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15031948 No.15031948 [Reply] [Original]

A shabby uni professor asks you:
Where is truth? Is it in the consciousness? Is it even in the unconscious or is it somehow linguistic in nature?

What's your response?

>> No.15031959
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Verum esse ipsum factum

>> No.15031963

its nowhere because truth doesn't exist

>> No.15031972



>> No.15031973

There is no truth.

>> No.15031982

It's a relation between an agent's representative states and his environment.

>> No.15031989


>> No.15031995

this post will expose and filter out some of the pretenders on here

>> No.15032005
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I'll repeat picture related what I've read

>> No.15032006

Truth is a lie without which a certain species of life couldn't live.

>> No.15032007

You have two choices right now - you suck my cock right here right now or I dont answer. What's his response?

>> No.15032042
File: 238 KB, 1325x441, crypto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btfo his entire life and enlighten him right there

>> No.15032049

Oh, I know! This is the part where I say something witty and he cries and runs away and is fired and then the eagle flies in and we sing the hymn!

>> No.15032087

It's my BBC in your slutty wife you faggot

and walk out

>> No.15032135

it's in the dictionary under "T"

>> No.15032490

Nah man, it's just like, the way things actually are. Moron.

>> No.15032528

Truth is the correspondence of thought and things. So it's an abstract term that requires both the consciousness as well as the "physical" reality.

>> No.15032549


Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.
*tips fedora and moonwalks out of class*

>> No.15032662

I tell him to watch evangelion and to stop bothering me with retarded questions

>> No.15033912

1. hume already btfo normative truth with is-ought
2. kant, despite being a moral realist, btfo accessing normative truth, because we can't access the thing-in-itself, unless you got intellectual intuition (no, guenon did NOT btfo kant)
3. assume you could even access truth, how could you verify its existence when your perception of qualia can't be verified against anyone elses?
4. even if this is conceded, most of the collective understanding of concepts is purely ostensive (uh oh), and hume already btfo induction, let alone goodman's version

>> No.15033930

>Where is truth?
In the realm of the forms, obviously.

>> No.15033940

I tell him it's in my fist and punch him in the jaw for being a cheeky Socratic asshole.

>> No.15033947

>representational states
I'd like you to read just one chapter from Zahavi's book on Husserl's phenomenology, the very first one.

>> No.15033964

>ask an analytic philosopher what truth even is
>he looks at me like I'm retarded
>says it is when "P, in conjunction with the fact that P is actually the case".
>I thank him for his sage wisdom

>> No.15034299

>btfo accessing normative truth, because we can't access the thing-in-itself, unless you got intellectual intuition (no, guenon did NOT btfo kant)

Hylics never cease to amuse me

>> No.15034444

I fly to the top of his bookcase and urinate on the tractatus, of course, thanks for the stroll down stale memery lane.

>> No.15034492

If any of these are true they are equally false. So we need a conception of truth that includes falsity, a dialectical relation between truth and falsity.

>> No.15034517
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“Shut the fuck up”

>> No.15034546
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a priori, constructivism.

>> No.15034551



>> No.15034557


>> No.15034768
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It would appear to me that truth, insofar as we seek it within exogenous reality, is necessarily noumenal; that is, any validation of exogenous reality can be readily reduced to that which is noumenal and therefore any truth that one seeks tangentially can be as well. We can validate reality - in truth, a choice we all at least tacitly make - and validate its apparent truths but in doing so were are no greater than children playing a complex game of house.

Is it possible to find the truth in things? Perhaps it is, but it is equally as necessary to search for the truth as it is to believe that finding it is impossible.

>> No.15034809

In Vino Veritas.

>> No.15035274

The truth of reality exists but is unknowably complex in its entirety to humans in our current form (the ultimate truth=God, not the Christian personal God though, personal anthropomorphic Gods are silly). Our perception is too limited to see the truth fully, we may only capture glimpses.

>> No.15035295

Fuck, I'm in the wrong lecture hall.

>> No.15035298

What do you consider truth.