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15047358 No.15047358 [Reply] [Original]

I want to have books from female authors because I agree with my gf that I only have dead white male writers, mainly European, in my bookshelves. It's not because I'm a sexist, it's just because I was more interested in the cannon and I've never come across a female author which intrigued me on my own.
Out of sheer probability there must be good female writers out there. Which ones do you recommend?

>> No.15047365

>It's not because I'm a sexist, it's just because I was more interested in the cannon and I've never come across a female author which intrigued me on my own.
Meditate on this

>> No.15047373

>Out of sheer probability there must be good female writers out there
Did you even finish reading my post?

>> No.15047386

out of sheer probability, you haven't come across any good female writers because there are few to none. Stop taking reading advice from you gf and read things that are worth reading.

>> No.15047387

Well, sadly there aren't any and there never will be.

>> No.15047389

Marguerite Duras, Inger Christensen, Virginia Woolf, Anne Carson, Simone De Beauvoir, Ariana Reines, Clarice Lispector, Tua Forsström, Gertrude Stein, Forough Farrokhzad, Edith Södergran

>> No.15047397

Two of the best classics written by women are The Tale of Genji and Wuthering Heights.
Also I'm sorry for all the incel replies to this thread

>> No.15047400

All shit anon, try again.

>> No.15047407

you claim to have read all those books but you don't know the difference between cannon and canon

>> No.15047422

don't post thots, it's cringe and gives them undue attention

>> No.15047423

Sappho, Marie de france and the Brontës

>> No.15047441

Is coffee good for you?

>> No.15047474

Virginia Woolf
Mary Shelley (Frankenstein)
Sigrid Undset (if you're into historical novels)
The Bronte Sisters

I also have books from several female writers from my country, who have some great stuff, so I'm all set if by any chance some unhealthily feminist woman comes to judge my home library.

>> No.15047485

I bet you haven't read a single female yet claim they're all shit.
Thanks for the recs, bros. Which one is your favourite female author and why?
I haven't claimed that I've read a lot of books, I said I'm mainly interested in the canon and I had a typo, you autistic faggot.

>> No.15047487

Coffee is fine but masturbating in the morning will give you brain fog and ruin the day ahead.

>> No.15047498

I'm into Romanticism so I'll definitely read Frankenstein.
Where are you from, anon?

>> No.15047544


Anon, to think in terms of “sheer probability” for good women authors is like a baby step beyond “bad faith”, I’m not scolding you but don’t think you’re above sexist ideas. It’s something you have to actively unlearn if you care about it. Anyway:


Charlotte and Emily Bronte
Edith Wharton
Virginia Woolf
Flannels O’Connor
Toni Morrison
George Eliot
Zora Neal Hurston
Hanya Yanigahara
Donna Tartt
Anne Carson


Emily Dickinson
Elizabeth Barret Browning
Marianne Moore
Elizabeth Bishop
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Louise Glück
Anne Carson
Gwendolyn Brooks
Nikki Giovanni
Barbara Guest


Audre Lorde
Joan Didion
Hortense Spillers

My favorites of these are Charlotte Bronte, Toni Morrison, Louise Glück, Emily Dickinson, Audre Lorde, Marianne Moore, and Elizabeth Barret Browning.

You’re smart for wanting to expand your tastes, the “woman can’t write” meme gets exposed by Woolf in “To the Lighthouse”, although in this case it’s painting, but she notes it’s a necessity of insecure men to have as a means of self-aggrandizement, hardly based in any truth, as history shows. Don’t listen to dilettantes who couldn’t write a poem to save their lives tell you the only valuable authors are European men, it’s lazy and dishonest.

>> No.15047559
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>Where are you from, anon?
Right here.

>> No.15047597

Yeah all readable but ultimately second or third rate.

>> No.15047668
File: 24 KB, 576x436, B4D72867-9432-400A-A85E-3F3914D1C31E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironnically using the term “unlearn”
>recommends Toni Morrison
>recommends Zora neal Hurston

This is why the vast majority of female writers are not taken seriously they simply are to obsessed with sentimentality and do not know the value of aestheticism

Why does your gf criticize you this way? The western canon and reading as a hobby was a mostly European concept so of course they are white. I assume you are white and said gf is white please tell me why you proceed to be with a woman who actively tries to shame you and indeed herself due to your heritage?

>> No.15047947

Inger Christensen, but you have to speak danish to understand her works entirely, since she writes system poetry. she uses complex rules for her writing while at the same time keeping everything simple. valley of the butterflies and it are the best.



>> No.15047952

compared to who and why?

>> No.15047959

Just read Emily Dickinson

>> No.15047968

>Uses Bloom jpg
>Trashes Toni Morrison and Zora Neal Hurston
>Doesn't realise both are on Bloom's canon list

>> No.15047970

Virginia Woolf, most others are second rate

>> No.15048110

Joan Didion and Susan Sontag are pretty /lit/-core. Among contemporary authors, I believe Zadie Smith (of men and women, actually) is the closest thing we have to a writer who'll be inducted into the Wester Canon. The Brontes are pretty solid, Edith Wharton's worth a read, and to recommend a more obscure author I like Amelie Nothomb.

