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15030517 No.15030517 [Reply] [Original]

>Let’s start with my ideal world – the world of thousands, preferably even tens of thousands, of neocameralist city-states and ministates, or neostates. The organizations which own and operate these neostates are for-profit sovereign corporations, or sovcorps. For the moment, let’s assume a one-to-one mapping between sovcorp and neostate. […] Let’s pin down the neocameralist dramatis personae by identifying the people who work for a sovcorp as its agents, the people or organizations which collectively own it as its subscribers, and the people who live in its neostate as its residents.

>A Neocameral ‘neostate’ is not owned by its residents or its agents. Its ‘monarch’ (or ‘CEO’) is an executive appointment. (90% of all confusion about Neocameralism, and Neoreaction in general, stems from a failure to grasp this elementary point.) Note: ‘subscribers’ (plural). More coming on this immediately.

>Every patch of land on the planet has a primary owner, which is its sovcorp. Typically, these owners will be large, impersonal corporations. We call them sovcorps because they’re sovereign. You are sovereign if you have the power to render any plausible attack on your primary property, by any other sovereign power, unprofitable. In other words, you maintain general deterrence. […] (Sovereignty is a flat, peer-to-peer relationship by definition. The concept of hierarchical sovereignty is a contradiction in terms. …) […] The business of a sovcorp is to make money by deterring aggression. Since human aggression is a serious problem, preventing it should be a good business. Moreover, the existence of unprofitable governments in your vicinity is serious cause for concern, because unprofitable governments tend to have strange decision structures and do weird, dangerous things. […] (Nuclear deterrence (mutual assured destruction) is only one small class of deterrent designs. To deter is to render predictably unprofitable. Predictably unprofitable violence is irrational. Irrational violence is certainly not unheard of. But it is much, much rarer than you may think. Most of the violence in the world today is quite rational, IMHO.) […] General deterrence is a complex topic which deserves its own post. For the moment, assume that every square inch of the planet’s surface is formally owned by some sovcorp, that no one disagrees on the borders, and that deterrence between sovcorps is absolute.

Are they geniuses or pseuds?

>> No.15030621

>power rules all in the end(sovereignty is conserved)
>therefore affectations of justice to the contrary are memeplexes which evolved to mask power, and their dissemination in the popular mind is intertwined with power
>progressivism is one such complex evolved from Puritan Christianity
>capitalism works very well when order is present in a state, which requires a strong authority
>formalizing this authority to be synonymous with capitalist shareholders is feasible
This shit ranges from obviously explained by prior sources(he calls himself a third-rate Carlyle), to laughably retarded. It would take a long time to actually point out the problems in every bullet there.

Nick Land:
>capitalism is a cybernetic force of intelligence-optimization which has existed throughout all prehistory in evolution(he even memes about the fucking sun and entropy) which is now reaching an exponential curve in the industrial revolution(or earlier) and will result in AI that wipes out humanity(deservedly according to Land)
>in the meantime Republican states like the Dutch or English several hundred years ago are the best way to bring this about(and also the best way for sane human government? Land is not especially clear about the dissonance between his long term and short term predictions, maybe it's all predicated on what is best for intelligence optmization, not like the guy would ever actually outline his thought systematically(though his Fanged Noumena essays are often full of isolated brilliance))

both very smart and comparatively honest people, but their actual ideas are unfortunately just not really anything.

all the NRx guys patted themselves on the back for accepting le hard truths of reality(as if some 90 IQ neonazi doesn't do the same for basically the same emotional reasons they did; despite their affectations of sophistication they would be writing elaborate Communist theories were conditions just mildly different(Land actually did)) while doing really nothing but imitating the Progressive academy they hate so much. BlogJim I give credit to for being utterly original and he seems like he is actually trying to understand things, but he was ideas as unproven as anything he criticizes in peer review science, his shit isn't even vaguely reproducible. He's still the best though. Spandrell was ok until he started sucking Chink dick which is just boring, and he always had the Prog bug of making dumb theories he thought were really clever. Bioleninism is a thing in some way but it's not the thing.

In the end they're smart but still deluded, and more importantly, ineffectual. Some complete fucking retard like Richard Spencer or Nick Fuentes probably has more impact.

>> No.15030657
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>Let’s start with my ideal world – the world of thousands, preferably even tens of thousands, of neocameralist city-states and ministates, or neostates.
What an absolute simpleton. In my ideal world, everyone and everything would would be turned into hedonium. Suffering would not exist at all. People wouldn't even have human bodies, or experience anything even remotely like this reality. It would be a DMT-like experience that lasts forever where everyone perpetually experiences pure pleasure far more intense than heroin. Moldbug has no imagination if he actually considers that to be an even remotely ideal world.


>> No.15031101

they've had a huge impact. how could such smart thinkers be wrong? you're not making sense and probably didn't read.

>> No.15032497


>> No.15032532

what do you have against nick fuentes? he is intelligent and more conscious than most young men

>> No.15032536

Call me a degenerate, but that future seems pretty based. Imagine feeling the pleasure of 1000 shots of heroin for the rest of your life.

