforms is if some bible thumping fundie runs on a campaign of "Jesus said to help the poor"
the American "left" are capitalists to the core, their only real issue with the current system is that black people and women don't hold enough CEO positions. once that is solved*, everything is hunky dory
*literally impossible because intersectionality is a religion that cannot be materially satisfied

>> No.15049452

>idealists always lose
Careful anon, that's an idealistic statement.

>> No.15049518

Face the music: Marx killed socialism.

>> No.15049561

Damn right.
What the fuck did you expect bro, this is AMERICA. A leftist will never win here without actual fucking on the street violence. Do you know any big bad dudes who are dedicated socialists? Chances are the only socialists you know are small wristed dyed hair humanities majors who are butthurt they can't find a job in media. They sell out their friends and family on social media for political credit among people they don't even know. It's hard to even look at them, they have negative charisma and make up the majority of actually existing american leftism. For now.
The movement has been gutted, we're not going to be able to articulate a working class leftist until the eternally cucked boomers die out and the fringe right nihilist millennials start making a pattern of their violent sperg-outs or threats of violent sperg-outs.
Thankfully they just egg each other on and talk each other up all the time, brains are too soft boiled from vidya and interracial porn to fully grasp second or third order consequences, so it's only a matter of time before we have a sufficiently despised whipping boy to ride all the way to the top.
Harnessing the perpetual political energy of the american public's resentment of useless males, we sail past the social liberal PMC aspirants who hold the reigns of power in the current "actually existing left" institutions such as colleges, non-profits, think tanks, corporate C-suites, and the DSA and the democratic party. It's gonna be great. Bernie should have gone hard but he will serve as a gentle martyr type figure for our cause.
Saint Bernard is dead, long live Saint Bernard.

>> No.15049572

Cool another 4 years of Trump, then another 4 years and another.

Americans never learn

>> No.15049646

Pretty accurate summation of my thoughts as well
What the fuck do we do now though

>> No.15049667

wait for the retards to do something retarded and seize opportunities.
What advantages do we have besides youth and energy?

>> No.15049671

No, it a defeatist-- ohhhh, I get you.

>> No.15049684

so bros, who will be the republican and democrat candidates for 2024?
i'm thinking Cruz and... no idea

>> No.15049697

These last two candidates have been so ridiculous that extrapolating upon them would make me sound as a naysayer.

>> No.15049735

Sad. Bernie was the only chance America of regaining some semblance of normality. Biden is worse than Hilary.

I'm scared Doug Ford is going to win approval for not completely being worthless during COVID and then take over the conservatives and oust Trudeau. Then we'll both have a dumbass as head of state.

>> No.15049738
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Liberal ideals are just coping mechanisms in general. Might obviously doesn't make right, but right ain't going fucking anywhere without might. The compassion-based policies of the left aren't stable, can't perpetrate themselves, and will inevitably be taken advantage of and destroyed by the very first opponent who absolutely refuses to compromise with them.

>> No.15049752

lol @ this

>> No.15049765

someone post the "nigga that shit already free" meme. it perfectly explains why bernie went down in flames

>> No.15049774
File: 11 KB, 228x221, npe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>US of A

>> No.15049776

>Why do idealists always lose?
They’re too pure for this world

>> No.15049780

Is Biden still the frontrunner? Despite him being totally out to lunch/over the hill/put out to pasture/senile as fuck, I think a debate between him and trump would be fucking hilarious. The idea of them fighting over control of a country that is soon to be (if not already) a third world country ravaged by disease and economic decline is too absurd not to laugh

>> No.15049789
File: 72 KB, 628x960, 1583367520881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not what you're looking for but still relevant

>> No.15049791

>who will be the republican
Unironically Trump

>> No.15049800

>the black man is keeping America from achieving socialism due to his animalistic nature
Redpilled meme

>> No.15049818
File: 548 KB, 1010x786, free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go brah

>> No.15049840

Ah, so 4 more years of Trump. The media is gonna freak!