>> No.15048126

Nobodies said Edith Hamilton yet

>> No.15048189

Good female writers: Donna Tartt
LMAO, case proven

>> No.15048198

God I love coffee

>> No.15048199

"hardly based in any truth, as history shows"? Plenty of truth, going by history, which doens't mean women are essentially inept at writing; that's literally why feminists made up the patriarchy, to explain away the minimal place of women in art history. Also, lol at the idea Woolf being aware of the meme somehow disproves it...

>> No.15048211

Nothomb is trash, maybe one rung above train station literature like Musso, in France; it's as though someone recommended John Green... Oh wait

>> No.15048212

>Mary Shelley (Frankenstein)
I think he asked for something that isn't shit.

>> No.15048220

I like Frankenstein :(

>> No.15048283

Fantastic, a thread marginally related to my interests.

I'm interested in Far-Right female thinkers, and female theologians or religious writers. Could anyone list some? Satviri Devi fits both bills, but I want more than her.

>> No.15048298

I recently finished Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead by Olga Tokarczuk. It wasn't bad. I finished it in two sittings. So that's my recommendation I guess.

>> No.15048364

Anne Morrow Lindbergh

>> No.15048365

I really liked Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood. One of my favorite books actually

>> No.15048890


>Toni Morrison
>Lacking aesthetic value

You obviously haven't read her anon, we won't bite you if you admit it.

>> No.15049132

George Eliot
Virginia Woolf
Emily Dickinson

In that order

>> No.15049569

“Toni Morrison began as a very strong writer which culminated in Song of Solomon but since then due to her political obsessions her later books beloved and jazz are extremely top heavy political books with no aesthetic value she blent Virginia wolf and Faulkner(two superior white authors with a much higher success rate then her by the by) in her early work but due to the current times she has lost her aesthetic ability”

I’m paraphrasing what bloom says but he makes it crystal clear that Morrison was a one trick pony and basically threw in Song of Solomon to appease his publishers probably. As he subtly implies in the video himself one is better off reading Virginia and Faulkner then Morrison

>> No.15049581


Just skip the formalities and let her peg you, cuckold.

>> No.15049669

Gina Berriault
Shirley Hazzard
Shirley Jackson
Zadie Smith
Lucy Ellmann

>> No.15049696

As for books written by women, there are none of value, and anyone who says otherwise is either a fool, or a simp. There is no arguing with this statement, I am just telling you the facts, and that is it.

>> No.15049772

I'm interested. Who are your favourite authors?

>> No.15049782

Why are jannies so useless, can't we ban all posts related to women literature?

>> No.15049786

fucking anglos...

>> No.15049819

can we ban all posts made by women instead?
Schopenhauer, Pessoa, Cioran, Carlo Michelstaedter, Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, and one more that I wont say because it will derail the thread.

>> No.15049836

1. Don't fall for the "decolonize your bookshelf" meme, because it's always presented in bad faith.
2. Read Virginia Woolf, Toni Morrison and Flannery O'Connor. If you want some authors that aren't dead, try Zadie Smith and Terese Mailhot.

>> No.15049856
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I'm surprised that Ayn Rand hasn't been mentioned yet. What do you guys think of her?

>> No.15049893

>gay fuckbuddy comes over
>eyes your steam account
Anon, you only have card games and strategy games. You need to diversify your gaming horizon. Play the new COD with me faggot.

Never respect people who judge your taste by their own. They are unthinking useful idiots possessed by ideology.

>> No.15049895


I won't argue that Morrison is on a tier with Faulkner but I do believe she's in a range with Woolf at her best. That said, there's an irony in attempting to discredit Morrison while obtusely implying she's more than above average if we think to compare her with Woolf and Faulkner, known canonical giants. You could've said "O'Connor", or "McCullers", but the fact that we immediately jump to compare her with authors well beloved by high critics seems to say something. That said, as someone whose read works from all three authors, no, it's senseless to say "you're better off reading __", they all have unique characteristics. The black existential themes are unique to Morrison, not to mention the precision with which she encapsulates black life in her characters. And while her handling of the "disturbing" can be considered Faulknerian, it'd be reductionist to dismiss her on that basis while an entire "Southern Gothic" genre exists (do we dismiss the whole genre then?). And Woolf has much less in common with Morrison than people assert, contrasting the Waves or Lighthouse with SoS, Beloved, or the Bluest Eye makes that plain to see. The muteness of Woolf's style is completely absent in Morrison's writing. The problem is you're letting Bloom dictate your understandings without having read for yourself, and your willingness to accept such uncritical, hyperbolic claims is telling of bias. So no, not only is relying on Bloom to make your points for you a lazy "argument", your lack of having actually read what we're discussing exposes you as a clear dilettante.

