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15031138 No.15031138[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What literature can be used to deradicalize the far right?

>> No.15031160

None. The far right doesn't read literature.

>> No.15031167

The gulag.

>> No.15031172

Mark Fisher

>> No.15031185
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Deradicalization? The circumstances of this neoliberal hell world and the sheer lunacy and self defeating nature of the left are diving millions into our ranks, and that is a beautiful thing. First we must tear down the neoliberal system, they we will eliminate the political left utterly. This is as 'deradicalized' as I will get, I feel that this is a very moderate stance given their historical and current transgressions.

>> No.15031197
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> Deradicalization? The circumstances of this neoliberal hell world and the sheer lunacy and self defeating nature of the left are diving millions into our ranks, and that is a beautiful thing. First we must tear down the neoliberal system, they we will eliminate the political left utterly. This is as 'deradicalized' as I will get, I feel that this is a very moderate stance given their historical and current transgressions.

>> No.15031198

The best way to de radicalize anyone is to get them laid (emotionally).

>> No.15031244
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I'm literally a Ba'athist and I have a fiancee so I don't think that's it. Men of passion and fire have had families and wives all through history. I think the get laid meme stems from internet losers who finally got their first mediocre girl friend at 23 and feel it came as a reward for a life time of religiously regurgitating left wing talking points.

>> No.15031249

This is like the 3rd political thread right now cmon man

>> No.15031254

This is all OP has going for him

>> No.15031257

Hello, Sargoy

>> No.15031261

based as fuck
>get laid
is the meme of pathetic faggots who think fucking some gross skank is an achievement

>> No.15031265

well firstly I would avoid posting photos which juxtapose how black people look compared to white people

>> No.15031271

It's literature related, I haven't gotten many suggestions yet. I think this is an important subject considering how many impressionable young males are being lured into the far right based on disinformation and propaganda about the world around them. As a leftist I believe that we need to keep ourselves and those who we care about educated, and not let them fall prey to fake news

>> No.15031275

It's not just about getting laid, it's about love I think

>> No.15031306

Just a personal observation. I'm far less political or worried about the world when I'm with someone I love.
You're right, that's why I added the (emotionally). Should have clarified.

>> No.15031321
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If you let pussy derail your ambitions, you're a weak man. Most kings, generals, and emperors (who would be considered extreme right today) throughout history considered rearing a family and producing successful heirs as one of their primary duties, yet they didn't abandon their political or military goals in the process.

Most of the people saying this meme are probably losers who just got their first taste of pussy ever and are ready to do a 180 on everything they believe for it.

>> No.15031335

I didn't see your posts, and I get what you're saying, but like I sad in the previous response, most rulers in antiquity had large families

>> No.15031341

>The circumstances of this neoliberal hell world
>we live in a society

>> No.15031349
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>> No.15031373


Black people are cute tho


>> No.15031385

They're called men, you sperg.

>> No.15031388

I clicked it and gave a reaction vid a free view >:(

>> No.15031391

There is no such thing as the far right. There are just people who don't like blacks and Jews.

>> No.15031396

If you didn't watch more than like a couple minutes then it doesn't count the view I think

>> No.15031404

Recognizing that you instinctively prefer white people to other races is not something that can be undone. There is no "deradicalization" from this.

>> No.15031409

Most brown people are right wing extremists

>> No.15031417
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Too much shitposting not enough book recs

>> No.15031421

The Culture of Critique

>> No.15031426
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No way fag

>> No.15031452

who gives a shit?

>> No.15031463

Anyone know why Q deleted his videos?

>> No.15031466

No they're not. Their political consciousness hasn't been formed by the last 200 years of European history from which the contemporary conception of the left-right dichotomy has emerged. It would be more correct to call them theocrats.

>> No.15031468
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I "give a sh*t", many Jew's are friends and I defend my friends

>> No.15031472

is this real?

>> No.15031479

He retired, I don't blame him

>> No.15031485

It's not shitposting to explain why the premises of your question are incorrect and why your attempts to change people's minds are particularly doomed if you are incapable in engaging others with basic empathy and without condescension.

>> No.15031491

>equating neoliberalism with "the left" and then posting a meme which talks shit about capitalism
this is even more "yikes", buddy. protip: idpol has nothing to do with the left, it serves corporate interests more than the races it purports to empower, and in fact turns the working-class base against itself in petty in-group squabbling. It is completely antithetical to the development of a genuine leftist political movement, regardless of how many trannies call each other comrade and wave red flags. If you think there is any kind of left-wing representation in western politics then you are completely blind to just how far the overton window has shifted.