>> No.15049862
File: 58 KB, 627x445, 1584145291562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh

>> No.15049872

He doesn't even remember posting this, Jack.

>> No.15049925

Sharp, thanks for sharing.

>> No.15049953

But young black people voted for Bernie. It was the boomers who cockblocked him.

>> No.15049965

>Does might make right? Why do idealists always lose?
Evidently it does because I'm an idealist that wants /lit/ to be about books but the twitter screencap /pol/ posters have more might

>> No.15049980

Safe bets: Hawley, Haley, Crenshaw
Less safe bets: The Tuck, Ivanka, Cotton

>> No.15049987

Trump is much better than Bernie anyway. I'm not even a Republican but Trump is actually a good president and people just want a scapegoat for everything.

>> No.15049993

Depends on which state you look at or his success overall, but all of those memes were popping up because a couple of months ago all news outlets were reporting that bernie was doing terribly amongst the black demographic.

>> No.15049994

It is impossible to change the Democrats because they do not want to change. Bernie was an idiot for thinking he could fix them. Republicans are far more willing to change.

>> No.15049997
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Democrats tried to go extreme leftist in the earily 70s and it didn't work. The American public aren't leftist ideologues and Democrats could only win with moderates like Carter, Clinton, Obama.
The Republicans tried to court immigrants under Reagan and Bush and somewhat did, they only became openly anti-immigrant under Trump and he is literally most polarizing politician in modern history who'll be memory holded if he loses they'll keep identifying with popular politicans like Reagan.

>4 more years of Trump
I don't know about this, the most likely to vote are older and Biden is outflanking Trump with them biggly still in polling. Sanders did horribly with older voters (in the democratic primaries so it would have been even worse in the general) and young people don't vote so despite what woke moron political strategy informs you this is probably Trumps worse position.

>> No.15049998

But the only reason I come on 4chan is to argue against misogynists in anti-women threads, and to report racist posts :( Where will I go to bash the fash now?

>> No.15050003

>*COOF* Trump is *COOF* actually a *COOFCOOF* good *COOF* president *COOOOOOOF*
If he was a good president, why is your country about to turn into a third world nation? He could've had a handle on the pandemic ages ago, and now you're 100% more fucked than china or italy.

>> No.15050014
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>Does might make right?
Dunno, maybe.

>> No.15050015

Malarkey man is probably fucked once they start ramping up for the general. They already blew all their dirt on Trump in 2016; meanwhile, Joe has a ton of dirt that his primary competition were too "civil" to bring up.

>> No.15050016

Donald Trump. There won't be an election.

>> No.15050018

Every man a king. Unfortunately, it will never happen unless the FED printing machine and economy go completely bust.

>> No.15050020

Biden is going to have to get on a debate stage with Trump. That will be the end of it.

>> No.15050022

I fucking hate trump, but Americans deserve 4 more years of this garbage. There is no escape. Fire can double in size every minute. Dems deserve the hellscape. They know it. Everyone knows it. Dems are shortsighted cucks.

>> No.15050026

>americans have to vote between a sub-90 IQ retard with a spray tan and an old man so riddled with dementia that he rightfully belongs in a nursing home
God, I can't help but take so much pleasure in this. You get what you deserve, mutts.

>> No.15050043

>Reforms that in the 1950s would have been totally logical are now unthinkable anywhere except a Berkeley drum circle.
Sad state of affairs.

>> No.15050051

it could be worse
we could be the people who voted for Trueau multiple times

>> No.15050054

Biden literally ran for president three times, everything is already out there. Ya Trump can say he's to touchy but will it be effective? He's already been doing that and olds still prefer Biden. The DEMOCRATS voted for Biden so why do you think some 85 year old independent is going to be offended?

The thing you don't appreciate is old people interpret things differently, what looks based to you probably looks like a jackass move to your elders.

>> No.15050057

It's not turning third world. Actually we're not as bad spreading the virus taking demographics, how much testing the US does, how China lies about their numbers, etc. into account.

