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/lit/ - Literature

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15032991 No.15032991[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>be invited by a well-intentioned friend to some intimate lit scene ZOOM poetry reading for COVID
>event is tiny/no one is being paid or making any money for this

>host posts an Aretha song the night of the event
>host gets furiously dog-piled by a bunch of her fucking irl friends for posting an Aretha song because it's racist who knows
>cuck host is forced to apologize prostrate to everyone for not being woke

some of the most retarded shit I've seen all year.
subsequent screenshots are in the thread.

>> No.15032992
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>> No.15032998
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this is the death rattle of an empire

>> No.15033003
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>> No.15033013
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>> No.15033015

You have to love how the host bends over backwards to supplicate all of the people who will never be satisfied or grateful despite the fact that she took the initiative to put the event together in the first place.

>> No.15033019
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>> No.15033024

dude -- the people who are complaining are the host's actual irl friends. no joke. imagine how exhausting her life must be.

>> No.15033025

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.15033032

>Not open to talking but my DMs are open in case you want to etransfer me MONEY
women like this need to be dragged into the street and butchered

>> No.15033041

Hahahaha yeah I know people like this too.
Just let them be retarded. If you stick your head up they'll come down on you harder, it's groupthink and cowardice. They'll never write anything worth reading, missing fundamental pieces like a willingness to reject dominant morals. Simply using the phrase "BIPOC" unironically is a willing capitulation to the herd of scared pack animals, huddled together, covered in their own shit and the shit of their compatriots, braying and mooing at imagined wolves.
It is frustrating. They hold power in most institutions related to the arts, creativity, and humanities. Even medicine and science are starting to show signs of the taint.
There's a standing mission for those of us right thinking enough to laugh at these cucks, we're called on by the situation to establish our own version of the structures they've commandeered. Left or right, any good criticism of these faggots must be amplified obviously, but more pressing is the need to pass them in the right lane.
A leaner and far more harsh type of alternative so we can sail ahead of them. I wish I had a coffee shop or something we could meet at, so far /lit/ has yielded nothing of substance so I do not think anonymous image boards are an adequate replacement.

>> No.15033042

reads like great lit to me

>> No.15033053

>literally who nigger music

Felate a shotgun

>> No.15033054

This word "friend" must have a much looser definition in woke circles. Friends don't sell each other out for woke cred on the internet.

>> No.15033061

Is there an S&M dynamic to this kind of stuff? I think everyone in this exchange is getting off to it on some level.

>> No.15033063

>Aretha Franklin
>Literally who

>> No.15033065

what the fuck is BIPOC
sorry i'm not woke enough to know

>> No.15033073

>black and indigenous person of colour

Asians aren't considered POC enough anymore lol it's totally not just race science

>> No.15033077

black and indigenous people of color
A special class among the cherished totem groups, considered the most oppressed of the oppressed and therefore holy

>> No.15033081

Damn that’s fucking crazy. I don’t think I could prostrate myself like that over something so small. What happens to the people who refuse to apologize and instead tells those people they are overreacting? I imagine they get excluded pretty quickly.

>> No.15033082

I considered posting her name unblocked because desu she deserves to be doxed. what a complete pos.

>> No.15033083

Everyone needs to stop talking to Paige.
Paige needs to really think about her life.

>> No.15033090

A hero emerges

>> No.15033092

It's against board rules. I agree with you but I'm glad you didn't.

>> No.15033097

Why not Asians? IQ too high?

>> No.15033102

How do you know these people? Are you in an MFA program or involved in Slam Poetry stuff?

>> No.15033104
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Paige is like the whitest BIPOC I've ever seen

>> No.15033117

This is fucked

>> No.15033122

Ultimately Paige's worst sin is that she's a shit friend. The tools of tearing others down are laying around for anyone to use, but very few actually direct them towards those who trust them. Really nasty social climbing. I wonder if sacrificing her soul was worth it? Did she make enough venmo bux?

>> No.15033137

Here’s the thing though: if we just all told every academic and colleged-aged FB woke asshole that they were nigger loving faggots eventually we would subvert the the system. Literally tell them they’re retarded. Don’t even debate (see: Schopenhauer and Trump). Really it’s the bugmen generation before us who were bitchwhipped into all this in their undergrad days and are financially cozy enough to not develop an actual politics after the fact.

