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/lit/ - Literature

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15032929 No.15032929 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ I'm going to prison next month, what should I read to prepare myself?

>> No.15032940

start stretching out your anus with a dildo so it dosen't hurt as much when some nigger rapes you

>> No.15032970

The Stranger

>> No.15032977

Personally relevant but I've already read it

>> No.15032999

It - stephen king

>> No.15033020

the american penal system will never stop amaze me. they go to jail to do crime

>> No.15033093

I only got a month, man, I'm not going to read a thousand page S.K. novel. I got to go to court and get my papers in order and shit too.

>> No.15033390

Well we have niggers there what do you expect?

>> No.15033459

Don't read books, you can do that in prison. Cook, go for a walk, go to a bar, meet your friends. I think you will miss those once you're locked up.

>> No.15033663

Disturbing the Peace - Yates

>> No.15033776

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler

>> No.15033907

do prisons have a varied selection of books?

>> No.15033915

Crime and Punishment

>> No.15034282

I feel like you were trying to get someone to ask this, so I will then:
What are you going to jail for?

>> No.15034293

how did you get in the can?

>> No.15034309

If you are in for kid diddling, it's over

>> No.15034339
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How to Win Friends and Influence People, I'm just a NEET but it seems as though good social skills will help you more than any tough guy attitude or muscles. The more people like you, the less likely they are to try and hurt you
to my knowledge the hardest part of prison is the boredom, good luck broski

>> No.15034360

depends on race you are, also what country

>> No.15034375

this, and a book called the like switch or something. thank us later op

>> No.15034428

What you getting locked up for nigger?

>> No.15034436

You can get PCed up but no guarantees spics can still get to you

>> No.15034710
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Like I hinted to earlier: I accidentally killed some paki guy and I'm getting charged with using excessive force because I kicked him while he was on the ground. i live in the UK so even if they attack you, you can't just straight up kill them even if you're unarmed. The legal battle was pretty long and I'm only serving 3 years and can get parole after 11 months. Mainly because I don't have a history of violence unlike the guy and I'm also a little mentally unwell. I would've been locked up a while ago but I'm not a big priority so they're waiting for the virus stuff to be dealt with. He died of a “cerebral hemorrhage.”

>> No.15035299

lel based

>> No.15035308


>> No.15035327

>i live in the UK so even if they attack you, you can't just straight up kill them even if you're unarmed
What? How come?

>> No.15035333


>> No.15035342

how did it feel killing a guy.

>> No.15035345

Please can you talk about the events leading up to the moment you kicked a man to death?

>> No.15035351
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absolutely based. the paki fears the saxon

>> No.15035383

You’re not going to prison then, you’re going to jail. Jail sucks, but it’s very different from prison. Just keep your head down, but don’t look or act like a bitch.

>> No.15035406

Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini

>> No.15035608
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>walking to get some groceries around 10pm since the shops close at 11 and I like to nightwalk. January so no virus shit
>confronted by paki man. Around 20-30 years old. TP
>"Ay bruv, gimme one of those, yeah?" pointing to the cigarette in my mouth
>cigarettes are expensive and I don't want to hand my lighter off to some sandnigger who might try to mug me so I say no
>"don't be a dickhead yeah."
>I just say sorry and just walk away but he follow me
>"Can you fuck off, mate?"
>tries to kick the back of my legs to trip me up
>elbow him and it becomes a full on fight
>I manage to get him on the ground and just keep stamping on his head until he's unconscious.
>I thought I dented his brow in but it was because his forehead swelled and there was blood coming out of his ear and eyes. It was pretty hard to look at
There were a few people watching from a gym and I live in this area so I can't just run away and expect to get away with it. Someone clearly called the cops at the beginning of the fight because an officer was there pretty quick and apparently people saw that it was self defence so i wasn't tackled to the ground or put in cuffs.

I'm pretty pent up guy, I'd have to be to stomp someone's head into a Pakistani patty, so I didn't feel too upset about killing someone. I'm also a pretty self righteous guy, so being in justified in my actions and him being some scumbag known for "stealing iphones from libraries" makes me feel a sense of shameless pride. During my question they told me he died of a “cerebral hemorrhage” in the hospital and they asked me if I felt guilty upon hearing that: I obviously said yes, because I don't want to go the way of Meursault, but I'll be honest, I'm glad that fucker's dead and I felt no twinged of compassion seeing his ugly family crying about their loser son. I'm annoyed I have to go to jail or prison or whatever, but that's the price of righteousness. I'm not a particularly violent or aggressive individual and I'll keep my head down and do my time, however, if given the chance I would do it hundred more times; I am not a particularly impressive individual nor am I destined for greatness or even contentment, but I will forever always be willing to transgress that moral boundary to assert my belief in that criminals must be punished. That is what this experience has taught me.

>> No.15035628

Thanks for the response and being honest if you were.

>> No.15035715
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>no history of violence
>mentally unwell
>won the fight
>if given the chance I would do it hundred more times; I am not a particularly impressive individual nor am I destined for greatness or even contentment, but I will forever always be willing to transgress that moral boundary to assert my belief in that criminals must be punished. That is what this experience has taught me.
Guys, I think this guy might be Q...

>> No.15035739


>> No.15035750

>him being some scumbag known for "stealing iphones from libraries"
Where do you live? I work in a library and have to deal with customers making complaints about this shit on a regular basis.

