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/lit/ - Literature

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15033142 No.15033142 [Reply] [Original]

>talking to a girl
>"oh you're into books too anon? what do you read?"
>"i like Borges, Mishima..."
>start talking about Mishima's life
>explain her the reasons of his seppuku and how beautiful his death was
>"he killed himself? God, why do you like that?"
>she thinks i'm a creep now

>> No.15033160

Mishima is a good writer but he was a nutso and you are a creep.

>> No.15033169

Why's a Mishima fan talking to girls?
Should've stuck with Borges if you wanted to impress her, bitches love Borges.

>> No.15033194

Seppukku is not “killing yourself” for narcissistic reason like people do in the west. It’s more of a self sacrifice

>> No.15033212

mention Nabokov if you really want to impress girls. if she's creeped out by Lolita then she'a a prude and you've dodged a bullet.

>> No.15033225

Mishima was nothing if not narcissistic.

>> No.15033237

>bitches love Borges.

no they don't. they think he's weird and you're weird for liking him. source: my own personal experience.

>> No.15033280

Really? Opposite of my experience. What women are you talking to? I'm in the UK and nerdy midtwenties wallflowers are unanimous in liking him.
Nabokov is a coin flip as you said.

Other authors to impress girls are Camus, Murakami, Wilde, Hugo, Shakespeare and Homer. Women have pretty based taste when they're not obsessing over self help and children's books.

>> No.15033314

now it's your turn, OP

>> No.15033675

My standard /lit/ conversation starter is to ask them whether Tolstoy or Dostoevsky understood women better and then proceed to get into a discussion about Anna Karenina. I miss Slavic girls so much.

>> No.15033692

This was a pretty easy situation to turn around, you could have said "well he died for his passion, his bravery went to such lengths that it's importance to him was greater than his own life" and such, talking in a simple way.

>> No.15033722


I'm in the US and nerdy midtwenties wallflowers think he's weird if they've even heard of him in the first place.

>Other authors to impress girls are Camus, Murakami, Wilde, Hugo, Shakespeare and Homer

Also not true and will disgust them, in my experience.

>> No.15033725

>Also not true and will disgust them, in my experience.
Isn't Murakami basically an author for women?

>> No.15033729


No. Women think he's sexist and will think you are sexist if you like him.

>> No.15033759


As for those other authors, according to women:
>camus is doomer shit for edgelords
>hugo writes long boring garbage who's only good for sourcing their favorite musical
>shakespeare is unintelligible and they shouldn't teach it in school
>homer is ancient greeks and greeks bad because slavery and sexism

they are kind of hot for wilde, but only as a pop culture icon. they don't actually read his books or know anything about his ideas. This is all direct from my personal experience.

>> No.15033773

Man, not saying you're lying but you must be speaking to some completely different girls. What do these women you know like then?

>> No.15033797

>What do these women you know like then?

Mainly YA. The most "classic" book they'll ever talk about is the Handmaid's Tale, but even then they just say they like the tv show more. Maybe once in a while they'll like Jane Austen, but more often then not they think her "old english" is hard to read and just like her tv/film adaptations.

>> No.15033808

Women don't need to be smart. I couldn't care less if a woman knows who Mishima or Strindberg are. I want a woman now.

>> No.15033824

“Oh I like a bit of everything. What about you?”
Now the conversation is about her. Good job, you’ve done your part. Now it’s time to “listen.”

>> No.15033842

Okay now I suspect you're either just shitposting or just don't talk to any educated women.
Aaaaaand it's an incel thread now, time to leave.

>> No.15034097
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where do you think you are?

>> No.15034128

Lmao @ the retards thinking the author matters at all. It's all about whether they're attracted to you or not. If not, there won't be a single author that will impress her, and conversely, if she's attracted to you, you can say anything and she'll "just happen to" like it, too.

>> No.15034141
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Stop caring what females think

>> No.15034175

If you're handsome you can say whatever you want and talk down to people and they will still love you amd worship you.

>> No.15034181

That's what I mean. In the world of romance, it's (almost) never about what is said, but who says it and how.

>> No.15034185
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>talking to a girl

>> No.15034317

Then she's clearly not worth your time you fucking retard. If anything, you should present yourself at your least socially acceptable, otherwise you will just get hurt in the long run when you try to justify eugenics and authoritarianism to a sub-100 iq woman.

>> No.15035335


>> No.15035344

Mishima is and always will be a meme.

>> No.15035346
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This never happened and you’re an idiot shitposter

>> No.15035367

nah, you're just weird, king

>> No.15035397

Mishima's death was cringe.

>> No.15035490
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Gaijin will never understand the difference between suicide (which comes from despair) and seppuku. Read ‘Runaway Horses’ and ‘The Nobility of Failure’

>> No.15035505

kek you think he's actually speaking to girls?

>> No.15035529 [DELETED] 
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>just don't talk to any educated women
>it's an incel thread
shut the fuck up lol
some bitch called you a creep because you read mishima and you're calling us the incels?

>> No.15035600

I'm not OP but this has even happened to me (although the girl eventually became my girlfriend)

>> No.15035619
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>Aaaaaand it's an incel thread now, time to leave.

