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/lit/ - Literature

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15032987 No.15032987 [Reply] [Original]

What made start reading, /lit/?

>> No.15032997
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A desire to be more impressive -to myself and to others.

>> No.15033008
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>made start

>> No.15033010

Unironically Peterson. He kept citing so much shit that I had a fledgling interest in but didn't really know existed. Basically I needed a waystone to even get started and he was a public enough person to establish that waystone for a complete outsider. I've since broadened my aspect dramatically and found some of my most pleasant experience now in the world of literature that was previously obscured from my immediate awareness.

>> No.15033011

My parents made me read growing up and it just developed into a legit hobby

>> No.15033014
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>> No.15033087

so you started reading about 3ish years ago, how old are you?

>> No.15033120

Fuck off pajeet

>> No.15033125

4chan is website for young people, if you're still here beyond the age of like 30 or 25 then that's rpetty sad

>> No.15033146

I'm 25 but I don't regularly lurk. Found /b/ in 2007 which corrupted my tiny mind. I forget about this site but always end up returning, have bounced between different boards along the way. Always been a fan of /lit/ for chatting shit and then /gif/ when I'm horny.

>> No.15033165

This would only be true if there were a better place online to discuss things freely, and there isn't and likely never will be. I started coming here in 2006 and I'm 30 now.

>> No.15033172

You make yourself horny by indulging lust, brainlet.

>> No.15033174


>> No.15033183

Probably, I'm only horny after I smoke weed.

>> No.15033199

I'm 32 and I hope I wasn't such an insufferable retard when I was a kid.

>> No.15033211
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>smoking weed
Immensely cringe

>> No.15033229

I probably cringed a lot harder at that unironic use of weeaboo shit

>> No.15033261
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I think you got the wrong website then retard.

>> No.15033278

Do you vape or something?

>> No.15033293
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Vaping's for faggots

>> No.15033302

you just posted... >>15033261... right, okay.

>> No.15033321
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That character normally smokes those opium pipes because she's from the Meiji era. You're just a projecting pothead

>> No.15033322

Hard disagree. I had the impression that a good amount of users here are older (50s, 60s). >>15033165 has it right.

>> No.15033339

Learning to read.
Did all of you faggots start out as incels who wanted to cope with the world by self-improvement?

>> No.15033349

Far from it. I'm a pothead in denial, I hide it from everyone but smoke myself into oblivion before bed every night. Not proud of it, but it's my vice, just like yours is probably jerking off to loli shit.

>> No.15033351 [DELETED] 
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Unironically this book. Also, when I was I child my mother used to read me Oscar Wilde stories at night before sleep, this might had an effect as well.

>> No.15033357

Parents who are not retarded.

>> No.15033376
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Unironically this book. Also, when I was a child my mother used to read me Oscar Wilde stories at night before sleep, this might had an effect as well.

>> No.15033396


>> No.15033399
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All that weed seems to have killed off quite a bit of grey matter because the obvious answer is that I smoke cigarettes as my vice. Also, this is an anime website you retarded newfag

>> No.15033411

I know you really really want to be cool, anon, but mommy would be upset if she knew you were going to get lung cancer soon.

>> No.15033432
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Sucks to suck. I can think just fine with good or bad lungs but you'll always be a dunce. Excuse me while I go jerk off to loli hentai

>> No.15033433

Social isolation and liking language

>> No.15033461

You drink?

>> No.15033744

Pursuit of knowledge and understanding

>> No.15033852

>4chan is website for young people
Says who? It just happens that the site is relatively new (2003) and hence the current audience is young. The site will maintain its current audience I'm sure, as they progress in age too. What about the nature of this site makes you think it's for the young, because of the online culture and such? If so that's not a uniquely young trait, it just happens that currently only that the "young" generation are those who were the first to have adopted "internet culture".

You think as people age that their use of technology decreases with each increasing year? Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if amongst our generation that some would still be shitposting on their deathbeds at 90+. The current "youth" audience of the site is purely correlation, not any causation

>> No.15033883

Think weed is an escapism and not a fan of it either, but holy anime fags are cringe. Understand that this site has its origin in online "anime culture", but something's founding principles really has little bearing on its current state (see any of the idealist foundings of states or parties in history).

lit is probably the least anime board on this site, irregardless all these faggots posting their "waifus" or whatever in these shitty gifs or stillpictures is immeasurably cringe anywhere no matter where you are.