>> No.15031494

That's cool dude, Jews bombed my home country so I fucking hate them

PS they're not really your friends dumb goyim

>> No.15031498

We can have a "discussion", however I would really appreciate some recommendations. This wasn't a thread meant for /pol/tarts, I can start one later on /pol/ and /tv/

>> No.15031499

this is a very fringe view among self-identified leftists, the vast majority embrace identity politics

>> No.15031502

Palestinians are friends too! Jew's aren't a hivemind we're all part of the human race, most of us just want to establish peace, love, understanding in the world

>> No.15031508

Identity politics are important in order to differentiate the abusers and the abused, but nobody deserves guilt based on their phenotype

>> No.15031509
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I want to radicalise everyone away from liberalism and above the left-right bullshit.

>> No.15031514
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You were so desperate to post this right? I didn't even read your whole post, I like half scanned a sentence and got the gist of what you were trying to say.

>blah blah blah idpol isn't the left

No fucking shit. That's why on my original post I said "The circumstances of this neoliberal hell world and the sheer lunacy and self defeating nature of the left". I was insulting both the circumstances created by neoliberals and the political left's inability to provide effective solutions. I never said both enemies were the same.

You were just so, so, so desperate to give me your tenth grade sociopolitcal analysis weren't you, you fucking dumbass lmao

>> No.15031517

Uhhh using identity politics to do that already implies collective guilt

>> No.15031520

If they don't actively speak against zionism, they are enabling it.

>> No.15031528

zionism is a form of nationalism and obviously leftists oppose it both implicitly and explicitly.

>> No.15031539

Class consciousness not racial paranoia

>> No.15031549

Jew's aren't a hivemind, they don't all support Israel. The situation is also complicated because they don't really have a homeland, and in the past they've been subjected to violent hysteria in Europe.

>> No.15031562

>The situation is also complicated because they don't really have a homeland
Yes they do, their homeland is whatever country they were born in. The fact that some of their ancestors may have been persecuted there 70 years ago doesn't change that.

>> No.15031568

>and in the past they've been subjected to violent hysteria in Europe.
Fair treatment you mean.

>> No.15031569

Usually the only thing the far right is not willing to compromise on is immigration. You can win them over by showing them the left is not necessarily liberal and that you can be left wing and oppose immigration.

>> No.15031574

But if you use race (or gender or sexuality or whatever) to identify an abuser class then you're contributing to racial etc. paranoia

>> No.15031577

>self-identified leftists
Yes, and this is precisely the problem, "self-identification". Working-class people shouldn't need to self-identify as part of a movement that purports to represent them. The people who do "self-identify" are nothing but middle-class frauds.

You are retarded if you think you can "tear down neoliberalism" from a far-right position. You are gaining traction among wayward young men on the internet, but that is hardly a broad church. Moderates will always moderate, and you will never beat them by being open extremists.

And further, you are still operating under the assumption that a genuine "political left" exists in the west, but It doesn't. If you read my post further than skim reading, you wouldn't known that this was my point. They aren't providing effective solutions not because the left is incompetent, but because there is nothing in the current political charade that could be called left-wing.

But if you want to keep wallowing in irrelevancy among anyone outside of cultish groups of white men on the internet, keep pushing your far-right shit, dude. I'm SURE you'll find success.

>> No.15031581

>The situation is also complicated because they don't really have a homeland

Thanks for the reminder that Jews will never be citizens in their host nations or loyal to it's people

>> No.15031597

Anti Jewish sentiment stems from bad religious theology perpetuated by the Catholic church. They were literally painted as the bad guys simply for being Jewish, there were many different folk legends about them kidnapping and sacrificing gentile children. If you're honest with yourself, you understand the power of mob hysteria

>> No.15031604

>noooo other leftists don't define the left, I define the left
>noooo only the left can fight neoliberalism, ignore the fact that most of my comrades have been comodified to fight for idpol horseshit
>noooo just give up, you're going to lose and never find traction even though neolibs and lefties are constantly freaking out about the far right gaining traction

not even white btw, my nation of origin is far right and a far better place to live than the US, I'm just trying to share the gift of the true right and not impotent boomer nonsense with the USA.

>> No.15031610
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>there were many different folk legends about them kidnapping and sacrificing gentile children
Most of them probably true desu.

>> No.15031616

Race is ultimately a social construct, however social constructs are very real. Race has been used to privilege some, while simultaneously being used to oppress others. The left isn't anti white, the real issue at hand is class consciousness.

>> No.15031618
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Anti Jewish sentiment comes from the fact that they genetically bottlenecked during their diaspora leading to hereditary neuroticism paired with a culture that views goyim as inferior which made them never truly loyal to their host nations.

>> No.15031629

2pac - Changes

>> No.15031633

Jew's weren't the only victims of middle age Christian hysteria, anyone who defied the dogmas of the church was subject to demonization.

>> No.15031639

For good reasons.

>> No.15031640

>genetically bottlenecked
That's not a real thing anon

>> No.15031643

>other leftists don't define the left
>I define the left
you don't know how to read, do you?

>not even white btw
lmao, that explains it then.