>> No.15032556

Fucking ancaps spammed on this board. Why?

>> No.15032619

You guys will get your fantasies one day (if you live to see them), since they are pretty much inevitable in the course of things (that is, when the powerful elites want to start washing out the dreck in their hypercivilization's democracy to replace it with a more authoritarian alternative and increase efficiency to speed up intermacrocosmic domination).

>> No.15032636

It’s literally just Feudalism with a post-modern motif. Moldbug is giant jewish faggot who yet again fails to offer anything new to contemporary dialectical discourse.

>> No.15032640

Moldbug is a brainlet

>> No.15032641

Youre a literal fucking retard

>> No.15032642
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>> No.15032645


>> No.15032648
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try refuting them.

>> No.15032655

he acts like a celebrity.

>> No.15032663

but i do think he has been reckless with his talent and he probably already rues some of the bridge-burning, door-slamming shut decisions he's made

>> No.15032668

I made a post outlining their beliefs and you replied with 'you haven't read them'. I've read almost everything both of them wrote. I guarantee you're the type of dipshit that believes stuff because it appeals to you aesthetically and you utterly lack the ability to evaluate anything.

You probably don't even understand that Land and Moldbug don't agree with each other apart from on basic issues like IQ and democracy.

>> No.15032677


>> No.15032691

hyper-basado. read Dark Enlightenment and Cryptocurrent. the Clear Pill is great too.

>> No.15032708

Moldbug is good. On the other hand, Nick Land turns everything he touches into tranny ideology, maybe simply because he has so many transgender fanboys which then flooded NRx.

>> No.15032765
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you didn't understand what they said. nothing in your post is relevant to their position.

>> No.15032860

Land hates trannies.

>> No.15032878

I did not claim otherwise. Regardless of what he thinks of trannies, it's simply a fact that trannies follow him wherever he goes.

>> No.15032914

you're actually stupid, you did very badly in the sciences in school didn't you?

>> No.15033156

Not degenerate, just without soul.

>> No.15033716

Philosophical jannies

>> No.15033740

That's because trannies are retarded freaks. It says nothing of Land's actual thought.

>> No.15033752

it's just one guy spamming these threads. he pretends to be multiple people because we bullied him.

>> No.15033763
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Sounds about right

>> No.15033777

Corporations are for limiting liability, not for being a form of government. He’s just using a facade of expertise to enforce authoritarian microcosms of power.

>> No.15033811

completely wrong. heat death implies decentralization and deterritory so we are the medium of the future corporate-monarchy. there is no other way. despotism can't win and monarchy only works with decentralized intelligence networks.

>> No.15033835

But at that point they really aren’t corporations then.

>> No.15034362


>> No.15034378

I've been in accelerationist circles, they're full of e-girls and trannies.

>> No.15034398

sure you have. how do you leave your apartment if you're spamming these threads every day?

>> No.15034417

lmao every fucking time. Prove it accfag

>> No.15034509

already proved it in that other thread.

>> No.15034552

I am a left wing Moldbuggian

>> No.15034665
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no I'm accfag, at least you called me acc fag in the last thread I was in. are you the Godhead/valorization/capital is everything anon?

>> No.15034695

This is like dystopian LARP. For all the talk about sovcorps and violence deterrent there’s no mention of when violence IS profitable, which is great for the shareholders but guess what serf? Here’s your rifle helmet. “Let’s assume everyone agrees on the borders” what a way to just hand wave away a major problem. The end result of all this would eventually be two giant sovcorps controlling everything

>> No.15034719

What is pleasure without pain?

>> No.15035413

So there are two accfags spamming this shit?

>> No.15036411
File: 1.59 MB, 1067x1600, anti-tech revolution drones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>But when all people have become useless, self-prop systems will find no advantage in taking care of anyone. The techies themselves insist that machines will soon surpass humans in intelligence. When that happens, people will be superfluous and natural selection will favor systems that eliminate them-if not abruptly, then in a series of stages so that the risk of rebellion will be minimized.

>Even though the technological world-system still needs large numbers of people for the present, there are now more superfluous humans than there have been in the past because technology has replaced people in many jobs and is making inroads even into occupations formerly thought to require human intelligence. Consequently, under the pressure of economic competition, the world's dominant self-prop systems are already allowing a certain degree of callousness to creep into their treatment of superfluous individuals. In the United States and Europe, pensions and other benefits for retired, disabled, unemployed, and other unproductive persons are being substantially reduced; at least in the U. S., poverty is increasing; and these facts may well indicate the general trend of the future, though there will doubtless be ups and downs.

>> No.15036421

>muh pain is necessary for pleasure to exist

>> No.15037214

Where did he say that?

>> No.15037271

pseuds. another libertarian paradise.

>> No.15037365

It remind me of "The Machine Stops" by Edward Morgan Forster

>> No.15037427

How do people like this always ignore the simple fact that there are, in fact, people who exist who derive pleasure from conflict. For them unprofitable violence is rational because violence in and of itself is the end, not the means. Not even in an explicit way, but there are definitely people who implicitly, without knowing it, desire violence.