>> No.15033147
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remember, the only thing that matters is strength

>> No.15033155

Obviously. It is just pity for the weak. That is, those with dead cultures (indigenous), the retarded (african americans), the weaker sex (women), the weaker religions (islam), the weaker species ("nature"), those at the bottom of the system (the poor), etc. They would never support the dominant culture (american), the intelligent (asians), the stronger sex (men), the stronger religion (science), the stronger species (humanity), those at the top of the system (Jews), etc.

>> No.15033184

1. this isn't lit
2. this is against other rules

janitor inbound

>> No.15033196

I see no reason to engage with them or even let them know we exist. We don't need to.
And, I don't think you can honestly generate meaningful work if your primary stance is a rejection of someone else's.
The rejection needs to be implicit, we move forward without them. The radical, opportunistic creatives who layed the groundwork for kids like Paige have died or retired, the inheritors of their shitty road system are soft and apathetic. We can take it for granted that wokeness is more or less dead where it stands. Unfortunately, before the spoiled sons of these people inherited the fortunes, they managed to install themselves in glacial bureaucracies where they are sure to fossilize.
So island hopping and killing them in their foxholes, is not a high yield activity. See the chan board ethos for the past decade, producing stale memes and unfunny copypastas, recycling the same videos and characters, keeping soijacks around well past the point where they stopped being funny or fresh.

We act as though we believe in positive values they've seriously neglected and those values are enough to start, if we can only figure out a direction.

>> No.15033208

They should have been stopped when they were frantically scouring various works of literature with the intention of finding veiled references to purportedly verboten homosexual/queer tendencies. They weren't. This is the result of that past dereliction of duty.

>> No.15033216

What did you expect? When the women enter the arts, it's no longer about art, but posturing. That's why you go from harsh forms to free verse and "slam poetry" in 300 years.

>> No.15033223

>Not open to talking but my DMs are open in case you want to etransfer me MONEY
haha woke perpetual grievance-mongering totally isn't a racket

>> No.15033236

Oh shut up. You're just as bad as the people OP posted about.

>> No.15033238

They know they’re faggots and they’ve got a complex about it. Calling them names would only make their toes curl in ecstasy, best to leave them in the past with Evangelicals etc.
This dude’s sharp, listen to him.

>> No.15033256

Oh, I'm sorry. Women and men are obviously perfectly equal. How could I have though any different!

The problem isn't with the women though. It's with the cowardly men that gave them a stance. That's how you go from arranged marriage to what we have today (that is, evolutionary destruction).

>> No.15033265

Shut up with your false equivalency, women and pantywaist men are responsible for 95% of this kind of nonsense and you know it.

>> No.15033286

>post lecture link on /b/
>record it
>face no consequences

>> No.15033290

How could honestly believe this when some of the best substantive criticisms of woke liberal ideology have come from charismatic women?

Fuck even old school feminists managed to predict and smack the shit out of these kids, you ever read Simone de Beauvoir? She's all about getting rid of weakness, not coddling it.

>> No.15033296

America is so fucked up
What a joke of a country

>> No.15033300

montreal is in canada, dummy

>> No.15033310

Anna is pretty based

>> No.15033312

Eat shit you zoomer fuck. Aretha is based

>> No.15033316

This is true, humanity is a cesspit that needs to be exterminated. Looks like God is finally starting to get around to it, wish he was more efficient tbqh.

>> No.15033324

you need to spend less time online if you think Khachiyan offers a substantive critique of identity politics neoliberalism and stop listening to red scare you faggot

>> No.15033331

I was laughing at first, but jeez, this is really pathetic.

>> No.15033340

must have been hard to type this brainlet post with your thumb up your ass

>> No.15033354

The face of an ape, the nose of a jew. I've never seen anyone lose this hard before.

>> No.15033359

lol ok braindead faggot who doesn't actually read, zoomers who worship brooklynite art hoe poseurs shouldn't be allowed to talk about theory

>> No.15033368 [DELETED] 

>B-but here are a handful of exceptions signaling their ability to signal their ability to produce spicy takes on their Brooklyn podcasts!
We’re talking about the aggregate here, nimrod.

>> No.15033378

stop samefagging, this thread is over. get your dander down. go talk about guernon.

>> No.15033381

Stop arguing with straw men when you start losing an argument, schizo.

>> No.15033385
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>> No.15033397

There's literally the immediate jump to saying BIPOC aren't included. What part of this discourages anyone from joining? Why is everyone assuming that BIPOC are being discouraged?
Okay sounds good. You're retarded
You're retarded

>> No.15033417

Because BIPOC are infinitely wretched in the woke worldview. Basically the demographic equivalent of Hans Moleman. Always assume they are being attacked or suffering misfortune at all times.
Better check in on your nearest black, he might be choking.