>> No.15031663

Ok I don't disagree, but race is only a social construct in the vacuous sense that everything is a social construct

>> No.15031664

Alright big dawg, we're done here

>> No.15031673

>How do we blindfold people who love their culture and heritage

>> No.15031686

Fascism destroys culture

>> No.15031688

I think anon means they didn't breed much with outgroups in their host nations or something, but I don't know how true that is since most European Jews have substantial if not total non-Jewish ancestry

>> No.15031699

Anti-idpol leftists do not exist in meaningful numbers. There are no anti-idpol sites, communities, organizations, or parties. Feel free to prove me wrong by pointing them out.

>> No.15031709

So do communism and capitalism. The only way to maintain culture is with a powerful but accountable state.

>> No.15031712

/r/chapotraphouse is bigger than /pol/

>> No.15031729

Yes, and it's an idpol trans cuties shithole denounced even by chapotraphouse hosts.

>> No.15031736

If you go on facebook as well leftist pages and groups are much more prominent, I'm not denying /pol/ doesn't hold influence but it's dwarfed by the left. The majority of people just don't really care about the racial, and that's pretty much all the alt right is

>> No.15031742

*racial narrative*

>> No.15031762

Yes, which is precisely why I described the total lack of any meaningful leftwing representation in popular politics in >>15031577. When the majority of supposed "leftists" are furthering the hegemony of neoliberalism by fragmenting the movement according to the doctrine of "intersectionality", then leftists do not exist in meaningful numbers period. Marx literally predicted this and the accompanying impotency of class consciousness in his economic and philosophical manuscripts, but we didn't listen, and now we are sorely paying the price for it.

>> No.15031770

Not sure why you're bringing up /pol/ and whether it's more popular than leftists at all. My argument is that the so-called "anti-idpol left" doesn't really exist, not that you can't find lefties online.

>> No.15031784

Posts a stereotypical left wing kike

What did he mean by this?

>> No.15031797

you post pictures of random unattractive people to own others you disagree with on the internet

>> No.15031799

is that Pusher T?

>> No.15031800

Good goy, defend the jews

>> No.15031801


>> No.15031805

“We just want peace and love goyim!”
>kvetches in top 1%
>bombs your house
>has a track record of lying, manipulation, and thievery that spans thousands of years
>makes male genital mutilation the norm

It’s all so tiresome

>> No.15031810


Imagine thinking /pol/ is relevant

CTH is full of troids too

>> No.15031818

It doesn't exist as an organised movement, but there are very good reasons why that is. Read Mark Fisher's essay Exiting The Vampire Castle, it describes precisely the kinds of rampant cannibalism of cancel-culture that makes it very, very difficult for something like an anti-idpol leftist movement to develop. That said, people like Justin Murphy are gaining a fair bit of traction, so it isn't impossible.

>> No.15031826

the last one is obviously true but you can't blame jews in general for the others, those are just the few powerful ones

>> No.15031828

>folk legends
109 countries kicked them out for being traitorous, subverting, manipulating parasites but they’re the victims?

We see right through you, schlomo

>> No.15031830

>>has a track record of lying, manipulation, and thievery that spans thousands of years
I'm pretty certain that if you check the track record of any long lasting ethnicity you'll find a lot of baggage. Human history is violent, full of tragedy, and all around regret

>> No.15031836

>116 countries

>> No.15031840

/r/stupidpol is tiny and even less relevant and constantly gets accused of being strasserist or nazbol

>> No.15031841

Is it a coincidence they look jewish?

>> No.15031846

No one gives a fuck you faggot. Whenever anyone tries to point out what's wrong all you people ever do is try to get into some semantic argument about how they're mislabeling this or that ideology correctly. Eat shit.

>> No.15031849

Context is always important, don't forget that the Jew's have historically been a religious scapegoat minority. Most of the supposed Jewish problems were catalyzed by the church

>> No.15031852

justin murphy isn't actually gaining traction and being friendly with neoreactionaries and making extremely controversial tweets that get enormous ratios despite them coming from a small account is only going to limit his growth

>> No.15031854

I’m sure there are some good individual jews but we are talking about a group here and so must judge them as a group.And as a group, they are manipulative liars that subvert their host country. They have a hand, if not, purely responsible for the greatest tragedies in human history

>> No.15031857

Eventually they'll all hit puberty and stop caring.

>> No.15031862

you could say this about basically any political ideology really

>> No.15031865

Yes I agree with you but jews are especially insidious and view all non-jews as inferior. Their holy book calls non-jews equivalent to cattle. If you are non-jewish and not antisemitic, I just see you as a brainlet. Regardless, I’m glad more and more people are waking up to their tricks and their mask is finally slipping. This next decade will be very interesting

>> No.15031866

Only the fringe ones really. Adults that aren't moderates tend to be noticeably maladjusted.