>> No.15035766

well done

>> No.15036070
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I'm not going to dox myself because them knowing I go on the hacker Islamophobic cardtrading site 4chan might hurt my parole but around Barnet and Camden. I heard the stealing iphone thing from my defence. Apparently the guy was just juvinlaie offender who was known for smoking weed in the park and got arrested for trying to nick iphones on charge in libraries.
Are you referring to Qanon? I'm not very privy to much lore even though I've been going on here since 2010, I guess it's the curse of being an eternal newfag.
I'm a genuine loser so going to prison, as long as I can feed my bibliophilia, is just an inconvenience; my ambition died when Oxford turned me away and I didn't want to go to my second choice so i'm pretty apathetic to my own prosperity. However, killing that paki, even if he was just a small time annoyance, makes me feel like i've contributed more than I ever could have being a oxford bigshot. Thanks for the support. Hopefully I'll only have to serve a year, otherwise, I'll be out of the 4chan loop forever.

>> No.15036988

Start watching Wes Watson on youtube (I'm serious)

>> No.15037004

He was on the beach and it was really really hot

>> No.15037093

read books on how to write, and practice writing while in your cell with no computer or phone to distract you. if when you're inside it seems like an okay idea, learn people's life stories. I'm not gonna say I would want to go to jail because I definitely don't, but there are ways to take advantage of your new situation and things you wouldn't be able to do if you were free.

>> No.15037116

I disagree with this. HtWFaIP is about having empathy for your fellow man. He's going to be trapped in a confined space with a bunch of savages, who only view empathy as weakness.

>> No.15037124

>around Barnet and Camden
ah fair, I'm a londoner too, though SW. mobile thieves are unbelievably common in the library, we have one guy who goes from branch to branch, storming round the building and picking off the people who aren't paying attention. It's amazing how many times I can tell people to watch their shit and plaster the walls in "thieves operate in this area" posters, and yet retards will still leave their stuff all over the place while they go to the toilet. I find it hard to blame the guy when some people are literally asking to get their shit jacked

>> No.15037131

extremely based and redpilled

>> No.15037143

Your life is nice in its own way. I am somewhat envious.

>> No.15037156

British films have taught me that you're either going to come out of prison full on NatSoc or Muslim. No other option.

>> No.15037201

>Pali Canon
>Ramana Maharshi, Five Verses on the Self
>Chandradhar Sharma, The Advaita Tradition in Indian Philosophy
>Abhinavagupta, Tantraloka
>Luke Maduako, The Official Guide To Pizza & Food Delivery

>> No.15037263 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 540x640, 2d2f3b7deac3cdaa2c97532402556f30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It takes more energy to run than to fight. If you're able to ASSAULT somebody then your likely not in any real danger.
>I'm not your friend, so don't come whining to me about your problems if you're a lazy slacker that can't move himself to a better neighborhood. What was that? You have a well-paying job and live in a usually quiet neighborhood? Ehh you whiny troublemakers will always find something to complain about since you all typically don't know enough about having personal responsibility.

>> No.15037268

That's definitely a good idea, it'd probably be more unique than all the other crap I've written. Although, the killing and all that proceeded it would make for a better story; I had a pretty weird winter.
>I find it hard to blame the guy when some people are literally asking to get their shit jacked
I understand this was just an aside but I must disagree: innocence naivete should never excuse the wicked's opportunism. I always blame the one who opens the door and not the one who leaves it unlocked. While I pity the foolish, I despise the evil who make cynicism common sense. The thought that even a library, a place that should be full of those who appreciate knowledge and learning, can be someone's hunting grounds makes me writhe in contempt. But it also strengthens my revolve.
I'm curious to what makes you say that. I'm not a content person, being one who once held lofty ambitions of prosperity and success. Also I'm about to go to prison and will be marked as a killer for life. I don't doubt you have hardships, but my life isn't one to be envied.
>you're either going to come out of prison full on NatSoc or Muslim
Well given what my crime is, the latter ship has already kind have sailed. Not that it was in my harbour in the first place

>> No.15037280
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>It takes more energy to fight than to run. If you're able to ASSAULT somebody then you're likely not in any real danger.
>I'm not your friend, so don't come whining to me about your problems if you're a lazy slacker that can't move himself to a better neighborhood. What was that? You have a well-paying job and live in a usually quiet neighborhood? Ehh you whiny troublemakers will always find something to complain about since you all typically don't know enough about having personal responsibility.

>> No.15037383

Interesting thread

>> No.15037410
File: 50 KB, 749x419, The-Importance-Of-Imagination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically Mein Kamph.
Sit there and read it only thinking this german lad furiously composed it in a cell as yours before going out and killing a fuck ton of jews.
Just wonder about that crooked mind as an actual VR-mental journey to the pre-oven führer mind.

Ask me about atmospheric reading lmao

>> No.15037729
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>literally killing a dude

>> No.15037775

OP sounds like a psychopath. I have no idea what anyone would call him "based". He literally murdered a guy and is happy about it.

>> No.15037795

Explains why he took down all his videos. WTF IS HAPPENING!?

>> No.15037799

Writing Our Way Out: Memoirs from Jail by Dave Coogan

collections of memoirs of the prison system and its systemic problems/causes written by prisoners from the Richmond City Jail

>> No.15037801
File: 17 KB, 220x348, 7652822B-43F7-4F30-9E09-0CFE221D8EF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should prepare you

>> No.15037808


>> No.15037878

You have to read this. Guarantee there'll be a literary prisoner there that'll make you his bitch if you haven't read Crime and Punishment.

>> No.15037890

Killing a subhuman in self defense is not equivalent to murder.

>> No.15037900

maybe Abdul should have thought twice before trying to jump Nigel for some ciggies

>> No.15037903

yeah it reeks of mental illness if you have no qualms about killing a human being just like that

>> No.15037904

Can you expand on what you mean by having a pretty weird winter? Also do you have any nightwalking stories? It's something that interests me but I live in a rural area so I don't have an opportunity to nightwalk.

>> No.15037926

how do you feel about illicit drug users?

>> No.15038207
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>> No.15038245

Q is an eceleb who ran a channel called the book club, he recently deleted most of his videos.