>> No.15033456

I initially enjoyed being treated specially for wokes. Then I realized how dumb it got and how BIZARRE it got when they had to face Native American societal flaws WITHOUT blaming whites for them.

>> No.15033464

I've known many people like this over the years. I no longer speak to any of them, including immediate family. It's made my life much happier.

>> No.15033479

I really hurt the term BIPOC. POC was invented to include all non-white people, and then they went an invented a special new term just to make sure people didn't forget that black and indigineous people are still better than the rest of them.

>> No.15033497

Hate the term*

>> No.15033515

I only discovered it right now
Gosh, is so damn pathetic and I AM NATIVE AMERICAN.
What the fuck is that? I just want to have a good time.

>> No.15033638

>how BIZARRE it got when they had to face Native American societal flaws WITHOUT blaming whites for them.
Care to explain more. Genuinely curious

>> No.15033646

how can anyone unironically be this brainwashed?

>> No.15033666

Dunno, but the consolation is that my backup career as a cult leader looks pretty viable.

>> No.15033671

Doesn't this white settler narrative imply that every country should operate under blood and soil nationalism

>> No.15033682

Woke people usually does interrups my talks about the flaws of native american movements unless those flaws are easily identifiable as racism such as supremacist movements like ethnocacerism.
However, mention someone like Evo Morales in a negative light and you get them seething at how you are a genocidal imperialism.
Best part was when I got called a Fascist that wanted to enslave natives because I said that native american criminals deserve the same punishment as others.

>> No.15033683

>wants to be a cult leader
>gets devil trips
I think this career choice looks very promising

>> No.15033698

Definitely but with the added caveat that White Europeans have a collective guilt that means that they are forced to pay for it by renouncing their Soil.
Of course, they technically support Internationalism in Third World countries as well but they STILL let it be framed as nationalist "Fuck the West".
Is basically White Guilt. Seriously. And I hate Alt Righters but there's no better word for such feeling

>> No.15033700

Does anyone have that video of the aussie trans pianist playing on some show with the abbo singers? I can't find it when I search now

>> No.15033718

>Even medicine and science are starting to show signs of the taint.
there have been at least a couple of conferences that had to be scrapped because they advertised all male or all white speaker lineups
like it's their fault no wogs applied to speak

>> No.15033733


>> No.15033735

The appropriation of the term "emotional labor" catching on has been a disaster for society.

>> No.15033736


>> No.15033750

It’s creepy how everything’s getting enframed in terms of capitalist exchange and the lefties are so gung-ho for it.

>> No.15033755

antony hegarty formerly of antony and the johnsons. unfortunately he's british not an aussie. the video is on youtube. just search for aborigine transgender song or summat

>> No.15033756

looks like a struggle session from Mao's days

>> No.15033761

your "theory" led us here

>> No.15033846

The sad thing is that the term used to have a good meaning. It was used to describe the unrecognized emotional work people like kindergarten teachers have to do that leads to burnout. Now people use it to argue that we should pay our girlfriends for listening to our problems.

>> No.15033858

these people love mao because he uhh dabbed on landlords or something

>> No.15033870

These people love Mao because they see him as a POC crusader who ended colonization. These people actually support landpeople because they see it as a viable way of living for disabled folx.

>> No.15033880

why are normies retards? please someone answer this question in the most general and philosophically rigorous way. i want to understand why they're like this. are they conscious?

interacting with normies almost makes me disassociate, because i have to disable my "what is this person thinking/intending?" sensor when dealing with them and run on the uncomfortable assumption that despite being human beings they are fundamentally irrational black boxes with erratic and self-cancelling outputs. the only constants are mutually conflicting. like they seem to worship 'fitting in' and maintaining social cohesion but then theyre also irresponsible hedonists who break down the spirit of every institution they inherit. are we in hell?

>> No.15033889

I don't really understand what went wrong? Was her crime posting a black woman's song to advertise an event that wasn't specifically looking for black voices?

>> No.15033904

Yes. They really believe that

>> No.15033922

>because it's racist who knows
>leaves out crucial detail of the story
This isn’t /lit/ related

>> No.15033923

What's the proper way to handle wokescolds when hosting some artist event?

>> No.15033936

Another fine worthless post from Butterfly! You are the least appreciated piece of outsider/performance art in history

>> No.15033944

In a less than worthless thread you type this.