>> No.15035640

>offended incel

>> No.15035682
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>> No.15035695
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>trying to explaining the concept of honor to a holoid
You fucked up

>> No.15035727

1) having the shape of a hole
2) being whose essence and purpose is having holes
3) empty, vacuous thing

>> No.15035779
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>> No.15035802

The Japanese have some good writers but they are all mental. Mishima, Dazai, murakami. All crazy one way or another

>> No.15035807

She will think you're much more of a creep when she encounters the weird voyeurism in his novels

>> No.15035849
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>Instantly connecting with spiritual mommies
>understanding and heart to heart connection above conceptual mind
>no ego drama just abundance of love
cya later virgins


>> No.15035869

can you post the link to this video

>> No.15036007


>> No.15036577

>shakespeare is unintelligible
do normalfags really...

>> No.15036598
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iktf. all i want is a bf to commit a lover's suicide with at age 39. but when i tell that to men they go nooooo you can't be depressed you need to take these pills noooooo you can't just kill yourself, what about the next marvel movie?!?!

luckily unlike mishima, dazai got an anime. now i can jump off a cliff hugging a daki.

>> No.15036748

The last thing Mishima would have wanted was an anime, a soulless consoomer medium of escapism. It’s basically ‘last man’ fodder.

>> No.15036781

>Murakami, Shakespeare, Homer

At this point they are practically admitting that they don't have a taste of their own and just read "popular", "well known" stuff in order to impress people with how "cultured" they are. It's the eqivalent of saying that you like Mozart and talk about how you like classical music so much and were born in "le wrong generation lmao", seriously fuck women.

>> No.15036793

I wanted him to stay alive to write more so bad bros.

>> No.15036846

Sea of Fertility was a capstone for a reason

>> No.15036864

fags should kill themselves anyway, you do good

>> No.15037081

One of these names do not go with the others.

>> No.15037085

You fucked up by not asking her what she liked then basing your answers off that.

>> No.15037306

off handed question, but how is the biopic Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters?

>> No.15037330 [DELETED] 

if i was a fag i'd like mishima

>> No.15037338

It’s pretty good

>> No.15037339

Based Red Scare listener

>> No.15037349

Mishima was a masterful writer and a nutjob, death is not beautiful OP, that is creepy.

>> No.15037353

Big disagree. Japs still do it because of “”””””narcissism””””” . Just not necessarily to get the attention of other people. They do it because their ego believes it to be a beautiful and noble act

Also I don’t like reducing these things as psychological mechanisms. Seppuku is a cultural/religious phenomenon. In the west we treat suicide as cowardly, in Japanese culture it is heroic .

>> No.15037357

>death is not beautiful
A heroic death in service of one’s ideals IS beautiful, much more beautiful than a death in a hospital bed as a withered decrepit bag of bones. Life extension fags are insane

>> No.15037385

>Life extension fags are insane
longer you live the longer you have to make and plan your beautiful death? surely something like that can't be rushed? if you wanted to you could die for your ideals getting stabbed to death by a crackhead or you can do so in carefully planned out and much more public fashion one is much more beautiful than the other right?

>> No.15037390

she probably wasn't very worth it. my girlfriend would listen to me talk about Mishima for days

>> No.15037431

Well it wasn't rushed was it? He had reached his peak and killed himself before he saw himself becoming useless.

>> No.15037439

but life extension slows down the rate at which you become useless and increases the time to plan your death so why would someone in favor of a beautiful death not also be in favor of life extension?

>> No.15037443


he was gay

>> No.15037452

There was nothing else to do. If you view your life as art then there is nothing more ugly than just living. He knew he wouldn't achieve much more. It's better to choose how you die then let death take you when you're weak and ineffectual.

>> No.15037453

but life extension generally speaking would enable people to have more time to plan and end up with a more beautiful death

>> No.15037458

>my girlfriend (male)

>> No.15037476

He didn't need more time. A couple of decades is more than sufficient to plan your suicide. Any more would just be shameful. Why would you cling to something that is by nature finite? Whether long or short, as long as it was spent in constant action, it is a good life.

>> No.15037496

stop getting hung up on him specifically, if people live longer lives and more functional time the ones who will try to achieve a beautiful death will have more time to plan it leading to a greater amount of beautiful deaths, if you believe in or want beautiful deaths you should be in favor of life extension

>> No.15037513

Imagine wanting to extend life in the most boring and monotonous period in human history

>> No.15037562

There's only so much to plan for. If you led a life without procrastination, there is more than ample time to achieve anything you want within the span of a few decades. More time just means more procrastination. If you were to put the control of your life and death into your own hands, the rational conclusion wouldn't be to cling to it desperately for as long as your body is still physically able. We only function within deadlines. If a deadline for a task was longer we would stretch that task out to meet it. More time almost never means more productivity.

>> No.15037583
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>creep value judgment
This is how they shame you and make you conform to their values, you weak oversocialized fool. Double down on your values.. Defend them no matter the cost. Did you not learn anything from reading the Mish?

>> No.15037591

Mishima lived almost his entire life wanting to die.

>> No.15037599
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>openly displaying your power level like that

>> No.15037606

The average woman is incredibly easy to influence. If you're tall, attractive, and/or charismatic, it doesn't matter what you tell them at all, only how. In college when I drank every weekend I turned it into a party trick for my friends, I could get a girl to listen to me ramble about literally anything. I once got a girl back to my apartment by telling her how much I loved Star Wars Battlefront II and demanding that she let me teach her to play.

>> No.15037624

>pilpuling this hard

>> No.15037687

I've met 4 people in my life who have ever read Camus and they're all middle-aged men.

>> No.15037764

Don't read a book called hagakure.

>> No.15038474

Its best biopic desu, philip glass score is amazing

>> No.15038536

the trick is taling about Mishima only if she is weeb

>> No.15038572

Why won't women discuss The Book of Five Rings, is not bathing and cave dwelling really that off-putting?