>> No.15038283

I don’t think you have to be sick to be able to kill without remorse. It was the norm for most of evolution - compassion and empathy are for your tribe and your family, not “them”. The fact that today we try to convince ourselves that we are all brothers and that every life should be valuable to everyone doesn’t change that.

>> No.15038316

Holy fuck, this. OP, listen to him please

>> No.15038330

I guess it depends on the pod and prison but in my experience its 90% religious shit, garbage romance books. sometimes a western. But there are few times where you find a diamond in the rough. I found delilo, pearl s buck, joan didion, etc. Mostly the good literature comes from the mail and you trade with people

>> No.15038338

holy based. do they allow ereaders in uk jails? fill that boy with hundreds of pirated books to pass the time there.
hope you get out as early as possible, Knight of lit.

>> No.15038496

What are you talking about? It's FUCKING BASED to repeatedly slam a mans head on some concrete slab. Even more based if the reason was so fucking petty

>> No.15038537


>> No.15038576

Seems a bit excessive.

>> No.15038955

Not really, I mean you can hate them all you want but killing is differentstory altogether. Like a dog for example, you may not think much about killing one, but when you did (if you aren't a chinese bugman) it should feel terrible, otherwise you are a certified psycho. OP didn't even deny he is one

>> No.15038974

Based, but your criminal law code is extremely cucked.

>> No.15038983

You can if the other person instigates (eggshell skull strictly speaking only applies for the person active in attacking someone else, but it's very possible to fuck up such a defense).

What you cannot do is kick someone in the head while they're down, and if you do you don't talk about it. They have to be in a position to actively attack you. Guy's (sort of) lucky he isn't being done for manslaughter.

>> No.15038988

are you kidding? the dude attacked him unprovoked, it only takes one punch to kill a man, his life was on the line. there's no such thing as excessive in that scenario

>> No.15038994

read something on delearning your inner anger and racism towards pakis and muslims / brown people. or have fun creating idiotic trouble for yourself in a primarily PoC jail in the UK. have fun also getting covid.

>> No.15038995

>you HAVE to let them get back up and attack you again bro its only fair

who the fuck comes up with this shit lmao

>> No.15039018

>I despise the evil who make cynicism common sense. The thought that even a library, a place that should be full of those who appreciate knowledge and learning, can be someone's hunting grounds makes me writhe in contempt
You ever think this intense moralisation is symptomatic of your profound psychological instability? I mean, you literally killed a guy and felt no remorse for it. Even if he was trying to rob you, I am surprised you are unable to hold yourself to account for such appalling behaviour, but yet are fully able to see the bad in thievery. Do you not see the contradiction here?

>> No.15039026


>> No.15039028

>Thanks for the support
no you stupid fuck lmaooo. don't you know how many layers of irony these fags are under?

>> No.15039033

>you literally killed a guy and felt no remorse for it
can you give a single reason why anyone should feel remorse for killing someone who has attacked unprovoked and is potentially going to kill them?

>> No.15039048

is there be any way for us to keep in touch while you toil in the panopticon? I'd send letters and I'm sure many of my retarded fellows would as well

>> No.15039078

I live in London and I've been jumped by pieces of shit like that before, and rarely do they have any intention of killing you, especially in OP's case over a cigarette. Also, pakis are almost universally scrawny and malnourished in London, I don't doubt for a second that OP posed far more of a threat to him than vice versa, especially if he was literally able to crush his skull. I think you have to be incredibly detached from reality not to feel remorse over something like that.

>> No.15039141

Lol have you ever been in a fight? Your body is full of adrenaline, you're afraid and hurt and tired, exerting great force and keeping track of dozens of things. Its not exactly the time for contemplation, and you go by pure instinct, hitting something untill any threat disappears. Noobies at my gym are very timid, untill they get hit and start throwing max power overhead strikes. The measured application of violence takes a lot of skill and training, and usually a controlled environment. OP had none of these, only the choice to hurt or be hurt. I get why a cuck like you won't understand, but court should know better. Paying eleven months of your life for 60 years of his does seem like a fair trade though.

OP, hoe do your parents feel about this shit? Also, look up the curriculum of Yale for your Oxford study of choice, download it from libgen and put it on a e-reader. Or buy a few second hand. The meme rec's here are cool but get wearisome after a while. Godspeed

>> No.15039142


>> No.15039155

>I think you have to be incredibly detached from reality not to feel remorse over something like that.

but you havnt explained why yet, your anecdotal evidence of stature and intention is completely irrelevant, one punch is all that is required and OP is dead from his head smashing the pavement, lives are on the line no matter what the intention is, and this sub human shit FORCED op into this scenario, he literally brought it on himself, HIS actions directly led to his own death, and at the risk of anothers life no less. what possible reason is there for feeling remorse for this kind of person?

>> No.15039160

What a load of horseshit. There's a difference between "measured application" of force and not feeling any remorse in repeatedly stamping a mans head on concrete

>> No.15039212

If you're ever in Leeds OP post when you come out, I'll buy you a beer.

>> No.15039257

It's more whether you're stupid enough to say you attacked when they were defenseless.

>> No.15039263

What generosity.

>> No.15039281

I'm not exactly gonna buy the guy coke am I, he'd headbutt my cunt in.

>> No.15039287

>what possible reason is there for feeling remorse for this kind of person?
>this kind of person
This is exactly my problem. You should feel remorse for ANY form of death. All life is precious, even the lives that you have no respect for. This is not something I would expect a psychopath to understand, but presumably 4chan attracts a lot of them.

>The measured application of violence takes a lot of skill and training
This has absolutely nothing to do with the excess of the crime OP described. There is incapacitating someone, and then there is going above and beyond what is necessary, and then feeling absolutely no remorse for it. Calling me a cuck is just indicative of your own grotesque amoralism, attempting to rationalise the behaviour of an incredibly unstable individual. Your attitude is utterly shameful.

