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File: 23 KB, 217x300, ZEN_MASTER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15041814 No.15041814 [Reply] [Original]

The term ignorance means the absence of enlightenment.
Which is to say, delusion.
Abiding place means the place where the mind stops.
In the practice of Buddhism, there are said to be fifty-two stages, and within these fifty-two, the place where the mind stops at one thing is called the abiding place. Abiding signifies stopping, and stopping means the mind is being detained by some matter, which may be any matter at all.


>> No.15041837
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>Buddha is an ignorant fool with mental retardation, I know much better.
>I piss and shit on the Buddha's face after smashing its face with a pole and burning its body with a torch and gouging out its eyes
>then I rip out its loins and watch it bleed to death, and finally I eviscerate it and fill its body with pig shit
>I hang it on strings like a puppet and make it dance around for my entertainment every day until it becomes too rotten to prop up any longer

>> No.15041924


>> No.15041954

To speak in terms of martial arts, when you first notice the sword that is moving to strike you, if you think of meeting that sword just as it is, your mind will stop at the sword in just that position, your own movements will be undone, and you will be cut down by your opponent. This is what stopping means. Although you see the sword that moves to strike you, if your mind is not detained by it and you meet the rhythm of the advancing sword; if you do not think of striking your opponent and no thoughts or judgments remain; if the instant you see the swinging sword your mind is not the least bit detained and you move straight in and wrench the sword away from him; the sword that was going to cut you down will become your own, and, contrarily, will be the sword that cuts down your opponent.

>> No.15043427

Guy wasn't a Zen Master. Why are you posting cult propaganda on this forum? Here's a quote from Linji(Rinzai) the Zen Master this guys cult claims to be associated with:
>"People here and there talk about the six rules and the ten thousand practices, supposing that these constitute the Dharma of the buddhas. But I say that these are just adornments of the sect, the trappings of Buddhism. They are not the Dharma of the buddhas.
Yeah...your practices, rules, and disciplines you fervently cultivate have nothing to do with Zen. They might make you an amazing Priest one day, but no enlightenment.

>> No.15043714

Guy wasn't a Zen Master. Why are you posting cult propaganda on this forum?
Yeah...your practices, rules, and disciplines you fervently cultivate have nothing to do with Zen. They might make you an amazing Priest one day, but no enlightenment.

>> No.15043724

seething redditor detected, Kir is our resident Zen Master and exposed the fake dharma transmission of Dogen and those other faggots, true Zen has nothing to do with seated mediation, now go listen to Alan Watts while you ride your dragon dildo

>> No.15043739

Buddha is an ignorant fool with mental retardation, I know much better.
I piss and shit on the Buddha's face after smashing its face with a pole and burning its body with a torch and gouging out its eyes
then I rip out its loins and watch it bleed to death, and finally I eviscerate it and fill its body with pig shit
I hang it on strings like a puppet and make it dance around for my entertainment every day until it becomes too rotten to prop up any longer

Then I find a new idol and do similarly

>> No.15043751

oh yeah I forgot, sorry

>> No.15043756

>t. takes one to know one

In any case, I am glad you have learned from your own erroneous lifestyle and even taken the time to correct >>15041837 for theirs.

>> No.15044028

That guy is literally from reddit.

>> No.15044348


>> No.15044362

Zen was a pyramid marketing scheme devised by the Japanese to sell to dumb Americans

>> No.15044365

Western philosophy the same thing

>> No.15044398

Stupid retort. What we identify as "philosophy" in the west is simply the history of ideas, knowledge, literature, art and such.

When looking to the east, we find nothing of the sort, but universities rely on huge amounts of money from China and India, so they push a bunch of gobbledygook shit as if it were relevant to appease the paypigs.

>> No.15044407

Both are garbage, east is more rewarding, but youre too much a pussy to handle it

>> No.15044430

There's nothing to handle. Only senseless riddles and hocus pocus that thinly mask a basic Christian ethics, with none of the literary class.

>> No.15044440

Sounds like Western philosophy as well, which is unamibigously convoluted nonsense for midwits

>> No.15044456

Sounds like you have absolutely no grasp of the western canon then.

>> No.15044483

The cults started by Dogen & Hakuin that they decided to call "Zen"? Yeah, pure ponzi scheme cult content right there based on cultivation of illiteracy and obedience to sex predators and priests selling "you'll totally be a buddha if you do xyz and don't question us!!..."
Zen Masters, however, were famous for not having anything to sell people.