>> No.15035003

Reading complex philosophical texts is as satisfying to me as cumming is, you know having sex with a woman and cumming. So can you imagine how much I am in heaven? I'm cumming on the train to work, I'm cumming in the book store, I'm cumming day and night.

>> No.15035086

Used to read when I was a kid. Always finished assigned books early. Read shitty pulp fantasy and science fiction, used the library in elementary and middle school all the time. High school made me stop as all my friends played video games all the time. It wasn't until after law school that I started reading again for fun and for knowledge. Most other mediums take too long to provide information and are too linear, and after reading so many judicial opinions and textbooks I realized reading things for fun was much faster and insightful than ever before.

>> No.15035467

To add on, 4chan is likely to have an older audience than most websites. Given that, no offence, this site is far more autistic than most, there will be a far higher prevalence of people who were technologically savvy when they were young (in their 20s) and will probably have retained a large part of that demographic.

>> No.15035499
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My parents started me out with big collections of Myths and Legends for kids, also my mom read to me every night.

I didn't start reading, it's been with me ever since I can remember.

>> No.15035647

Was tired of /v/ and kind of tired of video games so I went to /lit/, was memed into reading infinite jest (took like 5 months), and have been into reading since

>> No.15035698

Parents reading to me and taking me to the library to get books out from a very young age. I spent most of my time reading as a child.

>> No.15035704

Stav's body positivity shit has gotten out of control

>> No.15035737

When I was young my parents said I could stay up later but couldn’t stay up on tv or playing vidya, so I would read late into the night sometimes all night.

>> No.15035816

Well one day I was able to read so I began reading and then I didn't stop reading, probably even when I should've

>> No.15035820


>> No.15035868

Weed is used as an escape in the same way anything else is

>> No.15035900


Used to read sometimes, but it wasn't an huge interest, i preferred videogames


Found Lovecraft, and I loved it. It was amazing, something I've never seen before. I started to read a bit more frequently, pretty much only sci-fi. Videogames were still my favorite hobby

>Started engineering

I was pretty much always alone, so I used to read during pauses between classes or at home, when I didn't study. I started to play less videogames, and kept reading sci-fi. Reading becomes pretty much my main hobby. At a certain point, I was getting a bit bored of that genre, so I slowly turned to classics.

>Started literature

Now I read pretty much only classics and books from my country. In short, I started reading pretty much thanks to Lovecraft and the loneliness in my college city.

>> No.15035912

That's not Stav, he would never keep food that far away from himself

>> No.15035934

I wanted to LARP as a well-read aristocrat

>> No.15035954

At first? A thin, pale skinned slav chick with a fat ass.
Then? A thinner, pearl skinned latina with fat, juicy tits.

>> No.15036150

curiosity. reading is fun for tickling my brain

>> No.15036315

i've always wanted to be an adventurous person. live life to full expierence and see things, but i can't so I read. Also it makes you a more unique person with better personality and makes you more creative/imaginative

>> No.15036319

>Also it makes you a more unique person with better personality and makes you more creative/imaginative
imagine believing this

>> No.15036343

learning to read

>> No.15036369

God I miss having a cig on my morning walk.

>> No.15036401

>if you're still here beyond the age of like 30 or 25 then that's rpetty sad
Been here for 10 years. 39 years old. And you will do the same, because you´re here forever.

>> No.15036409
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Just do what you want, man. There are pros and cons but you focus on reducing regret. You can also just do it in moderation. Maybe only smoke one cig a week. That won't kill you and it'll give you another thing to look forward to.

>> No.15036500

Feeling inferior to other people on the internet

>> No.15036663

Were here forever, idiot. Don't act coy.

>> No.15036730
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>> No.15036997

I was good at academics in school and people started treating me as if I was some kind of genius who was supposed to know about everything. That of course was not true, I just happened to be good at math and memorization but as I wanted to be perceived as smart and knowledgeable I ended up reading a lot, starting by the classics.