>> No.15039317

>You should feel remorse for ANY form of death. All life is precious, even the lives that you have no respect for.

That's just not true. I can understand in a macro sense that life being extinguished is a sad waste, but I cannot carry the weight of every lost gadfly or foreigner on my shoulders. Humans have been especially able to continually rationalise and compartmentalise death for thousands of years, because it's all around us at all times. To assert some kind of overarching responsibility for someone to always have to fully process and suffer each time that occurs is childish and impractical at best.

A death of someone I know? I tragedy? Ten people are blown up in a terrorist attack in the Phillipines? I've almost processed and felt all the emotions I will ever feel for that event moments after I learn of it.

Also don't forget, remorse is not always instant. People change as do their attitudes. Right now OP might feel in the right, but in twenty years he may feel more of a connection to that dead paki than he had ever thought possible. Perhaps he'll become even more confident in his momentary decision. But your need to shame and guilt people in this thread because you feel some kind of emotional debt must always be paid when and where you deem most appropriate says more about you than it does about them.

>> No.15039318

why is this persons life precious? the world was literally made into a better place because OP stomped his head in and stopped him from doing any further harm, like the successful removal of cancer, its not a matter of respect.

>> No.15039321

>Calling me a cuck is just indicative of your own grotesque amoralism
You expect anything less than someone glamorizing his own master morality?

>> No.15039330

if someone pulls out a gun and successfully ends the life of a school shooter mid rampage do you think that person should feel guilt and remorse because "all life is precious"?

>> No.15039348

based paki basher

>> No.15039352

Probably. But by stopping the shooter your preserving the sanctity of life in the school

>> No.15039358

why should they feel guilty for preserving the sanctity of life in the school?

>> No.15039366

I don't think your quite grasp my post. Understandable considering you're a low iq psychopath

>> No.15039367

>To assert some kind of overarching responsibility for someone to always have to fully process and suffer each time that occurs is childish and impractical at best.
It is not a responsibility to the other, nor should it be part of a practical concern. It is a matter of absolute moral integrity. One can feel a death is necessary and still mourn the fact that it was so.

>remorse is not always instant. People change as do their attitudes.
This is true, but I feel in the case of OP, who is not only unstable, but also has a very forceful sense of moralism for even minor infractions, and yet is unable to subject himself to the same scrutiny.. It seems highly unlikely. A clear trait of psychopathy is holding everyone else to an impossible standard, while failing to understand why they themselves should similarly be held accountable.

>like the successful removal of cancer, its not a matter of respect.
See above. This person's life was not a "cancer", whatever you might think. Utilitarianism does not and should not exclude the concept of remorse, regardless of how necessary the violence actually is. We are not beasts. We are capable of so much more

>glamorizing his own master morality?
There is no glamour in any of this. I am simply disappointed in the way that, despite being a board that should be concerned with the value of aesthetics, that many people on here are totally lacking in the aesthetic experience of empathy.

>> No.15039372

He wasn't a man, he was a cockroach. I don't feel bad stamping out a couple creepy crawlers under a carpet, why should OP feel bad killing one in on the sidewalk?

>> No.15039375

>do you think that person should feel guilt and remorse because "all life is precious"?
Absolutely. No amount of hypothetical examples should change this.

>> No.15039391

non arguments and flinging insults=i am correct

>This person's life was not a "cancer", whatever you might think.
prove it, the objective outcome of this persons life was harm to others, from both a moral and utilitarian perspective, the world was made a better place by his absence

>> No.15039395


>> No.15039399

>the objective outcome of this persons life was harm to others
Seems like you're talking about our friend OP. The paki just wanted a fag

>> No.15039403
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Do you perform rituals for every spider you've accidentally crushed, sending their spirits to the other side? Do you light scented candles when an entire school of fish gets ravaged by a shark along the shores of Australia? Do you pray and fast for 30 days every time a senseless war is fought between a termite and ant colony in Arizona? Do you have a moment of silence for every neanderthal baby that died in childbirth before self-flagellating in the morning? How about all those dinosaurs and trilobites and ediocaran worm things? What about microbial mats from a billion years ago? You're just one big martyr.

You must feel so, so much; it's the least you can do! Spare me and the rest of the thread, you worthless cuck.

>> No.15039404

the paki wanted to attack someone and put everyone's lives on the line unprovoked, like a rabid dog mindlessly lashing out following a corrupted instinct

>> No.15039414
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>people should feel guilty for stopping a school shooting

>> No.15039431

What a contrived excuse. The only reason the fight even began was OP's autism. I don't think rapid dogs try kicking the back of peoples feet for a giggle

>> No.15039474

>the objective outcome of this persons life was harm to others
again, you are simply not getting it. Utilitarianism does not preclude the importance of the aesthetic experience of empathy. Neither do your so-called objective claims about whether or not the world was "improved". There is no proof I can give to you that will demonstrate this to you, it is a case of aesthetic sensitivity that you have either developed enough to appreciate what I am saying, or it has been stunted for whatever reason (your exposure to 4chan, most likely).

You do not get it either. Empathy is a muscle, like any of the other aesthetic faculties. Unless it is exercised, it will grow weak and ineffective. I do not claim to sympathise with every experience of suffering, but it is part of the ethical project to learn how to do so. This is why I said hypotheticals are entirely pointless.

Maybe I should've clarified– one should not feel remorse for stopping a shooting, one should feel remorse for having to end a life in order to do so. To celebrate death is to descend into the cold, unfeeling embrace of cynicism.