>> No.15044654

>sex predators
>Zen Masters
He's still going lmao truly the fruits of Zen on display here

>> No.15044688
File: 25 KB, 335x250, 6Q1MFfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15044731

>even responds with reddit images
Just go back, you've got your sycophants there, you don't need to pollute /lit/ too.

>> No.15044758

>Zen Masters, however, were famous for not having anything to sell people.
Your precious Zen masters had tons of students.

>> No.15044777

When did any of them claim to be teachers? What did any of these students learn?

>> No.15044797

What asinine questions.

>> No.15044830

You could just say "I dunno"; that being the case, why not go read what they said instead of making stuff up about what they said?

>> No.15044903

Dude, you're not Socrates, you're not a Zen Master(tm), you're not any kind of expert, you're not a le epic troll XD, you're just some autist. I didn't claim anything about what they said, your script doesn't work here. Saying "you just didn't read the book/you didn't interpret it right" isn't an argument and it isn't discussion.

>> No.15044957

If someone came here and shared how they really enjoyed that part of "Lord of the Rings" when Superman comes in riding on a T-Rex teaching people the correct way to pray to Jesus, yeah, they'd be called out as a complete illiterate when they fail to present the community with a page number that scene ever took place.
It's just as farcical here, except we have a whole bunch of guys who got suckered into a cult that not just promotes illiteracy as one of its highest virtues but they don't even know basic facts about how their cult leader plagiarized a book title, invented for himself a fake biography, and had about as much personal integrity as Joseph Smith or Hubbard.

>> No.15045080

That's all a complete non-sequitur. There is no zen pope, there's no zen canon of scripture, where do you think zen authority comes from? Did you ever think the sex predator cultists you harp on about ARE zen masters, even though they may or may not be sex predators cultists? What about zen is incompatible with being a sex predator cultist, anyway? Please leave your cancerous personality on r*ddit.

>> No.15045124

Never said there was an zen pope, scripture, or authority; Zen Masters reject all that nonsense as the business of others. If you chose to refrain from cultivating illiteracy, you could open a book and see that rejection and disdain for that oozing off of every page.

>What about zen is incompatible with being a sex predator cultist, anyway?
A cult is based on faith/trust in some religious authority; Zen isn't based on faith in religious authority. Furthermore, unrepentant challenging of those who claim they possess it is a defining mark of this family so much so that one guy was known as "questioning a priest to death".
Since you've demonstrated your inability to open a book, I'll baby feed you.
>Make no mistake! If there were such a thing as religious practice it would all be just karma keeping you in the realm of birth and death. You said, 'I observe all the six rules and the ten thousand practices.' In my view all that sort of things is just creating karma."
>"There are a bunch of blind baldheads who, having stuffed themselves with rice, sit doing zazen practice, trying to arrest the flow of thoughts and stop them from arising, hating clamor, demanding silence -- but these aren't the ways of the Buddha Dharma!"

>> No.15045148

You have such a one track mind, it has to be autism, there's no other explanation. You can't be so brain dead to miss the irony here.
>A cult is based on faith/trust in some religious authority; Zen isn't based on faith in religious authority
>Except the hallowed True Zen Masters (pbuh) they're the only authority, everyone else is a cultist not me though

>> No.15045211

Like before, when did I say Zen Masters were any sort of authority on anything? They straight up told people to their face to not place their trust in a single word any of them say or to hold it as a doctrine. Anyone who thinks these guys have some truth to tell the world hasn't cracked upon a book.

>> No.15045231


>> No.15045272

>getting #triggered this hard

>> No.15045394
File: 51 KB, 500x768, finger4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is your only one truth
>raises finger
Start from there

>> No.15045420

They slice that nonsense off right under the knuckle.
>Whatever he was asked Gutei simply stuck up one finger.
>At one time he had an acolyte, whom a visitor asked, "What is the essential point of your master’s teaching?"
>The boy just stuck up one finger. Hearing of this, Gutei cut off his finger with a knife.
>As the boy ran out of the room screaming with pain, Gutei called to him.
> When he turned round his head, Gutei stuck up one finger. The boy suddenly became enlightened.

>> No.15045472
File: 6 KB, 299x168, finger2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly , what a fine understanding
>raises other finger

>> No.15045527

Gutei certainly seemed willing to not just stop with cutting one finger off...