>> No.15050060

Kill the old, push em all into a big meat grinder and make them into dog food. They've lived long enough, time to pass the reins. It's their patriotic duty

>> No.15050074
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Trump has been an objectively good president. Right up until the virus hit we were at record growth and a two decade record low unemployment. And the virus itself was only a problem because the Democrats get asshurt every time you bring up closing the border.

Nobody has ever actually explained to me anything that Trump has done to hurt the country except to bleat about tax cuts, as though tax cuts are ever a bad thing. I got a tax cut, my father got a tax cut, my brother got a tax cut, my nephew got a tax cut, I don't care if Jeff Bezos also got a tax cut. We (were) winning the trade war with China, we won it hard with Japan and Europe.

And what else? Well he didn't invade Syria, we're not at war with Iran, he didn't do any crazy Religious Right shit like ban abortion, so what's the problem? What is Trump actually doing wrong?

Seriously. What did Trump do wrong? Even this virus is starting to flatten out, and it's not like he could've just enacted China-tier authoritarian containment measures.

>> No.15050081
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The only thing the virus has done is kill off a bunch of welfare recipients. The Democrats made their bed, now they're getting raped in it.

>> No.15050096

Niggers are mostly right wing though.

>> No.15050109
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Because Bernie Sanders was a cowardly punk bitch with a dumbass support base who was too lazy to actually vote

America said NO to Sanders and his policies. Deal with it.

>> No.15050110

Socially conservative, but they vote Democrat for the gibs.

>> No.15050115

care to elaborate? what do you mean by right wing?

>> No.15050121

I really want to kill Marxists. Please try this.

>> No.15050124

>i like to speak out of my ass

>> No.15050137
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>> No.15050145

Overwhelmingly Blacks are socially conservative. It might seem like they're acting in a liberal manner but it's actually a simplistic friend/enemy distinction. They see whites as an enemy, but are willing to work with them for advantageous things like welfare and the like. Their heavy religiosity precludes them from being a true liberal™, much for the same reasons The Catholic Church tentatively supported early Fascism.

>> No.15050146

>hardcore Nationalists
>Zion Don
>hard core nationalist

I wish Donald Trump was actually as cool as leftists say he is.

>> No.15050154

Praying that both BoJo and Biden die of corona

>> No.15050168

Trumps biggest legacy will be completing Bushes agenda of filling the judicial system with Federalist Society hacks.
>Right up until the virus hit we were at record growth and a two decade record low unemployment
The economy did great in the 1920s as well. The US economy has been on the same trajectory since like 2010. Unemployment started going down and equity prices going up, if you just focus on that you can ignore all the structural problems which are just now starting to become an issue.
>as though tax cuts are ever a bad thing
Tax cuts were one of the reasons for the bull market which caused companies to buy back their shares and keep things going a little longer.

>> No.15050169

>Right up until the virus hit we were at record growth and a two decade record low unemployment
A house of cards. The measures taken to combat the 2008 crisis were never going to last, another crash was inevitable. Corona simply accelerated the process.

Amen to that, what a cuck. Dude got his wife BLACKED by idris elba so badly he gave her the coronavirus.

>> No.15050172

Your vernacular has outed you, r*dditbro

>> No.15050175

Bojo doesn't have corona, it was bait to lure out the dissenters so they could get put on a list. I will be passing your details to the relevant authorities.

>> No.15050178

>/pol/ thread on /lit/
>twitter screencap
good job jannies, keep shitting the site more

>inb4 redditor/tranny/nigger
fuck you go to /pol/ to make your threads you absolute nigger, worse than niggers.

>> No.15050183

Don’t forget, NO REFUNDS

>> No.15050193
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>> No.15050200

Trump fired Ambassador to the EU Gordan Sondland, who provided damaging testimony in the impeachment inquiry.

Trump fired Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, who provided damaging testimony in the impeachment inquiry.

Trump called on Vindman to be investigated by the Pentagon.

