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/lit/ - Literature

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1503716 No.1503716 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here actually read this series?

The only threads about it seem to be posted by trolls and haters. Is it possible to have a meaningful discussion about the books without interference from those who haven't even read them?

I really love Big Steph's writing style. It's like Stoker by way of Brontë. She's popular for a reason. You don't make hundreds of millions of dollars in a few years without having a large measure of talent.

>> No.1503718

Some talents are better left undeveloped.

>> No.1503719

I read them OP. . . .

>> No.1503724
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>> No.1503727

Could tell right away it was a troll. Keep trying.

>> No.1503733

I've read the series
The only twilight book I own is the graphic novel unfortunately

The series isn't good but I like the movies

>> No.1503734

The problem is the target audience, if /lit/ were to read these books they would count themselves as the problem through their own insecurities.

>> No.1503741

It is a painful, red blemish on the sexy ass of literature. It must be popped and gotten rid of.

>> No.1503742

I couldn't make it through New Moon. First Person Perspective sucks and makes the Twilight universe seem very limited.

>> No.1503746
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>You don't make hundreds of millions of dollars in a few years without having a large measure of talent.


>> No.1503749

that failure hasn't even cracked 9 figures yet

>> No.1503756

Not sure if troll.

I've read them. In fact, I read them before they became the mania that they are now (Well, Breaking Dawn came out in the midst of the mania, but it was prior to the movie).

They're not eye-bleedingly bad, but they're not particularly good either. I feel like people who enjoy them simply don't know better. They aren't aware that better writers are out there, so they enjoy the novels for what is presented to them.

tl;dr I read 'em and I can see why they're popular

>> No.1503764

>You don't make hundreds of millions of dollars in a few years without having a large measure of talent.

>> No.1503773

Why bother reading them? ANYONE can tell that it's just stupid teenage litterature.

>> No.1503784

> You don't make hundreds of millions of dollars in a few years without having a large measure of talent.

No, you do it by finding an exploitable niche market and writing trite pablum that caters to their desires and insecurities.

>> No.1503785

i was surprised at how unbelievable Twilight was. like you'd think that in order to be so many teen girls mental fap material it would need to feel like it could actually happen minus the fantasy elements but there's too much ridiculous stuff in it to make that possible.

what is the male equivalent, harry potter? a worse book but at least not every girl in the school is attracted to bland HP and he is going out with the perfect girl who's completely oblivious to everyone fapping to her. are girls carzie?

>> No.1503787

The male equivalent is Chuck Palahniuk.

>> No.1503789

That sounds pretty easy! Why aren't you a billionaire?

>> No.1503790


> The transsexual mouth-breathing hipster equivalent is Chuck Palahniuk.


>> No.1503792

Why aren't you?

>> No.1503794




>> No.1503796

no fight club is existentialist.

you didn't find some of the stuff too ridiculous to be a fantasy? i assume you read them to indulge in that lol whore

>> No.1503801


I dunno dude, how can you define something as "too ridiculous to be a fantasy?" I'm just not seeing how that works exactly. Fantasies range from realistic to insane.

Yeah, it plays on young girls' desire to have a strong man sweep them off their feet and deliver unto them untold riches and unimaginable protection. Is that wrong?

>> No.1503808

no thats not what i mean. too ridiculous to be escapist is what i meant.

>> No.1503814

Twilight and its kin (trashy romance lit for any gender) is somewhat equivalent to porn for those who like it. When people watch porn, they don't think whether having shoving their huge dick into Jenna Jameson's buttocks is a realistic scenario or not; they just momentarily indulge in the scenario for sexual satisfaction. Likewise, when people read trashy romance, they don't pay attention to details and just delude themselves for the time they read.

Both have fans that have gone too far with the delusions and end up creepy (Edward-lovers and middle-aged men who think they can actually get some young ass), but for most people, it's an easy way to practice temporary escapism from their own dull lives. Trashy romance lit = porn for the heart.

>> No.1503818


No, I get what you were saying. But that's like saying that The Wheel of Time series is too far-fetched to be escapist. Or shit, even Pokemon. Anything can be escapist for somebody, but I will admit that having Edward be human enough to be recognizable and lovable makes it that much more accessible. If he had been a mutant slime monster, the books wouldn't have been as successful as they have been.