>> No.15045623

>when did I say Zen Masters were any sort of authority on anything?
Again, what an asinine question. When you called them Zen Masters i.e. masters of zen i.e. an authority on zen. When you whinged and whined on and on about true zen as exposited by the (in your words) Zen Masters. Besides that, the greater point here is that you are severely autistic and need to stop obsessing with zen and see a therapist, get some kind of help off the internet.

>> No.15045683

No. "Zen Master" is a name identifying them in the exact same way 'apple' designates the kind of fruit that hangs on that tree in the backyard; it has nothing to do with religious authority, technical skill, etc. It's not the same as an orange...
The rest of your comment? Just complaining that I schooled your illiterate ass and pretending that someone being able to read a book means they need to go see a therapist.
If you can't open a book, why are you even here?

>> No.15045711
File: 15 KB, 209x320, finger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love zen threads they are unironically peak spirituality
The western analytical mind trying to understand the liberated shitposting state of zen truly a miracle to behold

>> No.15045719
File: 538 KB, 750x941, image0-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

discord gg/Ye72mjy

>> No.15045737

Words have meanings, one would think such an advocate for literacy would know that. "Master" is a word with a meaning. It has everything to do with authority, technical skill, etc. If language is no good for you, maybe you would be better served not speaking or writing.

>> No.15045779

Are you going to claim people who use 'Mr.' or 'Ms.' or 'when writing a letter are claiming that other people have "authority, technical skill, etc."? Nonsense, it's an identifying title people add before someones name when talking as cultural convention; same with Zen Master, it identifies who they are in a conversation but isn't regarded with any more importance than a ribbon in your hair.

Regardless, Zen Masters disagreed with your characterization; since this is a thread about them why don't you do the bare minimum of research on what they said and if you find any evidence to support your evidence that they had or claimed any (real or imagine) authority, skill, etc. as it relates to Zen then you can rub it in my stupid 'needs to see a therapist' face?

>> No.15045841

"Master" is a word completely unlike mister or miss. I don't believe your cultural convention hand wave, it was clearly intended by western translators (who undoubtedly know more than you about this) to denote authority. Words have meanings, if you don't understand them, stop using them.

And if you could read, you would see this is a thread about "Zen" not "Zen Masters." Besides, why would anyone care what they have to say.

>> No.15045919

So you are asserting they claimed authority based on...what?
Zen is the name for what these guys blabbed on and on about and what these guys blabbed on and on about has nothing in common with what a number of cults claimed they established as doctrines as is evidenced by their complete inability to cite to a single thing they said that supports their bizarro beliefs.
I’m not saying anyone should Zen at all, I’m pointing out that by posting in this thread AND making stuff up, why wouldn’t you expect a question or two about your familiarity on the subject? This isn’t a church dude...you can’t get away with “bc man in funny robes told me so” BS.

>> No.15045953

>tfw never read shobogenzo but still use zen in a white hippie way

>> No.15045964

Which Shobogenzo? The one written by Dahui or the one written, and re-written, and [redacted] by a fraudulent cult leader a century later who plagiarized the title to market his unrelated religion as Zen?

>> No.15045982

Again, just read the op, nothing about Zen Masters, you CAN read, right? I never asserted they claimed authority, you put that authority on them yourself with your adulation.
>Zen is the name for what these guys blabbed on and on about and what these guys blabbed on and on about has nothing in common with what a number of cults claimed they established as doctrines as is evidenced by their complete inability to cite to a single thing they said that supports their bizarro beliefs.
There's no authority of official 'Zen,' it's just a grouping of Japanese Buddhist offshoots, including schools you personally don't seem to think to highly of. It doesn't matter if they all follow the same blatherings. Citations between them don't matter, they are ALL bizarro beliefs. And there you go again with your non sequiturs about 'cults' and 'church' and projecting that on others, you need a psychological evaluation.

>> No.15045988

Zen Buddhism claims to be based on the Buddha's teachings though and should be backed up by the Pali Canon much in the way Christianity is supported by the Bible.

>> No.15046005

Zen is the name for what Zen Masters talked on about, I’m not sure where your reading glasses went dude but the subject of this thread is “Zen”.
Since you want to pretend this thread is “make stuff up about Zen” why are you still here?
So Bodhidharma, Linji, Zhaozhou, Yunmen, Dongshan and basically every Zen Master that’s famous are “Japanese Buddhist offshoots” and share “bizarro beliefs” that you can neither identify or cite to?...yeah not only are you book illiterate but you can’t read a map and identify different countries. Got it.