>> No.15039484


You are not fucking James Bond. You don't have the time and the clarity to think "Jee whiz, should I stomp on this hoodlum's face once, or maybe three kicks are needed to incapacitate this old chap". You just got kicked by a potential lethal threat and your lizard brain takes over and kicks his face in. You need training to override the lizard brain. Furthermore, this wasn't some American History X style execution, it was described as during the heat of the fight. In my country the difference between manslaughter and murder is defined by the opportunity for contemplation. Sure, the good Western archetype would feel deep remorse and shame for manslaughter and letting his bestial nature win. However, if the emotion of deep shame and heartfelt remorse isn't there, it isn't there. You can lie to yourself and probably should lie to appease moralists and the court system, but the lack of heartfelt remorse for letting natural consequences take its course is not some deep character flaw or sign of perversion. To quote a well learned scholar on the nature of violence ‘There are some assholes in the world that just need to be shot.’ Reading your further replies in this thread it is clear that you're an idealistic moralist who refuses all correspondence with the material world if it makes your moral system pretty.

>> No.15039528

>the lack of heartfelt remorse for letting natural consequences take its course is not some deep character flaw or sign of perversion. To quote a well learned scholar on the nature of violence ‘There are some assholes in the world that just need to be shot.’
That quote literally demonstrates the opposite of what you are saying. You're right, people with the perversion of psychopathy SHOULD be shot before their lack of inhibitions causes further harm to other people. I would mourn their death, but still consider it necessary.

>you're an idealistic moralist who refuses all correspondence with the material world
You are correct. The material world does not intrude on the aesthetic realm. it should not factor into your judgement one bit.

>> No.15039548

Depends where you are. I spent six in the slam in California and there if you're white, some white guy asks you for your court papers, you show him, then he tells you the rules and you're protected. If he doesn't like what he sees in your papers, bad things happen, and you are not protected.

The racial hierarchy in prisons is like the caste system in India. It's everywhere. Yard time, there's a smoking order. Whites smoke first, then spics, then blacks, then anyone else. Blacks do not fuck with whites, because the Brand does not fuck around. You don't have to get tattooes or anything if you don't want to, and you're not going to have to do any gay shit (the Brand kills fags) but you might be asked to hide something or lie to the hacks.

Just do what you're told, don't try to get drugs or favors, keep your head down, sit at the table with the other whites, and be friendly. Stay away from the NLRs, they're toxic right now.

>> No.15039577

So we agree. Your morals are pretty ("aesthetic") and unconnected to the natural world. Your first reply I recommend the short story "Deutsches Requiem". It has a quite clear theme of the "aesthetic mans burden". While I am very sorry for connecting your opinion to National Socialism, which is in bad taste and unintended, it is worth to note that Borges uses historical figures only as an aesthetic representation of dogmatic themes.

>> No.15039609

I have read it, but I fail to see how you are alligning me with Zur Linde when what I am arguing in favour of is the opposite.

>> No.15039620

>You're right, people with the perversion of psychopathy SHOULD be shot before their lack of inhibitions causes further harm to other people. I would mourn their death, but still consider it necessary.
Zur Linde: "Carrying out the duties attendant on that position was not something I enjoyed, but I never sinned by omission. The coward proves himself among swords, the compassionate man, seeks to be tested by jails and other's pain."

>> No.15039626

shut up. just shut the fuck up.

>> No.15039679

LMAO @ this LARP making all the /pol/tards sport semis - excellent touch to include it was a paki, no chance in hell you'd have gotten this many delicious (you)s if you hadn't included it. Could 20-year olds who never read who come here to salivate over embarrasing power fantasies please just fuck off?

>Yeah, he tried to kick me in the back of the legs so I stomped on his head till blood came out of his eyes

Oh my god this is the gayest fucking internet tough guy shit I've ever read in my entire life.
The vast, vast majority of fights don't end up with a deadly outcome, we're talking 99.99% here. There is no excuse for curbstomping someone in a fight where no weapons are involved, it just means you're a sociopath full stop.

>> No.15039686

but what makes Zur Linde the kind of character he is is the manifest contradiction between the project of fascism and his own personal disposition to suffering. While fascism is undoubtedly an aesthetic project as much as it is a political, I bear no such (contradictory) allegiances to a broader national and cultural identity.

>> No.15039711

no wonder the uk is in such an absolute state that it pushes people like op to defend themselves with lethal violence when there are people like paki defence force itt around cucking things up at every turn

>> No.15039721

>OP minding his own business
>filthy paki cunt that shouldn't even be in the country attacks hims
yeah, he deserved to die

>> No.15039724

Very cool, man. I hate people too and would kill if I could. I would drive around with Cait like we were chuck Starkweather and Carol Ann Fugit and I would shoot everyone we came across.

>> No.15039736


>> No.15039737

>During my question they told me he died of a “cerebral hemorrhage” in the hospital and they asked me if I felt guilty upon hearing that: I obviously said yes, because I don't want to go the way of Meursault, but I'll be honest, I'm glad that fucker's dead and I felt no twinged of compassion seeing his ugly family crying about their loser son.
Why did you not get a lawyer?