>> No.15049920 [DELETED] 


You just made your opinion more worthless than it already was.

>depressed incel things women can't right

Big surprise!

>> No.15049921

You're a pathetic coomer. Including a picture like that. But you probably get off to being called a pathetic coomer. Cuck. So I'll just say you are stupid.

>> No.15049942


You just made your opinion more worthless than it already was.

>depressed incel things women can't write

Big surprise!

>> No.15049959

i didnt state an opinion. I stated a fact.

>> No.15050085

>Never respect people who judge your taste by their own.
This sentence got me thinking, how are we supposed to judge then? Isn't everyone who deems something 'good' or 'bad' judging based on his values? Or do you mean we should refine our judgments by isolating each case?
If you mean the latter then I absolutely agree, trying to make everything/one a replica of ourselves is pointless.

>> No.15050119

If you don't read women you're objectively an uncultured swine. No discussion. If even Nabby couldn't deny that there are great female writers what makes you cunts think you can?

>> No.15050133


>> No.15050393

hygiene de l'assassin was pretty /lit/

>> No.15050419

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is very good, since it captures the perspective of a Mother to her Child. Women succeed at writing womanly things

>> No.15050525

Nabokov is kind of known for his disdainful comments about female authors

>> No.15050545

Nabokov was a hack

>> No.15050608

Anyone who thinks The Tale of Genji, Emily Dickinson, George Eliot, Elizabeth Bishop and Sappho are not worth reading is a simp retard - that's an indisputable fact.

>> No.15050625

>wasting your time with inferior authors because feminism or muh culture
I know it’s bait but people genuinely believe this

>> No.15050749

Yes that's exactly why I mentioned him. He was clearly about as mysoginistc as they come, but unlike you guys he actually knows about lit. And he liked Austen and praised Mary McCarthy

>> No.15050755

god is it too much to ask for this girl to sit on my face

>> No.15050797

why would you even come to ask about this here? almost everyone on /lit/ hates women in general, even more if they write. Ask your girlfriend, and there's always a thread with female authors. Woolf, Sontag, McCullers, Jansson, the Brontes, O'Connor, etc.

>implying the reason women are not in the canon isn't because bitter jealous men like you have ignored them forever

>> No.15050812
File: 2.88 MB, 600x600, The Weak should fear the Strong.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>letting a woman control what you read
>reading women
two big mistakes you made there, OP

>> No.15050896


Mary Shelly's Frankenstein, basically created a whole genre.

>> No.15051131


My god I want to [paint those walls a different colour and add some much needed life to a rather monochromatic room]

>> No.15051291

Read Little Women. It's fuckin killer.

>> No.15051323
File: 159 KB, 1199x596, babbyaddams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What genre is that? "The Munsters clones"?

>> No.15051404

Greetings from Kazakhstan. I hate women so much its unreal

>> No.15051498

It's bait. Everything is always bait.

>> No.15051550

From now on I will only read female authors. And yes, it's because of that ass.

>> No.15051592

Their Eyes Were Watching God is great

>> No.15051845

Flannery O'Connor is great.

>> No.15052864

>expressing values
wew lad

>> No.15052903

>I'm a pathetic man guided by lust and I need approval from women in order to sustain my miserable existence

>> No.15053615

Good taste, anything else?

>> No.15053639

I don't think there's a problem as long as you're not rejecting books only because they're by women.

>> No.15054042


fuck i've never seen a gayer post on the internet in my entire life

>> No.15054342

Why do you keep photos of whores on your hard drive / phone? Would your gf be happy about this?

>> No.15054705

>Out of sheer probability there must be good female writers out there
And yet... Amazing isn't it?

>> No.15054854

haha :)

>> No.15055029

Nice bunns

>> No.15055675

Based Sigrid chad.

>> No.15056122

Most of the great short story writers are female.
>Alice Munro
>Eudora Welty
>Joy Williams
>Grace Paley
>Mary Gaitskill
>Katherine Mansfield
>Ellen Gilchrist
>Joyce Carol Oats
>Ann Beattie
>Lorrie Moore
>Elizabeth Bowen
>Katherine Anne Porter
>Flannery O'Conner
>Amy Hempel
>Lydia Davis
>Mavis Gallant
>Annie Proulx

>> No.15056476

Dat ass is so fine, but shame about the manface

>> No.15056823

Check out this little-known gem called "Frankenstein", it's a classic and one of my favourite books.

But keep in mind what others have told you OP. There are very few good female writers, this is for too-many reasons to delve into. It's fine to explore them as you wish but don't succumb to virtue signalling just because your gf is into that dumbass shit. If you spend, say, a year reading exclusively female authors just to explore the literature accomplishments of the fairer sex and find nothing appeal, you will look back and regret the time you could have spent filling out your portfolio of read cannon.

>> No.15057167
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Clarice LIspector and Virginia Woolf are the only good ones in that list you just made and they were both male-sided lesbians.