>> No.15046013

Nope. They explicitly reject the authority people place in sutras as well as the doctrines expounded by those who do. Can you cite to them claiming “The sutras are our foundation” or telling people to read sutras if they want to get enlightened or obtain wisdom or whatever?

>> No.15046108

Kir, i do not feel like posting more koans, and trying to agitate. Do you want to be wordy with me?

>> No.15046147

I feel like youre not a hopeless case, i think no one is. So i want to discuss with you.

In the past minds were sharper, and all it took was one sentence for people to awaken. And they never returned to the monastery.

Nowadays wordiness is the norm, reading is the norm. People who enter the monastery must be educated in the most basic of matters, before they are allowed to practice zen.

Which is really a quite simple matter once experienced.

>> No.15046580

>Zen is the name for what Zen Masters talked on about
Unsubstantiated claim, ridiculous, start again.
The title says 'Zen' not 'Zen Masters,' Zen Masters' are not the topic, nothing about 'Zen Masters.'
"Zen Masters" is not the topic of the thread, nowhere in the op does it say: Zen Masters
>Can you cite my scriptures please?
No scriptures in Zen, sorry. You might like Islam if it's citations you want. And yes, ALL zen beliefs are bizarro by any standard outside of zen schools of thought.

>> No.15046672

Faggot I dealt with you the last time. If you seriously think zen buddhists somehow don't follow monastic code then you are truly beyond saving.
These have been used since the Tang dynasty, innovated by Baizhang, Linji's master.
Read nigga, read

>> No.15046729

>Read nigga, read
no, dont do that. dont think about the origins of zen. Just practice. Walk with the dao


The Dao that can be trodden is not the enduring and unchanging Dao. The name that can be named is not the enduring and unchanging name. (Conceived of as) having no name, it is the Originator of heaven and earth; (conceived of as) having a name, it is the Mother of all things.
Always without desire we must be found,
If its deep mystery we would sound;
But if desire always within us be,
Its outer fringe is all that we shall see.
Under these two aspects, it is really the same; but as development takes place, it receives the different names. Together we call them the Mystery. Where the Mystery is the deepest is the gate of all that is subtle and wonderful.

>> No.15046733

>no, don't think about how you just BTFO me!
Just admit you are wrong you fucking loser.

>> No.15046739

im not him.

he is wrong also. Zen master this Zen master that. If he cares so much he should go to a monastery.

>> No.15046753

I disagree with you that zen can easily be accessed outside of a monastery with a trained master, but I rescind my offensive comments towards you as I am primarily annoyed with that illiterate namefag.
> If he cares so much he should go to a monastery.
He wouldn't, because he would have to cope with the fact that he is completely wrong in his understanding about how zen teaching operates.

>> No.15046763

Zeb, buddha nature or the dao is the natural state of the mind. The zen buddhists are just the most advanced in evoking it.

>> No.15046891

the vajrayanists are the most advanced in evoking it, but unlike zen (who are close) they are more rigorous and secretive.

>> No.15046936

You bring up the Dao, what's the relation between Daoism and zen?

>> No.15046951

Zen appeared when chinese buddhism melted together with daoism.

Zen buddhists generally dont study daoism, but daoists study zen buddhism, and confucians sometimes study zen buddhism.

But when ever daoists and zen buddhists meet, they get along very well indeed.

>> No.15046956
File: 17 KB, 253x394, The_Tao_of_Zen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are curious read this.

I haven't read it myself, but i understand the premise.

>> No.15046958

So people seem to post either
>zen is unironically the worst thing ever ironically the best thing ever
>zen is ironically the worst thing ever unironically the best thing ever
Who's right?

>> No.15046961

Zen as it developed was heavily influenced by taoism.
This is not a hot take.

>> No.15046972

worst thing best thing ironic unironic past present future up down sideways in a circle deep shallow this that and the other him her us them

who is right? who is wrong?

words words words words WORDS! words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words and some more words.

So i answered your question, now you know the answer, all the others are ignorant, but you are smart. I am your teacher we are friends, those people are enemies.

Things is or is not and those that is are the things i know to be, those that i do not know are not, or they are but i don't know them yet, but i will! Or will i? YES! i will. These words are true for they relate to REALITY! HELLO?!?!? REMEMBER REALITY? Thats what knowledge is. knowledge is reality. At least my knowledge is reality, or it is now, i was wrong before. But im right now.

Wrong right this that and the other, words words words words...

>> No.15046983

It is natural to live on the floor in a large limestone fortress on the tibetan plateu living of the slave labor of the peasants.