Trump attacked his former Chief of Staff, John Kelly, for defending Vindman, saying Kelly had a "legal obligation" to "keep his mouth shut." Source

Trump ordered the removal of John C. Rood, a Pentagon official who told Congress that he had cleared the release of military aid to Ukraine. (Trump withheld it anyway.) Source

Trump called the Justice Department's sentencing recommendation for his longtime political adviser, Roger Stone, "horrible and very unfair." Source

Trump cheered Attorney General Bill Barr when he intervened in the Stone case to withdraw the sentencing recommendation. Four prosecutors on the case resigned in protest.

Trump attacked the judge presiding over Stone's case, Amy Berman Jackson, as biased, falsely accusing her of placing his former campaign manager Paul Manafort in solitary confinement.

Trump withdrew the nomination of Jessie Liu, who oversaw the Stone prosecution, to a top Treasury department position.

Trump asserted he has the legal right to order Barr to intervene in any criminal case.

Trump's Attorney General, William Barr, assigned an outside prosecutor to review the case against Michael Flynn, Trump's former National Security Adviser who pled guilty to lying to investigators. (Barr is also reviewing other "politically sensitive" cases.)

Trump commuted the sentence former Governor Rod Blagojevich, who was convicted of trying to sell a U.S. Senate seat. (Blagojevich appeared on Trump's reality show and wrote an op-ed for a conservative publication opposing impeachment.)

Trump pardoned Michael Milken who was sentenced to 10 years for securities fraud. Milken is a personal friend of Trump's Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin.

Trump pardoned Bernie Kerik, who served three years in jail for tax fraud. Kerik frequently defends Trump on Fox News.

Trump granted clemency to Paul Pogue, who was convicted of tax evasion. Pogue is a major donor to Trump's campaign and the GOP.

Trump pardoned David Safavian, who was convicted of obstructing the investigation of corrupt lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

Trump commuted the sentence of Judith Negron, who was convicted of a $205 million Medicare fraud scheme and money laundering.

Trump diverted $3.8 billion in military funding to build the wall he said Mexico would pay for.

>> No.15050237

Tucker Carlson

>> No.15050238
File: 952 KB, 1280x688, jam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't stop me Cummings, I've already backtraced the interface. Your days are numbered

>> No.15050289

Nope. Millennials are the worst generation. We deserve a thousand covids and a war. Fuck weak millennial bitches.

>> No.15050298

Start building your own political party.

Aim for political reform, but have guns. Don't threaten violence, but make sure everyone knows you will use violence to defend the constitution. Elections are still largely rigged. They rely on illusion to make the rigging plausible. They rely on docility if that fails. Start your own party, win the hearts of people, and make sure anyone who owns the voting machines knows you will not allow them to undermine the principles of democracy.

Or just donate to whatever meme candidate the system puts on the TV. That will certainly change things. That's how democracy is supposed to work.

>> No.15050307

>marxist leninist


>> No.15050336

>>/pol/ will shout no refunds while lynching jews 6-ft apart

What have they done to this effect? It seems they are largely placated by Triumph and seeing hope for the future. Everyday the media burns more of their credibility, and everyday their President accomplishes further hegemony. The next 4 years will be glorious. Our golden leader seems to have flushed out most of the pigs and now the rats are being cremated as we speak.

>> No.15050340
File: 348 KB, 1600x900, 7FBBF539-B3AA-4D9B-A33C-AA8D9554DE97.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good riddance. Am I supposed to care about any of that, or act like I care about due process when the Democratic Party has almost every federal institution in a head lock?

>> No.15050363

>but make sure everyone knows you will use violence to defend the constitution
...and then act shocked when the fbi infiltrates your group, commits acts of terrorism, and everybody believes that your group is at fault because you've already made it clear that you will resort to violence when "angered" enough.

>> No.15050389

>what has he done wrong?
>loljk I don't care

>> No.15050392

>I will be passing your details
u got a loicense 4 that?