>> No.15039745
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>> No.15039751
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Not to get to into it but one thing that happened was that I saw a woman kill herself in December: I was crossing the street and at the little stop in the middle, a woman was waiting to cross. She was around 30, not ugly or fat but generally unremarkable. The very bored look on her face is the only thing I noticed. So she turned her head and looked at me and then turned back towards the road. Less than a second later she stepped forward and got hit by a car. It was considered an accident, even though I said I thought it was a suicide but she wasn't depressed and her life wasn't that stressful. The driver wasn't charged with anything because it was 100% her fault for suddenly stepping out. That was the first time I saw someone die. I'm convinced she killed herself. Something about the way she looked at me.
Apart from cigarettes I mostly abstain. I even only drink with company, and still in moderation. Illicit drug users are just worthless really, I don't think they're evil but their vice has and will destroy them. I knew a guy who went huge into weed back in school and he dropped out and basically became a retard. I remember you couldn't even hold a conversation with him. Drug use is an illness.
Relax guys, what kind of pleb do you take me for? C&P was one of the first classics I read so it has a place in my heart. I'll definitely reread again. I read it first at 14 then 17 and now I'm a criminal.
Yeah I was certain I was gonna get a life sentence. I character evidence played a big role. A lot of people who I hadn't seen in years came out to vouch for my good nature.
You're implying I view myself as lawful and moral. There is no contradiction; I'm aware that killing is a far more egregious crime and am paying the price of a sentence for it -which I accept. What I don't accept is that a criminal shouldn't be ready for any punishment. When I turned that guy's face into shoe cleaner, I was ready to be killed. Remorse isn't the issue. I don't care about how remorseful he was about stealing iphones and smoking weed, it's inconsequential. It's about crime and punishment[:^)]. He received his and now I receive mine. I doubt he was going to kill, but beating me up not something I'd sit idly by for
My parents don't blame me but they're not happy I'm going to prison obviously. Thanks for the rec. I might do that although my ambition fizzled out long ago.
I live in a migrant area. I mean maybe he was sri lanka or something, but Pakistani is really common ethnicity. Would you prefer he was black? Or Syrian? Anything but white is /pol/bait. The fight began because he kicked me and then I elbowed him. I'm not some martial arts god.
I did but this was at the station. I know you're not suppose to talk without a lawyer but I feel like acting cool about the situation would only make me look worse.

>> No.15039791

>When I turned that guy's face into shoe cleaner, I was ready to be killed. Remorse isn't the issue.
I think you have an interesting perspective, and maybe I was too eager to call you a psychopath (though that could be your innate psychopathic talents for persuasion, who knows?).

I do think it is sad though, perhaps if you were capable of being more empathetic, he may not have needed to die. While I appreciate that our fight-or-flight impulses are often overwhelming, I believe our capacity for empathy is precisely the mechanism that we evolved in order to keep those impulses in check. Without it, there is no reason why anyone would hold back from murdering someone they believed to be a threat. But the majority of violent acts do not end in manslaughter, most people are able to stop themselves before going too far, so you are likely something of an outlier in this regard.

>> No.15039816

The problem isn't the act of killing as I believe you can be overwhelmed with emotions enough to not fully realize what you are doing is beyond the realm of inflicting pains and into killing. The problem however is that he feels absolutely no remorse about ending a life, no matter how lowly it is. He's almost certainly a psychopath. But I'm even more certain that he's just a fucking larper, for fuck sake, did you see the anime pictures he posted?

>> No.15039823

there's no crime in love

>> No.15039831

Allow me to reiterate: Could 20-year olds who never read who come here to salivate over embarrasing power fantasies please just fuck off?

>I live in a migrant area. I mean maybe he was sri lanka or something, but Pakistani is really common ethnicity. Would you prefer he was black? Or Syrian? Anything but white is /pol/bait. The fight began because he kicked me and then I elbowed him. I'm not some martial arts god.
No mate, I'm not questioning any of that, I'm just commending you for including ethnicity in your LARP, because, as I mentioned, /pol/tards wouldn't be participating in your lame power fantasy LARP with the same enthusiasm if you had omitted ethnicity entirely.

>> No.15039837

bruh you never cared for your mother that's what did you in

>> No.15039855
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I am or can be quite empathetic, sometimes embarrassingly so. I didn't overact because I'm a violent or bloodthirsty individual, I simply have poor impulse control, so it's not a lack of empathy. However, for this, I choose to feel nothing because I know that's what is right.
What's wrong with Aku no Hana? Or are you just one of those anti-anime newfags?
I could've omitted all kinds of stupid crap, but /pol/ lives in your headrent free. I felt it was relevant to the story because of how he spoke and I mentioned the stranger earlier so I felt I had to at least explain why.

>> No.15039899

>I simply have poor impulse control, so it's not a lack of empathy
>I'm glad that fucker's dead and I felt no twinged of compassion seeing his ugly family crying about their loser son.

Being aware of maintaing consistency is key in a well-done LARP. While your initial execution was flawless, you're beginning to falter.

>I could've omitted all kinds of stupid crap, but /pol/ lives in your headrent free. I felt it was relevant to the story because of how he spoke and I mentioned the stranger earlier so I felt I had to at least explain why.

Excellent response. The /pol/fag will deny that he has shat up every other board, and will jump on any opportunity to paint his opponents as paranoid lunatics for calling a spade a spade. This will definitely gain you even more goodwill from the /pol/posters of the thread.

Overall, you're doing quite well. Focus on the consistency bit though.

>> No.15039919

>Epictetus - Enchiridion
>Aurelius - Meditations
Epictetus was literally a slave and talked about happiness during life long imprisonment. It should set you up well.

What did you do anon?

>> No.15039921
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All this over a fucking cigarette? I hope your paki friend is sucking on a giant piece of magma in Hell. Good job.

>> No.15039922

>I choose to feel nothing because I know that's what is right.
What are you talking about? The excessive force was about impulse control, not about how I felt about it afterwards. In that, I lack empathy. When I mentioned what I did, I was prepared to be called a larper but i'm being inconsistent you ESL. You need to get off /pol/, man. It's warping your brain. Not everything is racial.

>> No.15039928

>but i'm being inconsistent you ESL
I meant to say I'm NOT being inconsistent. A little ironic lol

>> No.15039935


>> No.15039945

Nevermind replyong anon I just read your greentext. Based reaction mate, fuck that thug.

>> No.15040060

You may have not gotten into Oxford OP, but this thread sure is a gem (your writing style is genuinely good, at least for me it is, a non-native).