Those strange zen buddhists i heard are carpenters and even soldiers. They could impossibly understand zen like us important
Tibetan monks.

>> No.15046989
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Got any recommendations?
I'm reading zen mind beginners mind because I got it for free, but i'm sure it's a pretty mediocre description of zen.

>> No.15046990

If this is what you think of vajrayana then you are mistaken. Esoteric Buddhism has laity as well as monastics.
Try reading some Kukai sometime.

>> No.15046995

The Platform Sutra of Hui Neng
101 Zen Stories
The Blue Cliff Record
The Shobogenzo Zuimonki
The Baizhang Monastic Regulations
You can find these easily online.

>> No.15046999


>> No.15047006

Its good to start there, but remember in the old days minds were sharper. People would awaken with ONE (1) sentence, and they would leave the monastery.

I started with Way of Zen by Alan Watts. No book is sufficient for transmission. You should go to a monastery if you want too be sure.

But then again do you care that much?

>> No.15047029

zen threads make me want to stop learning about zen
I have just become enlightened

>> No.15047038

You can thank all the self-righteous zen masters (schizophrenics) who have the time in their enlightenment to post on /lit/ at all hours of the day.

>> No.15047041

Almost! enlightenment is not real. Awakening is.

And you are on the cusp! but you must tire not only of zen, but of grasping in itself.

One day, the Fifth Patriarch, Hung Jen assembled all his disciples and said,"Go and seek for Prajna in your own mind and write me a stanza (gatha) about it. The one who understands the reality of Buddhist nature will be the Sixth Patriarch."

The head disciple, Shin Shau composed his stanza and wrote it on the wall of the corridor, so that the Patriarch might know what spiritual insight he had attained. The stanza read:

Our body is the Bodhi tree,
And our mind is like a bright mirror with stand,
Diligently we wipe them all the time,
And let no dust alight.

Later, Hui Neng who worked in the kitchen heard a young man reciting the stanza. At once, he realized that the stanza did not reveal the reality of Buddhist nature.

As he was illiterate, he asked people to scribe his stanza, which reads:

There is no Bodhi Tree
Nor the stand of a bright mirror,
Since all is void,
Where can the dust alight?

Eventually, Hui Neng received the robe and Dharma from Hung Jen, and became the Sixth Patriarch of Zen Sect in China.

Begin by dedusting your mirror, then you can rid yourself of the notion of the mirror :)

>> No.15047045

no one here is a zen master, i have no desire to be. But i did awaken, and i know that as well as i know anything.

And the sensation is anything but madness, its the opposite. Being cleared of madness if only for a second.

>> No.15047220

>you must tire not only of zen, but of grasping in itself
stopped reading

>> No.15047224
File: 77 KB, 550x683, pepemonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a cave master is worthless no outside world challenges,4chan is true place one can sharpen and deepen his awakening due to constant conflict, the coal is made into divine diamond , a dojo master after returning to world will easily forget its unreality once met with many challenges of modern world.

>> No.15047233

good :)

>> No.15047239

Don't jerk yourself off mate

>> No.15047794

>This thing[Zen] handed down from the buddhas and patriarchs has no special meaning. If it were put in the form of verbal teachings, it would sink to the level of the teaching categories, the Three Vehicles, the five natures, the conditions leading to birth as human and heavenly beings.
>. . .
>Bodhisattvas and arhats are all so many cangues and chains, things for fettering people.
>There is no Buddha to be gained, and the Three Vehicles, the five natures, the teaching of the perfect and immediate enlightenment are all simple medicines to cure diseases of the moment. None have any true reality.
This is the stuff that people are afraid to cite to or discuss.

>> No.15048038
File: 80 KB, 1059x750, pep1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But what self is there to jerk off

>> No.15049193

good zen discourse is never in these threads which are an endless rehash of the question of authority. this same argument happens every time because of the nihilist american beatnik anti-authoritarian reading of zen which insists that true zen is some type of formless spirit which ought not to have any connection to a religious institution because of sloppy decontextualized koan reading.

>> No.15049263

Yeah, if you have a single Zen Master indicating that "religious authority" is something they're interested in claiming or directing people to follow, by all means post it up.
The stuff people want to pretend is Zen is, according to Zen Masters, stale & dead words.

>> No.15049403

hmm maybe we should replace the word "zen master" with "proficient zen user"

>> No.15049455

Its not nihilism.