>> No.15037285

If you’re here during the prime of your life, chances are you are never going to make anything of your life, so you’re like the rest of everyone nigger

>> No.15037699
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I am trying to figure out my own emotions as I have repressed my feelings for all my childhood so at the moment I am rediscovering myself through books

>> No.15037732

What did you say? I can't read.

>> No.15037739

What's with this website and despising marijuana?

>> No.15037976

A girl I liked read

>> No.15038853
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>if you're not a newfag that's pretty sad

>> No.15039364

Same reason as everyone else, it's a surrogate activity I can actually feel good about.

>> No.15039408

My parents reading to me from a very young age. I didn’t read a book voluntarily between the ages of 13 and 16 however.

>> No.15039973
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Weed is very anti lit and anti intellectual since it impairs you, worsens your cognitive functions, and is commonly used by tards and scumbags. It's a pretentious stance but correct one in my opinion. Cigs, however, are very lit.

>> No.15040016

Why are cigs lit?

>> No.15040025
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Why, how else are you supposed to smoke them if they're not lit?

>> No.15040028

t.guy who's gonna die of corona

not a good time to be a smoker, corona isn't going anywhere

>> No.15040044

Justa joke lad. No need to get touchy

>> No.15040091
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Perry Rhodan. A german sci fi series.
When I was 11 or something my mom forbid me to watch TV for 3 months because of some bullshit I did in school.
TV was like my only passion - I'm a very visual person.
So after a few boring days I picked up the first 8 editions of it which my dad used to read when he was a kid. It was the first time that pictures formed in my head while reading so it was a great substitute for television.
After that I didn't actively read a lot, besides school literature, until I moved out at 19 and got my first little life crisis which lead to me picking up books again - first and foremost Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha.

>> No.15040280

My dad read with my before Kindergarten and always told me "readers are leaders" so I kept doing it on my own. He also gave me a blank check to buy books as long as I read them.

>> No.15040355

His IQ is higher than yours, faggot.

>> No.15040461

You must be new here.

>> No.15040618

Look, I understand it's your first day off reddit and you're trying to fit in, but, please, you're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.15040633

My mum bought me Harry Potter

>> No.15040635


>> No.15040646
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same, anon.

>> No.15040660

> someone playfully insults someone because of a mistake or typo they made
> some fag jumps to his defence, ONLY NICE THINGS ARE ALLOWED TO BE SAID, DOWNVOTE DOWNVOTE and calls the person who insulted him a fag.
Your behavior is exactly like that of a redditor.

>> No.15040689
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>all those caps
>being this mad
You're right, I'm the redditor.

>> No.15040701

Being a lonely schizo

>> No.15040766

My mother read to me and encouraged me to read when I was very young, and it was probably the books of Roald Dahl in primary school that made me really love reading.

>> No.15040819

School forcing me to read books and do a presentation on them.

I fucking hated reading, but I picked up 1984 and Brave new world to do a presentation on dystopia, and oh man, I've loved reading ever since.

>> No.15040842

Because TV shows are fucking stupid and criminals vs police stories got old 20 years ago.

>> No.15040844

only right answer

>> No.15041172

Corona has been around for hundreds of years, with three notable croppings-up since the turn of this millennium. Stop drinking the koolaid

>> No.15041203

>you can't discuss literature if you're older than 30

>> No.15041544

I was NEET and needing something to fill up the time.

>> No.15041574

Once my non-reading brother started to read more than once per year.

>> No.15041599

You're a little brother? I swear you're like sponges; but you also pick up the bad behaviours as well.

>> No.15041624

Nah, my little bro is the non-reading one.

>> No.15043087

Felt dumb reading words here and there on the cartoons and not knowing what it meant, figured I'd better learn some of the sonofabitches. Til now, here we are

>> No.15043119

You could say the same for alcohol and there is no denying that drinking alcohol is lit

>> No.15043220
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mostly read pulp sci-fi and biographies of musicians in my teens. maybe one book a year on average. a dismal amount. hit 20 and felt like i was missing out on a lot so i picked up crime and punishment. ended up falling in love with it, now i make sure to read every day. i still wish that i would have discovered the western cannon in my teen years, but better late than never, right?

>> No.15043395

When I was a child, learning how to read and learning how to ride a bike were two of the greatest days of my life. Such a magical feeling when jumbled up letters words suddenly made sense.