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/lit/ - Literature

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15031170 No.15031170 [Reply] [Original]

You're never going to write that book are you anon

>> No.15031188

My dad doubted me over far more trivial thing. I vehemently hated him ever since. If anyone doubts your resolve, remember to hold them in hatred and never forgive them.

>> No.15031200

No. I write something thinking "Oh yeah this is fucking amazing", only tho vehemently hate said writing a couple of hours later.

>> No.15031203
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Anon will, if its worth finishing...

>> No.15031206

>vehemently hated him

Grow up pussy boy

>> No.15031243

>smoking bad
>fast food bad.
Low IQ and contradictory stance. Smoking can improve casual friendship and smoking of pipes and cigars can be contemplative and increase friendliness.

Fast food isn't bad either for the most part, except now its retarded to consume it because of COVID. Fast food is just a whipping boy for fatties to fault their obesity. Nowadays fastfood is minimally processed and is rather nutritious. I used to eat fast food daily and had no adverse effects. I limited myself to 2 or 3 meals a day. Snacking is more damaging than fast food meals. I ate incredibly calorie dense meals at times too like two double quarter pounders. The result of fast food demonization leads to smaller servings, smaller portions and less nutritious meals which hurts people who need it the most.

>> No.15031247

Jokes on you, I'm illiterate.

>> No.15031267

nice but i'm gonna continue to binge drink and there's nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.15031268

weakling non confrontational alcoholic.

>> No.15031293

How can you read this then you daft piece of crap

>> No.15031399
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I'm doing it right now. You don't know me

>> No.15031442

the question is not, will it be written.
the question is, will it be read.

>> No.15031803

Read what?

>> No.15031807

I'm half done my first novel. It's going into the bin after. But I'll get it done. And then I'll write a better one.

>> No.15031816 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 384x610, 83495399_489064752042962_5616706531740352512_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I self published a graphic novel and multiple short stories.
My poetry bundle will also be published on my website

>> No.15031831
File: 58 KB, 500x470, tumblr_nk2bu6H2PB1sgrqj3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I selfpublished my graphic novel and multiple short stories.
My poetry bundle will also be publised on my website

>> No.15031834

That's because you don't actually have an aim with your writing, find the good idea and think about it naturally than write.

Try writing variations of classic works at first, like how Bruckner started with basing his works on the 9th symphony of Beethoven.

>> No.15031844

Another thing, once you get good at actually writing prose and poetry, than you will be far better able to express your ideas. So just practice constantly like every other great artist has, like Da Vinci did study the workings of light and cloth and various shapes and shadows for hours at night.

>> No.15031856

>Nowadays fastfood is minimally processed and is rather nutritious.
t. recovering fast-food junkie trying to retroactively justify his addiction

Your own anecdotal evidence of "no adverse effects" is not a universal rule as many people have wildly different metabolisms. And on top of that, fast food takes away the incentive for people to cook for themselves, which is not only a miserable lack of independence, its also preventing them from exploring what is definitively the best way towards weight loss and better overall health. Especially in certain places in America, where takeout is cheaper than home cooking, there is simply no way of rationalising fast-food as anything but detrimental.

>> No.15031859
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n-no u

>> No.15031938

Write about your dad

>> No.15031946

wiht grate diccifulty

>> No.15031955

link me senpai

>> No.15031966

I love language and I love reading, but I've never really been able to construct a clear narrative/plot. Maybe I should stick to poetry. I'm waiting on my Adderall to save me

>> No.15032611
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It's all written in my native language, so you wouldn't be able to read it.
Also I'm not gonna doxx myself on 4chan sorry

>> No.15032918

Nationality? I'm not an english speaker either senpai

>> No.15032928

I will, and I'm getting decently close, but it's shit.

>> No.15032943

I think that's how it works for lots of people anon.

>> No.15032944

I'll get around to it. Life is long.

>> No.15032960

Yes, and I will keep it hidden. My plan is to keep it a secret and let my family discover it after I have died.

>> No.15033121

When will you die?

>> No.15033139

I consider long-form literature a dead artistic medium, hence it would be pointless and wasteful to write novels. I regard classic works as beautiful relics of history, to be studied and enjoyed, but not replicated.

>> No.15034216

fucking defeatist retard faggot, kys

>> No.15034230
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I accidentally wrote 30 pages of snow crash the last time I tried writing, never having read snow crash. So no.

>> No.15034248

Nope, not enough time.

>> No.15034467

Nigga I already wrote seven.