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File: 379 KB, 725x945, occultpepe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15036596 No.15036596 [Reply] [Original]

>Ancient philosophies point towards oneness even leave symbols engraved ''all is one'' and micro-macrocosm unity
>New agers say in a pretty way(rightbrain) ''all is one'' ''balance with universe''
>Retarded faggots ''hur dur new age bad''
older= better, more exotic = bigger ego tripping
Stop larping as ancient autists , thanks.

>> No.15036940


>> No.15037291

what is even new age and why are people bashing it

>> No.15037297

it's boomer occultism

>> No.15037299

A multicultural monstrosity of shallow introspection and metaphysics for women.

>> No.15037303

Retroactively refuted by Śri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

>> No.15037307

he's a krishna cultist, which is even more pathetic

>> No.15037309

philosophy has been one long road of BTFOing ancient religions. (Christianity is still compatible)

>> No.15037311
File: 245 KB, 600x809, EB001966-61CD-49C9-9FF2-C68243750A1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vaishnavism is the final redpill.

>> No.15037316

New age is fine when it's actually old age, like neopaganism or eastern religion.
When they just make shit up it's trash.

>> No.15037320

Don't you think you're simplifying both philosophies a little too much

>> No.15037322

95% of neopagans are New Aged LARPers

t. neopagan

>> No.15037344

A syncretist religious and pseudo-occult movement that is heavily influenced by progressivism, feminism, and recently by neoliberalism and queerness.

>> No.15037352

Atheist types hate it because it is modern spirituality
Religious fundamentalists/traditionalists hate it because it disregard their pseudo-authority, also they can be very butthurt over its syncretic and inclusive nature

The biggest criticism of newage is it being infected by commercialization, but not all expressions are as such.

>> No.15037359


>> No.15037518
File: 213 KB, 675x372, New-Age.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look i read advaita,christian mysticism ,zen etc and dont see why people are so butthurt over them trying to awaken third eye or playing with crystal dildos
There have many few gems in recent times 'Course in miracles' Eckart Tolles works and others on par with ancient classics , they might even better as they're adapted to current times as we have different problems than ancients with mind ego development to insane levels and anxiety,depression...etc being so common nowdays.
Divine consciousness didnt just give scriptures and went into hiberation it constantly manifests through people it never stops

>> No.15037602

occultism that ignores centuries of traditions; basically the radio pop music version of occultism

>> No.15037881


>> No.15038047
File: 110 KB, 460x522, 1433883811524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ Consciousness Invocation
By the Grace of God and Ascended Master Jesus Christ,
may I have permission to receive the following:
I ask for the Christ consciousness to be awakened within my body.
I ask that my “I AM” presence be consciously activated in every part
of my total being, now and for the eternal life of my Soul.
Beloved Mighty I AM Presence and Beloved Holy Christ Self,
which I AM, and which I had and used with you in the Great Central Sun
before the world was, and which I now draw into myself for use and action
for my greater freedom from all limitations and for my greater capacity
to serve my Father and the Light in all!
Beloved Mighty I AM Presence and Beloved Holy Christ Self,
I AM asking that the atmosphere around my physical body
be now the substance of Immortal Innocence, Purity and Love
of my Higher Mental Body. I ask that my outer self be infused with the Immortal Christ Perfection of my Higher Mental Body. I AM asking that I
be constantly raised into the full mastery and freedom of my Higher Mental Body.
I AM that Immortal Freedom and limitless, moment by moment allow the full mastery of these powers to remove all limitations wherever I AM.

>> No.15038058
File: 139 KB, 700x900, 1579522195691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Invoke my Mighty I AM Presence.
Mighty I AM - Take Command.
in the Name of the Source of All Light, where it be for my Highest good and in Divine Order,
in the name of God, under the Law of Grace,
I ask the Ascended Masters of Light, that where it be in Divine Order, to support me in a way I would wish for myself from my highest spiritual perspective, that is in alignment with my highest spiritual intention to successfully complete my role on Earth, to include steps to maintain an appropriate light frequency and prevent contact or influence from negative or dark force beings, in any form or dimension, where this is not for my true and highest good.
I invoke my mighty I Am Presence of my highest evolution
Mighty I AM - Take Command.
in the name of God, I connect now and forever only to the pure light of God, Source of all creation and to only the appropriate highest realms of pure light as befits my level of evolution, where this be in highest Divine order.
I state that any and all sacred codes and gifts that I am responsible for in this incarnation, be brought now into a state of purity in accordance with Divine Order and to be held in such a state forever, in accordance with Divine Higher Will.
Let this focus of highest light be eternally sustained, all powerfully active and ever expanding.
In the name of the Cosmic Light of the Almighty 'I Am That I Am' I hereby invoke the pure light of the God Most High.
under Universal law and under the Law of Grace, I call forth the appropriate Cosmic Light beings or Ascended Masters of Light from the 7th dimension and above, to assist me
In the Light of the Most Radiant One, the Christed Light of God,
Blessed ones of Highest Light, raise me back up to my source and re-unite me with the one presence of all life.
In the name of God I Am, I invoke the heaven’s highest light and all from the realms of highest illumined truth to guide teach and protect me.

>> No.15038075

another a*nglo who can't metaphysics LMFAO

>> No.15038085
File: 656 KB, 750x1014, birb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you and many blessings

>> No.15038132
File: 474 KB, 1400x2104, the-yoga-of-power-9780892813681_hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There have many few gems in recent times 'Course in miracles' Eckart Tolles works and others on par with ancient classics , they might even better as they're adapted to current times as we have different problems than ancients with mind ego development to insane levels and anxiety,depression...etc being so common nowdays.
Sounds gay. I'd rather aspire to be a tantric yogi and rise above, master, and bend the material and profane forces of the Kali Yuga to my will and achieve enlightenment that way.

>> No.15038133
File: 40 KB, 412x298, monk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, just calling out larping brainlets
also back to plebbit 'LMFAO' downie

>> No.15038141

Larping 101