Its a transcendent experience of true deep meaning that arises when you walk with the dao. Or when you achieve awakening.

But if you don't trust me and you wont listen, then go to a monastery. They exist all over the west.

>> No.15049635

a man stands up and looks down at his cum-stained chair and sees nobody and says "I don't see anybody and so there was nobody and no self who was masterbating in this chair"

>> No.15049724

That Zen exists as a religious institution all over Asia is incompatible with the notion that Zen is inherently anti-authoritarian.

>Yeah, if you have a single Zen Master indicating that "religious authority" is something they're interested in claiming or directing people to follow, by all means post it up.

Which is to say, "You cannot--on the grounds of what I recognize as religious authority--claim that there is any religious authority."

The truth is that the Zen sect of Buddhism has existed for centuries as a complex of religious, social, political systems. That these systems teach non-attachment does not invalidate their existence in these modes. The hierarchical structures and relationships between practitioners are a historical fact and taken for granted in the process of Zen practice. Language, words, koan are means or upaya by which attachment falls away, they are not an authority upon which an understanding of Zen can be affirmatively defined.

On the field of absolute emptiness the teaching of the patriarchs are indeed fetters--indeed all concepts, any distinction between subject and object, are all forms of attachment. But they are useful means and constitute the world we live in. It is a mistake in understanding to grasp at emptiness and try to bring it into the world as a measuring stick.

That's not what I said. I see you're still recommending that book you haven't read!

>> No.15049889


>> No.15050286

Interesting, thank you.

>> No.15050554

Again, various religions claim "Zen" as part of their marketing but have failed to demonstrate that their doctrines have anything in common with what Zen Masters pointed to.
It's about as silly as claiming that Scientology is totally legit Science because they use the word "Science" in their name and market themselves as such to the scientifically illiterate.

>> No.15050640

What did the Zen masters point to?

Put it in your own words please.

>> No.15050713

What you’re doing is analogous to different sects of Christianity insisting that others aren’t authentic Christians. You are arbitrarily choosing what the conditions are for authenticity. Internet armchair pedagogical theology. My Way or the highway. Who cares. You read a koan that said don’t be attached to the concept of authenticity and ended up attached to concept of authenticity.

>> No.15050838

A transmission outside of words, letters, and doctrines. Not taking artifice as Buddha.
No. I presented the standard everyone in the conversation had agreed to, cults, wacky gurus, and all: Bodhidharma, Linji, Dongshan, Caoshan are all Zen Masters; The Gateless Gate, The Book of Serenity, The Blue Cliff Record are all texts written by Zen Masters.

No one fluent in the basics of the conversation disputes that those were the figures and texts were what Dogen & Hakuin tried to market their cults as being associated with, they themselves openly admit as much and this claimed association is what forms the basis of everything that comes out of their mouth. I'm drawing attention to the fact that none of those Zen Masters, none of those texts, endorse the doctrines espoused by Dogen & Hakuin despite them claiming that they do.

Not only is there no such endorsement, but they unequivocally and directly reject the very basis of authority these guys claimed as well as called out the religious disciplines they claimed were totes "Zen". Once someone opens even the shortest of those texts: "Gateless Gate" the differences between Mr. "seated meditation is Buddha-Zen practice" and Mr. "staring at sayings and having secret interviews" with Zen Masters is night and day.

>> No.15050935

>I presented the standard everyone in the conversation had agreed to
lmao dude

>> No.15050965

Do you dispute that Dogen & Hakuin referred to their religions as Soto(Caoshan-Dongshan) & Rinzai(Linji) respectively and both claim that those Zen Masters taught the religious doctrines and practices they instructed their followers as being "Zen"?

>> No.15051036

>Zen Masters Zen Masters doctrines religions practices Zen Zen Zen Ching Chong Bing Bong Ding Dong claims citations Zen Masters Zen Masters
>words words words words words words words words words words
You're having a conversation with yourself here dude.

>> No.15051383

you're having a conversation with a bot dude

>> No.15051615

Very well could be.

>> No.15052853

Walking, stopping, sitting or lying down, in speaking and in remaining quiet, during tea and during rice, you must never neglect exertion, you must quickly set your eye on the goal, and investigate thoroughly, both coming and going. Thus should you look straight into things. As months pile up and years pass by, it should seem like a light appearing on its own in the dark. You will receive wisdom without a teacher and will generate mysterious ability without trying to do so. At just such a time, this does not depart from the ordinary, yet it transcends it. By name, I call it "Taia".