>> No.15031873

So what’s the excuse in the modern day? Why are they still the same parasites they were purported to be in antiquity? Even now when they rule everything

>> No.15031880

What makes a political ideology moderate? Just agreeing with what TV pundits say? Or is it possible to ask for a little more while being a moderate?

>> No.15031887

>jews are especially insidious and view all non-jews as inferior
This isn't really exclusive to Jews, and it's understandable as a coping mechanism if you understand their history as an enslaved people. Why does it bother you if a Jew views you as less spiritual? Catholics believe all outsiders are damned, fundamental Muslims as well.

>> No.15031888

Quentin was never really radically far right, but he certainly was aware of the validity of far right and far left literature, thought, talking points.

I, however, am radically far right. And a longtime fan of lil Q

>> No.15031892

It's not based on a middle ground between CNN and Fox, you know full well what a moderate is and why communists and libertarians are generally 12-16 years old.

>> No.15031901

>and constantly gets accused of being strasserist or nazbol

Uhhhhhhhhhhhh that's actually fuckin based

>> No.15031902

So anyone who isn't a communist, fascist, or ancap is a moderate? That's a pretty big window, but OK.

>> No.15031904

>Even now when they rule everything
The elite class isn't primarily Jewish, this is why I can't take the alt right very seriously. There are plenty of Jewish people who aren't loaded and involved in a shady cabal

>> No.15031907

Ok but that's also why it will fail.

>> No.15031908

You can usually tell by the glaring personality flaws.

>> No.15031909

It has nothing to do with "mislabelling" or semantics, and everything to do with the degree to which Marx's thought has been bastardised to serve corporate interests, away from the working-class it purported to represent. This is what neoliberalism does, it misappropriates certain ideas and drags them into the centre, where they lose all revolutionary potential. Why are you so mad?

That's his entire praxis though, "debasing the currency". If you speak out about something when doing so is entirely against your own self-interests (eg. cancel culture), then that statement is radically true by virtue of the fact that you have nothing to gain by saying it, and everything to lose. The average person is becoming increasingly disenchanted with the dogmatism of the left, so if this kind of thinking can re-engage them with leftist ideas that aren't perpetually guilting them into silence, I think it could be very effective. The only way the left will survive is if it can adapt to the new media/technological conditions in the way that the alt-right has.

>> No.15031914

>No bro see they're misrepresenting Marx and blah blah blah
No one cares.

>> No.15031916

last I checked r/stupidpol was 50% trannies calling radfems who don't want to fuck them "idpol"

>> No.15031919

Catholics and Muslims aren't the ones disproportionately dominating the top tiers of media and industry and promoting depravity in my nation

>> No.15031920

Really? They roast blue check mark trannies pretty hard.

>> No.15031937
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>promoting depravity in my nation
You don't need Jew's to do that

>> No.15031947
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How to convert former fringe right wingers to Marxism 101:

Profit gives people that are not part of the political state an insane amount of power to follow their own interests.
--> Because they got money from non politics related ways, these interests are bad for the nation. Can these capitalists in theory also do good things with this money? Yes.
But very likely they wont so why instead of gambling, just remove that option.

If these "good" capitalists are, by chance, nationalists, they will voluntarily surrender their private property to the nation.
If not, then they dont have the best interests for the nation in mind.

In Marxist terms, personal property is stuff you use yourself for your own personal wants and needs. Private property is property that you own in order to extract value from other laborers so like a capitalist owning the means of production. Unfortunately this causes too much power in a small amount of people and you get the situation which is today

>> No.15031968

I'm a Muslim, miss me with that homo greek shit

>> No.15031978
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Culture war impotent bickering is retarded. Degeneracy has been ubiquitous since forever man, capitalism just gives it more life due to profit motive and lack of regulation/authoritarianism in the West. Fascist futurists wouldnt give a fuck

>> No.15032000

I had a dream that the government genocided some random third world country then sent millions of their women here to pair with our non desirable men.

are there any great books about losers wedding rice/potato farmers daughters?

>> No.15032001

>anti-idpol left
Check out the world socialist website. You have Marxists who call the #MeToo movement and BLM "reactionary" and "right wing". They also consider most of what normal people would consider the left the "pseudo-left" such as Bernie Sanders. The rationale is that #MeToo and the like are primarily driven by the agenda of a particular bourgeois class segment and is actually intended to divert attention away from real (class) issues which are theorized to be the actual source of the problems. Authentic leftism has been diluted by these reactionary idpol movements, which are said to divide the working class in the name of bougie values of tolerance and acceptance

This guy is right too.

>> No.15032009

I'm not into futurism at all desu

It's a meme artstyle, give me Classical Realism and Romanticism any day

>> No.15032022

Why would you even want to "de-radicalize" anybody? What is this psych bullshit? If you have a better view point show it and it will win in the great conflict of history. If not, there is always violence.
We are both fighting for culture, don't treat me like someone you can "de-radicalize". We want fundamentally different things.