I don't really have any proper book-recommendation, but if you are interested in philosophy, try Cioran (On the Heights of Despair) or Nietzsche (Thus Spook)

>> No.15040162

Kebab = removed

>> No.15040358

One is capable of having empathy for life and still do the right thing. Also...
>tits or btfo

>> No.15040425

>I did but this was at the station. I know you're not suppose to talk without a lawyer but I feel like acting cool about the situation would only make me look worse.
They asked you if you wanted a lawyer when you were booked. You always answer this in the affirmative. Then you get a meeting with a lawyer before questioning and when questioned.

>> No.15040444

um based?

>> No.15040473

thanks for the only good thread on this board rn

>> No.15040505

Nothing really, the playground rules of prisons are pretty arbitrary and differ from place to place, though I guess Epictetus might help in general. It's really not so bad, very few dangerous criminals out there the vast majority are druggies, drug dealers and thieves. You'll mostly just be bored as shit, so think something that you could do in there to use the time productively/enjoyably

>> No.15040544
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Based anon. Based.

>> No.15040650

OP you did good in cleaning that criminal trash from the streets.

t.black dude livin’ in london

>> No.15040669

Not feeling any kind of remorse after this does feel weird to be honest. Personally I would have atleast felt some pity for the family of the guy.

>> No.15040815

first half of that manga is such a bliss to read. Love how it explores the concept of truly overstepping society's boundaries and all the panty cult stuff. Social perversion is a more relatable crime than killing.

>> No.15040867

OP, since you're british you certainly know who Charles Bronson is. He wrote a book about working out called Solitary Fitness. I reccomend you read it, it has a lot of useful fitness advices. Working out will make you healthier and happier even while you're in jail.

>> No.15041539

Demonstration of the banality of evil. You are an evil man, there's no disputing that. The worst kind of killer. Only God can save you

>> No.15041549

The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene is banned in prisons for a reason

>> No.15041557

Pop psychology. You're no better than the Tumblr girls complaining about depression

>> No.15041571

Unfathomably based

>> No.15041938

120 days of Sodom

>> No.15042029

Based and redpilled! I always cringed at cinematic portrayals of skinhead gangs in movies because after all: some people are too stupid to be criminals even if they get caught; and you'd expect a hierarchy to be topped by someone who has at least some degree of integrity even if only related to his supposed ideology, not a faggot urang-utan slamming at the walls. That is: if your account is thruthful

>> No.15042121

OP, did you admit to the kick whilst the Paki was on the ground before definite analysis by the police of the scene was made known to you? Were you obligated to do so if that is the case?

>> No.15042155


>> No.15042173

Why not just beat him up to the point of unconsciousness? I can understand killing him if he had a knife or gun.

>> No.15042185

If you keep reading that Bible enough, you might notice the part where it says, and I paraphrase: No man is good. Therefore, all men are evil.

>> No.15042214

I'll keep you in my prayers, Anon.

As far as books go, when you're in prison try to get your hands on "The Count of Monte Cristo." Great revenge/prison break story, plus it's very long so it'll keep you busy. Id mail it to you if I knew where you were going

>> No.15042325
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Don't listen to these moralistic attacks leveled against you OP, I believe you're a real human being.

>> No.15042333
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This guy gets it. When you are in prison simply work out and read. Be with your loved ones NOW.

Also... What did you do OP?

>> No.15042428


>> No.15042546
File: 1.61 MB, 589x250, FarflungRegularHammerheadshark-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've given a well written and dramatic account of your belief in 'transcendent' values, yet you have given us no persuasive argument to have us accept it. As it stands now, you have only posited dogmas we are to unconditionally accept. You cannot give me a response saying that if all people had the idea that humans could decide which lives are to be taken and which not, bad things will happen. Your approach to the question is not ''utilitarian'' so all semblance of that type of reasoning is to be left out of your argument completely. If your 'aesthetic values'' are to be accounted for, but not by reason, then they are a question of faith and you will have to do more than you have up til now to have us make that leap. If you cannot do this, you *have* to accept that you hold yourself and others to a dogma and you have no other way of trying to make others accept your ideas except for 'muh feels'

>> No.15042573

he already told us, he killed a paki

>> No.15043056
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>soft guardian reader philosphy degree gimps trying to moralise this based lad for stomping a vermin to death

>> No.15043076

if you don't think like them you must be mentally sick

>> No.15043132

>A moral, cunning, ruthless and instructive, this piercing work distils three thousand years of the history of power into forty-eight well-explained laws. [...] Some laws require prudence (Law 1: "Never Outshine the Master") some stealth ("Law 3: Conceal Your Intentions"), and some othe total absence of mercy ("Law 15: Crush Your Enemy Totally"), but like it or not, all have applications in real-life situations.

Dear OP, the book might be a bit of an overkill, especially for the number of years you've been given. Some ex-prisoner interviews have occasionally brought this book up as something they had wished they read before serving sentences much longer than yours, which was why I recommended it.

>> No.15043839

Yeah, I have my qualms with the second half, but the first is so good that it's my favourite manga. It's like reverse teen-angst story
My action was, in some degree, evil, however, I am not an evil man because of it. Not that it matters.
I just wanted to make sure he stayed down. I didn't stomp on him for like five minutes or anything.

>> No.15043920

To those who have been to prison for extended periods of time, is it possible to get reading material, specifically having it sent in.

>> No.15043957

If UK officials find this thread out, OP is gonna get more than 3 years.

>> No.15044275

In the american prison system I was in (Massachusetts) we could individually have monthly book catalogs sent to us, and we'd order books through that. Other than that, you'd need a family member or friend buying you a book through a certified dealer. They can't send you a book directly from them, it has to be through a certified business. That also means no ebay, either.

