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/lit/ - Literature

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15034438 No.15034438 [Reply] [Original]

I'll see ya'll in a few months. Maybe it'll be better then.

>> No.15034461

I did that when the autistic catface guy wouldn't stop replying to butterfly. It's good to not visit here often.

>> No.15034468

it's "y'all" you irredeemable creting

>> No.15034489

rude :(

>> No.15034519

I’m afraid quality goes in only one direction here on 4channel. Smell ya later.

>> No.15034530

He's right, stop typing it like a yankee woman tweeting about Trump.

>> No.15034532

The quarantine has made this board what I call an eternal weekend. I always noticed the quality of discussion would decline on weekends.

>> No.15034554

Not necessarily. Y'all is you all. But ya'll is ya (slang for you) all, as in 'see ya all later'.

>> No.15034586

>see ya all later
That's so overwhelming stupid. Fuck off carpet bagger and go suck Lincoln's dick.

>> No.15034595

Why is it stupid?

>> No.15034655

Y'all is you all. It is not a proper singular it is a second-person plural (you guys, you and your friends, etc). Ya is a mispelling of you, and paired with will it becomes ya'll, or you'll.

>> No.15034668

>linguistic prescriptivism
Some people say ya. See ya later. It's a dialectical thing. It's not a 'misspelling'.

>> No.15034705

It's probably because of me. I rediscovered reading, drinking and shitposting

>> No.15034706

Sorry, I guess I should've used the term 'non-standard usage'. But you're still an idiot because you all is not singular. You would not say "see y'all later" to your friend, but to a friend and others. That's like if I said "see you guys later" to you and you alone. It's nonsensical.

>> No.15034738

Yeah I know. Did I say anything which contradicted that? 'See ya all later' is meant to be addressed to a group of people not a single person. As for ya'll meaning 'ya will', maybe you're right but it still depends on the context.

>> No.15034757

The board is 40% low-effort five-word OP bait that has nothing to do with literature, 20% retarded /pol/posting that has nothing to do with literature, 15% autistic Guenonposting, 10% cluster-B-validate-my-stack/shelf/life/persona, 10% posts about book recommendations by people who didn't read the sticky, and 5% philosophyposting, of which 0.5% is actually good.

Literature has not been discussed here since '15.

>> No.15034762
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, Contractions-Grammar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya all would still be contracted as y'all. I have never in my life seen another southerner spell it ya'll, only faggots on twitter. I'm not just contextually right, the 'll contraction is for will. It's the official usage so any deviation from that is more incorrect than the all ready incorrect contraction of you and all.

>> No.15034772

It's a trivial disagreement. You're probably right. I'll think about sucking your cock in my dreams tonight mate.

>> No.15034774

>see all y'all yall'al'ater

>> No.15035266

Good thread, thanks for the announcement. You'll be missed anon. You're right that this board sucks, but it has always sucked, and you have always been a mouthbreathing cocksucker. Fuck you.

>> No.15035381

Take care, stay safe. Also, it won't be better then. Happy reading

>> No.15035748
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>maybe it'll be better
HAHAHAHA things only ever get worse here.

>> No.15035894

The other guy was right the entire time you know

>> No.15036860

Source on the picture? I came looking at it.

>> No.15037243

For true chads it's yall. Contractive apostraphes are indulgent, I dont do them, unless omitting them would create a homonym, which I won't do.

>> No.15037258

Good riddance. Don't come back.