>> No.15032038

Spiritually speaking, yes there are similarities between different religions and jews. But it doesn’t stop with spiritualness for jews. They view you, as a person, to be below them and like unto cattle. This is not the case with other religions like Christianity or Islam. Are you jewish by chance? You argue just like one. Always changing and framing the subject

>> No.15032046

Because they're on the wrong side of history, dude. The news said so okay?

>> No.15032050

bacha bazi, tomaeto tomahto

>> No.15032056

The elite class IS primarily jewish. 90% of the 1% is in fact ethnically or spiritually jewish.

Your second statement is correct in that most Jews aren’t rich but there seems to be a basic misunderstanding on your part as to what the claims of judeo superiority are.

If you sincerely don’t hold that Jews are vastly, disproportionally in positions of power, then I think this discussion is over

>> No.15032061

i don't think leftists will ever give up their creepy psychologizing of political ideology that disagrees witht hem

>> No.15032065

And yet jews do it bigger and better than anyone else. Why are you so dishonest, rabbi?

>> No.15032074

I don’t feel like writing paragraphs to tell you why this is a stupid argument but just know that I’m LMAOing at you and your life

>> No.15032076

>spiritually jewish.
well this is a cop out attempt to make up for the fact that the majority aren't actually jews lol

>> No.15032077

“Jews aren’t the problem mannnn, capitalism is! Err what? N-no, jews haven’t dominated capitalism? Silly goy—I mean, mannnn”

Fuck you, Schlomo

>> No.15032082


>> No.15032083

>their creepy psychologizing of political ideology that disagrees witht hem
This is projection

>> No.15032084

What do you mean by “derasicalize.” Do you want to see them become moderates, or do you just want to turn them into anarchists? I’ve seen a lot of people use the term to mean the latter.

>> No.15032088

how? i'm not psychologizing them, i'm just saying they come off as weirdos when they do it

>> No.15032090
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Eveeything I said was correct. I assume you're a Fascist let me explain to you what Fascism is. Fascism is when capital, feeling threatened by revolutionary movements, makes an alliance with the most reactionary elements of society (lumpens and petit-bourgeoisie) - ceding some power to them in return for workers being violently suppressed. Fascism is capitalism out of the control of the bourgeoisie, it took power in Germany when the German bourgeoisie was forced to bend the knee to the insurgent and powerful fascist movement they themselves had nurtured to crush the worker’s movement they had created. Fascism is indeed an insurgency against the big bourgeoisie, while they seek not to destroy them they do seek to override their rule. The bourgeoisie, the big international bourgeoisie that is, international capital, is eventually forced to destroy fascism simply due to fascism’s volatility.

Fascism is right wing opportunists who are fed up by the current state of affairs and coup the government, either militarily, via politics, using direct violence, or a mixture of those. They garner populist support, sometimes creating false narratives to give a sense of a war against "the powers that be". The appeal of populist rhetoric is that it identifies and vocalizes worker anguish, and identifies an idealized and abstract source of the problem (jews, browns, weakness, etc) and proposes a "simple" solution (sometimes the solution is just "replace them with me and I'll fix everything, boys", other times it's "brown = bad, deport the browns"). Although this "simple" solution is not practical at all, proles internalize the rhetoric, and like a lens, see their fantasy being played in front of their eyes every day. For example, seeing the Jews' influence everywhere, or seeing weakness (in the form of corruption, media, etc), seeing an ad in Spanish on the TV.

>> No.15032095

How so? Some are jews that practice Judaism (synagogues, Talmud, Kibbit, etc.) and others are atheists (or some other non jewish religion) that are ethnically jewish. And then there are some that are both. I’m not seeing where the cop out is? Which one of these groups would you not call “really” jewish?

>> No.15032097

The Taliban banned bacha bazi

>> No.15032098

One solution involves dismantling the system that allows for exploitation of people, the other "solution" involves demonizing and murdering anyone with a semetic phenotype.

>> No.15032102

Too long didn’t read. Your days are numbered, commie

>> No.15032104

Nothing, we're right and you don't easily go back into ignorance

>> No.15032106

White people gave Jews a monopoly on money lending in the middle ages. Jews used capitalism to their advantage the same with White people. Capitalism is the problem. Jews are a psyop, literally who cares they don't read the Talmud in black rooms and conspire you literal retard. They race mix more than anyone and are liberalized as anyone. The system is the problem.

>> No.15032107

The right does it all the time and you know it. Maybe you consider it creepy because it hits too close to home, and exposes you

>> No.15032111

Banned it for the masses, reserved it for their own esoteric selves.

>> No.15032113

I’m for the latter! Your people need to pay!

>> No.15032115

>blah blah blah

>> No.15032118

Cultists believe that they're right as well, it doesn't mean anything objectively speaking.

