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15045254 No.15045254 [Reply] [Original]

What's your opinion on Ayn Rand and why do people hate her so much?

>> No.15045280

Shes basically a jewish woman that subverted eurochristian values and inspired the neoliberal mess of today. Also her writing is lame.

>> No.15045281

Bad writer. Stupid philosophy. Not recommending you read. Delete thread now please.

>> No.15045288

Underrated aesthetician but terrible political theorist. Fountainhead is a really interesting work to analyze whether you agree with it or not. Not everything has to be so black and white where just because you despise an author's beliefs or personality or even their style itself that it all has to be thrown away. Rand was definitely a cunt though and very self indulgent, but I find her expressions of outward selfishness and flagrant hypocrisy refreshing.

>> No.15045291

Thought you loved egoism

>> No.15045316

Rand isn’t egoism

>> No.15045386

what is even worse than egoism? objectivism ie. rational egoism

>> No.15045388

Baby in a washing machine

>> No.15045404
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>> No.15045469

So... Like Nietzsche? Looks based to me

>> No.15045475

An egoist can't hate on Rand. C'mon butterfly.

>> No.15045491

>underrated aesthetics
Fountainhead is the only book I’ve ever found that has Art Deco architect vibes and it’s sad there aren’t any more books like that

>> No.15045500

Ah Nietzsche, the famed liberal theorist.

>> No.15045871

* Based
* People hate the truth

>> No.15046024

If I were interested in being subjected to a slew of fairly tiresome harangues of a sociopolitical nature, I'd read the platform of a political party. I hardly need literature for that.

Rand wasn't an artist. There's no individual genius to appreciate in her works, which are wholly didactic, written for the sole purpose of promoting her politics.

>> No.15046045

Ayn Rand is just okay. People hate her because she implicitly asks the reader to take personal responsibility for their own lives which is something people are strongly opposed to these days

>> No.15046068

She just disagreed with everything

I think the Daily Show before it was just Nigger actually played an excerpt of someone asking he a question and he basically screaming no over and over at each turn

Really just not a nice person and it really shows in her Mary Sue writing

>> No.15046073


Apparently my stretch to the "R" button needs work

>> No.15046076

She believes in the great man theory even though all technological advancements that have actually occurred have been based on state research, subsidies, and the military industrial complex.

>> No.15046093


>> No.15046099

>take personal responsibility for their own lives which is something people are strongly opposed to these days
I don’t even like Rand but this butterfly namefag is one of the most consistently annoying tripfags I’ve seen in years not even Devil and Uncle Oldfag on /biz/ manage to come near her

>> No.15046107

Terribile didascalic writer

>> No.15046120

Low effort bait

>> No.15046124

The Daily Show has almost always sucked. John Stewart was funny sometimes but overall it’s always been haha I’m so smart simplistic shit. People always say it’s a comedy show you shouldn’t take it seriously or expect it to be rigorous which normally I would accept except most people who watch it actually often get their opinions and perspectives on certain things from it. Though I suppose most MSM is not particularly rigorous.

>> No.15046131

Really not even worth replying to anon

>> No.15046191

She's a mix of Aristotle, Nietzsche and classic liberalism, though she would only recognize the influence of the former on her work.
Her novels are awfully written.
The best of what she wrote you can find it in her collections of essays, mostly in the virtue of selfishness and capitalism: the unknown ideal, and those aren't that great either.
My advice: read it only if you want to know more about objectivism or neoliberalism.

>> No.15046209

No regard for externalities. Cares more about successful people being able to be more successful. Swings between utter nativity (everyone is better off with mutual exchange, we all benefit when rich people get richer) to total capitalistic Darwinism (successful people should become more successful, everyone else is a parasite). Does not acknowledge the tension at all. Uses arguments to prove a point, not to explore ideas. Anyone could reach these ideas on their own. The writing is hamfisted too. Don’t read unless you are in your teens.

>> No.15046215
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I can't wait for the day you get doxx'd so I can watch the livestream of some psycho anon murder you irl.

>> No.15047496

Implying egoism isn't a liberal theory (lost forgotten on the classic culture).
Based drunk.

>> No.15047642

Also, she has no kindness in her heart

>> No.15047915

Holy fuck is that necessary to be drunk to read the first 10 pages?

>> No.15047930

exactly, Nietzsche ripped off Stirner

>> No.15048688

Old man here. I met her once. If you asked her any question on anything, she would quote Howard Roark as her authority, as if he really existed. That's her entire writing - solipsistic and in constant danger of disappearing in a flash of self-adoration

>> No.15048863
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She misrepresented and misunderstood men were too far dead to defend themselves.

Also she equated disagreeing with someone with thinking their evil. Lay mistake of someone holding a grudge rather than a genuine professional. This is why one of her many nemesis, Hegel, is a chad, for the very fact that he understands all modes of thought were necessary in the development of world spirit; and unlike a petty woman-child that is Rand, he does not hold someone moralistic grudge on what he disagrees with.

This is now a German idealist thread.
I'm really enjoying the phenomenology at my own pace, but I want to get into more accessible authors after I finish some more Hegel writings. Fichte sound good?

>> No.15049364
File: 48 KB, 750x910, epicmemegiusehekilledabilliondudesandimpregnated80precentofallsovietmalesin1943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get Schopenhauer.
This is a nihilistic egomaniac thread again.