>> No.15033946

no consumerism and technological "advancement" got us here, to think that anybody with any institutional power even reads or cares about theory is a rightwing fantasy, and I'm not leftwing either. Blaming Social Justice Theory and Critical Racial Theory on the Frankfurt School and others is disingenuous because the people regurgitating those ideologies don't actually read. The medium is the message and the death of print has brought this about, it doesn't matter what is discussed online anymore whether it's cringey social justice or neoreaction or whatever meme is popular because it's all posturing.

>> No.15033950

there must be some way to subvert their talk about 'spaces' and shit

>> No.15033961

Jannies have fucked with this thread and now butters appears Dont forget asians are the new enemy relative to the JQ

>> No.15033969

What will history ultimately call you? "The most consistently uninteresting woman"? That doesn't capture your ability to miss the point and say something solipsistic and obliquely related to every thread you post in though, doesnt quite capture your narcissism and ability to subvert every topic you're discussing so that the only actual content of your post is "Butterfly posted again". That's what is so beautiful about your white noise, the only content of it is that it's "there".

>> No.15033972

I feel like the hardships that the coming economic depression will bring will make it so all this shit kind of goes away, but it's death throes will be very loud.

>> No.15033993

Bare-bottom spankings. If you bring up the concerns of the Negro, you’re getting a hard slap on the ass.

>> No.15034012

>I was reluctant to participate and ultimately chose not to because it appeared to be a line-up of white ... poets
So not only "I'm not a racist, but..." comment, also someone who could have attended and made a diverse line up, but chose not to and then whined about it.

>> No.15034047
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>the weaker religions (islam)
>the stronger religion (science)

>> No.15034105

shut the fuck up dried up tranny

>> No.15034110

asians are more successful than whites per capita which throws out the theory of a white supremacist power structure to only benefit whites

>> No.15034169

unironically this. all these woke white women are dying for some sort of authority despite what they say. it sounds like some sorta meme but it's true

>> No.15034201

>pay me
memes honestly do dictate reality

>> No.15034239

POC still sounds racist as fuck to me.

>> No.15034240

illusion of asymmetric insight
to them, you are the normie, and they are thinking exactly the same about you
they're probably right

>> No.15034241

Exactly. I'm a Mexican and I hate this pretentious/condescending autism about classifying groups and terms and if it's not classified right then they sperg out.

>> No.15034251

It's to hide their class privilege. Everyone who obsesses over these terms is middle class ime.

>> No.15034258

Yeah, I've yet to meet a person in poverty who cares for this outside of vague populist sentiment.

>> No.15034263

Bingo. They want to reap the benefits of their privilege and claim to be one of the good guys. This somehow absolves them of having to make any real sacrifices

>> No.15034281

BIPOC manages to be even worse

>> No.15034283

Because it’s just “colored person.”

>> No.15034296

>Pay me for nothing
Is this normal?

>> No.15034302

rather it's to erase class entirely
They're in denial of their working class position (unless they legitimately come from money by which I mean a family which benefits from capital or "holds the means of production" of which there are very few)
They don't realize how precarious their position of relative comfort actually is, or they do subconsciously and are in denial, or they have been convinced by the media that their precarious position is actually ideal.
Regardless of why, they believe the hierarchy must be mostly "just" because how did they get to their position of relative comfort if the hierarchy was NOT just, that would mean daddy's three car garage was somewhat unearned, it would mean their ability to spend their days spreading bullshit instead of say working in a factory or holding down a home is a sign of something unsustainable.
How do you account for the relatively uncomfortable position of minorities (they've been exposed to) if the hierarchy is just? The hierarchy must be just except for racism. Therefore, they need to preserve the status quo, but spot-fix racism.

They buy into the propaganda, they really believe they don't want to have a single earning household with a married husband and several kids, own a house, or have job security. That's an oppressive lifestyle, somehow.

Hopefully covid shows these fucks just how working class they are and they can finally learn some solidarity. Begin to abandon their minoritarian and third worldist obsessions in favor of a muscular traditional majoritarian workers movement.

>> No.15034307

>I didn’t go, I didn’t read it, I didn’t listen, I didn’t see it
>but here’s my opinion on it

>> No.15034314

>they believe the hierarchy must be mostly "just" because how did they get to their position of relative comfort if the hierarchy was NOT just

this is almost exactly the thesis of David Lebedoff's book The New Elite, that book scared the living shit out of me

>> No.15034319

And here we see that, of course, the apology is never enough

>> No.15034332

Why did it scare you?
These soft dipshits represent a huge opportunity for us.