I just think you're underestimating people's ability to take anything as an escapist fantasy. And I can attest to that, as I do just that. Reading sci-fi and fantasy are just as much an "escape" for me as literary fiction.

>> No.1503819

The series' prose is sort of horrible and formulaic

but I'm happy the woman is successful, so few people are nowadays

anyone who donates any large portion of their interest or time to this woman and her work is pretty petty, by that i mean they're children's books, and happen to bring happiness to a large amount of teenage girls

i see nothing wrong with any of this

>> No.1503823

They don't bring happiness. They bring some sort of stupid fanaticism. Unless you have not been on the internet at all for the past three years.

>> No.1503828

what's so bad abot 1st person?

>> No.1503829


>> No.1503833

no i mean there isn't a grounding, you seem to think there is.

specifically that everyone boy in the school wants to fuck bella and that edward seems to be unaware how 'beautiful' he is. like i said, harryu potter i can see how it could be escapist for a teen or younger boy. they only parts that are fantasy are the magic/wizartd parts. all the rest get to make the reader feel special and able to believe they are harry. but for twilight its not just the vampire stuff thats fantasy. the actual relationships and stuff are too. so are teen girls more crazy than male equivalents? i really didnt see why its become so popular because of the lack of grounding. do teen girls think they deserve every male in school to like them ?

lol. im laughing at you, not with you.

>> No.1503840


Oh, wow, now I see the misunderstanding. You must not be American.

Here in America, we are taught that we, as individuals, are amazingly brilliant, talented, and beautiful. So yes, teen girls actually believe that they are God's gift to man, and that everything with a penis (and possibly a few things with vaginas) wants to fuck them.

It's disgusting, really.

>> No.1503853

this is just a failed attempt to justify your insane fascination with a series of teenage romance novels

>> No.1503857


Just want to follow this up a little bit.

In this way, Twilight is a confirmation of their perceived exceptionalism. They see Bella getting the attention that they think they deserve, while Bella asserts that she's nothing special, just a normal, average girl. Their normalcy, like hers, is simply an affectation. Inside, they know that they are amazing.

>> No.1503858

baby-sitter's club

>> No.1503880

>Unless you have not been on the internet at all for the past three years
you need to lay-off the internet if you seriously believe in shit like hipsters and the church of twilight

so the difference between HP and Twilight due to the writer's nationalities?

dont get this joke :/

>> No.1503885

It helps if you've read the books yourself, TC. That way you don't come across as an idiot as well as a troll.

>> No.1503886
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>> No.1503887


To be honest, I hadn't thought about it like that before. But yeah, I think it might. It fits with everything I outlined above, plus I just recalled that Meyer is a Mormon, yet another group of people who consider themselves in God's favor.

Tell me, if you know: is Twilight big in European countries?

>> No.1503894
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all dem bitches at school gobble dat shit up

>> No.1503898

I'm British. I dont really watch TV or anything but two emo girls at my high school liked it

>> No.1503902


I mean it's anecdotal at best, but I think you'd be hard pressed to find a broad in an American high school that either a) loves Twilight, or b) hasn't read Twilight and hates it in an effort to be edgy.

I haven't been in high school for 7 years, so this is all going off what my cousins and step-brother have told me.

>> No.1503925

>Look, i just want to listen to my weekly podcast by alain de boton ;p

>> No.1503934
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I've read the first book.

Holy shit it was horrible. I kept waiting for it to get better or start making sense or for the characters to become mildly interesting or likable, but it never happened.

And while I haven't read the three sequels, I know what happens and it seems to me like they only get more self-indulgent and brainless.

And before you say "you can't judge the sequels without reading them." Yes I can. I also read the Bree Tanner novella and I can tell that Stephenie's prose hasn't improved at all. It would also be downright silly to think Meyer's skills have improved at all in one or two years for the sequels.

>> No.1503967

I suspect you've read them all

>> No.1504289

I read them all because as much as I dislike Stephanie Meyer's writing I did like the secondary characters