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15038719 No.15038719 [Reply] [Original]

Wanted to do a bit of a question thread

>Favourite novel
>Favourite author
>Book you're currently reading
>The book you'll be reading next
>Amount of pages you read today

I'll start:
>Crime and Punishment
>Franz Kafka
>Don Quixote
>Hunchback of notre dame
>Around 120-130pgs

>> No.15038738
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first, I'd like to call you a glownigger

>Favourite novel
The Book of Job
>Favourite author
>Book you're currently reading
The Richest Man in Babylon
>The book you'll be reading next
No idea, ill probably reread something
>Amount of pages you read today
0, actually I finished the book yesterday

>> No.15038760

>Favourite novel
The Horse and His Boy
>Favourite author
J.R.R. Tolkien
>Book you're currently reading
I'm not reading anything
>The book you'll be reading next
The Collected Fantasies of Clark Ashton Smith vol 1: The End Of The Story
>Amount of pages you read today

>> No.15039088

>>Favourite novel
Madame Bovary
>>Favourite author
Either Hamsun or Bolaño
>>Book you're currently reading
Also Don Quijote
>>The book you'll be reading next
Too Loud a Solitude by Hrabal
>>Amount of pages you read today
0 (zero)

>> No.15039096

Favourite novel
Favourite author
>C.S. Lewis
Book you're currently reading
>Lo li ta
The book you'll be reading next
>Fahrenheit 451
Amount of pages you read today
>close to 40? not sure

>> No.15039115

Anna Karenina
Somerset Maugham
>Currently Reading
Germinal by Zola
>Next Read
Probably going to reread Love In The Time of Cholera
I read 100 yesterday. Just got home from work today so the bulk of my daily reading is still to come.

>> No.15039157

Nice, how are you liking it so far?

>> No.15039208

I just started it so I'm only a 100 pages in or so, finished the windmill part yesterday. So far so good but the archaic Spanish makes it a slow read. Some of the passages, like the book burning or the giants/windmills I already knew even though I didn't read it, so I'm looking forward to being surprised by the book. How about you?

>> No.15039269

>Favourite novel
Lookout Cartridge
>Favourite author
William Gass
>Book you're currently reading
>The book you'll be reading next
The Third Policeman
>Amount of pages you read today

>> No.15039272

>The Third Policeman
You are in for a treat

>> No.15039276

I started it yesterday and am about 200 pages deep. I like it, the old language does make it challenging to get through at times. But the language doesn't ruin the enjoyment of the book, and I think its worth it to experience all those excellent adventurous setpieces. The dialogue between Don and Sancho is excellent as well, they're both great characters. Overall I'm loving the book so far, have fun with it anon!

>> No.15039282

I've read Swim-Two-Birds and The Hard Life, I'm excited.

>> No.15039295

Qué edición estás leyendo? Yo estoy con la de la RAE sacada por el cuarto centenario del Quijote.

>> No.15039310

Sorry, I forgot to mention that I'm reading it in English. Don't speak Spanish unfortunately.

>> No.15039322

*thanks google translate* I'm reading the Everyman's library version translated by P.A Motteux

>> No.15039328

>Favourite novel
>Favourite Author
Samuel Beckett
>Book your currently reading
Kant's Critique of Pure Reason and Meyrink's The Golem
>The book you'll be reading next
Applied Ballardianism by Simon Sellar
>Amount of pages you read today
Maybe 10 pages of the critique. It's still early here.

I'm surprised, is people's favourite novel not also by their favourite author?

>> No.15039357

Ah, I see. I was just asking because I don't find mine that great desu.

Not necessarily. I love Madame Bovary, but the rest of Flaubert's work is hit or miss for me. My favourite authors have a oeuvre thatis more consistent with my taste.

>> No.15040411

>Arthur C. Clarke, Poe, Lovecraft
>a collection of Tolstoy's short stories
>a collection of Lovecraft's Dream Cycle stories

>> No.15040424

the horse and his boy is based as fuck, best one in the heptalogy

>> No.15040463
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>Favorite novel

Blood Meridian

>Favourite author

Graham Greene

>Currently Reading

À Rebours

>Reading next

Probably Ab Urbe Condita Libri

>Amount of pages you read today

It's the morning so only a few from the newspaper, my computer, and school reading

>> No.15040528

>Favourite novel
Musashi by Yoshikawa
>Favourite author
Don't really have one
>Book you're currently reading
The Butchering Art by Lindsey Fitzharris
>The book you'll be reading next
Either Daily Life in a Medieval Monastery or Cathedral, Forge and Waterwheel probably.
>Amount of pages you read today
0, just got up

>> No.15042107

>>Favourite novel
>>Favourite author
>>Book you're currently reading
History of the Peloponnesian war
>>The book you'll be reading next
The myth of Sisyphus
>>Amount of pages you read today
11, I do most of my reading in the evening.

>> No.15042261

>Thomas Bernhard
>Handmaids Tale
>70 pages

>> No.15042433

>Crime and Punishment
>Ivan Goncharov
>The Yale Edition of the Shorter Poems of Edmund Spenser
>Complete Writings of William Blake
>Not enough; it's so small it's shameful