>> No.15032119

>read books
>get smart
>start liking black people
???? Doesn’t work that way champ

>> No.15032120
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>Too long didn’t read. Your days are numbered, commie
It's over wh*toid. Fascism is impossible and over. Europe maybe, but America it's over.

>> No.15032121

i thought you meant non-jewish "zionists" or smoething, but if you really think 90% are religious and/or ehtnic jews then i'd like to see whatever source your'e using lol

>> No.15032125

That is true, but we match reality. Progressives, leftists, commie scum, etc - they don't. You are the cultists.

>> No.15032124

Quiet Pedro

>> No.15032127

The problem is that it doesn't address the actual problem, you can shitfling for eternity while humanity stagnates and suffers

>> No.15032129
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Can't refute

>> No.15032130

i'm not right-wing and you're just engaging in whataboutism rn

>> No.15032131

Capitalism is a tool. Jews ARE the problem. Your kikery is losing its power more and more and the masses are starting to see what jews really are.

>they race mix more than anyone

LMAO, do you even know any jewish people? Even if you don’t, I’m pretty sure them staying to their own kind is one of their greatest common-knowledge stereotypes.

Keep trying to explain why we shouldn’t make jews pay for their crimes against humanity. I doubt the ever-awakening masses will listen. I know I sure as hell won’t

>> No.15032132

>we match reality
No you don't you're operating on various different religious assumptions about reality, many of which are subjective social constructs which don't hold to the test of time

>> No.15032134

On the real, how are you not at least Nazbol in 2020? You faggots are way behind

>> No.15032138
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But you have created the perfect soil for fascism. Not only did lefties abandon the workers in favor of faggots and diversity for the sake of the corporations, you also poisoned the culture so thoroughly that the pendulum is swinging the opposite way. Who is pro-worker and conservative socially? Correct. All these decades far right dreamers were strategizing a way to make their views more appealing to normies, but you're just handing them victory.

>> No.15032139

There's no need to refute. You say things like
>"brown = bad, deport the browns"
As if this is supposed to be some type of criticism. I've lived around non-white my entire life and I know exactly what it's like. You have nothing to say to me from little gated community. You have no conception of what multiculturalism is actually like for most people. You are a clueless fool.

>> No.15032141

I mean, they do and they always have. What doesn't match the test of time is the claims made otherwise.

We will win again, friend.

>> No.15032142

Sounds like kike propoganda

>> No.15032149


lol im not him or white, i just hopped in to call u a faggot

>> No.15032151

Once we take care of the eternal jewish problem that has plagued so many of our nations, we can worry about the systemic problems. But not before

>> No.15032153

Okay left wing people, honest question. Would you prefer to live under the system we have nowadays (economical very liberal and socially very liberal too) or in a system that would be economically protectionist/socialist and socially reactionary? Don't you see the only way you can get proles and lumpens is to be against trannies in libraries and shit like that?

>> No.15032154
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Not your friend, I am a political realist and understand that fascists and their friends will abuse power like everybody else. You already lost spectacularly because of that, suck dick.

>> No.15032160

We will still win

>> No.15032161


>> No.15032165
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Jews are irrelevant. Not worth even discussing it with you stormfags the JQ has been throughly debunked.
There is no leftist movement in the West. You haven't seen anything yet, if you think we're all anarkiddies you're foolishly wrong.
Hating on them is a distraction from the enemy which is capital. They got their countries wrecked and capitalists incentivize them to come so they do no fault of their own. You'd do the same.

>> No.15032166

There won't be a "Jewish problem" once we abolish capitalism, it's completely irrelevant. The average Jew can't be held guilty for merely existing as a Jewish person, banker Jew's get the rope but it's not about magical genes

>> No.15032175

“J-Jews don’t matter guys. Let’s just ignore them, they’re not even worth our time!!! Boy I sure am sleepy, let’s get to bed guys.”

I’m not even a stormfaggot or the guy you’re talking to but jews really are easy to spot out once you know what to look for

>> No.15032177

>le juus
When will you retards finally understand that Jews are not the enemy? They are literally just intelligent people taking advantage of goyim greed. Stop being retarded and Jews won't be "poisoning" anything, they will live among others without conflict.
>There is no leftist movement in the West
Ahahahah, sure, sure. All these untermensches in commie attire will surely rise to power and sweep the capitalists off their feet! Any day now! Y'all just larpers like most of the "Nazis". Well, Nazis are actually better than you, I know many of them actually seek military service and combat experience in hot spots, I know many served in Ukraine for that reason. You just jerk it to trannies and dream.

>> No.15032178

Also, I will take your bait. What books should I read to be "de-radicalized"? I read Marx btw

>> No.15032184

White people are the only ones to blame for the mess that they are in. Again, white people gave Jews a monopoly on lending in the middle ages.

>> No.15032186
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Dude, just deradicalize yourself reading one of the most successful anti-rich propaganda pieces!

