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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 139 KB, 800x540, Ulysses_and_the_Sirens_by_H.J._Draper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15046665 No.15046665 [Reply] [Original]

How do you rationalise out of doing what is most impulsively demanded, vice of mine in particular is grand-strategy or general browsing, or masturbation and I have recently gravitated towards such sensual and impulsive things rather than higher pursuits such as reading of great works and ancient philosophy. Worst part is it would be easy if I were not satisfied in this escapism, for in the current state of this quarantine there has been nothing to disturb my "bubble" of ignorant serenity as per usual.

Any advice or particular literature on this /lit/? Is there any rationalising past what provides this escapist satisfaction - even if fallacious? If not does one just have to isolate and deprive the mind of such things it desires, like Odysseus and the sirens, for its own good?

Suppose this extends to all of life and motivation and all distractions

>> No.15046673

Find a better reward to tempt yourself with

>> No.15046680

Reading "great works" is just another escapism, and the amount of self-improvement relative to remembering the plots of several tens of thousands of doujins is miniscule.

>> No.15046883
File: 40 KB, 554x554, images (60).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15046909

I'd love to bang that mermaid and have fry with her desu

>> No.15046934

I agree in general, was more thinking of literature that provides meaningful insights into the human condition, more like philosophy and philosophical fiction I suppose? Like the Brothers Karamazov, I don't mean just reading well-written works

>> No.15047567

Those sirens are pretty hot though.

>> No.15047707
File: 142 KB, 600x798, krishna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no difference in reading philosophy or cooming only the underlying state of consciousness matters, only inner world .
Judgements whether something is good or bad are mind projections that have no base.
So dont be faggot and next time you coom , coom in awareness of god therefore turning sin into worship, a spiritual practice.

>> No.15047747
File: 208 KB, 869x605, background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally satanic and nihilistic, can't tell good from evil

there's no trick really, everyone has a heart of stone and we're all going to fall, only God can heal us. That means understanding and believing God and enjoying Him more than pornhub, it's tough, but if you are called to Him he will slowly but surely change you over time, little by little.
Try reading the scriptures or watching spiritual youtube vids, observe the lust and understand your body just wants a 10second dopamine rush, it's pretty useless and over before you know it, but spiritually it has tons of repercussions.

>> No.15047886

>op asks about help with addiction problems
>larping pseud midwits respond spiritual non sequiturs
lying is a sin dont you know

>> No.15047927
File: 298 KB, 1112x761, demiurge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. repressed goy forever severing the satan of his own religion
Results of history eternally btfo and expose it as satans work
nice 666 now that i see it, if you need more practical tool then just use awareness to cool off those areas in your brain/body from where the urge comes from until the fire is out, simple as

>> No.15048040

>bang that mermaid and have fry with her desu

Morbidly curious if there's any book where the protagonist did this shit.