>> No.15044311

Schizo post

>> No.15044396

not really

>> No.15044509

Death dealer by Rudolf Höss

>> No.15044535

Dude, relax. I'm not personally affected by it, but I'm sure you have people who love you. Get help, if not for yourself, then for them

>> No.15044923

That wasn't even me.
>Schizo post
I just happened to stroll by and see you misuse that term.

>> No.15045151

Passive aggressive leftist about the spiral

Maybe go and start a petition? Be sure to hammer the keys with your impotent rage and add extra description like "disgusting" and "white supremacist" which will feel like weapons of revenge to you.

And watch helplessly as the pendulum swings back.

>> No.15045664

I think Nietzsche said something to the effect of "no emotion is more dangerous for a European than pity". I can't think of a better example of that than you.

>> No.15045814

A real Travis Bickle

>> No.15045836

>it should feel terrible
Are you fucking stupid? Do you think every farmer is a psycho for killing stray dogs? Killing is hardwired into us. There will always be some form of enjoyment to killing despite the best conditioning. People kill animals for fun all the time.

>> No.15045862

The unique and his property by saint max

>> No.15046484

Never happened though did it

>> No.15047473


>> No.15047535

>Do you think every farmer is a psycho for killing stray dogs?
Some of them definitely are. A lot of farmers are fucking weirdos nowadays.

>> No.15048086

I hope my good old asshole holds out
60 years it's been mostly OK
Tho in Bolivia a fissure operation
survived the altiplano hospital--
a little blood, no polyps, occasionally
a small hemorrhoid
active, eager, receptive to phallus
coke bottle, candle, carrot
banana & fingers -
Now AIDS makes it shy, but still
eager to serve -
out with the dumps, in with the condom'd
orgasmic friend -
still rubbery muscular,
unashamed wide open for joy
But another 20 years who knows,
old folks got troubles everywhere -
necks, prostates, stomachs, joints--
Hope the old hole stays young
till death, relax

>> No.15048308

See, now this right here >>15048086 is what a schizo post looks like. Completely off-the-wall, unhelpful bat guano lunacy that nobody would be able to use, outside of copypasta and psychedelic drug binges.

>> No.15049099
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>> No.15050212

>Yes, we saw someone who matched your crime posting on this Filipino basket weaving forum and you sounded less remorseful so we're increasing your sentence

>> No.15050303

>Pakistani patty


>> No.15050314

the bible

>> No.15050417
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>/lit/ doesn't know Allen Ginsberg

>> No.15050452

I typically avoid reading works by NAMBLA affiliates.

>> No.15050487

Why so?

>> No.15050493

Why would Q be from Britain?

>> No.15050524

...because he is from Britain?

>> No.15050538

I saw the best board on my monogolianbasketweavingforum
Consumed by shitposts, trolling, and newfags.

>> No.15050807

>we could individually have monthly book catalogs sent to us
>it has to be through a certified business
Do you remember what kinds of businesses created these catalogues or got these certifications?

I'd love to do more research on this.

>> No.15050843

Gramsci's prison notebooks

>> No.15050888

Once you're in, start reading Proust

> “How about Proust's In Search of Lost Time?" Tamaru asked. "If you've never read it this would be a good opportunity to read the whole thing."

>"Have you read it?"

>"No, I haven't been in jail, or had to hide out for a long time. Someone once said unless you have those kinds of opportunities, you can't read the whole of Proust.”
~Murakami, 1Q84

>> No.15051007

The real question is: what does the last one have to do with Q?

>> No.15051824

This. Also check’d

>> No.15052005

Lolllll, stfu retard. Kys

>> No.15052693


>> No.15052798

I don't deal with the catalogues, but I work(ed) at Barnes & Noble and we would have people come in to the store and order books for their (usually) children who are in jail/prison. They can't be hardcover. People mainly sent bibles. We mainly sent to local jails, not very often to federal penitentiary. The books have to be shipped from a warehouse and can't be sent personally for security reasons, which is why they use us. The jails don't always let books through for whatever reason. Might depend on the particular person processing them at the time or different rules and regulations depending on the jail.

I always feel badly for the parents. They're always quite embarrassed when they come in and ask us to place an order for their kid in jail. They just give us the jail address and the inmate identification number and we place the order and they'll have the book in a few days assuming the guards let it through.

>> No.15053112

Surely prisons already have bibles?

>> No.15053979

>The Room - Selby Jr.
Depressing af like all his other books.

>> No.15054334

Criminal faggot here
Go outside for a long time every single day you have left. You're going to yearn for the sky more than you've yearned before. Spend time with what friends and family you have. Eat good food. As other anons have said, don't worry yourself with reading much right now. Inside, reading and calisthenics will occupy most of your time.

Don't let anyone have a position of authority over you. Don't owe anyone anything. Shower fast. Godspeed, bro.

>> No.15054374

Who is q?

>> No.15054432

Eat as much good food as you can now. I did 2 stints in my early 20s and the thing that got me was how much I hated the food. At one point I had maddening dream about eating steaks.

Talk to your friends a lot now because I can guarantee you that many of them will forget all about you after the first year.

Most importantly is dont be in debt to anyone and dont disrespect anyone. The worst violence I saw was always from these two things. Keep your head down and dont be a flashy idiot

>> No.15054626

People like you can't be persuaded, you're too one dimensional. I'm not him, so I'd bash your head in if given the appropriate circumstance.

>> No.15055494

I would imagine so, but parents send it as a gift. I think it's probably more for their peace of mind and it's so that they can feel like they're doing something for their kid. Must be a pretty helpless and shameful feeling having your child that you were supposedly responsible for in jail. It's a reflection on you and your parenting.

People are oddly particular about what version of the bible they send though. I had no idea how many versions of the bible there are until I started working at a book store. People are VERY picky when it comes to buying bibles.

The next most frequently purchased genre is Sci-Fi actually which I always find a bit odd for whatever reason.

>> No.15056356

Do think there are any literary types in prison?