>> No.15032188

Jews have prospered and manipulated under more than just capitalism, you dishonest shill. Whether it be socialism, capitalism, communism, fascism, jews will always be jews and must be taken care of. In this issue, there can be no debate.

While I wouldn’t call for the execution of all Jews simply for being Jews, I would make it so that their liberty and freedom are extremely restrained. Essentially, make them second class citizens. It would also be good to make them identify themselves somehow (yellow hat, Star of David, etc) so you know when you’re dealing with a Jew

>> No.15032196

>Hating on them is a distraction from the enemy which is capital. They got their countries wrecked and capitalists incentivize them to come so they do no fault of their own. You'd do the same.
Oh and are communists going to send them back? Don't make me laugh.

>> No.15032197

Lel, let’s see how this argument holds up this coming decade. Just a matter of time...

>> No.15032199
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Jews can be based

>> No.15032204

You wouldn't be so happy about that if you were Jewish. I'm sorry but I'm only interested in substance not paranoid gross generalizations of people

>> No.15032207
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>raccceeee warrrrr
Good luck, your whole race hates Fascism

>> No.15032210

Only if they go against their jewish nature which is exceedingly hard for them. Next!

>> No.15032222

If I was a cancer cell, I wouldn’t be too keen on the treatment for cancer either! Jews are a scourge on society and need to be dealt with.

I understand. Gross generalizations are only okay when the chosen people do it. Be on your way, rabbi

>> No.15032225

White people suck too dude you can make the same arguments

>> No.15032229

Lmao, you don’t even know what race I am, you fucking Jew. Hint: I’m not the race you think I am

>> No.15032238

Not him
What race are you?

>> No.15032240
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>> No.15032244
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>> No.15032246

Nobody is a cancer cell unless they're exploiting and taking advantage of other people. Substance matters tremendously. Being Jewish, Black, White, and Asian are social constructs.

>> No.15032256

>Being Jewish, Black, White, and Asian are social constructs.
I agree with this i think you just deradicalized me.

>> No.15032260

>le unconquerable warrior maymay
KEK I wouldn’t define myself as a Nazi. I just dislike jews and their kikery. You don’t need to be a Nazi to recognize when something is evil

>> No.15032261

>unless they're exploiting and taking advantage of other people
That's more like a parasite or virus.

>> No.15032263

genes are just as real as cancer and different populations of people have different genes that cause them to behave in different ways.

>> No.15032267

Yeah, just pulling your knob

>> No.15032271

You're black.

>> No.15032272

>genes that cause them to behave in different ways
Greatly exaggerated by bigots, people are violent and animalistic when they're struggling to survive and lugging around trauma. Saying all blacks are apes, all Chinese are bugs, mixed race people are depressed, Jew's are evil isn't science.

>> No.15032274

>Nobody is a cancer cell unless they’re exploiting and taking advantage of other people
>jewish people aren’t cancer cells


even jewish apologists agree that jews manipulate and take advantage of other groups. They just blame those other groups for being greedy or gullible enough for falling for it. I’m done talking to idiots. I have to practice the piano

>> No.15032279

Aren't white people parasites? You shipped your supply chains to China and basically live off the global south. Your 100s of years of colonialism

>> No.15032284

BTFO very easily. Marx wins again irrefutable

>> No.15032286

Fuck, you got me

>> No.15032288

you are spot on LMAO. +1 for bahai bros in my personal scorecard :)

>> No.15032290

the differences are big enough to identify and to have a noticeable impact on society. calling people bigots isn't going to change that.

>> No.15032293

White's are also taking advantage of people? The problem isn't White people being White, or Jewish people being Jewish, it's the system of exploitation. We don't want to round up people for being pale skinned, or having big noses. Rightoids are very mentally undeveloped

>> No.15032300

You can’t pretend that being any sort of identity is some sort of neutral thing. To exist in any way is to transgress against something to the stent that you legitimize their retribution.

>> No.15032302

I’m not even right wing, you fucking Jew. I’m calling evil what it is and evil needs to be exorcised from my country

>> No.15032305

The classic "I'm not like other girls" but with race.

>> No.15032309

we are talking far right not far left

>> No.15032310

Have you ever stopped and thought that there are external, material, systematic reasons why population groups behave certain ways? Why do you just assume everything is determined by genetics? White people were worshiping their own shit thousands of years ago, is that because of European genetics?

>> No.15032313

I've been deradicalized thanks to this thread. Not joking. I'm done believing the far right garbage. Going to start reading Marx and Lenin.

>> No.15032314

No, it’s because of if Germanic genes.

>> No.15032318

It's because humans are big gay

>> No.15032321
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It's better to ask how people are radicalized. Deradicalization is a personal process, but radicalization can be scaled.

How do you think healthy young men react to something like the Drag Queen Story Hour?

