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15026737 No.15026737 [Reply] [Original]

10 minutes ago i killed a mosquito for no reason
any books to cope with the dread?

>> No.15026743

Pat yourself on the back, you might actually have saved someone with a impaired immune system or something

>> No.15026746

I refuse to believe that this actually upsets you

>> No.15026753

Mosquitoes are a pure negative force and like ants don't feel fear or pain but are driven by pheromones

>> No.15026756

I would understand if it were a spider.

>> No.15026759

Spiders are cool, fuck you

>> No.15026761

crime and punishment

>> No.15026762

Consider it self defence and defence of your property (blood) that he was about to steal

>> No.15026767

I think he means he would understand feeling regret if OP killed a spider

>> No.15026773

Think about it this way.

>> No.15026776

there is really no way to know what insects feel. Pain and fear are very primal sensations, they might be present in basically everything with a nervous system

>> No.15026782

there is really no way to know what a rock feels. Pain and fear are very primal sensations, they might be present in basically everything.

>> No.15026785

I killed my gf's annoying dog once. Best day ever. Animals are just animals.

>> No.15026787

Impeachment of Man

>> No.15026870

t. Sociopath

>> No.15026872

thank you anons

>> No.15026888

t. slave morality.

>> No.15027711
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cry and forget

>> No.15027721

That isn't the same and you know it.

>> No.15027991

Maybe this will help you

There was an insect in my house
My friends thought it better than a mouse
Though how can they be sure?
So I went looking for a cure

I could have caught it with a net
A good solution, you bet
Though not the path I chose for me
Why, oh why, did I not let in be?

Only a second to see it dead
It falls to the floor, I on my bed
This mosquito will see no tomorrow
So to this day I, feel the sorrow

>> No.15028080 [DELETED] 
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Maybe it wasn't the right thing to do. Just know that the human condition makes us do all kinds of nasty shit we know is bad and optimally would avoid doing. Life will always entail suffering. Learn to accept that nobody is perfect and that mistakes are normal.

>> No.15028123
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Maybe it wasn't the right thing to do. Just know that the human condition makes us do all kinds of nasty shit we know is bad and optimally would avoid doing.
Life will always entail suffering. Learn to accept that nobody is perfect and that mistakes are normal.

>> No.15028134

Unironically D.H Lawrence. Book of poetry I’d say

>> No.15028135

Any book on Jainism

>> No.15028154

I still remember the day I regretted killing an ant when I was six years old, I even told my teacher to write to my mom that I didn't behave correctly that day.

>> No.15028184

Fuck mosquitoes

>> No.15028943

Every time you move you kill millions of living bacteria. Worlds die with your every step. It doesn't matter.

>> No.15028950


>> No.15030101

>see some faggot stepping on spiders for fun when I'm 6 years old
>parents actually have to drag me off him
Why did everyone act like this wasn't normal?

>> No.15030248

Sociopaths probably

>> No.15030274

I washed a cockroach down the drain when I was taking a shower, I felt awful honestly, almost like I just murdered my cat

>> No.15030324

quantum subconscious

>> No.15030415

Would a jainist monk just let mosquitos bite him?

>> No.15030424

I remember restraining another kid with a rope in 2nd grade when I caught him stabbing a toad full of sticks

>> No.15030430
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Why do you faggots care about insects, especially ones whose sole method of sustenance is parasitizing blood and potentially giving you horrible skin irritation? I’m a beaner, and going to visit family in Mexico is a nightmare because I’m attacked by mosquitos almost constantly. I get so many bites that some nights when I was younger my arms and legs were bright red from all the scratching. How can you feel sympathy for something like that? It’s barely alive to begin with. Nothing more than a flying vampiric machine made of paper-thin carapace and goo-like flesh

>> No.15030434

Still feel really bad for the toad, that fucking retard crucified the poor amphibian. That kid went on to rape a girl in high school and is in prison for killing his uncle

>> No.15030513

Jesus christ. That kid sounds like a full blood sociopath

>> No.15030521


>> No.15030544

Sure pal

>> No.15030579

this guy sounds like a real jerk.

>> No.15030723

based ,also great og cartoon

>> No.15030728

Trauma generating more of itself like a parasite needing to spread he will continue to do so in future as well he probably cant help it. The problem is why are we created in such a retarded manner to have ego and trauma parasites sabotages ourselves and others

>> No.15030940

>be me 5th grade
>walking home with Greek neighbor kid
>walking bike path after it rained
>frogs come out
>first time I'd ever seen a frog in my life
>he immediately stabs it to death with a stick
>in complete shock
His whole family ended up being psychos. I did knock out his tooth and push him in front of a car later on though. Just felt like revenge for that frog and traumatizing me. Fuck that guy lol.

>> No.15031652

How can you prevent becoming such a parasite? I‘m sometimes afraid that I have potential for crap like that

>> No.15031789

Eye of dharma awakening . Realize you;'re witnessing awareness and with that awareness you control mind activity ego while trauma by focusing on your heart , get both heart and mind in union and evil cant get you.

>> No.15031798

>get both heart and mind in union
how to achieve this, O wise one

>> No.15031802

Very nice anon, where's it from?

>> No.15031808

The peasants must be lead.

>> No.15031891

Thank you. I wrote it to make OP feel better

>> No.15031945
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You're awareness -master of the house while the mind is a monkey if you do not control it, it will make a mess . Be present sharp zen mind and let go of any thought.Remember you're awareness everything else is passing by just contents on an empty paper
As for heart feel the stuck energy whether anger, hate whatever and dissolve it with your awareness you will eventually generate more compassion and love by focusing on your heart with no effort .

I remember my state before eye of dharma shift was quite fucked up inherited family trauma,war even with good rational on morality it is simply useless as feelings and thoughts to kill/torture feed into each other into a loop until the urge to act upon it becomes stronger and stronger diminishing your free will