>> No.15034338
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>Not open to talking but my DMs are open in case you want to etransfer me MONEY

>> No.15034349


>> No.15034351

>this is almost exactly the thesis of David Lebedoff's book The New Elite
Care to explain more on what it is about? Been reading Crossing the Rubicon and am looking for more books about how fucked we are

>> No.15034365

>to them, you are the normie, and they are thinking exactly the same about you
bullshit, the person you're replying to is probably a reclusive autist. no wal mart spirit dancer is even beginning to think that deeply into that and you know it, so why are you trying to imply otherwise?

>> No.15034379

I can't imagine being this haunted

>> No.15034385

Because they weren’t |specifically| invited, they were just invited like everyone else. That and the platform was not going to revolve around them and their grievances.

>> No.15034419

I honestly didn't even knew this kind of people actually exist, and I'm a leftist. I thought it was some tumbler shit or something.

>> No.15034420

Holy shit holy shit I’m actually laughing. This is like some deep DEEP satire there’s no way. I can’t even.

>> No.15034430

actually sweatie it's better because we put the people before the color
also, it's not my job to educate you. you should vemno me $5 and vemno a trans POC (preferably BIPOC) to show solidarity with folx who are suffering under white male colonizers.

>> No.15034435

this gets me every single time. a tranny pianist and aboriginal retards who end up being the most based as they laugh at how stupid the wh*toids are around them.

>> No.15034454

australian taxpayer money payed for that by the way

>> No.15034479

From what I’ve seen there’s no awakening of their actual place in the hierarchy instead it’s blaming capitalism and landlords. But my anecdotal experience doesn’t mean much

>> No.15034493

that the abbos start laughing at the situation shows a humanity that possibly no one else in that entire room has. thoughts? it has bothered me for years, that slight chuckle that they both get as they start their coughing routine. At first, i thought they were clearing their throats, but no, i think it's clearly a laugh. What are they laughing at, /lit/?

>> No.15034506

It's a funny situation. What's not to laugh at?

>> No.15034512

Laughing at all the blank faced NPCs surrounding them. It’s like that “inner monologue” meme. How many people do you pass on the street that are no different from animals?

>> No.15034526

>It's a funny situation
it is to people not completely indoctrinated into whatever ideology is making the transexual piano player lose himself in the gutteral throat clearing. there has to be a few dozen, maybe up to a hundred people in the room, seemingly lost in the moment. How many chortles and snickers were going through the audience at that moment? how many many were repressing their laughs right next to their wives? i can't say. But the only authentic people in that audience as far as I can see are the abbos. Am i fetishizing these gas sniffers?

>> No.15034540

It’s almost like we went from theocratic rule of self appointed holy men to scienceism rule of self appointed intelligencia

>> No.15034543

Trumps a fucking idiot, but people like this are even dumber and drive voters into his camp.

The left needs to stop tolerating these divisive parasites.

>> No.15034545
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This is actually the solution. The modern west's near-complete renunciation of physicality has allowed culture to be subverted by tactics of emotional manipulation. Only because authoritative and self-confident mentalities are considered void ab initio when confronting arguments predicated upon the guilt of the listener has this issue become significant. The need to give absolutely everyone equal attention and their concerns equal weight has permitted the disruption and filibustering of interactive platforms that do not ideologically conform.

>> No.15034548

Nah abbos and natives in general have faced real life and tend to be pretty based. Indians say they prefer being called indians because it's "a reminder of how stupid the white man was"
They like trucks and guns and make decent black metal
I wouldn't confuse the actual people for their self appointed advocates.

>> No.15034618

>literally who
What third world country are you from

>> No.15034630

You don’t have to apologize for using the term White Guilt.

I just call myself a brown. I refuse to use a woke label like PoC to describe myself. Just saying “I’m a brown” makes them so mad.

>> No.15034645

Hey Q

>> No.15034671

>this is the death rattle of an empire
No, it's a handful of people in a small social scene jockeying for dominance

>> No.15034677

Are you familiar with “The Emperor Wears no Clothes”?

The abos were like the child with the innocence to point and laugh at the ridiculous situation that the NPC crowd built up as something of grave seriousness, like the followers of the foolish emperor.

>> No.15034680

Lots of woke types self-describe as brown

>> No.15034704

So are they upset that there wasn't enough diversity or are they upset there was diversity?

>> No.15034721

Well fuck, I don’t talk to them much.

>> No.15034731


>> No.15034743
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>Basically the demographic equivalent of Hans Moleman