>> No.15032325


>> No.15032328

Youre the one saying I was advocating for a race war and that my race doesn’t like fascism.
>implying you need fascism for race wars
>implying Jews haven’t made all blacks antisemitism by their behavior alone

The crown heights riot is what a lot of my peers talk about when explaining why they hate Jews. Don’t shoot the messenger

>> No.15032329

>You can’t pretend that being any sort of identity is some sort of neutral thing
genetic features are morally neutral
>To exist in any way is to transgress against something
No it's not, there's nothing about existing that involves exploiting other people. The world is big enough to accommodate human beings
>to the stent that you legitimize their retribution
mental illness

>> No.15032331

I don't understand if you are based or not

>> No.15032332

In every single European country people with (North) African origin make up a hugely disproportionate part of the prison population. Italy has 4% muslims but 25% of the prison population is estimated to be muslim. Either there's *something* about these people that makes them more prone to violence/crime, or there's a huge leftist grand theory of alienation and white racists and other such assumption-filled theories. Occam's razor is on our side. As is good ol' intuition and grandma's wisdom.

>> No.15032333


>> No.15032334

They get radicalized, but in a reactionary (seeing everything as isolated) and usually scapegoat or misunderstand it

>> No.15032335

Mein Kampf and the Turner Diaries. No one can read through those terribly written books and go away still taking Nazism/White Nationalism seriously.

>> No.15032337
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The Qur'an.

>> No.15032344

>believe in evolution
>believe that magically all races are equally intelligent
pick literally one

>> No.15032358

Stop spreading "hate facts", please.

>> No.15032363


>> No.15032364

>Have you ever stopped and thought that there are external, material, systematic reasons why population groups behave certain ways?
yes, there are a lot of reasons, and genes are one of them. there are genes that make people more intelligent, more aggressive, more ethnocentric, etc. accepting one reason doesn't mean ruling out others.

>Why do you just assume everything is determined by genetics?
i don't. you are making a straw man.

>White people were worshiping their own shit thousands of years ago, is that because of European genetics?
maybe partly, but that's a very specific behavior that hasn't continued, so it would be hard to tie it to particular gene. things like intelligence, aggression, and ethnocentrism are much more general and can manifest in various ways.

>> No.15032372

>genetic features are morally neutral
These aren’t genetic features, they’re social and aesthetic behaviors forced upon the world.
> No it's not, there's nothing about existing that involves exploiting other people. The world is big enough to accommodate human beings
The domination of one people’s aesthetic system, which is the goal of any population, requires the subjection of the other. Existence in a world with a multiplicity of social-aesthetic systems is a zero-sum game.

>> No.15032374

A mix of poverty, shitty education, discrimination and violent culture.

Poor and uneducated minorities everywhere show the exact same types of deviant behaviors without being genetically related. Genetically African-Americans (originating from West Africa) and Easter European Gypsies (originating from India) are about as far from each other as two ethnic groups can get, but have some of the exact same problems (drugs, violent crime, short and violent temper, problems with delayed gratification etc.).

You don't even really need to be a minority, chavs in England are the same as well.

>> No.15032377

Oh no, an ex-fascist/colonialist state reaping what it has sown! Maybe you shouldn't have jumped on the colonization meme.

>> No.15032378
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>Our interpretation of reality is simple like grandma therefore we're right
I don't know my Grandmother wasn't a racist scumbag

>> No.15032381

Black fash?

Based tbqh

>> No.15032382

the real question is why are you ruling out genes AS a material condition? in a certain sense it's the ultimate material condition.

>> No.15032385

>A mix of poverty, shitty education, discrimination and violent culture.

I'm from a gypsy-infested country (Hungary), and I can tell you had 0 contact with any of these groups you mentioned. What your sort doesn't understand is that these people don't want to integrate or even contribute to the host culture they attach themselves to. If you have any questions about them I could answer them, but I'm sure reading this must have upset you so much that I won't get an answer from you in good faith.

>> No.15032389

Statistically and by today's standards, your grandma was almost certainly racist.

Right, you're not refuting anything. By saying "just desserts" you're just reaffirming what I said.

You're right. Is it due to being a minority (tacitly assuming the majority will treat them badly/is racist) or due to low IQ, aka an innate difference in intelligence? Why is the Asian minority in Western countries LESS prone to crime?

>> No.15032399

>why are you ruling out genes AS a material condition
>it's the ultimate material condition
This is what I'm calling out as bullshit.

>> No.15032401

one of my grandmas is racist but the other one was a liberal who was very happy when obama was elected

>> No.15032403

The obvious counter-example is Asian minorities doing extremely well in Western nations, and iirc Indian immigrants make the most money as a group in America. Magically those evil white majority racists don't care about Asians and Indians, huh.

>> No.15032405

environment influences your behavior but genes determine how you engage with your environment in the first place. that's what makes them ultimate.