>> No.15050408

>Trump fired people who were hostile to him


Face it, he's the first president in decades that hasn't started a war. He didn't give weapons to mexican drug cartels. He's objectively better for the world than any president since Kennedy.

>> No.15050413


>> No.15050418

No, you run counter-intelligence and prove the only members of the terrorist attack were FBI.

You use the internet to setup counter-media to undermine operation mockingbird.

>> No.15050420

Yee you´re right sky pie ideas like infrastructure
Based shizo

>> No.15050435
File: 1.35 MB, 754x881, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bernie wins Iowa
>Morales wins Bolivia
>Guido wins Venezuela
One of these is not like the others.
who wields the power? the media?

>> No.15050455
File: 175 KB, 440x702, 8416212B-791A-4280-BFD3-E2E089886DB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn’t ask the question retard.

Do you understand how an anon image board works? Anyone can hop in at any time and comment on what you’re saying, or perhaps the lack of usernames and karma confuses you.

Your main charge is Trump is too authoritarian, my main issue with him is he is not authoritarian enough. All of Reddit’s debates assume they’re talking to some “freedumb” luvin boomer.

People like you are living proof that Democracy is a failed experiment.

>> No.15050457

>who wields the power?

The committee of 300. But you won't like that answer.

>> No.15050468

Bourgeoisie will always defend capital with violent counter revolution that necessarily includes a media campaign of lies condemning the left for forcing them to use state violence to protect the status quo. If you don't expect and plan for this you lose.

>> No.15050486

If you only analyze the world in terms of class conflict you will be missing much. 'The Rich' are not a monolithic group. Some of them truly believe in God and that they have a duty to care for the interests of those they rule. Others see those below them as cattle to be consumed. These two groups of Elite are in conflict with each other and this IS the defining conflict of the world.

>> No.15050514

>they have a duty to care for the interests of those they rule
retarded nigger does not understand the fundamentals of capitalism

>> No.15050519


>> No.15050546

and what did the marxist leninist revolution achieve when they overthrew the capitalists and bourgeoise? concentration camps for the party members so that party bosses could live in disgusting luxury?

>> No.15050559


>Some Neet more than a hundred years ago understood the world perfectly.

It's funny that you Marxists are essentially religious fundamentalists.

>If it's not in my <insert holy book> then it's wrong.

People have believed in 'the divine right of kings' for thousands of years. Marx is a forgettable figure compared to that.

>> No.15050586

Your basatry is wasted on this thread, fren

>> No.15050587

Trump won more of the hispanic vote than romney lol

>> No.15050623

radical industrialization that transformed an illiterate agrarian peasantry into the most literate country in the world that outproduced international empires with hundreds of colonial subjects
read a book nigger amazon took out ebay because bezos operated at a loss for years

>> No.15050627
File: 53 KB, 300x438, rightismight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does might make right?
But of course, anon.

>> No.15050638

The impeachment hoax was a hoax, and their own cringe nonsense demonstrated that. Nobody cares about this shit anymore dude, it was a dead end.

>> No.15050642

and all the party members were sent to concentration camps every year so that the party bosses would be secure and grow old and fat. truly a cuckold ideology

>> No.15050659

Trump is now technically less nationalist than his base. It isn't so much about him, as the voters. His rhetoric was intended to draw people from the right to him, but it actually drew the whole party towards Nationalism.

Tucker Carlson could run in 2028 and probably win.

>> No.15050660

>be kulak in worst famine in history
>sell off crops to western imperialists for pennies
>burn and salt the land
>get executed
>no more famines after 1952

>> No.15050729

>be a communist party member
>brainwash yourself into believe the party line no matter what
>uh oh stalin decided to change foreign policy so the entire bureaucracy will get purged
>get tortured for three months and sign false confessions and humiliate yourself in public saying you are a traitor to the motherland
>go to the gulags for twenty five years
>die of cold and tuberculosis and starvation

at least you enjoyed vicariously how senior members of the party would hold contests with each other on how many women they could sleep with in one year cuckold